of the Birth of the King of the JEWS.
If you celebrate XMAS you are a JEW lover
fuck kikemess
of the Birth of the King of the JEWS.
If you celebrate XMAS you are a JEW lover
fuck kikemess
kys larpagan, Jesus is the Savior of the white race.and you'll drop to your knees to worship him.
Nah, philosemite.
Jesus is a fictious character invented by the JEWs
fuck jeus fuck xmas and fuck you too
I will never worship any other man you faggot go on your knees for the King of the JEWS- I resist
Christianity is the savior of mankind but what is the Zig Forums approved religion? Is Hitler our God King? Because he dropped the ball kind of hard despite having a good message to get behind.
no religion at all is the best religion, why forceing yourself into believing something when you have the power to know things for sure.
Christmas has nothing to do with Christ. It is a fraud that replaced the true celebration of Yule. Santa is Odin. Do not be deceived.
People here seem to be pretty sure about a lot of things despite not hard evidence and only coincidences contrary to popular belief. I figured there was something here I haven't lurked hard enough for.
Bullshit, xmas is the birth of Jesus from nazareth and he was the King fo the JEWS.
INRI = Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus from Nazareth, King of the JEWS)
Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.
gogole it- dont be so fucking dumb
and christianity is not the savious of mankind you dumbfuck, religion is a pure form of evil
You either believe in our god or we kill you
and how many christian priests are convicted Rapists- its because christianity is built by jews- and jews are evil fucks thats why they created religion.
and look at santa
where an old man forces young children to sit on his lab- only sick jews and childmolestor priests come up with that
This is incorrect, and you haven't studied history. Christmas was introduced across Europe after Yule, it was part of converting the pagans Anglo-Saxons to Christendom. Santa is modeled after Odin, and the winter celebration of 12 days pre-dates the so-called Christian celebration of Christmas. Jesus was born in the Spring, not the Winter.
You go Google it, because you are the retard here.
send me a link cause i cant find shit what you talk about.
Xmas is the birth of Jesus- the king of the jews- you got to be retarded to not know that
Christianity and catholocism are the herald of morals and the nuclear family, against adultery, theft, jealousy among others.
Despite the belief in the God himself, Christianity is aligned with most of the values of people here on Zig Forums who value the white hetero family who is self sufficient, educated, and takes care of their fellow man.
These threads get lazier every night. What, did you get a package deal and have a number of consecutive nights you have to cover but had no agreement on quality upkeep?
most whites are clearly degenerates and retards
you hate on muslims because you say mohammed fucked a 6 year old, the same time you defend christianity that was built by hoesxuals and childmolestors and basically started by jews- oh but I forget you faggots on here dont liek kikes- how come on xmas you celebrate the birth of the King of the JEWS
you whites alre cleary weird confused degenerates
Christmas as the birth of Jesus was an idea introduced only after the invention of Yule, and the earlier Winter solstice, which are interrelated.
Here is an infographic for Santa being Odin: infolocata.com
Even the Wikipedia page about Yule says most of what you need to read: en.wikipedia.org
If you don't like Yule, you're probably a nigger or camel fucker.
who cares about Santa??
Im talking abotu xmas and the birth of Jesus- fuck your odin
this is a fucking xmas thread
Jesus is the King of the Kikes and if you celebrate xmas you celebrate kikes- the kike king
Jesus was born in the Spring. The celebration of Yule, which Christmas is a poor replacement for, has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. It has everything to do with Odin, who was said to fly through the air and run down chimneys, giving favor to those who did well, and lumps of coal to those who did wrong.
noone thinks about Yule or ODin when they celebrate xmas today
xmas in the form of what they celebrate it today is the birth of Jesus the king of the Jews- this is the meaning of todays xmas
You are too retarded to live, and it's a miracle you are able to operate a computer. I feel pity for your family, who must surely have to provide for a mentally challenged person such as yourself. Have fun with your autistic screeches about the "king of the kikes" and Christmas. You will die alone, internally screaming, but with no one to care for you.
ITT: Jews argue with each other
*Jewish bots
im retarded but you defend xmas but hate jews.
you cant make this retardness up
Santa and Jesus are Jews- go celebrate that shit not even Hitler celebrated xmas
It's usually just consumerist horseshit, it has been for a long time. Kind of a sidegrade to pretending to celebrate the not-birth of a dead yid though, neither is particularly desirable or useful to me. A more pagan take might be better but probably not by much, only in the absence of two major avenues of kikery (consumerism and filthy semitic desert religion.) I think just having family get-togethers and eating nice food while discussing how many kikes died in the holocaust (zero) and how many should in the next one (all of them) is ideal, all of the other trappings barely matter.
I once read a definition of "American Tradition" as "Anything a Boomer did twice." Got a hearty chuckle at the time. Now it's just kind of somber.
it just goes to show you that the jews run the show- even right wing idiots celebrate xmas not knowing or even knowing that all the do is celebrate a retarded kike baby king
same with the left- both celebrate xmas- that goes to show you how fucked we are
Why do you hate a religion that started wars against Muslim invaders?
both left and right in europe and the USA both knee down for xmas and celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth the King of the JEWS
of course this shit is consume based- Jews invented that shit
because it was created by Jews to make us fight moslems when in reality we should fight the kikes like the moslems do
Christmas celebrations just encompass old traditional European celebrations on the same day, in which we gave gifts and spent time with family. Christmas is as European as it gets, monkey. Fuck off.
you just a brainwashed right wing worker probably that reads the newspaper and shit his pants for the moslems - you aint right you dont even recognice the problem- you just a fucking ball from the jews- and you so retarded you dont even know that they take you for a ride.
Kikes sell you the war against moslems so the can watch us kill each other and the long nose will laugh on the way to the bank
Stop hating on Moslems - Jews are the enemy
On xmas you can see how deep the jewish corruption goes- rights and left celebrate at teh end of the year the birth of the king of the jews- fuck you
Im a proud Austrian Nazi and I rather fight with moslems agaisnt the Jews than celebrating jewish events.
Yo go and vote right and than go and celebrate their King- muslims dont do that
only weak right wng chrisitans tha on 1 hand sympathisze with nazis and on the other hand celebrate the king od the jews- fuck you
It doesn't matter what people "think" about. Most people don't think about jesus on Christmas. They think about our long-standing traditions, which are time with family, gift giving, and celebration, which have amazing survived for thousands of years. The war on Christmas is, in actuality, a war on our traditions and culture, as usual. Why those dumb slant-eyes in Japan and Korea celebrate Christmas, now that's something I don't get. It has nothing to do with them. They're our traditions.
Muslims would never celebrate the birth of a jewish king- but they are our enemiy, lol
get your facts right you bitch ass motherfuckers
But the musrats were raping and selling our women, slaughtering our men and children too, the Jews and their white crusaders were working together, you can't hate them for trying to reclaim the holy land from a religion that worships a pedo, and what marks the good Jews from the bad Jews? If you ask me it is the Jews who lack zionist and racial identities that work for the white man, or are they all bad for whites for in general?
BS- childmolestation genes and homosexuality runs deep in the genes of white christians-
the whole vatican is run by faggots
priest were always molesting little kids from the beginning on- i cant beleive that anyone in his right mind can celebrate anything that comes from christianity- those are the most evil fucks on our planet.
YOu dont see black people or muslims go to bangkok to fuck on children, white men do that
Homosexuality is a white christian priest invention
Lmao you fill me with xmas glee
They're bad so long as they live in our nations because they inherently work as a group while also reaping the reward of looking similar enough to us to blend in and be given our resources. So basically they have an upper hand in life that no one else has. All through ancestral whoredom. Stolen genetics. DNA tests should be standard and jews should be removed from our nations. They'd just be another third world brown people absent the European factor.
No, that would be non-whites.
brainwashed clown, lol
cannibalism, child molestation, the crusades, governments, international banking, slavery all this was invented by the JEws and white homosexual christian leaders.
White christians and Jews are the enemy of mankind.
No culture in the world would celebrate a fucking jewish god, only sick christians do that. Noone else on the whole planet would ever think about celebrating a jewish king- none. the only ones are chrisitans cause they as sick as the jews.
How can they work as a group if they're smelly fat reddit atheists? If anything they're going to see your racism and become racially concious, you'll make them feel subhuman for not being huwhite and they'll go off and actually try to ethnically cleanse you out, it's the banking (((clans))) and their corp networks who want you to interbreed to produce a low IQ slave working class.
Or you're a kike?
Oh I recognize your spastic casing and reddit spacing. You're the reddit atheist from the other religion thread. Is this all you do? I can't imagine someone doing it for free.
unironically, I will start the goyim project- to educate the peopel on how deep and corrupt the Jewish influence is
christainity and jews are the enemy of mankind and the faster we get rid of these evil influence in soceity the better we will be off
Christmas was another holiday stolen from pagan culture or attempted to be assimilated during the conversion eras.
The real xmas happens on Dec 21st and should be celebrated with gift-giving, heavy drinking, and lots of fucking in order to draw more life into the trees for the next year. That or a massive hunt and celebration of such.
No but white Christians are unknowing traitors and the enemy within to whites everywhere.
thats what i said right?
They work as a group because jews in positions of influence and power prop up judaism, jewish victimhood, and the jewish identity, and thus if you're partially jewish, you get sucked into this little "clique" which has networks set-up to assist their own. Nepotism. Jews love being jewish because it helps them get ahead without actually working. On top of that, they look similar to us, due to their ancestors being whores and gene thiefs all for the purposes of stealing businesses and power through whoredom and mixing blood. So they get easy access to our resources, while they work as a jewish clique behind our backs to keep resources from us, usurp things from us, and attack us. White face. They've been hiding behind white face for a century now. I do advocate for killing judaism to kill the jew forever. It's a lot easier than actually killing jews. Use their own marxism and progressivism to kill their in-group.
Shit-skins like you, who've never produced a thing of worth, whose sole achievement is rape, murder, enslavement, and theft, are genetically primitive and should not exist. What third world primitive cesspit do you come from? China?
I'm on board with that
All of your Christian ancestors are looking down at you, weeping. You fool.
and stop hating on mslims you fucking retards- how can muslims be our enemy if they hate jews?
Easy. They're genetically primitive, ultra violent, inbred, low IQ sub-humans.
what shitskins rape in europe other than what the lies they tell you in the jewspaper?
most rape and childmolestation in europe is commited by family members in predominatly white christian households- get your facts right you baseless hater
imbreed- most white monarchs are fucking imbreeds- ultra violent- niggers didnt commit the crusades and forced you to beleive their shit or get killed.
And low IQ- look at you, low iq dude right here
and what does IQ mean-
I know so many people with high IQ that slave a low paid shit job, so what does IQ get you if you cant figure out to make money
Yeah more or less
Yes Christianity has done good for whites but we must be objective about it and not let our emotions get the best of us. Christianity is literally the only major world religion openly promoting letting your enemies win and kill you because you'll be rewarded in death. It is the root cause of the self-negating compassion that has made white countries into such a den of shitskin savagery today, along with other Jewish ploys like feminism.
what good did christanity ever do- other than taking out Jewish propaganda and spread it under white working class people.
Basically everythign that comes out of christanity is hate and murder and childmolestation and homosexuality and what is good on that??
christians are basically the same shit as a fucking jew- there isnt much differnets between a jew and a white christain- its the same evil corrup lieing sick shit
It's anti-White, it's you're guilty from birth, it's put it first, second and last, it's hate life, death is all that matters, it's hate yourself, family, race.
It absolutely does matter what people think about, they use our adherence to tradition to subvert us by associating those traditions with self-destructive practices like adherence to their trojan horse for semitic thought that is Christianity. The kike plays all sides against one another using every conceivable hook for their bullshit and this is one that worked all too well.
Women arent allowed in christanity to fuck, priest fuck each other or on children, these sickos help strengthen the Jew, even have the King fo the Jews as head of their sick twisted religion. JUst look at white christians the sum of earth right next to the JEW same sick shit
Say this ten times fast.
Sigh. For all the pagans, please note that Christmas is pagan as fuck. Yes, it officially is in memory of Jesus Christ, but it is based off the Roman celebration of Mithras and has a lot of Indo European symbolism, such as the Christmas tree (have you seen European style pine trees in the Middle East?)
Santa Claus, on the other hand, is literal Saturn (= Satan) worship.
i dont get it
Lmao they use the 48 laws of power to conduct their business, greed and thievery are human nature, war exists in us all, and they're just as capable of empathy and compassion as other races, this conspiracy you've made isn't true to reality, in reality your own race uses those 48 laws along side them, whites and hebrews have been working together since the vatican, they've put racial tensions into play to usher the ubermensch into being, with their genes residing in them, the death cult ideology you're following believes Germans are atlantians, no different from the Cherokee who believe they came from a star system, just lies packed on more lies, you're not the master race, no one is, the one thing you have is that more often than not you produce useful brains, it's funny how you take credit for what your race has done for the world and not what you have done, you won't see Jews doing that.
The celebration of Christ's birth was moved to match Yule and Saturnalia to appeal to the LARPagans by the RC Church. Scientists say that judging by the fact that sheep were grazing and the star the Maji saw his birth was either the end of September of the beginning of October, during Sukkot.
What brings you here, subhuman?
Yeah, all those "highly publicized" rape gangs. How about the fact that German blondes have to dye their hair dark to feel safer going outside in their own country now?
Yeah, we did, to get you sub-human monkeys out of our countries because you were enslaving, raping, and killing our people. You're a genetically primitive savage beast. Also you're the most inbred people on the planet due. Thank allah for that one. Maybe you take your goat fucking and child raping after him. He loved it.
Filtered. I didn't even know you shit-skin monkeys had shill organizations. Maybe you're just one of the welfare rats in Europe, using European wealth which you stole through welfare, to get access to a computer and the internet. Either way, I'm not spending anymore time on a savage sub-human beast like you.
Go back to Zig Forums you sub-human marxist rat. Filtered.
Spotted the lying Muslim. I never said shit about Muslims which you conveniently brought up immediately. I also never said anything about supporting Christian's or Catholics or whether or not I subscribed to the ideology. I asked what was the Zig Forums approved belief system.
So neck yourself muslim
what brings me here- to teach you ignorant fucks some facts.
and im sick of so called right wing people screaming against muslims adoring hitler and celebrating christmas and beeing pro christanity and if you cant figure this shit out for yourself, you lucky im here to teach you, cause it drives me so crazy when white retards think that they can hate on jews but than say they are proud christians-
christianity and jewism is the enemy of the world and unironically our closest alel in the fight against jews and christians are muslims, but you motherfuckers rather hate on them than working wth them against the jew
No they're not. Also not everyone is. It's an evolutionary trait which non-whites all but lack, and jews are mongrel shit-skins.
No, that's what happens when you have "diversity," you dumb marxist rat. Go back to Zig Forums. Filtered.
That's not what I said, projecting retard of non-European descent. I said abandon philosemitism while observing your traditions, because those traditions are older than philosemitism and better.
Most people in this civilization have empathy, and are just as afraid of death as you, what you're saying is that some people are born with ill developed brains, which makes sense, emotion and empathy are universal, you can't deny that.
They created the alt right, they created the immigrant crisis, they've given you false victories to calm the racial heat, the lemmings see you as nothing but shitheaded nazis, and you are national socialists, they'll never join you, they'll recognize you as a threat, the nazi identity you are attached to allows them to demonize you permanently, eliminating you from the rising ubermensch, you're not winning anything, you're frogs in a boiling pot. Kek
renaissance, enlightened monarchy, spread of literacy, crusades, things like that. But you're right, the constant European wars among different sects were by and large shit
You can't say that and leave. No one worships Santa on Christmas. He's a gift-giving figure. Also see Saying scary sounding things like "you're worshiping satan" doesn't amount to much if you can't back it up.
You might as well filter that shill. Him and two other monkeys are shitting up the thread with Zig Forums marxism.
This fucking kid and his autism, though. Reddit has landed and cannot even finish reading what a post says before he spergs out and starts screaming about muh ignore button.
Isn't this whole thread more d&c and paranoia fuel?
It's a shill thread for sure, shitting on European tradition, trying to get Zig Forums to mindlessly go along because they mentioned jews. It shows what kind of low IQ shit-skin was behind it.
I'm not pro-Christianity but whether the founder was jewish or not has zero bearing or relevance to me. Jews themselves called him a false messiah and have mostly hate for him.
This isn't even about Christianity. This is about European tradition and culture. Christmas is a European holiday which encompasses different traditions from around Europe. Hence the marxist arguments in the thread. Status quo marxism–destruction of culture and identity. The use of Christianity and jews is just a means to try to manipulate the flow of conversation. This has zero to do with either. Christmas is 100% a European traditional holiday and has nothing to do with jews, and the Christian aspect has no bearing on its origin. To abandon Christmas is to abandon our identity and traditions. Our ancestors celebrated similarly to us before Christianity even existed.
Just because you have (((internet access))) doesn't mean you're gonna save the huwhite race. You're low IQ middle class white trash if you actually think shitposting and memes is gonna help you preserve whites and white culture, get jewed.
Are you retarded? Yule traditions are nearly identical to Christmas traditions. If one was "co-opted," then both were, as it was the tradition, not the name, that was co-opted. The name is irrelevant.
Yes. It's identical. And you call it CHRISTmas fora reason. Scandinavians call it Jul.
It's been co-opted by christendom as a christian tradition.
sage and report.
Are you saying Justin Trudeau is a Christian?
Nevermind, forget this d&c thread. I'm an idiot for taking the bait and so is anybody else posting here.
You can't handle offtopic shitposting? What are you 18? Lmao Christianity despite being a soft and weak religion today, helped create western civilization, you can't deny that, whites and Jews have worked together in the past and work together the present today, you are a shithead who can't do anything but mock other people for being race mixed, even though no one decides what they are born as or even decide to live, we're all brought into this life without a will of our own, and it's sad that people like you have free will and choose to spend it on this shit, how pathetic lmao
Like I said, if the tradition has been co-opted, then it's been co-opted for both. Names are irrelevant. The tradition, to the core, is the same.
Merry Christmas and HH you fucking kike.
Mods on our side for once.
I never understand how people can ascribe the successes of European PEOPLE to a particular religion.
Can you tell me what exactly about Christian dogma had an impact on the things you said?
Literally how would this have been impossible to accomplish by the European people BUT FOR reading the Bible.
That makes no sense. Jul is the old original celebration. Christmas is the co-opted christian celebration which has completely different supposed reasons for celebration.
The rituals may be the same, but the reasons are not.
nobody on the whole is talking about Yule when celebrating xmas.
Xmas in europe Jewsa is the celebration of birth of the King of the JEWS and this what you white christians europeans celebrate- bitchass motherfuckers.
Jesus is a fucking kike period and you celebrate his birth on xmas bitchass faggots