The Coli is an open forum consisting of African-American men at an overwhelming majority. They are openly racist, anti-white, and hate things such as racemixing, which they believe is propaganda from the white man to dilute their bloodlines.
We can use this to our advantage. If we join their forum, acting as black males. We can slowly shift the blame from whitie to a subsection of whitie, by casually mention that the slave owners happened to be JEWISH, DEMOCRATIC, and ZIONIST. They hate racemixing propaganda as we do, so it makes sense that we casually mention it happens to be the JEWS which are pushing that specific agenda.
This is an untapped market, and will slowly begin to cripple Democrats of their base. The moderation is lax because people obviously don't care about racism if it's from black people. We need to redirect their anger to the Jews, at the same time reminding them that English, Irish, and Germans had very little to do with their enslavement.
Stay away from the Higher Learning forum, those are likely to be more hostile to any mention of Jews. Stick to the Locker Room. If this works there is BIG potential to shift public opinion and politics. Let's get this going lads.
The point that op makes is that the nogs are golems of the Jew and are used to advance Jewish agenda and that it’s in are best interest to sway these golems under our control to fight a common enemy. Obviously we’d send them back to Africa after the parasites have been dealt with.
Asher Butler
Don't try to argue with the D&C anti-action kikes.
Tyler Richardson
Only problem is blacks vote overwhelmingly Democrat , which is virtually a jew run org. Jews have tapped into the innate love of freebies, lack of effort in work and need to bitch all the time coming from blacks. The latter might detest jews and know the history of jews in the slave trade. But nothing matter more than welfare checks, freebies where possible and not having to work. Blacks will think of themselves first and foremost and fuk all else.
Logan Russell
You sound so anti parasitic.
Josiah Robinson
Blake Adams
You sound frustrated and anxious too. U just projecting and you know it. Time will come for action and plans , as it is their intention for some to leave like yourself , back to same ole goy, now with just a bit more facts about them. Get creative , get nasty, do whatever but do not go back to goy botdom at any cost.
Cooper Myers
Been watching Disney have ya?
Adam Torres
I have said it before and I will say it again. You will never get nonwhites to stop seeing jews as white. They are just considered another white ethnicity by them. There is also the point that the things that the jews are doing against whites are helping the negros. TLDR- this is a waste of time. Balkanization is coming, and the time you are going to be wasting redpilling negros who will be against you no matter what can be used redpilling whites which will actually fight on your side.
Camden Roberts
The depravity… Stand up you fucking degenerate swindler! You want to sway public opinion through deceit? Why? Are you not ok without the other you speak against, becoming beholden to you with your crippled psyche? Does the stench of a rodents ancestorial tomb haunt you? Fear not my little scurriers..
I bet you're the type of nigger that says, "no rutret no surendur!!1" when he's outnumbered 1000-1
Brandon Ortiz
Negros very much can be our allies. Doesn't mean we want to integrate them and fuck their women to produce mutts. They are low IQ pawns to be used.
You are a kike.
William Martinez
I already filtered you, negrophile.
Justin James
No retreat, no surrender? Yeah, believe that.
Andrew Ortiz
OP is a jew and probably a mod. Look at his snarky tone throughout all his posts. Exactly the way homosexualized jews post.
Grayson Harris
I came across that forum off a search a while ago and read part of a thread, I think about David Duke. They were essentially arguing that since they don't come into contact with jews on a regular power, jewish power isn't real.
But if anyone's going to try, here's some good material from one of Michael Collins Piper's books.
I learned that registration for the forum is closed due to "trolls". It's been that way for two years.
Nothing we can do.
Aiden Harris
Jews convinced them to do that, in this case we need to repeat to blacks that jews are white.
Cameron Walker
That jews ARE NOT white.
Just focus on a redpilling a handful of the main social influencers in a community that's the fanbase of a semi-popular rapper. Hopsin would be a good choice, since he's anti-drug entirely and generally his message is against the kikery in black society. That said, he's been around hollywood since he was a teen, but always in shit roles, usually just an extra. He also spoke out against BLM and flat out said that "more niggas kill niggas every day than cops" and that "black lives matter? Since when do black lives matter to niggas?"
Jacob Thompson
Negros can't be properly taught, thus jews only steer and incite them.
Jackson Jones
So niggers would attack only us, not them?. If we are going down, jews are going down with us. We can say we are christian like them, not jewish.
Jaxson Morales
Kill yourself faggot. You're either too retarded to post on Zig Forums or a kike shill. If you had lurked even a fucking week, you'd already know that this is the damn problem.
So europeans and jews, christians and jews. Those divisions exist. You need to tell them their jewish handlers paid by Soros that push them around are white people, every jewish manager that orders them is white, they dont realize it and jump how whitey tells them.
Liam Brown
Really can't wait until we're stringing you kikes up by your tendons and leaving you in agony while the ravens take their fill.
Like most every single violent crime against kikes was by niggers. According to pew niggers are the most antisemitic of any race even more than whites. They're already redpilled against termites, they just need a smart leader to show them how to fumigate and get good jobs in the pest control industry.
Carter Foster
We could always make up some movement to create a nation of Wakanda in africa, launch a cryptocurrency as the "currency of wakanda" and say the ICO funds are to send everyone there and build it…. and then actually not jew them, be honest men, and send all the dindus back to africa.
Jonathan Kelly
jes bgoodoum, yanno.
Carter Kelly
Good idea user. Use kike pawns against them; glorious.
Kike-full free post.
Luke King
It is not a realistic proposition. Niggers are used to White's freebies and the idea to migrate to Africa is counter intuitive to them. The hook has to be baited with yummy stuff, and a Black nation in America sounds promising. We all know that it will become the next Zimbabwe, but the important matter is to separate these beasts from us.
ZOG will never allow that. The idea of segregation and secession must come from the same niggers. It is to use the resentment for decades fueled by the jews against us, in our own benefit.
Wtf do you think this is? Call it reparations, I don't care. It's literally a means to pay for their travel expenses on a one way trip to africa, and I'm confident we can find some nigerian to claim that they built some Wakanda for them to move to, with the small amount of funds we'll give him to do such. As long as he says it's there, he's done more than I hoped and all that we need.
Evan Hughes
Yes great idea. And lets teach quantum physics to children with down-syndrom while we're at it.
(check'd) Dubs confirm for redpilled niggers and a downie-savant. If two bushes and a foreign ape can be president, then just maybe a downie can do one thing.
Jaxon Nguyen
You need to do this, by niggers' own accord and make them chimp out against ZOG for their "freedom" from whitey oppression.
Justin Collins
Convincing "conservatives" to take up racism is part of the long struggle to get black communities to let go of it. Under the reign of the O-Bomber, a Great Lie was spun about the racist enemy, which included within it a great cohort of the New Alliance, and a lot of lies and punishments for anyone who did not go along. All the traditional foils of black racism were "encouraged" to shut up or else be "honest" about their "hatred". A great scream rose up, and two-faced people enforced it: there would be no peace with bigots.
Every serious antisemite is playing into the continuation of this pattern and undermining the prosperity of their nation. Potential bigots were chosen for their perceived expendability, vulnerability to abuse, and minimal charisma, that their every protest should create a spiraling sink of opinion.
Tronald Rump wasn't supposed to win. The "bigots" were not supposed to have any succor. They were supposed to submit and die like conservatives were believed to want of gay people. It was to be the proof that superior people can wield the weapon of suicide at their will - and indeed, they have done so! Suicide rates have soared! This was to be the vengeance of gay people everywhere against a world that took away their parents: the march of a million pink Batmans.
(I know my audience. Go on, do it. It'd be a great photo in the newspapers.)
The consequence has been falling stability and a great actual backlash, but so long as people will not admit what they have done…
I mean…
You *have* been entirely straightforward about your broken submission to incoherent fascist parental-state politics, right? Not a drop of what would make people think you might be insincere? Old white men who spent their lives attending church and hearing sermons of peace aren't literally killing themselves because they can't live in a peaceful world, and more than transsexuals kill themselves because the world was excessively sweet to them.
Give up real hatreds if you feel them; give up fake hatreds if you value your future; enjoy your triumph if you want to see the current world end. For dishonesty has reigned so completely that the very expression of sorrow has become its mark, and the only rejoined has become that people targeted for this treatment were asking for it.
I remain a pacifist. Live well, live forever. Let people think and speak.
Jaxon Collins
What have to do the mental illness of homosexuality with to get a new home, separated from Whites, to niggers?
I'll help if someone else wants to take the reigns. I've worked with several big names in crypto and know the scene enough to help run the campaign when dealing with that end… but I have far too many other projects that I am working on every fucking one for the Volk to head another.
Evan Thompson
We have to wait for more anons to join, and even to take this project to cuckchan.
Juan Wilson
This thread is golden, in a way. It might make these communities reflect and consider if they really should spread such ideas.
Still, though… I think the case of the black community is emblematic of what *causes* conspiratorial thinking. When weak people are lied about by strong people, and the forces of progress knot against themselves, people look not for meaning in life but comprehension. Shorn of the resources that would give them a better comprehension, they settle on things like antisemitism.
A better way to help blacks integrate isn't to desperately try to press their biases into white populations, but to be good to the vulnerable in general, and to gently deter them from antisemitic thought.
For I have no weapon against you save sweetness, and if the problem afflicting white mail populations is truly that they cannot handle being required not to hate, surely then you would pack yourselves up and ship off below in raw spite of my offering. I can only imagine what would be writ upon your envelopes.
Joseph Gray
The fundamental never ending problem with this is Blacks aren't high level abstract thinkers. They see Jews as just a certain group of white people who are either elite and/or ostracized, it's not like they aren't aware that white people have waged wars against each other.
They don't and won't see the Jew as different from you or I. Even if you convince them that Jews run everything and are the man, then they just see the Jews as the elite whites. Their perpetual minority victim complex will make them lash out against Jews and whites sure, but they don't really see you any different from a Jew, being "white", they will just see you as a dumber or a lower caste white person
Wyatt Russell
Actually you meant counter-judaism. Semites are arabs too.
Lincoln Baker
great idea. this is not about making allies, this is about weaponizing the golems against their masters.
Redpilling blacks Niggers are barely capable of holding minimum wage jobs, and much more capable of living off the state, and providing nothing of value to society. Even the most educated of niggers, in general only contribute to the entertainment industry. Niggers are irredeemable and we no longer have an agricultural use for them as farm equipment. They should either be sent back to Africa, or some country that could use our old farm equipment.
Jonathan Wilson
Wrong board kike. Better try your gaslighting at >>>/trap/
Ryan Hernandez
The we-wuz-kangz types and their derivatives that vary from black-purity/black supremacy to the actually decent and eloquent law-abiding ones are all quite susceptible to redpills, as you can see from the disgusting parroting in this thread jews will be quite upset once you start linking slavery to judaism which is easy enough to accomplish since it exists in select middle eastern countries already. If you're worried about societal upheaval and having to fight off the urban animals then this is especially what you should have been paying attention to/can still meddle with. I've already made a literal convict we wuz crackhead nigger sympathetic to white causes because, oh wow, guess what, they're fucking stupid and it's easy to manipulate them. So long as you exist in a position where the nigger can/wants to listen to you and doesn't want to stab you you can pretty much do what you want so long as you aren't a fucking sperglord and/or retarded and cannot control your emotions. Don't get killed user, if you're a fuck up/sperglord/retard then obviously don't do what you're not capable of, but it's really not that challenging to speak to a co-worker about middle-ground bullshit like how trump loves israel and israel slaughters brown people on the regular, as well as possesses an ethno-state and then proceed to conflate it with miscellaneous bullshit that makes them feel good/repressed/inspired to be more (even if the "more" never existed/will exist for them)
Do SOMETHING productive at least, and you already possess so much information, right user? Whats a few eloquent and well-sourced shit posts made in a few minutes compared to a couple of hundred extra less combatants during SHTF for you?
Everywhere there are categories of people who cannot possibly be evil, there is evil.
Everywhere there are categories of people who cannot possibly be good, there is good.
Remember that always. Wherever you go in life, in any community to which you travel. Tolerate no gaslighters, for those who will lie to "evil" will also lie to victims, but defend even the evil from abuse, for someday you yourself may require a defender.
Jose Brooks
You are a child of satan, master of lies. Back to the synagogue you came from, kike.
I don't see any problem with this, then maybe they will stop taking Jew money and influence. Convince them to go it alone (and fail).
Cameron Allen
I need you to know that jews keep all gentile races divided and pitted against each other. They deeply fear our cooperation.
Brandon Carter
Making ANYBODY anti jew is a good thing. Producing anti zionist sentiment is an excellent idea. Can you imagine if instead of hating and shooting white folk blacks hated jews?
Sebastian Parker
why would i attempt to go where I'm not wanted and forment unrest
Gabriel Ross
They need to ask for reparations for the black holocaust in Herero and Namaqua.
Ryan Miller
of course they can. imagine earth got attacked by aliens, suddenly those 1 billion suicidal muds would be a very handy weapon.
Connor Moore
Stop with this retarded "GAISE JUST REDPILL THE X"
Niggers have no agency. Women have no agency. You can't REDPILL someone whose only concerns are their reproductive organs and where to grab the next free shit.
Leo Jones
Imagine if you managed to explain to some nigger why Jews are evil.(Educating niggers is a feat in and of itself!) What will he do with that knowledge? He'll do a random nigwalk to the Dole office or some shit, mouth off to somebody like he usually does but instead of cowing the Whites like he thought he would, he just gets into trouble. Conclusions in his niggerbrain: Blaming Jews doesn't get me gibs. I was fooled by the white debbil.
Jaxson Carter
Do you think that this will make any difference to blacks? They will still hate white people, they will just hate the "hook nosed honkeys" even more.
Kayden Ramirez
That site was created by Steven L. Akins of VNN Forum.
Brandon Taylor
Yes. I know from first hand experience, that yes, it will matter and it will work.
William Baker
OK, feel free to do whatever you think works. I personally think trying to redpill people of our own race is more productive and useful, but you do you.
James Hill
Yeah, for occassional shitposting here about how fucking stupid niggers are to have a laugh. 'redpilling' blacks… hahahaha. 400+ YEARS and they still can't achieve basic hygiene. Get a nigger to wash his ass first, OP.
Niggers thinks jews are White and see no difference. You're asking them to do the mental equivalent of walking and chewing gum, which for a nigger, is damn near impossible. These are old, angry monkeys because they're life failures and they blame whitey for their laziness and stupidity. Niggers are also a super hivemind group.
The only possible approach that might bare fruit, is to mock them for being jewish pets. Use jew sources to show them how kikes think their animals etc.
Logan Brown
If everyone focused on just one thing, we'd never get anywhere. The purpose of redpilling blacks is not to bring them to our side, but to prevent them from being used against us by the kikes.
Cooper Parker
I'll go a step further say they will literally minecraft random kikes if you rile them up. You can't shame them into being PC when they get mad, when then forces the kikes to respond by pulling back on the pro-nigger narrative as well as putting some physical separation measures in place.
All of this changes the general view of what's acceptable and normal for Whites in regard to other races and makes our messaging easier.
Logan Flores
Brody Thompson
F you.
Andrew Ward
(check'd) These holy trips confirm this message. There is much work to be done.
Kike's still trying to kike. This your first day on the job shlomo? You will never control Zig Forums no matter how hard you try or how many shills and cucks flood in. The negro will know the truth that the kikes are not white, and that their oppressors are a misbred race of goblins that consider the negro to be the lowest of the low, and the white man to be their greatest enemy. The kikes still hold the chains of the negro, and they will be broken, and their golem will destroy YOU.
This is a great idea OP. There are so many glowing CIA niggers and kikes in this thread, which only proves further that this is something /pol should work on. I will make an account. You should too, user.
Kek Im actually black and they banned me because they thought I was white. Why? Because I posted shit that didnt go with the modern black narrative. I used to make threads about how black culture is disgusting and shit, and how we need to reinvent it to reduce racism. In the BLM threads I pointed out that the people they were defending were actual evil criminals that would kill them and they just went ballistic on me. The Higher learning forum is full of idiots who buy afrocentrism, but when I posted factual information about black africans they lost their shit and banned from that section for good. Eventually they had enough of me, I posted actual proof I was black a hand with a date attached yet they still insisted I was white, they couldnt comprehend a black man was this against the garbage his race considers "culture" at all.
John Butler
Hopefully cuckchan doesn't stay down soon so you can go back.
Isaiah Lewis
you sound like a real and legitimate porch monkey and your thread is trash, nice samefagging dumb coon.