Portland Oregon Yellow vest

Yes, It is time to Laugh at the Portlandia again. This dumb asses think yellow vest in France is Socialism and not Nationalism. Maybe The dumbass Oregonians should read their demands.
Portland Oregon only follows France trends and will be the first in the Union to give up.
I live in the outskirts of Portland and on my way to buy some beer at my local Plaid Pantry( like a 7/11 to you dumbasses). I saw a group of people walking pround wearing yellow vest. Oregon is Pathetic. Does anyone else see the dumb pattern coming next?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The protests aren't really left or right. It's all of France realizing that ALL political parties serve the (((bankers))) and not the peoples' interests.

I found another dumb ass.
Follow the lure my friend.
If I say nigger will you get mad?


You leave first post alone, faggot

I have no idea what you said I quote, "You leave first post alone, faggot."
Seriously you are so mad.
Send my pics of your sister.

You don't know your ass from your elbow. Enjoy the dirt nap.

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Is that a threat?
Grrr. you can do better. Show me your hulk rage.

Of course the dumbass losers from the ANTIFA crew are trying to pretend their movement is related to the yellow vests.

Told you guys it was a Soros OP.

Come to Lacomb and say that to my face, buttercheeks.

It isn't.

post your addy I will show up.
You scared. Bet you are to chicken shit to give up your addy.
Post it and I will be there.

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Portlanders don’t drive. The insurance is too expensive because of roaming jungle beasts. I’m not buying your bus ticket back “home”.

Did I not say I walked.
Fucking idiot.
Try harder.
Second guess at what you meant. ( seriously I am dealing with an internet dumbass) \ that I don't own a car and do not have insurance so even if you posted you addy I would not show.
If that is true then post your addy and prove your hypothesis.



When you break out the better shill game, we'll break out the better righteous anger game.

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You gonna walk to Lacomb, fisted faggot? Be my guest, but right now I’m at the Gingerbread House in Lyons.

Three accounts OMG (I found A liberal coward (get a job already). You are my god. How fucking original.
Just admit you are a chicken shit who is all talk. I say one more time post your addy chicken shit.

You have 27 minutes. Come on, tough guy. Walk here.

What are you, retarded? Can’t you search for the Gingerbread House in Lyons? Fuck off.

Addy first. Actually it would take me at least 3 hours to make it there.

Just goes to show what kind of human refuse lives in the Portland Metro.

So you Admit it.

Reported for 13-stepping attempted rape. Go back to rehab and try harder. Stop making your pitiful social life a hunting ground. And GET A FUCKING CAR.

Who's the dumbass again?

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BTW, this place is littered with Liberals that attack anything against their agenda.

Where is our safe place?

Hi to poll .. Enjoy the fun.. Sad I have to come here to troll liberals. Sad times. Peace broth3r frogs

I’m happy Cole came home today. No drama.

What he said is correct though. People are rising up against the fact that the politicians are wholly owned to jewish bankers. To jewish bureaucrats in Brussels and israel.

I'm pretty sure Portlandiantifa have been confirmed to be just a bunch of spineless larpers since 2016

that doesnt make it any less funny you africans

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that fool was tied up in a banner larp boxing lmao

Sure isn't, my fellow Comrade.
Now lets act like retards and attack pointless targets so the (((elite))) can justify harsher laws against the goyim.

I've got this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that this might be some kind of false flag or distraction there abouts. If this gets a lot of media attention it could mean anyone looking up the real thing will see this instead. Paint the whole movement by association as a socialist uprising to prevent more nationalists from joining and encourage actual socialists. Maybe even sow some discord into the real thing by having a bunch of commies trying to weasel into the main thing and causing a divide among the protesters. Poisoning the well fallacy almost?

leave it to college professors to spin that shit up op

back in my day, political discourse meant something

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Merry Christmas Pepe!

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Here some more butts faggot.

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I also live on the outskirts of Portland too, OP. I’m surrounded by spics.

This city is full of retards and wealthy kike Pearl District residents who live in a white bubble while preaching diversity.

I say you live in Hillsboro or Gresham


Another rat from muttistan exposing itself.

This is pretty funny shit alright. Reminds me of the Solidarity movement led by Lech Walensa in Poland which was anti communist. I had a friend who was slowly but surely turning to the extreme left and he went whole hog into Solidarity in British Columbia when they tried to jump on the movement, even borrowing the same type face for their signs. But they themselves were leftists, fucking communists. When the real solidarity movement in Poland took note of what they were doing in BC they sent them a legal message to cease and desist, pointing out to them that they were totally opposed to communism and leftism. My former friend was absolutely indignant at this (to him) inexplicable betrayal, slap in the face. How dare they? Revolt always had to be leftist. There could be no other way. When I carefully explained to him the situation he became very foul tempered and cursed them and me. That was pretty much the end of our friendship.

The working asses are pretty much hopeless retards. Pro Wrestling fan level retards.

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Russian mothers tell thier sons going off to die in training excercises, "Come home with your cooler or in it."

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Evidence of claims.
Because there are dozens of instance of jews being called out specifically.
Because there is nothing supporting what you say. But if there is I'd love to see it.
inb4 ebin nigger in crowd of tens of thousands of whites

A day shines bright when a moskal zogbot has his brain fried.

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How is you necrohomo fetish relevant to the thread, Ivan?

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there are enough obvious JTRIG shills in this thread to convince me that (((Deep State))) wants us to either support or reject Yellow Vests spreading through US cities.

Yellow Vests reminds me if Occupy Wall St Part 2. the Commies co-opted OWS too, and the whole movement stalled on incoherent vague contradictory demands and stumbled on the bad press from infesting public spaces with filthy tent cities full of freaking raping each other and drug abuse.

Yellow Vests demands are equally incoherent and contradictory. they skew more Left tgan Right, because most demands are for more Gibs from The State. if the demands were Right skewed, #1 would be Stop importing niggers and goat fucker Semites who bleed the State's coffers while our taxes spike to pay for babysitting rape gangs and welfare free loaders and criminals and ISIS sleeper cell plotters who force their Sharia barbarism and polygamy upon our secular Civil Society. but the Yellow Vests are too cucked to Name the Jew behind it all, so just like OWS they will fail due to the Eternal Bolsheviks hijacking anything resembling The Revolution and sabotaging it with (((Marxist))) tyrannical garbage, just like the Bolsheviks have been doing since the 1880's.

my only hope is that some RWDS can infiltrate the Yellow Vests and deliver brutal attacks on a few kikes just to even the score in our favor for once.

They're realizing what the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street learned. Neither of which were left wing whatsoever. There is practically no left wing in existence outside of social justice which is just based on whatever moralism is of the day and nothing more.

wow, OP is jewish faggot.

Portland Yellow Vests are connected to the "Patriot Prayer" movement, who are just a pack of jews (the blonde, Haley Adams, is a "white person who loves their race" who constantly posts "pro-white" shit online then cries holocaust), trannies, and obese boomers. Also Joey Gibson, a half-jap hapa who may be literally retarded.


If you want this to be a You're a jew/no YOU
'RE a jew fight I am a patient man and we can shit up the thread both.

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ITT: (((malicious gaslighting))) about the yellow jacket movement

Remember to filter and report foreign faggots trying to derail threads, like this one.

Just like how the kikes appropriated the image of the hippy movement.

Fake offshoots of yellow vests like these Portland larpers are malicious. Yellow vests are under attack, as they should be. If they weren't, they wouldn't be doing anything effective. If they're shooting at you, you're doing something right.

the yellow vests are french whites screaming "we're the people" against the metropolitan leeches that live on their backs. only a matter of time before they realize "we're a people".

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Portlanders aren't known for their intelligence. Real Oregoners literally live inna woods.

The Yellow vest is to protest the oligarch and their handmaidens
The Red vest is to signal that it's time to kill them wholesale

Real Oregoners bailed ship into Washington a while ago

Portland is a SHITHOLE.. it used to be a beautiful city, but not anymore. Medford is next. I don't live in either city thank God. The town I'm in is very conservative. We don't have any Libtard protests here. The few tards that live here know it would not end well for them.

I love Oregon, but it's time to GTFO while I still can… fucking Kate Brown can shove her bullshit right up her ass.

Hello newfag.

Guess how I know you're not from around here?

Abandoned ship sub-human retard, you bail water out of a leaking ship.

OP is a street shitting faggot.
I'm highjacking this nigger tier thread about nothing and redirecting it into

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The problem that Portland has, is you have a large city with no identity. All the other large west coast cities have an unmistakable identity, and it's easy to get retards and niggers to do crazy shit just so Shep Smith says "Portland" a few times on national TV.

Portland, but not Oregon.

It's not like faggots are going to watch sportball. These assholes see some bullshit on cnn and act it out.

We're dumb because we don't know your fucking convenience store? Sounds as if you've already had enough, (((alcohol)))

So you raced home to post about it. Nice life, faggot.