The world’s debt currently exceeds $86,000 per person on average, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The US, China, and Japan are the top three global borrowers, accounting for more than half of the global debt.
The IMF has calculated that their share of debt exceeds that of output. It stated that the emergence of China among the top ranking is, however, a relatively new development. Since the beginning of the millennium, China’s share in global debt surged from less than three percent to over 15 percent, underscoring the rapid credit surge in the aftermath of the global financial crisis.
According to the IMF, global debt has reached a record high of $184 trillion in nominal terms. That’s the equivalent of 225 percent of the world GDP in 2017. The debt figure is $2 trillion higher than the estimated number released by the fund in October, because it includes the debts of several countries who had not previously reported their updated data.
“By including both the sovereign and private sides of borrowing for the entire world, the GDD (Global Debt Database) offers an unprecedented picture of global debt in the post-World War II era,” said the IMF. GDD is a comprehensive dataset covering public and private debt for 190 countries dating back to the 1950s.
The 0's don't really mean anything. We where fucked the second we started a debt-based economy of monopoly money
Nathan Morris
except that "we" never started it. "we" never started semitic cancer like fractional reserve banking.
Jonathan Gomez
Grayson Scott
What fucking debt? It's literally made up agreement that there is this fiat bullshit called 'debt'. If the Jew comes along asking for pay backs, just tell them to fuck off or be nuked.
Imagine the interest kike and shill bankers are pulling in. I’d want to raise interest rates too.
Luis Kelly
Gavin Taylor
> ignoring the (((system))) >"the (((system))) is reality"
Ignoring the jew banksters like said is completely within reason and possible if our politicians weren't all working day and night kneeling for the eternal Jew.
Sanctions? Who cares about that if you have established domestic production and reformed the economy, think Adolf Hitler style which was a freemarket economy, essentially an adapted Keynesian economic method with SELF ISSUED(note most countries central banks do not issue or regulate your currency, this is done by (((private jew fractional reserve banks))) couple that with currency which value was stimulated by actual work hours and thus not worthless fiat.
Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild was arrested at the airport at Aspern[3] and taken into custody by the Nazis because he was a distinguished member of the Jewish oligarchy. He was released only after lengthy negotiations between the family and the Nazis and upon payment of $21,000,000, believed to have been the largest ransom payment in history for any individual.
The debt will never stop rising until a reset happens to a one world digital biometric currentsea. That's what happens when satan's cabal runs the world and controls interest based currentsea via central banks established via deadly force in every country.
Joseph Campbell
Thanks for reminding me of this, lol $21,000,000 in 1930
Ethan Richardson
So, when will the jubilee for the goyim begin?
Jayden Ortiz
The global debt is irrelevant.
Asher Bailey
youre kidding right? fucking everyone this is what US treasuries are for. the longterm 30yr bonds are usually held by foreign central banks. they use them to yield aprox 3-4% per year in USD to hedge against their shitworld currencies
Ian Bailey
They don't want it to be paid off, they use that debt to generate absurd amounts of interest.
Luis Perez
But remember Hitler was a Rothschild according to Qtards :^)
Jaxon Garcia
Never. Why would they annul their slavery?
Chase Rogers
lrn2keynes there doesnt need to be a reset obviously there does but this isnt the point the plan from the start was just to just simply roll debt into more debt, and then securitize it. this is why compounding interest the most powerful force in the universe exists. its the force which allows the richest to be able to get money for nothing. when done en masse by a cartel of world banks it also allows them to contol the rate of inflation as well.
a jubilee would ruin that, and because if this, will not happen. its their favorite toy
Juan Green
Jews have never even had a jubilee year for themselves, it's a tradition that is fucking impossible for them.
Jacob Ramirez
exactly its absurd and by that i mean downright suspicious that more Zig Forumsacks dont understand this
Jaxson Kelly
Just a cohencidence folks! It's not a racist conspiracy to enslave goyim! The jews are the most anti racist people in the world!
wait why? because of the haavara agreement? it always blows my mind how the QLARPers always find a way to know about such things, but have such a warped understanding of it that it ends up being disinfo
Connor Jones
Xavier Clark
Not even that alone. They say it because his grandma was supposedly a Rothschild rape baby and his whole existence was a big scheme or some shit like that. It's an absurd theory.
Justin Bell
Good thing (((Trump))) is doing his best to increase it even more!
Dominic Miller
no wonder the boomers love this shit its literally scripted like a movie
its almost like mr bigwig NYer has a bunch of friends who work for large banks or something
Blake Evans
Funny name for Russian money oligarchs.
Henry Robinson
Not sure I believe this. Not because of the scope but rather because it purely reads as a; or
The numbers also don't make sense. If the US is at the top of debt and the Housing market debt is below college debt and college debt just reached 1 trillion, and nothing else is even close to those two then where does the other $182 trillion come from?
Cooper Richardson
This is global debt. If you were to make a comparison between asset owners, you would find that most assets are owned by financial intermediaries (banks, insurances, funds, etc etc). Whats more prior to 2008 the largest asset owners were by and far banks in the US. Even Real estate investment trusts paled in comparison. Now this is before but I would bet this would still hold true. Also bear in mind that globally, it is likely the case that this would be magnified. The man was is referencing a meme but abstractly(probably literally lol) it still holds truth. Now I really hope no one gets bailed out this time, they must learn a painful lesson. fiat justitia, et pereat mundus
Cameron Fisher
Debt is a metric used to measure enslavement or devotion. A lack of debt is an indication that you're a dangerous individual.
Ian Campbell
Every President has done that, and there is literally nothing anybody can do about that. The problem is exponential. It's only going to keep increasing along the curvenof the function as long as the function and economy keep churning.
The only way for a true correction is to raise interest rates as fast as possible to grind the whole thing to a stop so the excess debt can clear and compa9that shouldn't exist anymore can be pushed off the table.
Is it going to take some people with it when it crashes, yes. Is there any reasonable way to try and prevent some innocent people from getting ran over, no. It's simply not possible. Best to just wipe the board and let the chips fall where they might.
As yoj ghys told me when yoj broihht on board, Chaos is fair, so raise the fucking interest rates and let the chaos happen so we get this shit over with. Qjit pussyfooting about like scared little children.
I have more to lose than any of you, it's my reputation on the line here.
Ian Clark
Holy fuck pajeet.
When you guys brought me on board, you said chaos is fair.
Charles Bell
Austin Gomez
You realize that Israel has 200 nukes and has publicly admitted that they will nuke every major city on Earth if they don't get their way, right?
Lincoln Clark
Yeah well we're going to see their hand not fold. Pretty good chance one will go off on launch and holocaust them anyway.
John Price
Let them.
Easton Baker
You realise that if the jews Samson optioned , every jew around the world will be hunted down for kill on site executions not one jew will survive the backlash. I want to launch a nuke at isisrael so they nuke every major nigger shitskin city, a small price to pay in comparison for riding the world of parasite kikes. THE FINAL SOLUTION
Gavin Powell
So all the cosmopolitan liberal faggots and politicians will get nuked? Whoop-die fucking doo.
Samuel James
How about toss out the voodoo economics for something kikes can't control.
Dominic Edwards
source please
Aiden Taylor
Great, I ask for alternatives, you offer sophistry.
Gavin Allen
Red pilled free based niggers?
Brayden Gonzalez
Borrowing from who? 18 trillion of Americas debt is owed to its own people through shit like Social Security trusts, same with Japan. Most of it isn't actually owed to other countries, but to their own citizens
Unironically, debt is the only thing that can save us. The more the zogbot cattle gets squeezed by the usury rates, the less comfy they will get. The less comfy they are, the more militant they are. The reason no one does nothing about the kikes, although kikes are more blatant about their plan to genocide whites everyday, is that they are afraid to lose their jobs, house, social status and go to prison and get raped in the ass by Tyrone. If they lose everything, kikes are killed on sight.
James Gray
Abstractly? Borrowing from their futures and descendants. Literally? Financial institutions formed of citizens of home countries and outside. Though China and Japan are interesting cases in regards to their financial institutions. Both are nationalistic but Japan seems to have progressed to a debt spiral that they are trying to get out of. Though it does not seem to be working as foreign nations/corporations now have more say in Japanese laws.
Anthony Richardson
China is doing about as bad as Japan in that regard
From nowhere. They print new money tied to no value and hand it out like party favors. The only reason the American dollar is worth anything is due to the petrol dollar and the American military's ability to engage in gunboat diplomacy. The whole economic system relies upon American world hegemony and all money becomes worthless the morning after America cannot (in theory at least) project military power to topple a government.
Imagine the entire West Indian ocean sea lanes becoming nonviable for global trade, the East China sea mined due to Japan and China staring one another down and add into that a bunch of other shitty places like Indonesian trade routes through Singapore and the like getting shut down because of Snack Bars allohaing.
Luke Howard
It's owed to the central banks .
Matthew Sanders
Its capitalism working people, dont get fooled by this commie.
Hunter Clark
No debt, its fake. Each country has there on currency. No more globalist monopoly money. #WWG1WGA no more globalist control. #Nationalism is freedom of central bank, imf globalist Rothschild control. #Yellowvest
Matthew Kelly
(((their own citizens))), you mean. the shareholders of the Fed
Jaxon Miller
Josiah Ross
Keep dreaming, look at that national debt clock.
Jaxson Powell
you have nothing, you are nothing, you will soon cease to exist and there's nothing you can do about it
Gavin Edwards
For the stupid cows that don't understand anything about the economy and federal reserve here's some shit you can read and watch, but I doubt any of you cutdick brain damaged slaves of jews will bother:
And none of it matters because it's owed to jews, who are not people.
Asher Long
And? Don't pay. The money doesn't exist, it came from nowhere, the only thing that is real is what you produce. You could just as well keep track of your transactions with qtips or text messages. Make your own currency. TFW the world agrees to pay interest on nothing and needs to borrow more nothing at interest to pay the interest on the first nothing. 30% non participation, and it all gets shot to hell. I'm doing my part, are you?
Chase Peterson
KYS and get it over with.
Luis Mitchell
Why would I do anything you want? You're nothing to me
Evan Adams
the funny part is Trump has the constitutional power to create a new currency much like Lincoln did with the greenback which made the US rich again, but it doesn't look like he's interested in doing anything about it, I could be wrong of course
Yeah, but you can't go down to the grocery store and pay with silver coins. How can you reject it if everything is submitted to that system? As long as there is fiat currency, gold and silver has no use as money.
Yeah you can, not that im advocating for that though or that it would ever work since people would just smelt down the currency.
I don't get why people tend to be so autistic about fiat, yes fiat can be inherently unstable but that depends on how much is issued and how/who managed it. Look at colonial scrip for example, the new world's first fiat which worked wonders. If just enough is issued to promote the flawless transaction of goods there is no problem.
You can have a currency based directly on for example work hours, as in NS Germany which is ingenious.
Nicholas Nguyen
Bring it on. Then we finish the jews once and for all. From that point on, everyone with kike ancestry will be hunted until they're all gone forever. And the major cities are all multikulti poz shitholes anyway.
Reminder that Israel stole United States satellite reconnaissance intelligence and used it to target the Soviet Union. Reminder that Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir directed that some of the intelligence stolen by American Jonathan Pollard, who spied for Israel, be turned over to the Soviet Union. Reminder that Israel created a false control room at the Dimona nuclear facility to hide from American nuclear inspectors its use in creating nuclear weapons. Reminder that President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration tried and failed to force Israel to acknowledge its nuclear ambitions. Reminder that Israel threatened to use nuclear weapons on the third day of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, blackmailing U.S. President Richard Nixon into airlifting military supplies. Reminder that Israel used a top London newspaper editor to capture Mordechai Vanunu. Reminder that a top American Democratic Party fund-raiser influenced the White House while raising money for the Israeli bomb. Reminder that American intelligence finally learned the truth about Dimona. Reminder that during the 1991 Gulf War Israel pointed nuclear armed mobile missiles at Iraq. Reminder that Israel holds a few neutron bombs in addition to several hundred other nuclear weapons. Reminder that U.S. policy towards Israel’s nuclear program "was not just one of benign neglect: it was a conscious policy of ignoring reality." Reminder that the CIA analysts kept quiet about what they found in Lockheed U-2 spy plane photographs of Dimona during the 1950s. Reminder that ✡Lewis Strauss✡, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission during the 1950s, probably knew about and supported the Israeli nuclear weapons program.
Adrian Cooper
Fucking hell, images.
The debt cannot be repaid, by definition. There is >$1 of debt in existence for every $1 in existence. It is IMPOSSIBLE to ever repay, on purpose.
we'll save more than 30 billion a year if troop pullout really does happen
Henry Robinson
wow thats a lot of money, who do we owe it to?
Nolan Thomas
Come collect it, kikes.
Grayson Scott
We should make an agreement among all the top countries to simultaneously stop making interest payments. And then liquidate the IMF and distribute it's assets equally.
Matthew Garcia
They deserve it.
Isaac Walker
If that's what they are saying, a d they want me to be der Fuhrer for them?
There's something wrong with that.
Nathan Adams
Debt really needs to be illegal because it forces people to be wage slaves.