and It's fucking hilarious
On a more serious note, hate JP or not, this could be a good thing
Jordan Peterson takes a break from selling rugs to announce he's working on a Patreon replacement with some jews
Other urls found in this thread:
If only leftards realize they're kikes, but I doubt it since it doesn't fit their narrative.
No, it will another "if you point out the jews jewing you're not allowed" site.
You don't know that, and even if so, breaking Patreon for going woke would be a good development.
This is pretty true to be honest.
Everything to stir the (((Pot))) will help, even if it's not an alternative in the long run.
That aside, we still have crypto, I hope that shit will remain hard to (((regulate))).
I've listened to Peterson.
They're already maneuvering to make an official ctyptocurrency backed by major institutions, including a new patented hash confirmation platform (forgot the name, it's past midnight here).
Another farce to continue the illusion of 'FREE MARKET GOY'
what ever happened to the pre-Internet model of a business having a PO Box and when you want to buy from them, you mail a letter containing a check or money order? does the USPS no longer exist? do PO Boxes no longer exist? do money orders and checks no longer exist?
i see these cucks and kikes boasting they are going to create their own alt-right paypal or bank or Visa and i just see nothing but faggotry. they don't have the funding, the connections, the experience, the team of hundreds and thousands of specialized workers–just because you have a popular Jewtube channel doesn't mean you know how to build your own Jewtube. fame and ego and narcissism amd shekels has gone to these e-celebs heads.
sure, snail mailing a money order is slow but it entirely solves the censorship problem, since the govt cannot censor the mail if no crime has been commited. stupid lazy faggots nowadays have low impulses and no patience and everyone is poisoned by instant gratification.
i remember mailing money orders to buy gizmos from infomercials and waiting 2 months to recieve the item in the mail.
if these e-celebs had true fan bases and if there was a real populist movemt behind them, then people would not mind at all having to go through multiple steps and wait in order to support their e-celeb. if the vast unwashed masses of Jewtube viewers gave a shit and truly supported their leaders they would do whatever to takes to pay e-celebs in order to keep creating Content.
I'm old enough to remember this, but it's a pain in the ass. Sending money to a friend who doesn't have paypal still is a PITA.
Convenience will win out, which is why the way they're going to kill bitcoin is first through making a competing system that is much faster and easier to use (especially if you get a paycheck in dollars)
when the system eats itself
The FUCK is that thing? Ready the flame throwers!
Literally the first second of the behind the scenes video. I really came here to share it, but I'd get a temporary ban for starting my own thread just for that.
What kiketube has managed, even with their overreaching censorship tactics, is reaching millions on a single-platform
And yet … a shitty little corner of the net where the Autistic gather and shitpost their OC, has destroyed the behemoths like kiketube playing whack-a-mole with non kike approved channels.
There is a delineation happening naturally, where those that must have a face-vid(or they won't watch), gravitate towards a platform like kiketube. And there are those that gravitate towards the chanz. Something is developing organically that communicates logic & reason without the fanfare of kiketube; aesthetic faces delivering indoctrination wrapped in falsehoods and happy feelgood bullshit, great intro's, e-celeb star status, and that level relevancy that the egotist mind craves.
twitter gang on point
Of note also, is that these faceless shitposters have successfully cost the controllers Billion$ in wasted shekels, countless hours in developing scripts/AI's, lost wages, lost employment and a thread running through societies which completely de-programs at least 12-years of goy financed enforced indoctrination
Its why i hope these glorious Chan bastards never stop doing what they do best!
12 years of programming, down the drain!! Never thought i would see the day.
I don't think people even know how to write checks anymore user.
We're the top of the internet food chain, and if they shut us down here I know of another few injection points.
Well, it's still better than having no alternative options whatsoever, isn't it? Also there's such a thing as concealing your power level, do you want whoever you're theoretically donating shekels to to openly sperg out about kikes and niggers at every turn?
Okay dad, don't get too excited now. QAnon MAGA and all that.
Before FLAC I used to tape-trade internationally and had to buy postal money orders often. I don't miss that at all.
Again illustrating that "there are no good jews" doesn't mean "there are no jews trying to do good" but closer to the christcuck ideal that we are all born sinners.
Openly naming the jew is career (and sometimes literal) suicide and always has been, now more than ever. Dropping subtle redpills and letting people connect the dots on their own is much better for publicity, how you not know this?
this is why i just laff and laff at the hysterics in the fake news about MUHRUSSIA and i bust my gut laffing at NATO wonks and career Pentagon infowar "experts" who are all crying about hybrid 4g warfare and imaginary botnets capable of mind control over the masses by using mere cartoons.
these fools don't realize their hysteria is the worst move you could make against a broad and sustained populist revolt which has now reached 1928 levels of recruitment.
NATO's popular delusion blaming non-existent bots and fake news is proof they have entered the death spiral and crossed the event horizon and can no longer escape. this is exactly what happened in the USSR under Gorbachev, when Soviet propaganda reached the point of diminishing returns and could no longer compete with counter narratives flooding in from the West.
the NATO CIA propaganda machine is commiting seppuku by going to extraordinary lengths to convince normies that invincible lies pervade all media in order to explain away decades of losses, blunders and diasters commited by NATO/CIA. because thst is just going to make millions more people believe even less of all media.
there was a time when i was afraid of the NDAA allowing Pentagon to target their propaganda at domestic audiences, and also of battalions of thousands of US military info war staff at Fort Gordon who try to brain wash us and also shit like JTRIG who uses hacking and spying to frame propaganda. but then Trump won.
now i welcome and encourage MUHRUSSIA hysteria and making everyone think all news is fake, because that accelerates the timeline towards DOTR.
There is still plenty of uncharted territory in SW dev, specifically game dev for some of us basement dwellers; limited only by creativity. Autists need no training. They're Autistic for fuxxsake
Who knew a kids game could be so much fun. Now, an unassuming corner of the net intended to be a containment zone is leaking into Norman phraseology and even helping them avoid the malignant cancer Western society has become. They shut down one chan, 100 more materialized. "Whack-a-mole" for adults being treated like 12-year old's for wrongspeak, is the new Zelda
Just put the brackets round crypto and stop blowing smoke up your own ass.
You can't do a fucking thing with it, and you will only be able to when they say it's the new currency and cash is no longer being printed, as each note gets back to the treasury it will be destroyed.
B…B…B… I'm a buttcoin millionaire! what did you think, they wouldn't make the replacement to cash and true anonymity attractive in the beginning.
Only bare essentials may now be bought with cash without a record.
>philosemitic peterson and (((intellectual dark web))) make a patreon competitor
Jordan Peterson isn't exactly a free-speech champion…
Can't wait for Petersoneon.
Irrelevant, pointing out jews jewing isn't "sperging out"
Could it have something to do with him being a college professor and family man and not wanting to lose everything via guilt by association with cringy openly neo-nazi autists? No it must be more Zionist 36D chess, obviously.
based on what?
Stupid name. Be original.
isnt it dead?
The fact that he kicked Faith Goldy off a "free speech" panel on a university because she is pro-white.
Please, lurk moar, faggot.
I'm willing to bet she's just an attention whore and doesn't believe in the things she says
This is your brain on Faglin MGTOWism
sure bud, I'm not just deferring to established patterns
in fact I'll post a video where she disavows because she lost her patreon that I found just by googling her name
debate with altright when
Sounds good.
>posts a video from Right Wing Watch
I'd bet 100 dollars that you're wearing velcro shoes and possibly a baseball helmet.
Good. That shit won't redpill anyone. If you sperg out about muh jews you deserve to be deplatformed. You do more harm than good.
The JQ must be answered in private, not publicly.
Nigger do you know how to read? did you mother drop you as a child? I said I googled her name and that was one of the first results, and she doesn't double down she backpedals about how the 14 words aren't hate speech.
How are the 14 words hate speech?
What's hateful about wanting white people to exist?
Acting like this video backs up this statement
is plain retarded. I don't even know what point you were trying to make, but you failed horribly.
I didn't say they were you dip.
It's a video of her responding to being deplatformed. She's clearly upset and is arguing that saying the 14 words is not hate speech, but she isn't affirming her beliefs beyond the civnat level.
Pat Little does this and the FBI confiscates all cash sent, not even kidding. You think the kikes would let anything slip?
But she very well could be doing that. Do you have proof she's more than a civnat?
It is not on me to disprove that she is pro white, it is on you to prove that she is. How many children does she have? How old is she?
The answers to these questions should be self evident in their implications.
Most millenials around here still use them for utility bills. And boomers use them at the store for everything, so it's not going to change for at least another decade or so. Dunno how zoomers would even learn though, so anyone born after the turn of the century doesn't know how to look things up online.
I'm going by her own words. You're the one ascribing motives that she could or could not have. Just say you have no proof next time and call me a faggot or something like I know you wanted to. Trying to sound smart instead really does the opposite.
I have more proof than you do.
She is childless at 29.
If she was serious about the 14 words she would be focusing on building a family and not on advancing her political career.
If you haven't learned this shit by now I got a "based mama" you may be interested in funding.
Yes, you did, you fucking retard.
In you state that "she backpedals about how the 14 words aren't hate speech", and this is supposed to be proof that Faith Goldy is not pro-white, because she states that the 14 words are not hate speech, which means that you think the 14 words are "hate speech", and therefore seek to try and D&C with this retarded dichotomy, you're a retard and everyone knows you're a kike. Go wash your penis you faggot juden peterstein fanboy cuckold.
are you short a few chromosomes?
Do you speak english as a second language?
Wash your penis, no more shitposting for you.
If she believed in the words she would have said SHE DID NOTHING WRONG, not try to defend and justify the statement on the kike grounds of defining hate speech. It's not that hard to understand.
Oh yes, Juden "censor Whites who discuss race realism" Peterstein will surely create an open platform for all to make a stable income. Daily reminder that the straw that broke the camel's back for Peterstein was Sargon of Mossad being banned from Patreon.
@ 12:33:
now that's a real argument
But hanging a painting positively portraits Lenin and Trostsky is totally neutral and ok right my huwhite bruda? Or larping as some rothschild in one of their parties?
She's a whamen, user. She's trying to make an emotional argument not a logical one, because that's the only way she can frame her perception of the world.
Get off the spectrum for a minute and just admit that what you typed looked like you were insinuating that the 14 words were hatespeech. There is no need to die on this hill over it.
You're completely incoherent. She didn't backpedal at all.
Every time.
no shit, it still boggles my mind that anyone looks to women for leadership
Nice leftist strategy, I meant what I said and I don't need to correct a statement I mead that you misunderstood because you were too busy to read and think before you replied.
Buddy if you don't see her being defensive I can't help you.
I just said your post was a real argument even though some of the context is lacking forgive me for not rushing to the defense of milady
Fucking quote the part where she backpedals you doublenigger retard faggot
Well at least you're being open about your judiasm now, that's all anyone can really expect of you.
You don't see the statement "the 14 words are not hate speech" as back pedaling after saying on the stream that she didn't even see them as controversial, that saying the opposite would be controversial?
you're lazy and you put no effort into your arguments.
You talk about the emotional strategy as a given to be accepted not ridiculed and demand I admit to saying something I didn't because you can't be asses to cop to your own mistake.
If you could make a decent fucking argument this board would be 10 times more productive.
Fuck that pretentious sack of shit. Vid related never fails to make me smile
Back to reddit.
What is it with you kikes and your obsession with shit anyway?
Productive for who? Peterstien shills who whine about le arguments while screeching everything is a leftist?
Oh, you don't know what the word "backpedaling" means. Nigger IQ confirmed.
Juden Blatt Peterstein, admirer of Sargon of Mossad
DAILY REMINDER: The Intellectual Dark Web is a creation of George Soros. It was created by Eric Weinstein, who is employed as an official expert at George Soros' INET thinktank NGO, the same think tank that was co-founded by Jim Balsillie, the man whom Peterstein worked for at the United Nations for three years. Peterstein tries to pretend his inclusion in the (((Intellectual Dark Web))) is some kind of random coincidence.
What a surprise, Sargon of Mossad is not only associated with Soros' (((Dark Web))), he is now receiving financial aid from them in the form of the creation of a new web application that can be used to funnel money into his bank account.
Peterstein is working closely with his fellow agents from George Soros' anti-White goy propaganda division to figure out how to open uninterruptable monetary channels to their most valuable psyops.
Just imagine how hard Peterstein is rubbing his hands thinking about skimming 5% off of millions of dollars per year of paypig revenue.
W-w-woah b-bucko, Juden Peterstein is seriously displeased.
Brace yourselves, none of this is being treated with casual regard. Peterstein has reached his limit, no one fucks with the shekels of his favorite anti-White eceleb. No one.
Productive for kicking off real shills instead of having back and forth you're a kike no you're the shill level arguments, post a fucking video of shit happening or an article to back up your statements for fucks sake.
I know the difference between words spoken with conviction and without.
I hope the next election deals such a crushing blow to you civnat rats that you never dare to show your cowardly meek heads again.
You do it for free don't you? That kike isn't even paying you for this is he? I bet he doesn't even know you exist, and would call you a nazi if he did.
This is a jew.
How long before they start banning dissents of the alt-right, nationalists, etc.?
nod an argumend/10
We've got a live one here.
Post a video or article that proves she is Pro White.
Self actualise your penis :^)
I don't even like Faith Goldy, I don't care what her political views are whatsoever, or any other woman for that matter. The fact of the matter is that Peterstein censored her speech because she associated with a bad goy.
ok, give me an article or video proving that
Notice how the kike shifts the goal post. I'm filtering it now.
Did you ever stop to think about possible reasons as to why he did it?
You know Peterson is constantly getting associated with the worst possible groups, despite never expressing such ideals from those groups. What would you think would happen if someone like her appeared on the panel?
I am not saying I agree with what he did. I am saying I understand.
He's just another leftist cunt milking shekels out of deluded kids. He sees nationalists as his enemy and offers us nothing, so I have a hard time understanding why anyone would make a good faith argument on his behalf.
Upon reviewing vid-related, the explanation he gives makes sense. It was right after the whole Charlottesville escapade.
If you are going to accuse someone of doing something, make sure you include the context. Isolating and pinpointing things out of context is a lefty move, bro.
Another kike. This thread seems to be getting a lot of attention. You yids from reddit? Wait, before you answer, let me filter you.
How does a site that is just donations make money? Does patreon take a % of the donation? is it just ad revenue (which I don't believe for a second)?
Probably because you have a hard time with taking other peoples' reasoning into consideration before jumping to conclusions.
So what does he offer the right?