10-Year-Old Drag Queen Boy Dances On Stage For Money At Adult Gay Bar In New York
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Age old Asiatic filth has come to America. Thanks Jews.
New York State Liquor Authority (SLA)
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Zone 1
317 Lenox Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (518) 474-3114
[email protected]
Website: sla.ny.gov
NY Had first all Gay High School back in the 80's
Harvey Milk High School
History truly is cyclical.
Is that what they call it?
>turn to the (((authorities))) for action
oh sweetie
The world has failed.
This is morally wrong as the child is not mature enough to understand the complexities of what is occurring, but gets positive Pavlovian reinforcement from the crowd. However, this is clear evidence of how powerful the gay community is, since this issue will go legally uncontested by normies or conservative groups. Thereby, this becomes normalized further.
I don’t know how to respond to this. On one hand, yes the kid is brainwashed and obviously was molested to get this way, but he’s not gonna ever recover from this. When he does die of AIDS or a bad run in with the wrong faggot, may his death be a lesson to any kid whose being taught faggotry is fun and safe.
His asshole is understanding it.
The names of his parents, now!
Yeah but how many does he molest before he snuffs it?
This is why abominations should be segregated preferably on an island (lesbos) and nature should be allowed to take its course.
I'll happily forego the "creativity" they bring to the table, most of it is utter shite only enjoyed by homosexuals and people who succumb to incessant marketing.
I would like to be shocked but i am not. Another day on Weimar world. It realy that 9/11 was one giant Satanic ritual and we are living in timeline where evil is spreading everywhere.
Dear America. You will understand too why Hitler hated jews. This is exactly why.
If by "segregation" you mean "death penalty" then I agree.
These faggot pedophiles are only handing out singles.
You'd think they would be handing out larger bills for such a kink, in a public venue.
Hear! hear! The only bugs those faggots should be catching are bullets and knives!
I used to be so apathetic but now I am eternal rage. We will get justice
they can't keep getting away with it..
This is shocking.
I am a trans person of color and I would never allow any one under 17 to do this.
I had my first cock up my ass at 11, but this was a 14 yr old boy that did it, and i Loved him
Remember: Weimar solutions to Weimar problems.
>>>Zig Forums
Oh you stupid faggot…
An 11 year old getting buggered knows nothing of "love."
Like Comet Ping-Pong?
I could comment, but why bother.
New York needs a nuclear holocaust this is absolutely disgusting.
Has the left ever attempted to explain why 10 year olds are mature enough to do this and even start changing their sex, but a 17 year old girl can't have sex with someone a few years older because she's a literal child who can't understand anything?
Subhuman kikes.
That question breaks the 4th wall of normalfags minds, user.
Two 15yos can't have sex by law yet a 10yo can decide their gender, mutilate themselves and perform sex acts for gay pedos.
We're living in bizarro world
That phrase needs to catch on. I want to start meeting in beer halls already.
Can someone drop a statistical redpills, that faggots and pedos are literally the same shit ?
Two 15 year olds can… provided at least one party isn’t white.
for some reason i thought this kid had already self terminated
if they're not white they go as low as 12 and nobody will care. Only whitoids are bastardized for daring to have adolescent sex. And we wonder why our birthrates are plummeting
Wasn't Milk a pedo?
I saw normalfags unironically defend grooming and "changing genders" of children. It's over, if there is going to be any change, it will not come from them
Interesting that they think they have to state the fag joint is for adults.
Are there child "gay bars" or does the Jew simply want there to be?
Don't quote me on this, but I think in
it is technically legal to hoe out your child on the street corner. I can't name the source, but I heard about it a while back, and we know that pedophilia is the next stepping stone in the stairway of degeneracy
We're almost there, we just have to spread this shit and finally disgust the normies into supporting us.
Trump is the foot in the door, don't forget. He may be kiked, but it woke up normalfags that it's okay to vote on "Unpopular" candidates. Not to mention that many of them were called nazis, among other buzzwords, they are now open to the idea that nazis maybe aren't so bad, since they are now part of them according to the "sane" left
more feminine looking than the average modern roastie.
way too obviously fake, but normies wont know the difference
Not really, it's just a kid. Only fags will be attracted.
This. If you don't have a list of names and addresses by now for when the power goes out, you're 100% wrong.
Quick reminder that no one is ever going to do a single thing about this, ever, anywhere, in any form.
No one has fought back against any aspect of jewish control since 1945; no one ever will.
Paid shill. Kill yourself. Demographics have already changed enough that Trump would have lost 2016 had it been held today. 2020 will be the last year a ✡Republican✡ has any power.
how about you go back to where you came from?
This is what Trumptards actually believe. You mongrels' minds need to be purged of that celebrity worship.
Read the rest of what I posted, and don't just shit yourself when you see the word "Trump", you imbecile
Why? He's right. Trump's not a foot in the door. Trump was a relief valve for white rage. The kikes want to "depressurize" the whites, so they don't explode.
Take a trip to t_d/PTG and that's who you are dealing with. They double down and cuck even more by matching into their godly niggers, faggots, and kikes who sport a maga hat, not to mention the chess days who want purple to be competent and wait for plans that never play out. There are a few that may move a bit if they only wanted immigration to be tackled only to find out net immigration is high and brown.
First vid: This same kid has been "performing" at libraries.
Second vid: Same kid in the same gay club where he accepted the dollar bills.
This make me kek in real life
Their first high school reunion was cancelled because everybody had died of AIDS.
Faggotry is degeneracy
Thanks for the black pill retard, any other obvious bullshit you want to point out for us?
Regardless, he's generally seen as a 'hero' in the LGBT scene, which absolutely disgusts me.
Maybe that's Trump's ultimate role.
A 10 year old child being sexually exploited?
Happening in New York?
Uhm… pedophilia is okay if it's gay, mm'kay, sweetums? Don't be bigots now :)
Holy shit dotr when??
Thanks for proving me right.
I am angry. So angry i cannot express it. When will this end. When will we get a great leader to direct us. Hitler has long passed and ad an American i must live with the shame of blmy nation having been his enemy.
But when will we get another similar.
When will we get a true leader for this age of darkness
It's not even a joke anymore, this is some Warhammer 40K shit. It is absolutely time to start LARPing as an Inquisition and just burning this all down.
Disclaimer: the below is a work of fiction. Resemblances to reality are accidental.
The secret of gay people is something Catholicism has known for centuries: they can be made to do anything by people who know the keys. The superiority too many of them believe themselves to have is a lever easily flipped. The traditional religious methodology is to have the gay people be in on the "secret" that religion is a wall of lies, but then to appeal to their better natures (which gay people do generally have) by teaching them to help the people too sad and stupid to live in a world where they have to face down mortality. They perform this helping by spreading the lie of religion. In the process they immerse themselves in parables and decent lessons. None of this stops them being gay, but it turns rebellious natures into societal reinforcement with featherweight delicacy. Meanwhile, the general public has historically tended to sincerely enjoy sermons, and although they did not truly need the "lie" of religion, people have liked hearing the comforting reassurances that their decent lives are valued and valuable. Even back when mass was all in latin, the priest was still a community figure, and church was far more than just a voice speaking in a mysterious language.
In the modern day, all of this has broken down, and gay culture is screaming over the slow, agonizing, desperately unsexy realization that they also need to find a place in society, and that in the absence of "leading" (actually being lead by) church congregations, they have to somehow find the capacity for decency within themselves and each other. God has lifted his feather from their backs, and it remains to be seen whether this change is survivable.
Disclaimer: the above is a work of fiction. Resemblances to reality are accidental.
feels good
That bar sounds like a great place for a cocktail, if you catch my drift.
I feel scarred, regretful and degenerate from all the normal clubs I hung out in as a musician as a young adult.
I do not envy this child for the demons that will come to haunt him later in life. They will be of such darkness that they will drive him to madness.
This is going to end, very, very badly.
Every day we stray further from god's light.
I don't really believe this childhood sexuality stuff is real. I'm skeptical of it. But if it is real, it's only religious norms being reimplemented by secularists. Childhood sexuality is part of many faiths through human history - shame we can't get away from it. Humanity had a brief, technologically productive escape, and now it's going back to ancestral norms.
It's the jews.
It's never the jews.
They are not. Pedophilia makes everything above a certain age range sexually unattractive, while faggots have no moral quarrel whatsoever, they just want young boys as well.
"God's" light shines bright in my heart.
Sieg Heil
Still don't care, moshe.
As i like to say, even though things may *seem* negative, the situations, events, places, etc. are certainly improving to true positiveness.
The picture (that failed to be posted) is related. (((kikes))) always die.
Our timeline is one where good is spreading everywhere. After all, it is pronosticated, and it has been said to be so, and that (((they, juden etc.))) are DEAD.
There's so much powerlessness on this. Anyone who mentions it is an "oppressive" conservative (to be marginalized, abused, and purified appropriately for their sin of being "strong" where someone noticed their "strength"). It's a defense of progress issue - but if it's real, it's blatantly the "progressives" who are running the clock back and trying to purge culture of the dissidents who want society to continue evolving forward on its recent trajectory of broadly diverse preferences and advanced respect for consent. Encouraging premature sexual activity isn't good for progress. It's historic. I'm not gonna say it would drag the whole tech level back, but I'm leery of the chaotic implications of reaching back centuries to revive some golden era that never existed.
There can't be a leader under the system. The system was carefully designed and perfected over the last 70 years to prevent any and all organization against it.
Keeping this concern in the hands of "nazis" may even be an advanced ploy to jeep progressives into a revivalist plot they'd otherwise recognize and reject.
I don't want to talk about my full perspective on this. Done it elsewhere, anyways.
It'll pop when girls are targeted as well. For all their talk about legalizing pedophilia it's only the boys that get exploited for some reason.
Read the protocols. They want every other race destroyed and every human life exterminated. It's do or die against the kikes, and working on their side only means helping to destroy the others faster while hoping that the knife in your back will be a swift one.
Blaming everything on jews is a stupid pay-TV psy-op. The people who run it pay others to give them the show they want to see.
Excellent post, I wish Zig Forums was still capable of producing this kind of discussion on a regular basis.
There will be no American leader. America is a nation built with egalitarianism in its foundation. America needs to be destroyed, and something else needs to come from its ashes.
I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about normalfags who want change, and thought trump would give it to them
Even better, when they are surrounded by such dumbfucks, and when he sees that (((Israel))) is really first, they start asking questions. Asking questions lead to them being shunned, looking for answers, they end up here, or at least 4cuck pol. Look at the hannukah video comments on jewtube, I guarantee you at least some of those are normalfags that would normally not even give a second thought about the jews a few years ago
it's not much, but it's a start
This is not the time to calm down, this is the time to get to work. Anyone who thinks Trump is the "Victory" we are looking for was never serious about it in the first place, most likely some clueless meme lord
I dont want an American leader. America is dead to me. The only thing o care about in it are my non reprobate white brethren
Jesus you're fuckin gay
Nice meem :^)
Hopefully soon.
The problem is the retarded magapedes still love that orange kike.
I felt the same shame that you do until I realized that it isn't our fault WWII turned out the way it did. There was still strong isolationist sentiment in the US until pearl harbor. I blame our jewish government.
Take heart, even a small light shines brightly in this profound darkness.
You mean it's not JUST the jews, right user?