A young fraulein is stopped and questioned by the police for having her blonde hair braided. They demand to know her political views.
They consider braided hair a sign that you are a right winger, which is apparently now illegal in Germany.
A young fraulein is stopped and questioned by the police for having her blonde hair braided. They demand to know her political views.
They consider braided hair a sign that you are a right winger, which is apparently now illegal in Germany.
Good. All white goyim should be stopped and frisked at random.
They should’ve dropped her off in a Muslim neighborhood for good measure.
I agree, whites should be arrested and screen for latent or hidden nazi sentiments
Checked, dubs of truth.
Along the same lines:
((( )))
((( )))
Time to grow the mullet for some redneck braid action.
Noose yourself you pedo
she has that stupid nose ring and she says she a centrist with brown friends. that being said the absolute state of modern germany
If you train your son in physical fitness and your daughter wears a dress and braids, the government is coming for you.
Fucking kek
I wonder who's behind the (((think tank)))?🤔
We know that's not true. I have drawn stuff even you chuckle moisters still see everyday. The redstone at the hospital was my last work.
>I wonder who's behind the (((think tank)))?
There is nothing to wonder, /pol is always right
>Anetta (((Kahane))) (born 1954) is a German journalist, left-wing activist and the founder of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. She has admitted to being an unofficial collaborator (STASI-employee) of the former East German secret police (Stasi), informing on neighbours and political dissidents with the aim of obtaining favours from the East German government. Her father, Max Kahane, was a member of the Young Communist League and, later, the Communist party of Germany. Because her parents were Jewish and active in communism they had to flee the Nazi regime
If pol was always right, then why are there so many arguments about what you are right about?
Reminder that no one is going to fight back against this.
Fuck off, dumbass.
Hitler was a pretty good artist, he got rejected because the director thought he was more suited to architecture and if you look at what Hitler did next then he basically did take up that advice eventually
The rate and which the (((people))) in charge of Germany are pumping out overly-ridiculous measures against Germans with traditional and wholesome values makes me think that they're extremely nervous about something.
There's nothing you can do to me cheeto, why would I lie here on an anonymous board?
Ban this nigger. Hitler was one of the greatest artists of his time, and the kikes with their war robbed us of that.
Why not lie, there is no incentive either way, and really Zig Forums is right was an addage from before Trump
You can't call it right these days because Zig Forums is now /zionist/ and fucking /v/ is more Zig Forums than fucking Zig Forums
Pic 1 is Wewelsburg Castle right
That's no more than little better, but no worse than, bob ross
cognitive dissonance is beyond both kikes and their sympathizers
You have the prose of a closet faggot raging about not being able to come out of the closet.
Yeah. Heh, Hitler's artwork is probably the thing that redpilled me and my wife the most, being classical artists ourselves. The nature of a man is shown in his work, and he was a true master.
Still not fooling anyone shlomo.
explain how it's wrong, retard
Hitler was a gifted artist. Anyone with eyes can see it. Kikes have created a lie that he was a failed artist.
what's 5.12?
No shit! The world should be more worried about Ex-Architects than people with braids.
A real number?
Has no mathematical meaning.
Fuck off, dumbass.
It would help if the file wasn't a .jpg for these scans though.
A draftsman technically. The bitter irony was that he had scorned his father by not taking the pre-req classes he was required to take for drafting. Been there myself… avoided business and now I'm fucking stuck in it. yes I am still an artist, but there's very little money in real art. The "industry" is entirely kiked at this point and all managed in backroom deals that have nothing to do with the artwork, only profit margins on bullshit corporate and city projects.
They do have a lot to do with letting kikes fuck you though…
This is the natural result of letting Hitler take over. Just like Trump they leave nothing but destruction in their path.
This is how you forment an uprising.
Doubt it, no men left in Germany to fight. You don't destroy every fighter for 2 generations and expect the men who survive to father fighters
is there a list of this sort of shit?
What are they going to fight with? Slingshots?
just lie down and die Zig Forums it's all over.
honestly we should just organize a mass suicide for everyone on the board.
if it really is over let's just end it all.
Bizarro world SS
Tard, this will be a individual fight for the future, not collective. The war of the womb starts with you getting you bitch knocked up ASAP. We won't fix anything without a 2.0
The SS we're failures. Start idolizing winners.
The police are traitors who will sell out their race and people for a wage and pension. Even weak, effeminate academics will speak up against all the shit that's happening but NOT THE COPS. They are truly scum.
Nah. This is how they start dying. Expect us.
You aren't fighting why would you expect them to?
She's wearing a fucking degenerate nosering but now braided hair lol
Hope she can sue for harassment.
My new hero.
It's shameful how quickly she cucked with that story about how she was wearing braids just because a bun looks funny. People who fold under pressure like that are useless to the cause.
Saw this originally on Vlad Tepesblog. Fucking ridiculous. The funny thing is East Germany was actually conservative (in a cultural sense) compared to this. The DDR's Nationale Volksarmee, for example, maintained the Prussian tradition, and their uniforms and helmets were quite similar to the Wehrmacht's.
Should be hung from the neck until dead.
You can't really expect women to fight this effectively. There may be the rare exception or two, but they're just that, exceptions. This is a fight that men have to lead.
pick one
Only a far references Jews at all times. Shows a weakness in being captured
And that disgusting kikess used to work for the Stasi. Germany still has some (((totalitarians))) in their midsts.
It's sliding scale. She isn't apologizing to the rapefugee mid enrichment. Thus she is a right winger
Can't you tell
was being sarcastic you supremely autistic fuck? God damn how can anyone be this fucking stupid.
You're a faggot.
pick one
Sure, just riddle me how many German men have been killed leading uprisings against depravity?
Hitler was the Pied Piper who led every past German man to slaughter. Only cowards and commies survived
Go away Mexico. Not a single person here cares about what you have to say.
Ukraine needs to carry the Aryan torch now that Germany has becoming irrevocably pozzed
That girl looks disturbingly like David Bowie. It can't be unseen.
My hope is in all of Greater Slavia.
What would you suggest? .png? lol
You can get guns in Germany. Lots of illegal ones floating around too.
Cops are NPCs with a badge, for the most part. There are a few good ones, but yeah, they're mostly garbage.
It's a double entendre. Zig Forums is always right wing
It establishes the position of the board. m00t meant it as a joke, but it's since been unironically interpreted as "always correct"
Most of the men who went to war fathered children before they died.
Really ? Where the fuck are they besides starved or crushed beneath Slavic boots?
Moot came up with the saying originally? I didn't know that. I thought it just came up organically.
If you accuse an anonymous of being a Jew all you do is promote an idea that they are omnipotent and omnipresent. Don't confuse your poor reasoning skills with kikery
Why aren't you leading an uprising? What have you accomplished besides shitposting blackpills? In wartime you would be executed for this behavior.
She has a nose ring so I think she is full of shit.
In wartime I'd be hiding my kin from being sent to fight in a war to fufil a fags suicidal fantasy's of aligning with the pasta niggers and Japs against a 90% white country.
A black pill is not the same as pointing out your logic fails. Whites greatness comes when we are in small homogeneous isolated geographicly secure places. We are too easily herded and conform for slaughter in large groups and urban situations
You're arguing against a D&C kike.
Digits confirm. The jew is now filtered.
Kinda similar to how they spurge out at the start of every thread.
Yup call everything you can't understand a Jew. The state of pol
Niggers were based for taking over Haiti and Rhodesia and South Africa. Niggers won! You should idolize them now!
Germany didn't declare war, user.
Read "Hitler's War" by David Irving and "Ice Breaker" by Viktor Suvorov
I'm not participating in persecution against white people from a position of authority either.
at the very least whites should be mercs instead of military, therefor a private company that is potentially unjewed would guide their behavior and not a jewed zog military.. even militias
I thought even kikepedia admitted that. anglo shits and french faggots declared war formally. If you take into account treaties and other geopolitical "promises", muttmerica was at war with Germany long before Germany crashed into poland. which is true
Remind me how well the SS did protecting their women
The phony war was going to become peace. With Japs bombing Pearl harbor Brits and Americans would have easily cut a peace deal. Instead Hitler declared war on slavelandia. What a genius.
Remind me how playing by the kike book and cowering like dogs have saved the "huwhite race".
You are too stupid to understand how ignorant you are
The niggers and spics will drag you out of your gay bunkers while real Europeans will be fighting for their survival.
Tell us how all the mongols in the ussr were "baste" and "hwuite" ethnic white Russians.
Remind me why I have to answer to an argument I didn't make? Whites need to be Damm selective. And worshiping a fag who turned Germany over to the muds ain't so bright
at least do something useful when you're lying
This drunk needs remedial reading lessons. Since you can't figure it out. Slavs aren't white. But the northern Russians might be. Point being Hitler never used gas or radioloical weapons on the slavs. He'd rather be a good goy than save his people