NatSoc Economic policy

I must admit, that I do not know the particulars of natsoc economic policies outside of the basics. However, it has now entered into the overton window thanks to many yellow vests seeming to advocate for this economic policy. This thread is for education in this direction, for my own, and others benefit. How can I advocate for a system without knowing the details?
Where? I need direction as most search engines are very cucked and full of misinformation.
What books do I read?
Where is a good source of information on just the economic principles applied in Germany?
Some particular questions I have are;
How does the monetary peg itself to labor or man hours?
Is there differentiation in pay between jobs(construction vs doing dishes)?
How do you prevent differences in pay(should they exist) from becoming unbalanced like we currently see with bankers, actors, etc?
Ultimately, this information by itself will be useful for educating others with the intent of converting many people who are fooled by other policies. Natsocs didnt start by killing communists, they first converted their base, lets do the same.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump because great topic that gets slid everytime

he has many more awesome videos

This topic is more important now then ever I think, as people are more receptive to these ideas now than I have ever seen before. Also, college campuses are now considered public forums, meaning if we merely talk about the economics freely, and convert communists(which are mostly useful idiots anyways) at their very base. Talking about economics alone is also a good way to not immediately get labeled a nazi, while simultaneously softening people to these ideas.
Also sorry for newfag formatting and such, I normally only lurk.

Thank you for this, watching with great interest.

i know this great youtube channel
by an american skinhead that did alot of reading while he was in jail and then out.
there should definetly be a regulated system that detirmined the amount of workhours for vaious jobs. we have problems on both sides of the issue

also use this for the next thread

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Agreed, I want to understand the full system involved, and how it can be implemented.
Indeed, but this information needs to be in the public sphere and consciousness at the very least now, because…
These things are on the horizon, the people who decide this need to have this "3rd position" at the very least within their pool of information.

I started reading here:

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NatSoc is limited Capitalism with a big dash of Communisim in the the dick-tater allows small c capitalism as he sees fit, and takes over the institutions that could step outta line, like the press, etc. So, not much of a plan there, if you are a good little party member, you get to run your business, if not, you get stormtroopers for Christmas. It completely is the whim of one person, or maybe a few people, like a Syndicallist Cartel without majority rule. Whithout Utilitarian majority rule, you have less and less choice, which is the point of capitalism.

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In other words, Faschism just another bad religion and not at all a very good market strategy.


This is bullshit, its obvious the basis for currency and its subjugation to popular will rather than the other way around. It may be argued that it is capitalistic but, it has fundamental differences from almost any modern system that prevents alot of cronyism that runs rampant today.

National socialist economics is just rehashing the American system and adding a welfare state and militarism.

I can't believe no one has recommended these two books by Gottfried Feder:
Also, "Hitler's Revolution" by Richard Tedor:


then libertianism is a free4all deathmatch


also hitlers social reforms by Leon Degrelle is a short but good read

The economic goal of radically traditionalist ideologies (like natsoc and some forms of fascism) is not to destroy Capitalism as a whole, but to stop the wanton aggrandizement of modern capitalism fueled entirely by degenerate self interest without compassion or regard to higher virtue - to destroy the Capitalist elite - specifically the realization that mere wealth accumulators are not fit to rule, esp. those who do so at the expense of the people via the outright parasitic exploitation of their labors.

Pure Capitalism will always destroy itself - not only does it form an elite solely on the basis of wealth accumulation and generational wealth, but when left unchecked, or as the elite removes the checks, it seeks to undervalue labor ad infinitum until the workers (households) can no longer afford the goods that they produce and the system implodes.

Radical Traditionalism holds that wealth is not a measure of virtue, that the elite needs to resemble that of the warrior priest kings of the ancients - an elite, of the people - the naturally conscientious among us, who extol higher virtue and the best values of the spiritual and material aspects of existence. An elite of spiritual, intellectual, moral and ethical actors who place more importance of group health,-the health of the people, than their mere selfish self interest. The conscientious wield power with responsibility, reluctance and care.

The Capitalist world extols the fake virtue of the old money types and their secret societies and functions; and that of the Nouveau rich who lack class and taste, spend their money on frivolity and excess without the self realization that the only reason they came into wealth is mostly because of LUCK.
There is no such thing as a Materialist who is worthy of Power.

The Radical Traditionalist world extols the virtue of those who live frugal lives, below their means, the kinds of people who seek higher virtue and higher calling, the adventurers seeking the meaning and purpose in this existence, the warriors striking out against the evils of this Semitic mercantilist, materialistic world, and the Scholars who seek a greater understanding of the natural law and order

and in addition

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Also a GREAT thing to look at is IKKI KITA, who came up with a National Socialist philosophy in Japan well before the March on Rome or the Beer Hall Putsch.

If you read the last paragraph of the “programme”, it only explains what NatSoc is not, and it says it’s not capitalism or it’s satillite, communism. Plus it calls the great depression a result of the proletariat, but it wasn’t, it was straight up insider trading. Sorry, but NatSoc is just another religion with another dead messiah.

Well said, but Hitler himself, thee NatSoc extraordinaire, was himself a hoarding materialist who became very very rich by book sales of Mein Kampf and by the overt theft of art from all over Europe for his “personal” collection. Faschist dictators are laisse faire capitalists just like communist dictators or national socialist gurus. The thing is, only the dictators and their friends get to do it, most everyone else sucks eggs.

Pump out this policy and apply it to cryptocurrency, and a coin will be made for it.

Why bother? Why spend your time planning for something that will likely never happen?

It's time that you all face the facts. America has long-passed the opportunity of becoming a Nat-Soc ethnostate. Look at the demographics of your nation. Move on and place your hopes on a different subject that may give you real fulfilment. I have my hopes in Christ, but as for you Nat-Soc folk there's no hope for you on Earth when Hitler himself couldn't stop the onslaught.

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Germany Speaks and The Program of the Party are two books you should pick up which give the German perspective on many facets of government during the NSDAP's time in power.


Don't they give you Yids the week before Hanukkah off, at least?

Nothing will happen if we do nothing. What makes you think I am placing my hopes in an ethnostate? I am a firm Christian, I dont even want the fruits of this system, I just want to educate others on options when the collapse does happen here in the US(our debt is untenable). I am talking/asking about an economic position to replace the one that will surely fail, communism will be worse, but they can get behind this sort of policy. Some policy will need to rise out of the ashes though.

This defeatism is not Christian.

The basics:

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Please tell me this is a shitpost.

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Actual commie subhuman here.

Nah, these guys are serious, about as serious as you can take national socialist economics, anyway. No one even mentioned it’s a war economy based on theft from a targeted ethnogroup, just consider it human-parasite theory.

This is definitely a kike talking point.
What did Germany gain from international money by kicking out kikes and then confiscating their worthless Weimar toilet papers?
Germans created wealth from their own ability to produce and their inherent technological superiority.

But keep quoting "The vampire economy" while unironic being unable to realize that muttmerica is the vampire upon the world here.

I disagree.
If the only thing that matters in life is pretending to believe a silly story so that we can all go to a multi-racial fantasy land after death and suck a circumcised dick for eternity, then life really is meaningless. If the only thing that matters is making a magical jew feel good about himself, then our racial struggle is by definition pointless.
Of course, I live in the real world and believe that our racial struggle is THE single most important thing in the entire goddamn universe. No gods, no magic, no Jesus.

Secondly, why would a Christian be a National Socialist? His brain is already ocuppied with an egalitarian religion that proclaims that the worship of an invisible god is the supreme perogative of all mankind. ALL mankind. That includes the jungle swinging niggers and cross clutching gooks who are his brothers in Chrise jezus. The National Socialist on the otherhand believes that the preservation of his race is the supreme perogative of his people.

A man who is loyal to his invisible friend in the Bible/Torah is not loyal to his race. If the voices in his head told him to have sex with a nigger or a donkey for that matter, a true believing Christcuck would do it. No questions asked.
We National Socialists on the otherhand don't believe in invisible friends and don't hear voices in our heads. We believe in science and race.

I apologize. I really should not allow myself to distract from your question. The National Socialist economic policy is complex, however if I had to put it simply it is a system based around the collective good of one's nation or race while allowing private businesses to be owned by individuals. It's not just about forcing people to "share" their wealth (with the jewish oligarchs) at the point of a gun. That is jewish marxism. It's about a spirit of comradery and civic mindedness that is natural for our race.

This is my analysis anyway.

Innate Conscientiousness
A devotion to the natural law and order
The unfettered love for his nation and people
A steadfast devotion to purge the ills destroying his people
The belief in ascendance to the spiritual and metaphysical - in all honesty Hitler was like many of us in many ways, we reach for the spiritual aspect of existence in the dark and hope for the return of the spiritual aspect countering the material, physical aspect - some of us find some semblance of it in what remains of Christianity, some are still looking.

Hitler was still looking and even acknowledged he was not perfect.

We aren't against wealth accumulation.
We're against it at the expense of the health of the people.
But you:
Most of the shit he took belonged in reich museums, not in the private hands of semites

Read Gottfried Feder.
The originally adopted economic program when Hitler first came into power was essentially created by the Strassers (who were only the enemy of Hitler for personal differences on how the revolution should be conducted and not ideological reasons)

Not him -

Germany withdrew itself from the international semitc financial system and created its own system of wealth with the concept of money not as debt, but money as a virtue of labor provided thereof. It was an end to wanton usury and a repudiation of Jewish monetary dominance.

Which is why the kikes hated them from square 1, even in the early days when Hitler made nods to the Zionists in support of the Balfour Declaration.

National Socialism IS radically traditionalist - if you are confusing it with some kind of reactionary enlightenment conservatism you need to read more

Science is not exclusionary to matters of the spiritual, it is through the post modernist lens that the interpretation of science is to deny the metaphysical, spiritual existence of a higher power.
When the reality of science is for us to better understand the natural world and the natural laws that govern it so we can live in greater harmony with the natural order.

I don't give a shit what fucking skydaddy you worship, but you need to attune yourself to higher virtue, that their is a spiritual aspect of existence, and not a mere, lowly material one - and yes a Christian can be a national socialist as long as he realizes some of the bullshit precepts of his own religion were written by fallible men and the search for truth is never ending - that his race has a right to self determination and self preservation, even to the detriment of all others if necessary.

Abandon the last vestiges of banal materialism.
Seek higher virtue.
Seek the spiritual.

another stupid thread about essentially wordy nothing, to ease the pain of having to actually achieve anything in real life towards the benefit of whites.

We're not going to achieve anything until we step back from seething directionless anger and transition to righteous indignation, becoming the unstoppable force we need to become, the light in the darkness.

You know maybe actually start a business venture , have some kids and organise resources, (Land / weapons / funding) to establish strongholds in fucked up countries (such as sweden , Greece , france , italy ) and keep the borders closed of Poland. Link up with the right wing sentiments of Russia.

That's less of a general economic precept, and more of an economics of Fifth Generational warfare - the creation of communities and (non governmental) institutions- even alternate economies, in opposition to the state and the global semitic power structure

Yep another person content with playing make believe forever and not actually living with his head in the real world. Hey, do you have any money making ideas???????????? whats ya thoughts? in Australia , got a friend who was able to turn his useless farm land in a money pot , by obtaining a Eucalyptus tree harvesting licence from the government (for making eucalyptus oil). Making a good side income $3000 a month. The only problem is that it is very hard to ship said eucalyptus oil overseas, because it is a flammable substance that is heavily regulated, some shipping groups will transport it, but the rep tape is huge.

This seems like a slave to modernity. The point here is that money itself is fucked up, ideas must be spread to a base of people to adequately change the system.
Who cares about earning more scrips? Really? It all feeds into our horribly sick global financial system run by jewish bankers.

It is an economics concept, most larping national socialist idiots and other starry eyed morons, keep on dreaming like little kids, but for some reason fail to get a job, fail to acquire cheap fire-arms to hide , fail to understand how to invest into real estate. Fail at keeping there mouths shut to hide plans and protect out of tax income which is another skill they seem to never have. Like , they are people with no original ideas, no means of achieving anything because they have nothing , and yet they still talk about nothing on fucking Zig Forums.

He is an asshole doomer materialist, but he isn't entirely wrong. He isn't telling you to just accumulate shekels, but to turn shekels into real values (land, supplies, guns, etc, you know, what you need to wage wars?)

Sure sure. We will be seeing you licking the shoeshine off the next Hitler soon.

Yep, well then get rid of all your money, get rid of all your possessions that are worth money, do not do anything because Jews, arabs, Chinese, Hindus etc all use money, and money is inherently bad because Jews. (p.s money is as old as recorded history)

I agree with this. I therefore never explicitly deny the existence of the Gods or of God. I simply do not know so why be so arrogant as to affirm that there are no Gods at all? However, I do deny the existence of anything jewish in origin. That's the line I do not cross. If it comes from the Torah, it's shit. End of story.

My higher ideal is the preservation of my race. If you want to call that materialism or racism or Kalakibanopitanism then go right ahead.

That point is valid to one who has the means and capabilities, I, however, must use what I have, which is the ability to learn and spread what I learn. I will state what I intend to do more clearly though, convert communists/libertarians/capitalists via college campuses (recently ruled by courts as public forums). This is a realistic and actionable goal, and also a front that must be addressed along with what other anons can do.
Not everyone should do the same things, not everyone can be a business mogul, speaker, or messiah, or w/e.

The "real world" - this post modern semitic dominated clown world that only extols the fake virtues of material possessions and wealth accumulation.

Abandon Materialism as the only virtue and meaning of life, abandon the post modernist worldview of subjective truths and meanings -but do not abandon self-improvement and the betterment of your community and race. Everyone of us SHOULD be productive, should acquire property and accumulate wealth, build families and strengthen our communities, while at the same time denying the modern world and finding higher virtue and meaning

Anyone who licks the shoes of hitler like he was a god that never made mistakes is a complete idiot. He got some things right , but fucked up others. Learn from the fucking past and stop larping like idiots, we have had this stupid National Socialist larping for 70 years now and it has done fucking nothing. It is stupid and national socialists have this bizarre inability to lie or hide there identities to avoid the police or media.

As much as I would like to tell you that belief here is necessary, I would rather ask that you soften that stance towards Christians. Even a modest study of history shows that the jews today are a radically different group then those of the Torah, and they twist it in horrible ways.
In the torah btw is the idea of nations(ethnic centers) being the right way to do things, see: tower of babel, dont through out the baby with the bath water.

Yep, but he persevered, got the stupid licensing put in the work and now makes a good additional income source that is never going to go away, he has also helped others to work there way through that frustrating system. And you? busy philosophising about essentially nothing and never achieving anything or doing anything in the real world, because you are almost above actually doing things? truly strange.

pretty funny how you think hitler's economic ideas were based on jew-hatred

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Like you are almost proud of being a man who does nothing.

BTW, while a good topic for discussion, this thread is actually just substrate for more 'Zig Forums is not NatSoc!' kvetching from our new /intl/ mods from 4chan.
They REALLY don't want people being NatSoc.

Indeed. Never said that I actually think Hitler did nothing wrong. But you don't get what I was saying because you are too dense, as typical of money blinded assholes.
When the NEXT Hitler comes, you and your kind will be groveling and kowtowing at his feet so you can keep your business. Hell, you will be sieg heilling louder than any BOSE speaker in your neighborhood.
And that is my consodilation. Don't worry, I'm not saying that what you are doing is wrong. In fact it is very right and all in accordance with nature.
Few are born to lead, not all are born to be heroic warriors and groundbreakers, and most are born to serve. You are the last type, your existence is necessary to provide logistic to the first and second type.

Yes, but going against less spiritual awakened anons for making money is uncalled for.

Who is 'he'?

That is exactly it!! nothing separates Fascism from National Socialism except for the Italian verse German origins. Historically speaking they were both nothing but socialist dictatorships that both fucked up (although Hitler did manage to vanquish the German and Polish Jews).

so you are saying you lick the boots of supreme dictators? how effeminate and charming at the same time.


This is what I meant. All you are good for is to be a slave to any ruling elite.


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No, I won't be.
You can't/don't want to read anything. You might be a kikeshill or just some wageslave thinking you are smart just by being here and thinking you are better than the anons here by being here at this particular time, thinking all anons look like that russian subhuman caricature (when we don't even shave our head tbqh famalam).

All I was saying that you are a slave who will lick the boots of either Stalin/Hitler/Macron/Trump, whoever. You are just shitting on Hitler because he lost.

Thank you, but this would have served better quoted directly to the wageslave lemming with the big empty mouth.

The actual fuck? Germany was in debt the entire time it was NatSoc. They didn't even have war for the first half of their reign.

Mkay bud.

I'm pretty sure its fine as is directed at you.

I periodically get exacerbated with Christians here and become hostile to them as a response to Christian arrogance and hostility towards everyone who isn't comfortable with a creating a Christian theocracy wherein a small clique of international priests rule by decree.

Yes, jews are for the most part racially different. And yet their behavior is identical to the jews of the old era and it is a little more complex them simply being a different race. The jew has always been a mongrelized species living among more deserving peoples and parasiting off of us. Some say that their behavior is simply the result of Judaism, an artificial collective based on the false uniqueness of their "people" who are simply a raceless, rootless mongrelized gang. Sort of like the Cripts or the Bloods. Except on an international scale and over thousands of years.
Others insist that their behavior is genetic.

I don't know. I'd like to do some experiments to get to the truth of the matter and access the true history of the earth to ascertain the truth. But first we will need to actually overthrow these bastards and I fear that I will not live long enough to see a post-jewish world.
Though I certainly hope I do.

What makes them elite?

Oh you sweet naive child.

How you play Pascal's Wager is ultimately up to you. You don't even have to be a conventional thiest and can simply extol nature AS god.
Being an athiest is to fully sever your connection with the spiritual aspect of existence, but even Athiests succumb to the greatest objective, natural truth - everything dies, and so to will they.

And the Christcucks have have a quadrillion arguments on how A and B is or isn't Jewish. Take a step back for a second.
The Enlightenment brought with it total Jewish monetary and then material dominance
Before the enlightenment, there was Christianity - as an institution and an ethos.
The Enlightenment destroyed Christian Ethos, and it severed us from the Spiritual aspect of existence towards a materialistic, semitic one.

It didn't really matter what skydaddy we fucking had or currently have, the point is is that Western Civilization had the spiritual aspect of existence, and it was severed.
And now we are directionless, like a ship without a rudder, in the darkness.
We remain adrift until we find the lightof spirituality again.

That they are above the slaves who will always pay taxes and tributes to their organization no matter what.

I mean just look at this thing

Does it talk like an elite or someone even on your level of discourse? I'm not saying I'm an elite or intelligent but frankly I don't see how I am an illiterate lemming like it is.

I don't argue.

It's threefold.
1) Survival Strategies
A parasite requires a means via which to break down host defenses to allow parasitism.
2) Culture/Religion
The Jewish culture and derivative religion is entirely insular: There is no TRUE concern for others, it's merely utilized as a cover, social camouflage. Non-Jews are just 'goyim', equivalent to livestock. Even those misguided Jews carrying out their ideals without realization of this are still generating the outcome those conscious of it are aiming for.
3) Biologic
The Jewish evolutionary history over the last 5,000 years is rife with selective pressure favoring certain traits, namely those we see espoused by them in the two aforementioned categories.
1 is derivative of 2, 2 is derivative of 3.

Mmm, yes, I'm illiterate because I won't argue in good faith with a degenerate whose probably a tranny.
Seems accurate new friend.

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It wasn't until the enlightenment hit France that the Jews had any power. While it still an Italian centric event, there were no issues from the ghettos. When the monarch in France started making changes, he fell for the humanist argument, and let the Jews use their usury to keep him on top.

I bet our 'literate' friend above never read those tomes.

Lots of > here. Are you aussie? This explains your general intellectual childishness.

Yeah, yeah, that's nice, but we're not arguing newfriend, I'm just pointing out what you are, and it clearly frustrates you.

Tell us more about hamiltonian economic nationalism saving the world. Or maybe its time to start going into the Masonic British Illuminati, eh?


But I didn't say that my dear actual illiterate friend.
You might be thinking of this one?

And here we see the dogma of radical traditionalism - that some people are natural plebians, even within our own race - who only care for wanton, material self interest and petty pleasurable amusements. The people who cannot differentiate value and virtue from the non-material. The idea of achievement for them is solely reserved for those who have accumulated wealth, and through it power.

To him, a monk in a monastery (regardless of religion) lives a valueless life, because he, the natural plebian cannot differentiate any higher virtue and purpose from his banal materialistic self interest.

These are the people we need to guide, either with a soft nudge, or drag kicking and screaming, into a new era

I personally see the NSDAP's policies as rather uninspiring. Though I suppose that's the nature of number crunching. The British Fascists had a radical corporatist idea of money which democratized industry but centralized authority which was incredibly interesting.

Whatever the case it's probably useless to consider laborers as important once automation becomes widespread in the service sector. Taking inspiration from early 20th century ideas is fine but they were afflicted by novel tech considerations. Look ahead to safeguarding your now uber important intellectual capital from foreigners and consider any business that earns money elsewhere to earn it in sole interest of the state.

The Magic Flute actually talked saracstically shitposted about this, kekekek.

I've been pretty blackpilled recently and was thinking about just outright abandoning economic struggle and discussion of economic policy, because wtf does it matter arguing over economics when you no longer even control your own country ? What do tax rates or economic regulations or centralized policy matter when you're not the ones making these decisions anyways ?
I used to get really interested in these debates but I increasingly just don't care. I'm not a professionally trained economist, and I'm so skeptical of that entire field of study that I just don't care. I can't remember where he said it, but I remember once saying (to paraphrase) was that the strength of the national socialist economic policy is that there isn't one, that it isn't based on economic ideology and is instead based on a combination between pragmatism and the guiding principle of 'what is best for the German people'.

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Wew indeed newfriend.

Already pointed him out, but you're right in line with him m8. Even though you try very hard to appear otherwise.
I reiterate my original position:

When you make posts like this

I can't see how you wouldn't think you'd be grouped in with the other plebs LARPing as patricians.

Europeans made the mistake of not taking interest in economics, which is why there are only Jews in those positions.

So you are an Indian mystic who denies all worldly things, including life itself? getting ready to live in a hole away from everything, to avoid anything that might require effort. Money apparently was invented by Jews, worldly possessions is Jewish, owning land is Jewish, everybody who disagrees with you is Jewish, National Socialism is perfect, anyone who disagrees is a Jewish Shill. Should I worship hitler because he lost? I actually complimented him for evicting the German and POlish Jews. (p.s , if he stopped expanding after successfully blitzkrieging Poland, ww2 porbably would not have started and Germany could have used its influence to achieve great things, rather than fucking everything up.). Hitler made lots of mistakes,

? Germany during all the years following 1919 was a giant exporter to the rest of Europe and borrowed massive amounts of money from foreign banks . Germany’s war finance resembled Great Britain's and France's insofar as all three countries relied much more heavily on debt and inflation than on taxation to fund government spending. Also Hitler essentially force worked Germans at a slightly low set wage. This saved huge money on the Siegfried Line , and the auto barn network. So basically Germany under Hitler borrowed itself into massive debt that dwarfed the manageable debt produced from WW1 expenditure.

And this did not matter because , well WW2 would provide income to Germany though controlled countries economies and treasuries.

So National Socialism has no economic savvy at all. Just borrow and spend then default on it all with war. Oh yes and don't forget there socialist welfare statism, that the modern left still uses to this day.

Not even close to be right. The year Hitler took control of Germany, all international loans were cut off. Germany couldn't get into debt, because the international bankers refused to do business with him.

So anything you have to say on the matter is null and void. Germany rebuilt after Weimar using a barter system.

So true! , or I could be a stupid larping Hitler Jesus Christ Worshipper and insist that nobody should take interest in economics because it is Jewish.


these books are like 90-150 pages and are written very plainly and in easy to understand fashion, yet the information is fresh and potent since it's not the stuff you can really find anywhere else these days. i think they're actually considered pamphlets. even if you have an iq of like 105 then you'll still have a nice little grasp on the fundamentals, which is more than you would get from dedicatedly lurking this website for all of 2018

the whole "hitler did nothing wrong" meme is more of a mindset tbh. and playing captain hindsight just makes you a massive faggot.
"perfection does not exist; there is just a forward"

the national socialist worldview is what is important. most of the principles are also revolutionary to a person who has only ever been subjected to kosher ideas
the industrial revolution didn't have to be a disaster but it was. it has corrupted roots and this must be addressed. but you dont seem to have any workable ideas or meaningful plan of action anyways
actually ur a nigger
lmao nigger

because economics isn't actually that difficult or even a big thing when everyone is white and there's no jewry involved. a group of competent white men with good leadership can work work things out without much problem.

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Stay mad trash. Call me a Jew again you fucking traitorous NazBol faggot.>>12566043

That's the appropriate stance for a pleb to hold user. Economics is something MOST people cannot effectively conceptualize, and don't really want to even where they can. The priority should not be some set policy position as goes economic concerns, but one of adaptation - the working of the economy are akin to a river in flow, and you and your state the ship sailing upon it.
Does ALWAYS sticking right, ALWAYS sticking left, EVER work? No, you must be adaptable.
And for those men who are doing the rowing, they're often not even facing the direction the ship is moving, they merely row. If they are brave enough, they might take a peek, but they cannot see far enough in those brief glimpses to effectively guide the vessel nor to recognize why/how decisions in that context are necessarily made.

If your leadership hierarchy is infiltrated and controlled by a foreign and hostile clade of organisms, no 'monetary policy' or 'economic strategy' is going to result in prosperity.

That hasn't been our reality is decades, and that's not even counting the millions of nigger swarms that the White created prison system has made.

Yeah, no one believes a word you say.