they are preparing to invade us, and they will not give a fuck about enslaving us or wiping us out
WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING (empty all nukes on them all at once)
they are preparing to invade us, and they will not give a fuck about enslaving us or wiping us out
WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING (empty all nukes on them all at once)
kill all the kikes that are selling us out to them
shut the fuck up kike
why would a kike be against these insectoid commies? gas yourself you kike.
Silly goy!
Chinks scare me far more than kikes or niggers. The latter are only strong because our degenerate society deliberately shoves gibs up their ass. They have no real power on their own. Chinks are a different beast. They will devour everything that gets in their way like zerg.
I think the only way to deal with them is economically, like with the Soviets. China is a giant on clay feet and the clay is their wonky domestic economy and high debt. Trump did the right thing for a change by rising tariffs, we need to become independent from chinese crap. Once they can't export their stuff they will collapse back to the stone age in no time.
Another strategy that should be pursued is plotting chinks against islamsists. Pakis and africans are already fed up from chinese influence and ethnic cleansing of uighurs is not well received by sandniggers worldwide. If they start killing each other both will get weakened and muslims have someone else to blow up for a change.
That said, do not buy from the chink.
I know it's hard but if you see a possibility buy domestic goods or at least stuff made by whites. Don't let your country's wealth go into chink pockets. Boycot them like the jew.
NK=China=commie=worshiping marx the jew
yeah because that always works for the (((USA))) right?
yes, but the longer we wait, the better their chances are at using their military against us to retaliate when we start cornering them economically
the issue is all western companies carelessly outsource to the chinks. we have to have more laws forbidding companies to sell us out to the chinktoids.
White people are the biggest obstacle to White people. Debate me.
Jews are the reason for that
They also are THE center of the human organ black market. This dosen't go over it but I think they also steal organs from other countries as well. Also their "aid organizations" steal them too.
Were you sent here by TRS?
yeah, but china and israel are the big players in human organ harvesting.
didn't say the same, but NK is in submission to china and china uses them to get their way. they are also part of the bigger group: commies.
I see your ID, samefag (nice ten second hot-button reply, by the way), but the infographs that were posted were in no way a response to my post. They completely talk past it by spamming about China when I was clearly pointing out the retard posting a photo from Korea. I know keeping track of more than one idea at a time is hard, but come on.
Chinks are controlled by kikes.
What's with all of the chink astroturfing on this board recently? Fuck off
not the samefag you sperg. you cry about 1 post from that is nork so I give you an actual anti china image to replace it
doesnt matter. Whites are the most likely to attack you, arrest you, try you, sentence you or fire you. they are the most likely to "smite" you by filming you for public shaming. also, yes jews started the marxism, but thats useless unless WHITE PEOPLE BELIEVE IT! not to mention whites are some of the biggest perveyors of it through this new cult of liberalism.
all efforts need to be focused on seizing control of media and other institutions that brainwash the NPC's. everything else is not as important.
no jews are
no jews are
probably not but they do work together against us. either way, israel is no direct thread military wise, but chinks can legit bomb and invade us. both have to be dealt with, but differently.
they are much worse they are literally vampires
nope. antifa, the force that attacks is mostly white, also you dont see a lot of jewish cops to arrest people, they are white, you are also FAR more likely to be tried or sentenced or fired by a white person. jews are only maybe 3% of the population.
also look up what purveyor means. you are clearly not worthy of this debate and have no actual arguments.
Whites have a White problem and this must be solved first.
the rothschilds literally used jewish agents to establish communism in china. the chinks are puppets of international finance
back in the oven OP
Wouldn't surprise me, all those conflicts in the middle east would make it easy for people to go missing and blame it on war casualties.
this is true, the kike brainwashes the whites to do the dirty work for them. if we openly discuss and expose the kikes, that problem would be solved.
at least read the thread you fucking NPC.
yeah, I read somewhere that kids kidnapped in eastern europe also end up in the israeli organ trafficking rings (or child sex trafficking) and of course the palestinians.
antifa is funded by jews, without funding it wouldn't exist, i'm sure plenty of jews are part of it
cops are zogbots, jewish judges are the real issue (ever notice the jewish star or the freemason symbol on a cop badge? happens a lot)
you are also FAR more likely to be tried or sentenced or fired by a white person.
depends on the job. jews make up more than 3% in media/politic jobs ect
whites have a jew problem retard
youre clearly not worth a debate because you post 0 evidence for your claims
This. high finance rules china with an iron fist, that's why everyone kowtows to them. euro governments are making all these concessions to a bunch of chinamen because they see who is behind the curtain.
we would have to have a more powerful brainwashing apparatus than the kikes, which we dont. our efforts to speak are mostly based upon social media sites which kikes and shitlibs always run. we have no say in academia or government.
the first thing we must overcome is other Whites and to do that they either need to be unbrainwashed or removed from avenues of influence and power.
still no solid argument as to why Whites are not the biggest problem for Whites.
kikes have killed millions of whites
chinks have killed 0 whites
OP is a faggot
read the thread, faggot.
the chinese are taking over the role of the slavs. international finance capital does not see them as reliable slaves anymore, thus the switch to chinamen. the puppetmaster has not changed
you can't pay so many people to do things they don't believe. the brainwashing is the main issue, and that only exists because in the west, you are not allowed to discuss any of the filthy things the kikes do, so they can go behind everyone's backs, and ruin the minds of the population while everyone is gagged because they may never talk about the jews.
we have truth by our side. we don't need brainwashing, we need the freedom to discuss the JQ and the independence spread that info throughout the media (which is now in the hands of the jews, so we would have to get that back) and we also need to deport every single politician or media person with an israeli passport.
stay bluepilled, faggot
No wonder they're one of the 4 pest.
It should be illegal for defense contractors to hire Chinese nationals. How fucking many times do they have to steal our military IP before this becomes obvious to everyone?
it doenst matter who is paying, or how much, it matters who TAKES the payment, and that is Whites who then attack other Whites
they are still mostly white people
the symbol is not an argument. also like i said most judges one would face are White people
and who is the other 97% ? not to mention im talking about being fired from any job not jew specific industries. it is most likely a White who fires Whites for "racism"
case in point: the James Fields trial. 11/12 jurors were White, and the judge was White. every damn White boomer retard on social media says he deserved it.
yeah well, the american government has been a traitor to the american people for way longer.
Nice try, Chen. We see you.
I'm the OP you retard. I'm just saying the kikes stole a lot more important shit and what did the americans do? nothing. so now that the chinks are stealing from the americans, what do you expect them to do? the US government sells out the american people to foreign entities.
yes that is my point
this presupposes that people want and value the truth. step out of this echo chamber for one second and you will see that is not true. NPC's want bread and circuses, not anything that challenges their childish state, and certainly NOTHING that will force them to grow up and go to war. we DO need brainwashing and full control of the narrative if we are ever to be free.
yeah okay, I get your point. first step should be having a government that is not a puppet to israel, so that we can remove any entity that is pro-israel or persons who have israeli passports from the media. we need to take back the media, but we need a government that is not a puppet to kikes to get that enforced.
Reminder that this was MacArthur's strategy, it would have wiped out communism forever and saved Europe, but (((Truman))) instead sided with the Soviet Union and left MacArthur stranded and let his men get slaughtered by millions of chink insects.
Just whining and complaining about the jew is a poor strategy. The jew is strong because many of our brethren are weak. Reach out to your fellow white man and help him to become stronger and a better member of society.
This is the only way forward. So many young men are looking for a role model, a purpose, someone to look up to. Honesty, discipline, courage, strength, order. We need to form a movement embodying these ideas and the people will follow us.
Currently all right-wing political movements are merely sock-puppets of both the jews and the russians, which are also mostly jews of course. Corrupt lying populists. All of them. We need to start from the beginning. Not as a political party but much deeper, as a way of life.
It's a non-sequiter, retard. The chinks stealing our shit is a major problem, and kikes stealing shit doesn't neutralize that point or somehow upstage it. They're both problems, but you're bringing up one to neutralize the other. That's like if I kick you in the balls, and when you complain I say, well the government is kicking you in the balls with taxes yet you complain about me? Fuck you're so fucing stupid lol
(((China))) is growing stronger every day, the world is looking to america to do something.
ideally, but not with our current corrupt government. the al jazeera documentary "the lobby" that just came out proved ALL congress people are on AIPAC's payroll.
we need the media first to get the mass of NPC's thinking the way Whites should be thinking for survival. only then can any government be seized or created. the "will of the White people" is currently against White Nationalists, the only force for the best interests of said White people.
you misunderstand my point. I'm agreeing with you. I'm just saying that I'm not surprised the USA doesn't do shit about the chinks stealing from us.
we have to united the entire world against kikes and chinks.
The invasion will be buying up real estate. Canada is already compromised. We might have to invade Canada.
Ok well sorry for being a bit of a dick. But I'm not surprised because Israel and USA are both ZOG. China is a competing civilization, and so any theft of IP seems more like incompetence on our part rather than deliberate such as the case with Israel (despite the Rosenburg patsies, etc. It's all a sham).
Australia as well.
invade China and all that real estate nonsense is void.
Sure has been a lot of "Its not the Jews!" posting since the midterms.
But I'm sure that's just pure coincidence.
It has nothing to do with the moderators having been totally replaced by 4chan /intl/ goons.
read the thread, chinktoid. no one said it's not the jews.
well thats the first time ive seen actual communism being referred to as a civilization.
Chinks get out
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can you spell (((cultural revolution)))
You are a fucking pussy who will ever only post online and never have a hand in real change.
That doesn't actually work, unfortunately.
the jewish subversion is even named in the OP, and then many times more in the thread.
back to facebook/reddit you go.
Nope, jews.
Do they pollute so much because we've outsourced cheap plastic shit/electronics to them or is it unrelated?
jews run china. why else do you think their govt is like 60% kosher staffed? how else do you think communism ended up there of all places?
because making electronics means you have to let pollutants into the environment unfiltered.
They're chinks. That's why they pollute. It's their nature. They pollute when no one is around or when everyone is around. They're naturally dirty bugs like the dung beetle that rolls balls of shit. Everything they touch is a cheap imitation of White creation. Buying anything of theirs only encourages them to continue. Selling land to yellow bugs in White lands is a huge mistake and will require concentration camps, deportations, and if that fails, dumping them into the sea.
the dung beetle performs a useful task in nature, why compare it to a parasite?
Suuuuuuure m8, sure.
Tell me more about hamiltonian economic socialism.
Pick one. At any rate, if their debts get reneged they're beyond fucked.
Big mistake to think China is easy as USSR. USSR were preachers of Marxism. This put them into huge disadvantage, trying to live by false system (labor theory of value).
China is free from such esoteric and non practical systems. They adopt the best economic theories from West.
China is way past point it development can be turned back by US export ban. Now they out-compete US in teh international markets.
They pollute so much because its initial stage of capitalism. Because they couldn't afford better. Like US in teh past.
holy crap shutup already. we know the problem with china and all that. this is a slide thread and most don't recognize it. its been posted most times.
there are two main types of slide threads and shill posts that keep recurring, both of which are attempting to shift direct blame (but more probably attention and effort and focus) to the chinese and to the brits.
I didn't realize there were so many chinks on Zig Forums. The damage control ITT is astounding.
this damage control slide shill sure is angry
its a terrible thread. a couple pictures, greentext and fucking links to articles. why not archive? why not photos of the articles? why not fucking quality threads with all this in the OP? You made no rebuttal, either. I'm not downplaying chinese influence or the problem, or denying it in whole. But it is NOT the biggest threat. And this is a run of the mill slide thread.
learn2makeathread, faggot. if you want to have a quality discussion about chinks, do it right you insufferable newfag. also, still no rebuttal.
oh boy, another redditor trying to fit in.
yeah, shills have become very transparent lately.
Here's the thing OP. First off, you've got a bad case of the gay, and maybe an extra chromosome too. But the reason everyone keeps shitting on your thread has to do with what we're good at here.
The main reason most of us are here is as a response to our culture's jew infection. The normal channels of dealing with cultural threats don't work against them so we have this 8th channel. We're a real part of resisting them, and what we do here affects things in the real world. The chinks on the other hand? We can't do much about them through memes if we're not backed up by our government. Which takes us back to the jews, who are dicking up our government and culture and who deserve 100% of our focus and autism until they are no longer doing so. Do you understand now you kike distraction piece of shit sparkle gay homo faggot?
who has the "how to make a proper thread" infographic? this faggot has obviously never seen it
link to the book:
Chinks, pajeets, mudniggers
While the claykike is the ultimate enemy and spawn of satan, the other three are all direct threats and dangers.
Before we can remove the jew, we need to ensure that the chink, pajeet and mudnigger does not fill the vacuum of the kike. Since that would just mean our end much faster.
NEVER help non-whites when kikes are scamming them, unless it directly benefit your own people. We can not risk to help anyone but ourselves. We can trust no other but our own.
Nothing's changed. Kikes are the biggest threat white men have ever had.
muslims are irrelevant, the kikes use them as shield.
every time.
don't forget the refugees exist because israel made the US bomb their countries. this is a cat and mouse game and the kikes are outside the game, meaning whoever loses the game, the jews win in the end.
there are two countries that are a real threat to the west and they are China and Israel.
What we need is a twiity
post a photo of the entire article in the op next time. do you know how to do that? if you dont, consider not posting until you do.
Why not help pajeets become a superpower and fight China? That'll drstroy their economies.
there are multiple possibilities but the issue is that israel is in bed with china against the west, and israel also holds the leash around the neck of USA. so the US won't do shit against China in the current state of the US government.
faggot doesnt know how to make a thread. complains other people are lazy when he doesnt follow good thread posting etiquette.
The government is a lost cause or at least it that's how I see it. We need to come up with ideas that will influence the direction of international relations and perhaps, at a lower level manipulate the chink/pajeet/mud people. Most Zig Forums campaigns are successful and I'd like to see some user come up with something brilliant.
expose the role of jews as slave owners and sellers to the SJW crowd. expose israeli genocide of palestinians. expose the jews to all groups and don't attack them(much). try to recruit and unite against kikes. jews are masters at divide and conquer. we have to be less divided to get rid of the parasites.
The #1 book on that story is the secret history of blacks and jews. Offered up by no other than NOI leader Farrakhan.
Guess how many SJW's will read a book by black Hitler?
They don't actually read their books, they just throw them at cops to virtue signal.