We are organizing into groups of twenty

We are organizing into groups of twenty
We meet at Tim Hortons on Sunday
We use veiled speech and no symbols
We use these meetings as informal recruiting and vetting.
We wear green hats. Join us

Attached: 397E860E-AC20-4127-8AEC-51D9C9EBABFC.png (1920x960, 91.56K)

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Nice try, Mr. Big


No thanks

Nice try CSISnigger, but you ain't fooling me

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Fuck outta here

Hello fellow canadian patriot! Would you be interested in "casting magic missiles" on some "merchants" in "minecraft"? Haha, good one bud!

How would a legit group organize if every attempt is accused of being a honey pot. Glow nigger?

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You meet at Tim Horton's? I love Tim Horton. In fact my favorite movie of all time is Edward Scissorhands.