These kikes keep freezing the board.
4chan refugee thread - Israel Fucking Sucks
Other urls found in this thread:
4chan and 4channel down right now.
Don't come here. I'm not saying that because I don't want you around, but because 8/pol/ is worse off than 4chan. Choose nanochan, mewchan, meguca, endchan, anything else. Don't give our admin the traffic.
kill yourself
Nice try but I know that you don't want us here and that cripple chan is great.
this is becoming too often
Is this a real screen of frazzled?
First for benis
No. fuck off israel.
Our mods aren't even allowed to ban anyone for constant spam. The last mod who banned people for being Jewish and saying this isn't a national socialist board got removed by the admin. You guys seem like you deserve this site though, so I take my first post back.
KILL YOURSELF ISRAELI KIKE. Iranians are gonna rape your mom
Wuts in the top right…. those baseball cards..?
God forbid they find a bicycle wheel.
so we`re here again….
Jesus the kikes are in complete damage control cause of these Paris riots.
2am here in Burgerland so that's the only reason I can think of for them to (((shut it down))).
Guess I'll continue reading Akumetsu. Some pretty subtle redpills in here. Apparently Roppongi is a popular spot for (((them))).
Holy fuck why the fuck has 4chan been so shit recently? I don't even think it's strategic at this point, it's just them being shitty.
Always freezes for 3 hours whenever I try to post or reply. Was going to post this.
Wish there was an alt chan with intelligent conversation that wasn't so extremely slow-paced.
Please stay here and post more, don't go back to halfchan.
Damn, some dude was just trying to get swole, and the take away his weights. Not cool.
Timing is very coincidental once again, however this weekends GJ is cucked as fuck, looks like frogs have lost their balls.
Hello fellow channers. I seem to be having trouble finding the /ptg/ on this board? Where do we all congregate to praise the God Emperor Trump on this board? Do you guise here have any uncommon pictures of based black men wearing MAGA hats? I need to grow my collection larger.
Firecrackers like a m80
There aren't enough intelligent people to maintain the posts per hour that you desire.
That's nothing, I saw a guy with a lightsaber earlier
Yeah, but probably also related to splitting into and or whatever that thing is.
4chan is frozen since 15 minutes
Well cuckchanner scum? where is your god now?
You're a neurotic brainlet or a shill from 4chan doing damage control.
They're marching down and at that moment they cut off access.
We're in for it now.
Paris last week was basically martial law, they set up a huge perimeter and searched everyone, brought in EU tanks.
Definitely not as crazy as 2 and 3 weeks ago though.
Yep and fuck all have them have any masks or helmets.
That Capcha Buster must be working kek
Kek DnD keep shutting it down because we are redpilling their shills. Must suck to know your shills get paid and we do it for free and we still beat them. Truth hurts!! One must ask though have trump and finally ceded to internationalists and are now running 4chan
FUCK DND you are traitors to your nation
4chan is up all the time retards
Okay now this can't be a coincidence. Hiro is CIA
Sieg Heil
so go post something retard.
ffs well how are you people today?
UNIT 8200 is about to DIE from hezbollah missiles
Then go back faggot
But I love uncle addy user can I stay? We are your colonists
Idk Ron Zig Forums was a good time, really even /b/ you could stumble on the Zig Forums tier threads before they set it up. Dark humor and the long form debate that used to frequent the forums was the only way I would've shifted. It was a glorious time.
Yeah wtf, and when the kettling first began there were antifa and masked gilet jaunes behind the police lines…
I'm sensing something fucky boys. I think they're gonna get set up and the EU has a plan to nip this in the bud. I've had a shit feeling all week about this.
You're up against bots and shills who endlessly shut discussions down with spam. The idea is to have you all in one place while keeping you engaged with disruptions. In the end you accomplished nothing, while they had another day without someone driving a knife through their throats.
If you want to do something, stay away from the web, and do it. If you want to participate online under the eyes of kike oppression, then bombard the threads with related questions that makes anons think. Don't ever engage with attempts of disruption or people reacting to it, no matter how outrageous they become.
It's because of the Zig Forums get. Buttmad jannies upset their glocks suck.
Na it’s DND the are the only ones with the authority to shut us down gotta be something going on in the trump admin. If some random stranger comes and pumps rounds into you in your sleep it was the spooks lol. I have to say they are pretty uneducated. Guess sitting at a desk all day shitposting does that to you
*Yawn* you guys getting sleepy too?
Are you goys nigger lovers?
Damn boomers
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your…..
Droumbpf is finished!
You know Israel is not that bad.
Kike the race, gas war now.
a yellow vest stream btw
That’s a pretty retarded way to look at it user. They probably set up a monitoring task once so when one of their shills starts getting redpilled they hit the estop. Kek are these the greatest minds of the US army can they send us a captain or major or something. LET US IN
This is now a trap thread
4chan is back up.
that looks like the upper left. whoever is doing the stream Le_khey_ du_75010 has a crazy amount of streams going.
Spiderman thread?
4/x/ actually has thread on this right now.
Just because they look like girls doesn’t mean you aren’t a faggot user. Sorry but not sorry
realchan is back
you're welcome for doubling your traffic for 5 minutes
have some guillotines
Back to the colonies boys
so why do 8chaners hate 4chaners exactly?
meh im banned.
They killed OP. Thank god that guy was a massive faggot
also have the only video of a guillotine execution
Stop posting trap porn then faggot here’s some wholesome uncle Adolf prop for ya
Because 4chan has been bad since the end of 2014.
First, let's clear one thing up: humans don't have (((instincts))), only reflexes.
That is, one's disposition towards sexuality is entirely rational- from imitation to a fully thought out sexual philosophy- with most people being a compromise between these 2 extremes. If you shirk the notion that you choose your sexual philosophy, then you're doomed to living a sexual philosophy that you believe you can't change- when you can.
Given that Zig Forums skews towards both asociality and high intelligence, Zig Forums is predisposed to thinking in lieu of imitation. And given society's cost/benefit of marriage and family, a Pollack's sexual philosophy skews towards traps- traps offer a comparable sexual experience to that of women, without the detriment of children or the female temperament.
You are a man, be rational.
Hey man I just wanted to tell you that I can tell you are an insufferable subhuman. So I hope hillary and huma torture and rip your offsprings face(s) off in front of you.
Have a good day. :)
Divide & conquer and 4chan quality is genuinely shit now with a huge portion of its posters being spambots.
because you
They think we’re not hitlerists and we pretty much pushed siege off our board because their all faggots. They probably been comped in one of their AoR chat rooms. Take care of your colonies you faggots send gibs
Guillotines were meant to be a humane form of execution compared to the barbaric executions of the past. They quickly severed the head so minimize suffering.
Sorry you will never understand this.
Oh it’s our DND fag who shut down our forum
All animals have instincts bud maybe you should go ask the captain or major for assistance. And maybe you shouldn’t shut it down when you losing because that only makes us stronger. Ever played AoE? Doesn’t it suck when you get bum rushed by the whole other team and your allies are to busy building their shit up. Suck up faggot you lost see ya on the 4
Not gona happen bud
Reality is not a conspiracy, and you're not that special
we are but words in the wind.
does anyone know if they are using emfs to control the crowd?
We don't, I don't at least. Most of you are better than the average 8/pol/ poster these days.
hows that then?
Kill yourself, retard.