Bad news for Anita Sarkeesian

Feminist Frequency was an offshoot of the Proteus fund which was paid PR for Islamic extremists.

Of course George Soros was behind it.

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Oh shit, somebody tell this to Milo, Sargon and IA quick!

How many times have the feminists been confronted about islamic issues?
And what has been the outcome 100% of the time?

user. user, this is important, and I need you to listen to me.

The year is 2018. Neither I, nor any other of the 7.7 billion humans on the planet earth, gives 1/1000 of a fuck about Gamergate or Anita Sarkeesian.

If the OP didn't think it was important enough to make a proper thread, it can't be important.

actually you are wrong. but maybe you personally do not care.

Yet (((“journalists”))) still bring it up to this day. Gamergate is just one saga in the anti-white crusade of the Cultural Marxists. It clearly exposed the pure lies and collusion of the mainstream media to a lot of normies. It’s still very relevant today.

Get off your soapbox, Goldstein. Let the news speak for itself without some fucking kike such as yourself chiming in.

Sarkeesian is a con artist. She doesn't give a shit if one of her cons finally fails, she'll just move on to something else.


This, I have heard the MSN put down anyone on our side of Gamergate as conspiracy theorists that push “Fake News” claims on real reporting. I have also seen that confuse the shit out of normies that thought things like CNN were reliable.



Hey Sargon, nice suit you faggot

It's a wedge. A fracture point. A way to break the programming and force a normalfag to fucking THINK for a minute.

And because of that, Gamergate will NEVER stop being relevant.

Yup. GG turned me from commie cuck into full-blown natsoc.

They should've just left video games alone so I could play them in peace

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all according to plan, goy.

No, the plan was to heard people into the aut-kike and kosher conservatism, throw a coat of paint on the neocohens and don't worry about Trump, he'll get in line.

This is the most useful factor of all: showing that (((journalism))) is just narrative-pushing and cronyism. All on a safe thing like vidya before you hit the hard topics, like muh Russia.

I declined writing something longer earlier in the day, but this. Gamergate may not have been the first domino, but it was sure as hell the largest of its kind until Trump came along. GG threw a massive wrench into the inner workings of the Cultural Marxist organizations trying to subvert the West.

Which in my opinion potentially explains why everything else has been ramped up these past few years.

Increased homosexuality and trooning. Increased interraciality. Diversity casting in pop culture. Climate "change". Abortionism. Even vaccination I'd rather get ill and pay for my own treatment than have mercury and fuck knows what else put in my bloodstream leads its supporters into a blind rage against those who dare question it. Every single "social justice" cause is tied into one another like a centipede comprised of ouroboroses.

So the net result is you have a horde of media-addicted, xenophile, homophile, transphile, Zionist pseudoscientific skeptics that honestly, unironically think they're among the smarter section of the population, and that everyone who is against them share the exact ideological opposites to their manufactured opinions. It's why they are mentally incapable of understanding the NPC meme. Because they are genuinely unaware that they are one of millions, not because they "know better", but because they have successfully been indoctrinated. Sometime between now and 2030, I seriously expect they will be told that physically harming/killing white Christians is perfectly fine, and every predominantly White country will become another South Africa. Because that is ultimately the end goal.

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Tax fraud and helping terrorism. Nice.

IA here, Holy shit!

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Exactly why you should never give up on this. The people who say "who cares" are going down the wrong path. The media cares enough to still be lying about it. They are still fighting. So should you.

/v/ mods deleted the thread

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I was going to call you a lying faggot, but then you got dubs. I guess you're the real deal, Jim.

Stop namefagging, asshole.

uh-huh, sure it did. You don't belong here, go back to your precious gaymer gate and fucking stay there.

Not him, but digging into DIGRA and Silverstring and finding connections to DARPA and all that is literally what made me go from generic Republicuck to gradually further and further right wing when I saw (((who))) was setting all of these things up. Zig Forums was here to give me the missing pieces with Jewish scripture and academics stating their intentions plainly. But it started because I just wanted to play my fucking videogames.

Did the muzzies think the soyboys were gonna join them?

GamerGate was about Microsoft/Bill Gates trying to take over gaming to be the new Hollywood brainwashing system.

Then the main dude that exposed it all went mad and stabbed his dad (probably mind control) and is now in jail for murder. Not the first time they made a dude go crazy.

That's Phase 4. They're still in beta on Phase 3:

>There were no current intelligence reports he could find on the alt-right, the sometimes-violent fringe movement that embraces white nationalism and a range of racist positions. The state police couldn’t offer much insight. Things were equally bleak at the federal level. Whatever the F.B.I. knew (which wasn’t a lot, Stout suspected), they weren’t sharing. The Department of Homeland Security, which produced regular intelligence and threat assessments for local law enforcement, had only scant material on white supremacists, all of it vague and ultimately not much help. Local politicians, including the governor, were also in the dark. This is like a Bermuda Triangle of intelligence, Stout thought, incredulous. He reached out to their state partners. “So you’re telling us that there’s nothing? No names we can plug into the automatic license-plate readers? No players with a propensity for violence? No one you have in the system? Gee, I wonder why, you fucking kike-slave Nothing?’’

Guess we'd better preemptively round up those alt-righters. Can't have 20 men with long guns running around Florida. Except they didn't. They never do.

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I used to be a member of the IWW. First Obama, then GG, then a Tibetan Bedazzler crafts forum on the dark web turned me toward the only sustainable philosophy. Marx would have called it a shedding of false consciousness, and then he would have raided the fridge and drank all the fucking beer.

Long ago I learned that Antifa in the USA had ties not just to Soros, but to CAIR as well. Radical gommies and sand niggers have joined forces.

Great read! But it's almost 4 years old. I wonder if there is an updated version

Mind control of his parents. They started a fight with him, called him a Nazi, and threw him out of their house because of the things that he had uncovered. The dude was already a little nuts, so he grabbed a knife and went stabby. What's worse, everyone who had published him scrubbed the information rather than defending the research.

The problem is bigger than Sarkeesian.

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t. """journalist"""

Gamergate won and lives rent free in your head.

You care. A lot.

Never forget.

They attacked gamers the first time. They will again. Prepare. Dont give them money. Fuck shills.

This, there are tens of thousands of non-pozzed games on many platforms which are easily obtained or emulated. There is no reason to rush out and buy the next edition of Modern Warfare: Poz Edition and the latest Chinese pay-to-win online games.

The truly patrician, white games are all free or easily obtained. Tribes 2, Dwarf Fortress, Ultima VII, Wesnoth, OOlite, Deus Ex, we have no need for the LGBTQP+ shitfest that is modern gaming.

*BTW I have to add any game with significant 'grinding' is non-white and designed as a time sink for goyim.

anita isn't even relevant in current year, literally no one gives a shit

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I've always said that Zoe Quinn started WWIII. Amazing that a D tier nerd thot could do so much damage by fucking people for game reviews.

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Bumping. This looks really fucking important and should not be down on page 10.

Was anybody here a Gamergate researcher? Do you have more information about Anita and her crew?

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Has she been audited?

7.7 billion? You count the shit skins as human?

You'll give a shit when she's the Minister of the Interior with sweeping police powers, which is what happens during revolutions like the one she serves.

Best to cyber-assassinate her, just to be safe.

This. She's like their bargain-basement Marshall McLuhan because he "tropes don't have to match reality" also matches up with their degeneracy.

I'd love to know what kind of deep, dark secrets she has. (Aside from pegging Josh.)

We know.

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From a /gghq/ dig

> 5. Anita's friend Jonathan McIntosh went anti-American after 9/11 and seems to be a fan of Osama bin Laden


It was interesting to see how Wikileaks went from everyone's darling fighting the system to ostracized overnight as soon as they made that tweet.

cool story shill

"> 3. The Anti-War on the World Coalition signed onto a Electronic Intifada declaration supporting the "Palestinian Right of Return", which is a demand that Arabs be allowed to invade Israel and seize any land they want whether they have a legal title to it or not. Israel already allows Arab immigration and recognizes prewar land claims. "

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oh snap …im going to love hearing about this on the ralph retard for the next 3 months ….

should be BASED!!!!!!

Fuck you. Gamergate was about ethics in video game journalism.

It was about more than that. There is still not one media outlet willing to tell the truth about it. Something very big went down.

W-whoah guys is it even legal to see this or do we need to wait and see if CNN tell us about?
I mean don't lets get carried away here right?

You unfathomable piece of utter total would-be gatekeeping CRUD.
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