"Stalin and I are the only ones who envisage the future and nothing but the future. Accordingly, I shall in a few weeks stretch out my hand to Stalin at the common German-Russian frontier and undertake the redistribution of the world with him. "
-Adolf Hitler
(Disclaimer,fuck your opinion,i believe in the Talmudic Time cube that influences us all and the way to escape it and the evil power saturn that binds us)
Hitler was a Socialist-Leftist
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a right retard.
fuck off boomer
I know im right when the insult come out of the the gate
Think these kikes are getting paid to slam people that seek the real shit and they cant even hold thier tounge inside thier squishy neaderthal brain.
Cmon schlomo gimme some proof hitler wanst a kike led lackey.
Thats 31 year old boomer to you faggot ,or i guess thats what you would label me as but i am against funding hitlers isreal.
So tell me more about hitlers socialist policies?? And what he was searching for?
I am here to spread info and seek it,i take no side ,i am an old soul of this world i just wanna know stuff because i know we are all being lied to.
You'd have seen masses of it if you actually posted here and you weren't a CIAnigger boomer dropping by to shill.
typical JIDF shilling
"all things bad for jews are actually good for jews, so do things good for jews, goy"
Nice story faggot
You can thank CM directly at [email protected] for bringing this novel content to the board.
Here is an easy means to do so:
You flatter me with your attempts to anger.
Im a white nigger sir,just smoking out,waiting for these sweet dividends to hit tomorrow.
But i research everything,from the swastika,to the seal of solomon,to kaballah,they all lead to saturnalia,though later on hitler may have been woken with his interest in antartica and a hollow or earth. Which would seems to be directly against christianity which also would lead one to believe in a flat earth or unlimited resources.which is very non right
Can ya just not?
Absolutely nonsensical.
Nothing wrong with the image.
Maybe? Just go back? Stop spamming the board with these awful as fuck threads?
Did you get banned? Maybe we can petition on your behalf so you can go back?
Mkay kiddo.
Just go back, mkay?
There was definantly Jewry afoot against all leaders in both world wars, they were the real enemy.they were getting kicked out of all countries left and right at that time,polgroms happened big time in russia.
There was literall nazi bases on antartica and hitler also had expeditions to nepal and buddist temples.
Give me info to refute,im here to be convinced and absorb info,if hitler was right full authoritarian fucking prove it asshole,i wanna know if were ruled by a goddamn planet or not ok!!
Wtf did hitler know about the swastika and the cube
Tell me more about hamiltonian economic nationalism.
Yep he was a leftist, i just wonder how many times the GOP can rape your asses before you get it. The GOP's behind Citizens United which is aggressively destroying the USA.
See things like this is what i am looking for.
Now explain how he had influences through karl marx as they also had the same writer.
The context of Nazism
"True, it is a fixed idea with the French that the Rhine is their property, but to this arrogant demand the only reply worthy of the German nation is Arndt's: "Give back Alsace and Lorraine". For I am of the opinion, perhaps in contrast to many whose standpoint I share in other respects, that the reconquest of the German-speaking left bank of the Rhine is a matter of national honour, and that the Germanisation of a disloyal Holland and of Belgium is a political necessity for us. Shall we let the German nationality be completely suppressed in these countries, while the Slavs are rising ever more powerfully in the East?"
Have a look at the quote immediately above and say who wrote it. It is a typical Hitler rant, is it not? Give it to 100 people who know Hitler's speeches and 100 would identify it as something said by Adolf. The fierce German nationalism and territorial ambition is unmistakeable. And if there is any doubt, have a look at another quote from the same author:
This is our calling, that we shall become the templars of this Grail, gird the sword round our loins for its sake and stake our lives joyfully in the last, holy war which will be followed by the thousand-year reign of freedom.
That settles it, doesn't it? Who does not know of Hitler's glorification of military sacrifice and his aim to establish a "thousand-year Reich"?
But neither quote is in fact from Hitler. Both quotes were written by Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's co-author (See here and here). So let that be an introduction to the idea that Hitler not only called himself a socialist but that he WAS in fact a socialist by the standards of his day. Ideas that are now condemned as Rightist were in Hitler's day perfectly normal ideas among Leftists. And if Friedrich Engels was not a Leftist, I do not know who would be.
You are a doublenigger.
Swastika is an ancient Aryan sun symbol, it's true meaning is probably lost to us as our history was erased by (((christians))) who were following the commandments of the Torah to annihilate history and believe systems of any peoples they conquer. Hitler was opposed to "the cube" (Abrahamism) because it's anti-Aryan slave system. Many people claim that Hitler was a christian - this is a complete myth, based only on Hitler publicly pandering to christians as to avert a total civil war in Germany and focus German attention on jews, the primary enemy.
Buddhism was invented by Aryans.
Un-sage because you seem genuine, even if you posted a load of refuted boomer crap in OP.
Thank you kindly,it seems ive broken through the kikery and found some real info, i dunno why yall try ot hide it so harshly,i get the shock factor to scare away but cmon dude i jack off to decap videos.
Now….how was hitler influenced throughout WW2 to stop focusing so much on the war to focusing more on the cube,and its expulsions through christ?
Explain this more thoroughly
No he's not, everyone already knows this
Daily Reminder that National Socialism was literally made by the guy who mentored Marx who was also the creator of Zionism.
and who was also the creator of Zionism
I am genuine but 4D chess is real you musty nigger.
Anyways thanks for the info,but there is something more to this physical realm that binds this symbol and all others to this cube and the representation of saturnalia.
Hitler knew this,many culture knew this,it was more than a symbol of luck. Thats the biggest lie ive heard,and if it was hiw did every fucking religion,and native americans know of it.
There are things out there stronger and older than even paganism or sun worship.
Back to the topic,what did hitler do that was conservative? Or right leaning? His rule was a democratic rule,he even won by democratic rule and not a military or political coup like others.
The night of long knives was well after hed won
And who would this be?
Friedrich Engels
As Christians you should know that numbers never lie and are the framework of God…and of satan/saturn
Swastika is in no way related to the jew cube.
Every religion didn't know of it, only those invented by Aryans. "Native Americans", aka Siberian immigrants, killed and replaced the previous inhabitants of North America - guess who they were? Aryans.
There was nothing nationalistic about communism and Engels didn't invent it, that would be Moses Hess:
Im asking about images i saw on 4chan i get it,that board is fucked,but every 300 posts or so there is a bit of good info to research involving,the cube and its representation of being opened by the cross.
Its the info i seek not the origins of the picture.
Quit using pussy doxxing and reverse search tactics and passive agressive bullshit to insult me.
(this is why your wives dont fuck you.
(See all the kikey diversion here lurkers))
Now discuss the cube the the swatika and the cross and how hitler searched for the answers correlating to these.And some answers he found.
Also why is saturn worshipped as a star brighter than the sun? Much of the sun worship isnt until sol invictus where the sun ruled all…yet in many religions saturn is the original ruler of the solar system.
Tell me what this means and how it correlates to Christianity and also the lack of an earth worship in the pantheon of paganism?
Why can't threads like this get anchored?
This guy gets it,and the only dubs.
You cant hide truth faggots
Hitler would have you all burned and it watch personally
Everyone knows Hitler made a deal with Stalin to divide up Poland.
Numbers are the framework of god.
Kikes begone
I seek the truth from degeneracy
Then how does it not?
Is this the only representation of early dominant sun worship?
and Lenin complained about the interest rates the USSR was getting from the bankers of the city of London.
But who set up the deal?
Haavara was a failed policy. Jews were later destined for Madagascar and then France where they'd live under a strict SS police state. OP is a Jew.
Satan is here as well,
…im asking too much tonight it seems,
That is all
I was watching Hitler's speech yesterday and kinda thought the same thing, especially when he says that Hitler is Germany, Germany is Hitler and people must devote their labor to it. Isn't that what's happening in China andNorth Korea? I might be wrong so I need to study the differences between National Socialism, Socialism, Nationalism, Democracy and so on until everything is clear.
and it was a failed policy,that ran for years?? Are you blind to the own caption of your kiked website?
Haavara resettled 60k Jews to land already given to kikes by England. The rest were to be sent to Madagascar but this destination was found inadequate and replaced by France. Palestine at the time was a desert barren wasteland and Jews in France were to live under an SS police state.
Communism is an ideology of materialism - National Socialism is a philosophy of material and spiritiual / idealism. Democracy is a big retard.
All roads lead to communism it seems
But i thought he wanted them all dead??
If he wanted them all dead he would have gassed them but the Holocaust didn't happen. Hitler wanted Jews out of Europe and allowed 60,000 to head into Palestine and the other millions he had destined for France. Hitler's only mistake was accepting deportation as the Final Solution. He should have gassed every last Jew.
So, we must live by the rules of life/nature. But first, we must find out what the laws of nature are, which will take some time. Until then, we must live by the rules decided by who? According to Hitler the Catholic version of the rules is bad so what options do we have other than the rules of our ancestors or borrow someone else's or just follow the NSDAP manifesto. That doesn't sound very natural to me. There must be more to that quote.
But then again if you think about it, maybe it was natural order that made Germans retaliate against Jews, corrupt Germans of that time. Then yet again(!) it was natural for the rest of the world to destroy the Nazi party when it's role as a pest control mechanism ended? And then the UK and USA reaped the benefits from the whole event in the form of experiment results from nazi scientists, and the scientists themselves as I've read some of the scientists and army personnel was hired/employed by various 3 letter organizations.
Anyways, in the end did National Socialism got removed by natural selection? I mean it's the shortest lived ideology compared to others. The other ones like communism and democracy are shit but they did survive for quite some time. I'm not saying we should shill for democracy or communism or socialism as we all know how dysfunctional they have become. Can't we come up with something better or modify the existing ones now that we have a better understanding of the laws of nature? I'll bet there are more brilliant anons here than in other communities. Like whip out 1000 of manifestos and see which ones live up to the scrutiny of anons.
tldr; National Socialism was flawed or it would survived and generally adopted. Time to re-evaluate things and improvise.
What's this time cube you talk about?
just leave, please
Were they supposed to migrate to Madagascar originally? And they were sent to then Arab Palestine because it was a failed British Colony? The more I dig the stranger it gets.
Pretty sure I won't be sleeping tonight. This stuff is amazing.
From what I understand, yes. Early Zionists merely wanted a Jewish State. Palestine was pushed at a later time because of muh Torah prophesy.
This is going to be mostly nonsense, because it is very late and the topic you present is very dense, especially given the weight that this type of occult study puts on a person;
The thing is there really is no particular good and evil, in the sense of what is allowed and what is disallowed on a cosmic level, there is only what assists and what opposes your organism.
Saturn is not inherently evil it is a fact of life, this fact of life is the very fact that life essentially eats itself, the issue is that there is a group of people who idealize the eating of life to support life.
Our racial ideal is to create robust and resilient life.
Because primordial memetics are not diametrically opposed to one another there is a level of interlap, life does inevitably devour life in order to support life, this is within the realm of the Gods, we are the organisms which choose an avatar to align with, and the Aryan aligns himself with the life-giving Sun.
Thus we stand beneath the swastika, while the Jew stands beneath the cube.
We believe in progress.
They believe in containment.
We cultivate Heroes.
They cultivate slaves.
You will see Adolfs face when then rope gets tighter around your neck.
I agree with the first half of your post. Didn't understand the rest clearly.
A hero must save something from someone to be a hero. Saving yourself doesn't count and saving the leader makes him a soldier. Maybe he saves a slave from an oppressive master? That's what the US did as it defeated Germany. Also, this type of heroism mentality is seen among the SJWs because they think they can save every wretched thing they see as being oppressed, not that they need saving. These terms(hero, slave) are so abstract and emotionally charged that it's risky to develop a robust ideology based on them.
You answered your own question. Who was his primary target during the night of the long knives? Maybe my info has been scrubbed kosher, but as far as I'm aware the leader of the SA was a big time leftist and Hitler had him necked.
Alas! Fair Acosta!
I see where you're coming from on the hero and slave dichotomy, but there is a simple archetype behind both. Essentially a hero is an individual who summons a greater force to rise above his circumstances to create something better, where as a slave is someone who is subjugated to his circumstances by a force which is greater than him.
It's important not to confuse the archetypes with the manifestations of modern politics which use the same terms, there is nothing inherently heroic about saving slaves.
The current narrative would lead you to believe that the most heroic person would be the one who freed the most slaves, that simply is not the archetype of a hero.
Whether it's good or not, that's just not the archetype.
I would also like to say in regards to one of your other comments that while national socialism in the sense of Nazi Germany did not last more than 20 years the core philosophy of national socialism embodies an archetype just as old as every other philosophy which drives politics and society today.
preoare to be BTFO you kike. the Havara Agreement was Hitler's plan to out Jew the Jew at their own (((shekel grubbing))) system of Intl usury. in 1934 the German economy was flat broke. because Hitler has secretly increased military spending to 50% of GDP in order to accelerate the re-armament which had been supressed by the Treaty of Versailles. Britain and several other EU nations had floated their currencies by unlinking from the gold standard. the US economy was in the shitter. recall, this was when FDR made it illegal for Americans to hold gold and all gold had to be turned in to the (((Federal Reserve))). the global economy was about to crash and the pressure was immense upon Hitler to also debase the Reichmark by unlinking from the gold standard.
but Hitler stuck to his principles, because he knew that debasing the money was something only kike banksters did to force usury upon entire countries and thereby force inflation upon the Volk. so Hitler instead tricked the kikes by having German exporters in other countries use IOUs given to them by the German central bank, and use those IOUs to purchase the debt of German importers. this would be similar to what The Fed did in 2008 by printing billions and loaning it at 0% to foreign central banks in exchange for those banks buying more US stocks and bonds and debts. German exporters were paying German importers using foreign currencies without converting to Reichsmarks, so there was no negative impact upon the closed system of the German economy and this clever financial tactic stopped the bleeding of outflows from the economy.
the Havara Agreement was simply that trade policy applied to the kikes. as you can see from my screencaps, the kikes in German held 8 billion Reichmarks in wealth. the entire annual German govt budget was around 8 billion Reichsmarks, for comparison. how could Hitler both expel the kikes yet prevent them from taking their 8 billion with them and thereby crash the German economy? Havara and this trick to out Jew the Jew by using IOUs for German exporters to pay German importers in a foreign currency was the solution.
as you can see from my caps, 10% of the half million kikes in German used Havara to escape to Palestine. score one for the good kikes. expel the wealthiest kikes who are fleeing early because the rats sense if they delay then they won't be allowed to take their shekels with them, plus keep those fleeing shekels in your economy by exchanging them for IOUs from your own exporters in Palestine and thereby skip needing to exchange fleeing Reichsmarks into a foreign currency and damage your domestic economy.
read a book nigger. your D&C is weak and ignorant of history.
Nice slide thread, Moshie.
Checked. Dubs match card.
Sun and box are just another way to split the atomic facts. Growth means nothing without constraint. Neither consciousness nor physical existence are explicable in terms of our science, philosophy, or even our language. These things complete another pair of sun/box metaphors.
The real way to analyze this is via analyzing deceit. Nevermind your nonsense about the absence of good and evil, this reduces the world to a darwinian muck devoid of even the possibility of truth. This is the third world. To be foolishly forthcoming isn't wise, but to live a life of pure deceit in which every enterprise is dependent upon betraying the trust and best intentions of other living things is evil by any standard. Get with it.
There are an awful lot of these threads lately. Reeks of desperation.
Evil by any human standard, my statement is based upon Eternal truth not man's truth.
Anyone who functions based on deceit should be treated as an absolute Evil by any other human being. However the topic I'm referring to here is the Saturn cube occult issue of how the swastika and the sun relate to Saturn being the brightest star and what some have said is actually the black sun and all of that crazy out there occultic business.
Believe me my friend I am plenty with it, but I acknowledge the fact that we will get old and die, the fact that children are killed in car accidents, the fact that women are raped by all Races, the fact that men rape each other in prison, is all an aspect of Nature and therefore to a certain extent nature does all of these things to us and therefore nature doesn't really give a fuck about our morality.
So my main point here is simply that if you are going to go into the occultic Realms what you're doing is laying out the landscape, while the races are the players, the Aryans being the life-giving character which moves Humanity forward, the Jew being the binding character who seeks to subjugate the others for his own benefit.
good info
Hitler wasnt just a socialist leftist- he was also funded by the Bushs and Rothschilds
On of the early financiers of the NSDAP was Prescott Bush and the Rothschild Family.
Hitler aslo always celebrated xmas- the birth of Jesus- Jesus is the King of the JEWS
Hitler was basically a Rothschild puppet
everythign that is beeing thought about Hitler is wrong!!!
most rights are fucking clueless idiots that adore Hitler but have no idea who Hitler really was
Looks like we're being raided by shills and retards.
Don't engage, just filter while saging and calling them faggots.
Just go back.
Dunno, why?
It could fit into a Hitler speech, certainly, but it could also fit in the speechs of many different men throughout history.
That's weird, because I'm one and I'm gonna suggest its Engles.
Not really, no.
That's also Engles I think.
Settles what, precisely?
Only a true plebian would think ONLY Hitler espoused such commentary.
I figured as much.
What a surprise.
Yeaaah, but, what happened to Engles?
Oh. He died in 1895.
So, you're saying that because SOME of Hitler's rhetoric bore semblance to SOME of Engles rhetoric, they are equivalents in their view of and espousal of their respective definitions of "socialism", despite one having died while the other was 6 years old, because…. Why, exactly?
PARTS of it, sure. Again, Hitler and the National Socialists espoused a third position of sorts.
IOW: Were some of Hitler's ideas about socialism in line with Engles'? Most assuredly. Were they equivalents? In no way at all.
Also, you just posted a copy-pasta nigger.
Why are you plagiarizing an Australian psychologist to tell me about Hitler being a Marxist?
Boomertastic newfriend.
Go back, nunigger.
See above.
First, who cares? Second, you should kill yourself boomer cuck
Probably Trotsky.
I'm surprised nobody has started talking about the SA and all the political ramifications of its importance in the rise of Hitler and his later disavowal and elimination of this faction.
And that's just another reason to beware political idealism, and self sacrifice of one's individuality to some organization and some overarching idealism.
That shit is just unamerican.
This blatant disinformation thread has been up for 7 hours. Remember to thank Codemonkey for such quality content on this board, /intl/
some of the shit is hysterical. Hitler was a rothschild puppet. Really niggers? Really think we're that stupid?
what is the context of these pictures, brother?
Ive never seen the pic of hitler in front of the flatearth map, but it looks sort of fake? I cant put my finger on it. I also cant find a source that proves or disproves it.
Im still hodling on to the spherearth view bc i dont understand the logic and physics of flat earth and why the sudden surge of it in the past few years
What is that giant andromeda craft and where did that diagram come from?
What is the relevence of jewish lies in the news when we know its lies?
national socialism was a whole lot more esoteric than most people care to talk about. why do you think the vatican turned against hitler? the nazis may have been socialists but they were not internationalists.
Yeah ive heard about esoteric national socialism, never came across any literature though but I would welcome it.
I know they werent internationalists and thats why the world turned on them. But that doesnt answer any of the questions I asked. I havent been on Zig Forums since 2015, theres a lot that ive missed
Then whats the answer,most research points to christ being the answer to escape the cube,hitler saw a way out through the sun, this and sol invictus are the only times that the sun is worshipped as the main diety…what is the sun? What is the black sun and how does it shine light on the truth of the satanic cabal that rules this planet?
I felt homesick for a place that doesnt exist for a long time…
Guys I'm only here to ask questions not be convinced or to convince anybody of anything.
Oh please, everyone knows the Kaaba is a lich's phylactery.
He modified it to steal a little bit of many souls from worshippers constantly touching it, instead of the usual one whole soul in a very long time.
Why would God need physical contact?
I guess you having freedom is wrong by "natural selection" because the entire jew controlled planet ganged up to take it away.
We're all fucking doomed.
The white race is going to be wiped out because the only white people who care have advanced-stage schizophrenia and spend their days arguing over semantics and labels.
Muh right
Muh left
Muh soshulism
Muh freedum
Someone just steal some nukes and end it all already.