Is China heading towards Nazism?
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You forgot camps for Christians too. No empire on Earth which was against Christ survived forever.
You mean every empire that endorsed christ collapsed and the west is the next to follow.
Also reminder that 30% of Africa is christian.
It was always pretty clear that most of the comblock were incompently executed National Socialism due to inferior genetics and philosophies with less strict racial laws, no guns unlike NSDAP Germany where full auto giggles in military calibers were unrestricted and more degeneracy.
Still ended up being better than muttmerica because less kikes and no cucked mindset regarding racial realism.
Even poland tried to copy NSDAP Germany in the 50s and fell flat because inherent laziness, kek.
Yes, china was always unironically /ourguys/
nope, just modern communism with a hint of racial identity.
Caste System?
Do poorly in school, become a Public Toilet Monitor/Cleaner. pic related
From an outside view it looks like they are there already.
Unironiclly the second one. That’s one think I have to give the yellow reds credit for, they’re better at maintaining an authoritarian state better then most of the spic commies. too bad they’re all funded by the (((greatest authority of all))).
No you idiot cuckchanner, all communist countries are just kingdoms of the jews. It doesn't matter what economic theory they follow, it's all just fanfiction for imbeciles down below. It's the power bearers that matter.
They cannot replicate the national socialism Germany had.
Fuck off with your Christcuck shit. No empire lasts forever.
Did you somehow forget the National Socialist German Workers Party was crypto-pagan and planned on taking steps to purge Christianity from Europe to expunge every last vestige of (((their))) influence?
Pretty sure Israel still exists, and by proxy, the US.
He looks like he ate you neighbor's cat and knows he's guilty aye the little bugger is
No empire on earth which was for (((christ))) survived forever either.
national socialism is the exact opposite of what is going on in china.
The chinks leave too trashy lives, their environment is too polluted.
It's almost CY+5 and people still - STILL - shill for this false jewish man-god on Zig Forums
if china is your guy then you should kill yourself
Okay, fair enough. Ethnic homogeny is important to National Socialist nations.
National Socialism isn't about oppressing minorities. It's about keeping minorities from seizing control of our institutions and exploiting the people.
NS isn't about imprisoning Muslims. It's about keeping them out of our nations. Unless of course the NS state in question is Muslim. In which case it's about keeping others out.
Everyone does that. And National Socialism isn't about exploiting Africa, it's about regaining national and economic independence from the globalist-capitalist system.
Fair enough. Yeah, that's a pretty good idea.
Common sense. Sure, fair enough.
Again, an enviable position. However, I kind of doubt that the communist party cares what is good for the Chinese people.
I dunno about that. But in theory, yes this would be a "Natsie" policy if China were National Socialist.
It's currently CY+3. Which timeline are you from?
Yeh and no Empire on Earth survived period so what the fuck is your point.
Every shabbat.
Mao's Jewish Advisors
It's been run by Jews since Mao Zedong, so that will never happen. You are a retard.
Nice try kike/chink, nobody is falling for your shit. Chink and Burger are both the same.
severely underrated post
reported for being a jew
Sick job. I'd make that lizard my bro
>Did you somehow forget the National Socialist German Workers Party was crypto-pagan and planned on taking steps to purge Christianity from Europe to expunge every last vestige of (((their))) influence?
No, I didn't forget about the Allied propaganda lies that falsely portrayed NSDAP Germany as "pagan".
Fun fact: Most of the "Hitler was a secret pagan" bullshit comes from one book full of provable lies by a guy named Hermann Rauschning, who was basically to Germany as Ahmed Chalabi was to Iraq.
Allied propagandists seized on his bullshit and produced propaganda based on it, including the US Army film "Why We Fight".
Are there ironic concentration camps, you fucking nigger?
Suck a dick, kike worshipper.
The SS was loaded with Pagans, Hitler was Catholic.
Can you fuck off back to reddit
Source? There are at least 40 million Christians in China, most Protestants as the Catholic church there is mostly ran by the government itself. There are actually far more Christians in China than Muslims believe it or not.
No he wasn't.
did you even watch TGSNT? he was as a child
Read David Irving, Adolph was Catholic.
Yes he was Its funny watching retard Hitler purists try desperately to interpret the inconsistent as fuck things the man did for political gain to fit their own personal narrative. Hitler Purism is cancer, National Socialism is not Hitler purism.
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NSDAP was pushing out Christianity in favor of worshiping Germany, not paganism.
That proves absolutely nothing.
No he wasn't, you brainlet retard.
Hitler was only publicly favorable to christianity because he wanted the public to focus on only one enemy at once. Christianity was to be phased out after the jew was removed. I don't see why I should spoonfeed you dumb cuckchan newniggers because you're too fucking lazy to read the sauce posted here:
You low agency, low IQ faggots are a curse on this board.
>>>Zig Forums
And then you've got plebs like this who don't even understand what "paganism" is. Retards, retards everywhere.
Your source proves nothing but the fact you cherrypicked information to fit your narrative. Stop using Hitler himself as an example. The man was degenerate as fuck early in his life
If Christ gave the National Socialists their power then the church would be banned today, not Germanic runes and the like.
There is no greater proof than this.
Also, if you don't speak German then you have to rely on English translations, and all English speaking nations were the enemy of Germany at the time and they didn't want ANYONE ELSE to become "an evil nazi" again.
Hence them making NatSoc Germany out to be Christian, which is the least harmful thing to jews ever created, the reality we live in itself is the biggest testament to that.
America and England are keeping the inspiring art behind locked bars in a vault.
They did a huge denazification effort.
They constatnly, to this day, produce anti German and anti white Propaganda.
They banned Germanic mysticism during their occupation, which is still going on.
They are trying their best to keep the people from the greatest source of antisemitism, the rejection of Christianity and becoming Germanic Rune Warriors again.
But ok yeah right okay ,sorry, my bad, no, no, sorry, no that is a lie, you are American, they were Christian, this is the one thing jews do not lie about they fear you because you are Christian, Christianity is their bane, they cannot abide it jews hate NOTHING MORE THAN YOUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, who is also your savior, the christ jesus of nazareth strikes fear into them like nothing else and they are allergic to Christianity that's why they're kikes they can't even draw a cross and they perish in Christian lands and you're 1000000000%right that NAtSoc is Christian and that really is it.
See, you can still go to heaven, now. It's all you care for anyway.
smells like cuckchan in here
You're right, what was I thinking, your complex yet very lucid argument has convinced me of the error of my ways.
Hle dare I read historical evidence and his own words about his religious life, and take them as reality.
The church was worse than banned, it was subverted. Actual traditionalist Christians are treated as pariahs.
Except they didn't make them out to be Christian.
I understand the language well enough to know the translations for his opinion are correct. He was a Catholic.
Oh yeah, that'll be why his lifelong best friend said that he never fapped and abstained from vices.
You christkikes are braindead.
Image related is your real kikestianity.
I see no evidence countering any actual historical facts.
3.1 Violations of the Concordat
3.2 Race
3.3 Defending the Old Testament
3.4 Claimed attacks on Hitler
3.5 Fidelity to the Church and Bishop of Rome
3.6 Soteriology
3.7 Nazi philosophy
3.8 Compatibility of humility and heroism
3.9 Christian grace contrasted with natural gifts
3.10 Defense of natural law
3.11 Defense of Catholic schooling
3.12 Call to priests and religious
3.13 Call to parents
3.14 Moderation of the encyclical but with warnings
Violations of the Concordat[edit]
In sections 1-8 of the encyclical Pius XI wrote of his "deep anxiety" on observing "with ever growing dismay" the travails of the Catholic Church in Germany with the terms of Concordat being openly broken and the faithful being oppressed as had never been seen before.[42]
Pius then affirmed the articles of faith that Nazi ideology was attacking. He stated that true belief in God could not be reconciled with race, people or state raised beyond their standard value to idolatrous levels.
Because you're a blind faggot.
Nice job! You have managed to convert national socialists and fascists to Christian Fundementalism!!!
china to go full aryan in 2030's confirmed
Neither blind or a faggot.
No where in there does he say anything against his personal beliefs. He spoke about the church there. Thanks for proving me correct.
>Race and blood must be under (((Yahweh))) in term of importance
True or not?
Yeah, I bet you do.
Here is something else well translated and "known" by many Americans to be true and valid.
Yes, many catholics call the god of the Bible the jewish god of vengeance that will devour you.
It's known. I know Catholicism well enough to know that this is (not) accurate.
What difference does it make if Hitler was a christian, pagan or whatever? He fought for his people, different from you, who fight each other. What Hitler would do after winning the war only God knows, so I will not be me, mere mortal, that I will theorize about something I can only speculate for there are N implications that could lead him to take different decisions at the end of all.
This is explicitly what kikestians believe.
The difference is being a slave to kike globalism and being a hero to your people and upholding the traditions of your ancestors.
Furthermore, German translations themselves were forged by the Allies.
Like "The Nazi Sozi" and it's German version, to make it look like National Socialists called themselves Nazis.
Paper is patient, you can write anything onto it.
Pius XI issued this Encyclical in response to the arrests in Germany in 1935 - 1936 of many prominent Catholics. With typical papal cant, he characterized these men and women as victims of religious persecution, but in reality Bavarian authorities had uncovered a widespread pedophile ring. Slightly more than half of the thousand or so indicted were convicted at trial. Goebbels accused the Catholic church of fostering a culture within which pedophilia was tolerated and even encouraged, but this of course was dismissed as yet another nazi "big lie".
This encyclical would be championed by postwar papal apologists as resistance to nazism, though it is notable for the glaring omission of failing to mention Hitler or National Socialism by name. The Catholic Church was enthusiastic in its endorsement of the German government, seeing it as a bulwark against “godless” communism. Many high-ranking members of Hitler’s government were vehemently anti-Catholic and planned for the time the people would also realize there was no place in the New Germany for this regressive alien institution.
Christianism is a essential part of the traditions and culture of the Europe. You will be dishonouring your ancestors if you want to larp as a pagan.
haha kys christcuck
What if his ancestors all escaped the purge of nordic followers by Christian?
You're never going to lead more than a small tribe being a pagan. Good luck.
Choose one.
Unless you celebrate the victory of the commies and their lovers as victory of Christendom, of course.
Exactly why you're never going to lead more than a small tribe with it. Too many derivations that aren't even compatible.
Paganism relies on tribalism and every tribe has its own beliefs. They don't realize it.
The few national-socialists who were pagans were this, few pagan national-socialists in on a circlejerk of secret pseudo-societies. The masses were and still are Christians.
Rome was collapsing under paganism, because paganism tolerates Jews.
Real Christianity doesn't tolerate Jews.
big gay
Holy shit the christcuck delusion is fucking hilarious
Read this document:
So the entirity of the Allies were fake christians then?
All these countries surrendered to centralized religions. Paganism was only part of the history of these countries.
As "pagans" they could not even be considered a country, since their territory was divided, whether in fiefdoms, city-state or any kind of system of division based on the decentralization of power in small self-sufficient kingdoms.
Everything after the Schofield book is probably trash.
That was Rome. Rome before the Catholic church was stood up in Europe as a real power.
Try picking up a book and learning something.
Pizzaboy here just admitted to fucking a man in the ass.
#1 financial self help book in china is based on the talmud.
Lots of jews transfer their wealth to china and suddenly the new premier is elected for life, no chance of a change.
Suddenly china is mining resources in every country imaginable.
Pure cohencidence goy.
And you wonder why incels exist… fucking delusional bastard, christian values are what created stable societies throughout history. Fucking multiple women is a nigger mentality and you should be exterminated if you believe in that
Just LOL at these larping Nazi neo pagan idiots
You say that like honorable combat is a bad thing. Japan is still heathen/non-Abrahamist to this day, and the constant conflict you mention simply isn't there. It's a fully modernized nation and has done well to preserve its people and customs - at least, much better than the West.
Do not be so rude to them, mate. Many are children and we have all had this phase.
>muh (((christian values)))
Go back to cuckchan, vermin.
Because they resisted semitic universalist, raceblind, slave morality. Any country that succumbs to kikestianity falls shortly after the rotten infection sets in.
Monogamy as a concept was around before (((Paul))) cooked up your knock-off brand of Judaism-lite, for you information.
Jesus christ it keep spiraling down further and further everyday.
How much evidence do people need to say that china is garbage.
Stop shilling for bugmen, ignore chink posters, its all trash.
Someone post bugspray.
>(((christians))) using incels as an insult then beg anons not to have a harem
Use his real name, Saul.
Everyone point at this retard and laugh
Also this.
Tacitus's Germania, people? "Pagan were all r selected monkeys!!" shilling is getting old and I'm not Pagan myself.
If they remained isolated without contact with the Europeans they would today be the same as those savages of the Northern Sentinel Island.
I don't actually think Jesus himself was a dirty jew. He was generally a good natured guy, and since there are no good jews - Jesus either wasn't one of those sewer creatures, or simply didn't actually exist.
I'm not stopping you from having a "harem." I'm defying you, faggot. Go. Have a harem. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
No, they would not be the same, because they are not of the same racial stock. Besides that, the Sentinelese are a bad example of a people to avoid emulating, because they actually defend their way of life by killing foreign invaders on sight. A policy we should all follow.