China is a massive threat to the future of the planet. The chinese are litteral insects, they have no emotion, sympathy or humanity. some kid gets ran over and no one gives a shit, just walks around it the whole day until it decays or some animal drags it off to eat.
Cannibalism The chinese have a long history of cannibalism, they eat anything they can get their hands on. even human flesh is considered a delicacy, the elites in china currently commit cannibalism hiddenly.
Organ harvesting the communist government harvest the organs of people who are arrested that go against the communist party.
Pollution China is the largest polluter of the planet, they pollute and contaminate their entire country and turn it into a toxic wasteland.
Unethical genetic experiments China experiments with genetic manipulation on humans, animals and insects. China may be the most likely to produce a monster that may wipe us out.
Pathogens China will likely be the country to produce a super virus that may wipe out the world
Slave mentality the chinese have a 1000 year history of being enslaved time and time again by barbarians. the last time the chinese were enslaved they were wiped so badly , they were forced to have that hair a certain was, that was a physical leesh. no matter what their government does they will be completely loyal just as ants.
Predatory loans china is practicing usury to force countries into its demands, china has a plan for world domination and is using economic means to achieve it. If Africa lands in the hands of the chinese the world is finished.
what if any relevant country just, you know, goes to war with them? even france would beat them in a war
Kevin Hughes
=REMINDER, CHINA IS ON OUR SIDE== the kikes fear the dragon
Asher King
the french government has been kissing their ass, all of the EU has been kissing chinas ass. Emmanuel Macron visited china to strengthen ties for the development of china's one belt one road strategy.
New zealand government sold out the west to china, they have been caught selling military intelligence to the chinese and there are plans to kick it out of the five eyes alliance.
Naaaaaaaaaah. I couldn't care less about the chinks. Our current mortal enemy have made illegal to express and defend ourselves, uses our flags and have recruited our neighbors to enslave us. We have a bigger fish to fry here at home.
Call me when a single white nation manages to ban rap music
Brody Jackson
your side maybe.
John Lopez
Kayden Cox
who do you think runs china? its not the chinese that's for sure. research CITIC.
Nicholas Hall
The chinese have a long history of cannibalism, they eat anything they can get their hands on. even human flesh is considered a delicacy, the elites in china currently commit cannibalism hiddenly.
Organ harvesting
the communist government harvest the organs of people who are arrested that go against the communist party.
China is the largest polluter of the planet, they pollute and contaminate their entire country and turn it into a toxic wasteland.
China will likely be the country to produce a super virus that may wipe out the world
Slave mentality
the chinese have a 1000 year history of being enslaved time and time again by barbarians.
the last time the chinese were enslaved they were wiped so badly , they were forced to have that hair a certain was, that was a physical leesh.
no matter what their government does they will be completely loyal just as ants.
Predatory loans
china is practicing usury to force countries into its demands, china has a plan for world domination and is using economic means to achieve it.
If Africa lands in the hands of the chinese the world is finished.
if you are going to come on here and post, please speak english for goodness sake!
Asher Robinson
You are a retard. China was subverted by kikes when Mao Zedong came to power. His entire inner circle was JEWS. China is the next host for the kike as he fucks his way into the Asian ranks.>>12557405
I've told people that this is one of the ways that China is taking over Africa. I wonder if they will believe me now.
Xavier Wilson
1. I'll let you off the hook 2. Organ harvesting is not the same as foreign invasion 3. It's not our fault that they are selling their shit to us at extremely low prices and polluting their country 4. Based on their genetic altering practices, nigger 5. There is a reason chinks are prone to communism and it is the exact opposite of why kikes want whites gone 6. You probably do considering you're a chink yourself
Ryan Brown
1. I'll let you off the hook
Oh by that you mean you don t read or know your history? Are you a nigger?
Joseph Hill
Economic and ecological warfare, as well as pushing all actions to attack china are a must. The goal should be to increase instability to lead to social and political turmoil. Damage the food supply, push the liberation of tibet, incite mudslimes into targeting china as the "great satan" instead of the USA, and somehow destroy their grain supply.
Jeremiah Allen
What the shit are you even saying? Who are you talking to? Why so many fucking linebreaks?
Luis Scott
Reminder: the Chinese government is what the Jews want all of our governments to be.
Luis Scott
Someone get the bug spray, a CCP shill is posting.
Benjamin Evans
Ian Long
六四天安門事件 "june 4th Tiananmen Square massacre"
6月4日天安门广场大屠杀 6 Yuè 4 rì tiān'ānmén guǎngchǎng dà túshā "The Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 4"
六四天安門事件・天安門大屠殺 Red China army killed great number of Chinese democratization's people in Tienanmen Square in 1989 Jun .Their China military's tanks killed many democratic citizen . It was awesome and shocking !
文化大革命 Over 40 million Chinese were massacred by red China of Mao Zedong in Chinese culture revolution (1966-79) .It's awesome cruel !! , communism that … , just a mad dog ! Unbelievable ! But that's truth that all .
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 反共 法輪功 北京之春 激流中國 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 侵略 掠奪 破壞 屠殺 民族淨化 内臟器官 蛇頭 遊進 走私 六合彩 賭博 色情 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 東突厥斯坦 East Turkistan
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官 黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 新疆維吾爾自治區 East Turkistan 维尼熊 Winnie the Pooh
Lucas Perez
if we let them every chink and poo indian would move here, and there are way too many a shitload of them
Hudson Cooper
This is all total bullshit with no proof. There’s tons of groups in China and half the bad shit you list is with Tibetans and Muslims, which are half different races, and the other bad things you mention are the authoritarian nature the Han Chinese use to rule those other more degenerate groups. China and the Han Chinese are the only major group on the planet institutionalizing methods to fight homosexuaity, Jews, American poz, and massive 3rd wolrd immigration. They are avid proponents against refugee migration and have been the only big player on the UN Human Rights Council offering to “help them where they are” rather than move them into white countries.
China has done nothing to the west besides aome cyber attacks which go both ways. Being mad at them for accepting trade deals or contracts with global companies can be solved by being anti globalist companies.
As far as polution goes, the polute much less than the US deapite being more populated, which gives them a per person impact that’s many times better.
I think you are fucking stupid to think Chinese minding their own business, limiting their own breeding, and not causing us any real trouble, are somehow a bigger threat than the hoards of brown people raping our women and killing us. How fucking backwards do your priorities have to be?
Ryder Miller
Proof, unlike faggot OP. China is only worse than the US in CO2 emissions, most of which is industry and shipping for Products for US contracts. Their polution could be cut in half with a law that requires products for sale in the US be made to US environmenta standards. Instead the US just outsources the work then calls the people doing the work trash.
Don’t like it then avoid things made in China but expect any new producers to blow up in CO2 emissions too.
Also, air quality per city, check out the maps, a few places in China are off the chart but like more US cities are near the top of the chart.
Plastic waste? US is number 1! All other garbage and trash? US! That swirling pile of trash in the Ocean? All english text. Don’t even be starting that shit. The only difference between Honduras and the US is you pay niggers to put the trash on barges to be someone else’s problem. And Bunker fuel? US shipping companies use it more than anyone and that’s fucking more of the environment that air polution. The waste is so thick it’s vented under water and sinks. You’re bleaching the coral reefs so you can buy an overpriced macbook made by near slave wages in a chinese factory that hs no polution or safety standards. How about get mad at the shipping waste, abuse of exploitive wages, child labor, labor outsourcing, and avoiding Osha safety standards and for a compny to sell you overpriced crap hardware via the most poluting form of transportation imaginable. Yeah, somehow all of that is China’s fault, not those jews in CA that set it all up and wrote the contracts to do it.
china forcing strangers to live in uyghurs homes and blatantly spy on them and force them to smoke and drink against their will, and if they refuse sexual advances they are thrown in concentration camps.
Levi Diaz
that's recorded history and facts you faggot, something your propaganda can never change. remember to ask for more than 50 cents from your government before posting, you are getting ripped off.
Avoid things in china HUR DUR you can't avoid anything when china has a near monopoly on manufacturing faggot!
Isaac Butler
also CO2 is not a pollutant, When i speak of pollution i am talking about mercury, arsenic, lead, toxic waste, chromium.
Now see here fellow anons this thread is an american intelligence psyop against the rising chinese its designed to indoctrinate you with negative images against china, ughurs,insects all the usual talking points. This is the information war. The same could be said against the lousy americans, they made their people poor waging endless wars,literaly bombing nations nonstop,exporting pozz,feminism,trainnies,gays…be aware.
Caleb Gonzalez
Thanks brother, they should be gone now.
William Ward
but you retard forgot that the also rule the world when it comes to AI tech Xi Jining is a highly educated AI expert
On today (((show))) called "Zig Forums is hateful towards…", the main guest is…
Blake Williams
They get 50 cents every time they post and try to derail a thread.
Daniel Hall
China is a massive threat to the future of the planet.
BTW, did you know that Nixon, who started PING PONG DIPLOMACY (Are ALL pedos ping-pong players?) was accused in great detail of pedo rape by the Australian woman who survived it and grew up, has a hubby and family now…
You can know what walked in to the house a lot by WHO OPENED THE DOOR TO IT.
Josiah Garcia
let me guess, chinks are no longer good because they started banning all those pro-leftist degenerate (((games))) the (((gaming corporations))) like blizzard and tencent relied on to make quick and easy cash on chinkland, and that they also started jailing feminists who write gay novels So now since no one buys your bullshit on /v/ you decide to spam your bullshit on Zig Forums instead
I.E. theres no difference between kikey and chodekike just kikefy was way more open about it
Henry Wright
I couldn't give a shit about chink games or pro left horeshit.
I genuinely find them a threat to the human race. I even would go as far as claiming they are not human and have been taken over by a insectoid race but i have no proof for this.
Easton James
Is it that time again?
Brayden James
this line is why no one can make any progress on beating the kikes Everyone knows by now to not make business dealings with chinks since they always try to swindle people in accordance to their '50 ways to fuck with people' business policy, so that's not a problem, but the kikes are much worse and one of them with influence and the knack for usury can do far more damage than 1000 chinks ever could.
Thomas Brooks
China is most threatening to itself. Their repressive policies will destroy the straightforward transmission of information in their society. They've lost the egalitarianism that makes ordinary people lie while powerful people tell the truth, and no society long survives where ordinary people tell the truth while powerful people lie.
Hunter Foster
those businesses will fail because of their own stupidity and greed. the kikes don't have the manpower or manufacturing dominance that the chinks do.
they cripple some nations just by denying tourist because they don't conform to china.
Trad compared to current Western forms of degeneracy Less egregious than the psychological torture our own States submit us to for opposing it. At least you don't have to live through it. Environmentalism hurts competitiveness. They won't need to compete once they run the world. Based and redpilled. The West experiments by castrating your kids instead. Right. Because promoting sodomy is totally not a public hazard worse than anything the Chinese are doing. It cannot be worse than the current state of whites. You're writing this from the land of debt and consumption, motherfucker.
Eli Lopez
It's pretty clear with your shitty English syntax that you're some trash-tier Chinese shill, but I'll take the time to respond anyway.
I suppose you aren't considering industrial pollution or the pollution put off by strip-mining every free square meter of land, dumping so many heavy metals into the rivers they turn every color of the fucking rainbow. Also, not to mention the new development that the "mystery fumes" opening the planet's ozone hole back up are coming from SE Asia and China. call me a lazy bastard, I'm not going to archive every single link so i can disprove a mediocre shill "Ozone hole mystery: China insulating chemical said to be source of rise"
With oversight by the Chinese government/Chinese corporate agreements. Multinationals are kike-run death machines, I can agree on that much, but nobody's forcing those commie bastards to treat their people like dogs. They do it entirely of their inhumanly apathetic free will.
Also, in your previous post, how "China has done nothing to the west"? Bring out your fucking citations, because the Chinese are aggressively buying up more land in the US and Australia than pretty much any other foreign power; Aussies can probably confirm. You suggesting that either the Chinese or the third world masses are mutually exclusive threats also shows how much perspective you lack; it's not a one-or-the-other issue, and by making it one you show that your only goal is poorly executed misdirection.
cannibalism is the worst degeneracy there is, You are no longer human.
organ harvesting for opposing the state, it's a good thing says you, +1 to your good boy points
yes because competition is what's most important when you are dying of toxic waste pollution and nowhere you go is safe.
the west doesn't castrate kids, the liberal left castrates kids and they there are growing number of opposition to them.
Right. Because promoting sodomy is totally not a public hazard worse than anything the Chinese are doing. again the left is responsible, and the left has a history of being marxist. the chinese and jews are the ones responsible.
whites have the freedom and rights to oppose their government. try that in china you'll be turned into pie.
I have no debt, I consume only what i can afford to pay and buy what i am able to afford, i do not borrow money to pay for useless shit.
the central banks are responsible for debt system the founding fathers of the united states warned against this but one of the presidents betrayed the country and they killed jfk when he was about to abolish it.
Unsubstantiated and untested human experimentation is "based and redpilled." When harmful mutations get spread into the human germline by over-ambitious profiteers fucking around by throwing CRISPR at poorly understood genes, I guess that will be based and redpilled, too?
China's economy is an artificial construct created by the western elite. To take just one example, the US taxpayer is forced to subsidize the shipping of goods from Chinese businesses. A Chinese company can send a parcel from Beijing to New York for about 4 dollars. But if an American company wants to send a parcel from New York to Beijing, how much do you think it costs? 50 fucking dollars! China exports it's goods dirt cheap because of US traitors. So the US elites screw over their own small and medium sized businesses in order to prop up the Chinese economy. Thanks very much, globalists. If the West withdrew it's support, China would collapse overnight.
Ryder Green
why we need to inform the public and encourage companies to leave china for other countries and to bring back manufacturing to their home nations.
Andrew Ward
yhesz friends, understand china is your ally
Jacob Perez
you think those companies are in china of their own volition? many large and medium size companies were threatened by (((banks))) and forced into relocating to china in the 2000s against their will. china is just a symptom, but sometimes its the symptom that kills you.
Hudson Nelson
People will begin to start recognizing you too, yellow kike.
Eating other humans is the lowest anyone can get, and these people eat dogs and cats and other carnivores, which is fucking retarded for anyone with an understanding of biology. Guess how much meat a tiger needs to gain one pound of mass? Meat, usually from herbivores, that YOU could have eaten. Eating carnivores is retarded. Not to mention that dogs really are mans best friend. Shows that the Chinese are not men.
HAHAHAHAHAHA Germany rose from even Weimar in a few short years. Can you rise from your grave in a few short years? Can you regrow your organs in a few short years? Even if these short years are not happening (they are, though), there's at least the option. But enjoy your unlife as a jiangshi or whatever.
What world? What good is a high maths IQ if you can't drink your water, or breathe your air? Not much. Also, pollution is digusting, are you disgusting? Do you feel at home in a disgusting, abhorrent environment? Based and redpilled. The West experiments by castrating your kids instead. There are so few of those, though. Are you also impressed at pictures of Auschwitz with a pile of glasses or shoes? Even though they're in a pile, they're not that many. You must have an incredibly flawed understanding of mass and quantity.
It's harder to keep a sodomite out of my rectum than poison leaking Chinese industrial fallout. Speak for yourself.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Also, all Chinese people who speak English sound like they have their mouthes full of marbles. Even if they don'thave a chinese accent. It's very telling.
Part of the misunderstanding with the Chinese comes from their lack or diplomacy with Westerners. Firstly they are far more tribalistic, as are most other Asians, than modern Westerners. We look at them the same way they looked at us when we occupied their forts- foreign barbarians. I'm avoiding any sympathies for them, though, there's good reason we treated them as underlings for the first hundred years of contact with them. Secondly they look at themselves as victims or underdogs due to CCP propaganda so they will probably treat you worse if you're not Chinese. Finally they're incredibly nonverbal, which seems like apathy at firsy but in reality is a part of the 'hivemind' situation. A Chinawoman I once knew described to me after confronting a disruptive chink "we don't do that in China"; it's a culture of 'not giving a shit because you'll just start more unnecessary shit'.
Brayden Lewis
It's easier, I mean. My rectum is surprisingly untouched by sodomite pestilence sticks, try that with your lungs and system in general in pollution central. See who will end up with the better track record.
My ass and sodomic intrusion, or your body versus the fetid environment.
Daniel Taylor
Benjamin Cruz
That's terrible. Would you be the first on the frontline in a conventional war against China?
Charles Hughes
Hitler never hated the Chinese though. Anything bad about China was also reported back through the numerous NSDAP ambassadors in China. But none of this matter. Will be on the frontline against China like when you told us to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Germany, etc
amerimutts and kikes still think atrocity propaganda works
Asher Walker
chinks in reality have low IQ, only the cream of the crop is measured which is why there is an inflated score to boost their ego.
they have the manpower and the technology. as we chitchat the CCP is moving itself away from western capital reliance by forming a bloc in Asia and with Russia. the real thing they lack is social control and if the reports on credit systems or other nanny state garbage are taken into account- that's being heavily targeted.
The West still has time and far better per-capita innovativeness to take advantage of that time. Sadly we don't own our own inventions, the Jews do.
Oliver Flores
Are you claiming that China is in any way shape or form comparable to a place like Germany. Germany does not look like China, does not behave like China despite suffering incredible atrocities against it by half of the world.
Rhodesia was boycotted and sanctioned about as much as Germany was in WW1 and Rhodesia died from it, Germany is still around and will still be around.
Germany went through a 30 year Christian war that killed more Germans, percentage wise than WW2.
Germany also suffered the black death like a lot of other places.
Is Germany like China? No.
Ethan King
at the time china wasn't communist, the chinese government hitler knew is in taiwan today. If china was communist hitler would have surely been against them.
the UN didn't even recognize china as the official government until 1970, they always called taiwan as the legitimate government. chinese legitimate government was driven and cornered into taiwan when the communist party came into power and took over china.
Matthew Cooper
Actually imagine being that kid walking with his parents and siblings. Enjoying a nice evening out and your entire family gets wiped out but you survive.
Ayden Butler
Checked. I agree with your previous post. And now, go make an argument that revolves less around your anus. That's what kikes do. Are you a kike? No? Then stop talking like that.
Anthony Sanchez
They have the manpower. They only have the technology because Western traitors give it to them. Fucking Russia has a smaller economy than France. It also does most of its deals with the EU if I remember right. India is highly opposed to the Chinks. This is the reason for debt trap
Daniel Brown
Colton Gutierrez
Chinks trying to cross indian border
Grayson Carter
No country reached Utopia like NSDAP Germany did. China is of course inferior. But I wont be on the frontline against China unless they cross my borders. Even then I will actually think how to solve the conflict without picking up a gun and fight for kike interests.
Henry Sanchez
Did anyone notice how neutered the chinks were acting as a whole? The moment one of them loses his temper and starts to grapple a pajeet his fellow chinks yell at him and tell him to cut it out. Whoever gave them their orders made it clear that they were not allowed to start anything under any circumstances.
Eli Rogers
because the chinese wouldn't be able to defend themselves on the mountain and couldn't get support.
they also do not wish to start a war at the moment.
Easton Collins
What's with all the fucking China threads? It's a slight of hand. Don't evaluate Jews and Jewish techniques, jump into a war with China!
Jason Cooper
Muslims are pretty low IQ. But how about you go fight them yourself? A supeior muttmerican like you would be able to take on the inferior hordes on your own.>>12564530
Gabriel Cox
Anyone has a yellow wojak handy, I lost my folder.
Asher Williams
This is what generations of soy consumption looks like.
Julian Smith
The Han Chinese are some of the most degenerate people on Earth. For over 2000 years they have been regarded as greedy and immoral by their neighbors. They are also aware of their bad reputation themselves, since almost every Chinese story comes to the moral conclusions of "we are too greedy of a people to exist". I'm so fucking tired of chinks screeching about their moral purity when historically they have had none.