Just imagine what this man could accomplish if he wasn't under the mindwarp of the kike
Computer genius built a fraud machine to con savings from hundreds of bank customers
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Have you ever heard of derivatives? They are a very elaborate scheme, far more elaborate than the usual central banking fuckery. There's more 'money' in the derivatives market than the combined GDP of all nations on the planet.
What the fugg is an “O level on fruit machine technology”? Wtf brits
That's not actually money, more like bets that noone ever plans on paying
People that smart should be smart enough to understand that Earth only has room for one evil schemer. The spares always get caught.
Think of that next time you want to do something evil. I'm not the one, are you? (Haha.)
Pardon my sage, I put it on everything.
An O-level (ordinary level) is an old educational qualification for teenagers from back when education was actually challenging.
The modern equivalent is called a GCSE where they give you an A if you can spell your own name correctly.
An O-level in fruit machine technology sounds made up.
Whats strange is the article seems surprised that a teenager got an O-level. Even though you took your O-levels aged 16.
Confirm - this alone makes the article bullshit. When O-levels ended they didn't even have Computer Science as the Commodore Pet was pretty much the pinnacle, and the birth of home computers was just happening.
Shouldn't be surprised about that though, they literally just make shit up for people to read.
Back when O-level and GCSE ran side by side an A in GCSE was equivalent to a C which was considered a pass at O-level.
Except they are. Because you pay a premium on the contracts. Why? Because there's more effort/work involved when trading contracts than trading the actual goods for which the contract exists (stocks or commodities).
I think they are retarded for stock type markets, but for many commodities markets the derivatives make a huge amount of sense. i feel most people think the way you did for your post because they don't understand insane difference in the amount of speculation between the two different markets (at least here in the US).
it's the insane amount of speculation that happens on stock markets that makes derivatives a crock of shit. then the world decided some time ~10-15 years ago to let chinks trade derivatives for derivatives on gold.
no one knows the true price of gold because right now it's based on a contract to purchase another contract to purchase the commodity
sorry mixed the market types in the last bit there, but this shit is pure unadulterated jewry that's helping shift capital almost invisibly. it's fucking rage inducing
That sounds about right.
I took GCSEs in the early nineties just after O-levels had been phased out. It was piss easy to get all As.
My school was dirt poor (grammar school) and we still had to use a lot of O-level text books. It blew my mind how hard O-levels were. We actually expected kids to be smart back then.
The problem with derivatives is that, they are an insurance policy you can take out on somebody else's risk, and multiple policies can be made by multiple people on the same risk.
Also, even though they are essentially insurance policies, they are not regulated as insurance companies policies are, because they are sold by financial institutions.
This means the financial institution selling them does not have to possess the means to pay them off.
And in the last crash, that is exactly what happened…many derivatives became due, because of the failure of so many banking deals, and no bank had the dough to pay up. So, the bank collapses.
Until, of course, the government loots the people (future people, actually) and hands it all over to SELECTED banks, so they would not fail.
This is why so many of the payments all over the world were payments in full, instead of payments negotiated at a fraction of what's owed, which would be the case in any normal bankruptcy.
Yea…and no regulation was placed on derivatives after the collapse, either, so we're in the same situation, now.
A fruit machine is a lie detector for faggotry.
I'm sure he's the yid that did the voice of Wheatley in Portal 2.
You can definitely tell his mom was a cunt.
one of the few things Cuckistan did right. Next time they better use it on: teachers, priests, doctors, daycare workers, social worker, literally fucking anyone who's on the taxpayer's dime.
Where can I get one?
Got to love "risk management" that compounds risk, elevates it to many orders of magnitude greater risk on a meta level.
Not turning off sage when unecessary is a surefire way to invalidate whatever you say. Experienced channers can smell you out years after you stop your discretions.
Top Kek. To think the same country today is the polar opposite.
Robbing the (((banks))) is the best revolutionary activity. Interest and fractional reserve banking is Semitic and satanic nya~
Also the kike casinos of Sheldon Alderson, among others are good Oceans 11 like targets nya~
Add one of these:
Completely wrong. O-levels in Comp Sci were available all through the 1980s.
Completely wrong. Stop getting your info about the 80s from millennial Youtubers.
Practically no one owned the Commodore Pet, which was marketed in the 1970s and completely outdated by the early 80s; the C64 and Spectrum models (ZX80, ZX81, 48k, 128k, +) were what 80s "geeks" owned, the spectrum being available from around 1983. They were very popular.
Schools used the BBC model B for classes but in the home setting these machines were preferred by pretentious middle-classes following the BBC (yes, the same British Broadcasting Corporation which has been pushing cultural marxism and has a far-left bias) rather than enthusiasts.
The O-level in "fruit machine technology" is fabricated, yes. But the vast majority of mainstream "news" is fiction anyway, why would this be any different?
By the way O-levels were phased out in England years before other regions of the UK. There were still O-level courses in Scotland up to the 1990s and it doesn't say where he studied.
t. pissed off Gen X tired of the "there were no computers before millennials made them popular" meme.
I know Russian and Romania kids who've stolen more from banks. OP is a faggot and retard.