Nazi Jews

Why won't Zig Forums acknowledge the existence of Jews in the SS?

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Cause there never was a Holocaust, Hitler was a fag sjw.

Never forget Hitler was suicidal, he pet Germany burn rather than gas the slavs on the Eastern front

I'll acknowledge the existance of jews in Zig Forums
OP is proof
bog yourself you flaming homo

Go back to the bowling alley

They might have Jewish names but I guarantee they did their part to prove they weren't sympathizers.

In SHTF if you seen a light skinned dude or shit even a black dude full out just killing niggers wouldn't you be more inclined to trust him since he's not holding back? I would.

…….No, that's how you get killed by a nigger.

Course there were jews faggot, who do you think betrayed Hitler?


also op is a fag

Attached: OP's theme song.webm (691x286 7.88 MB, 91.49K)

I don't know man. Short term alliances can be mutually beneficial. I'm not saying immediately drop your gun at the sight of somebody killing somebody else based in race. But a black dude killing another black dude is indicative that he isn't treating it as a race war and is probably trying to survive. Or in the off chance he plans to kill as many niggers as possible then off himself because he believes in the one true race.

That's unlikely tho. A nigga can dream can't he?

Yep, that really is OP's theme song

Nogs are parasites. Who cares if they kill their own, wouldn't make any difference to Europeans, at the end of the day you are still letting a parasite live in your host body.

Niggers killing niggers is not exactly rare my jewish friend

It's slavery without slavery. I've met a lot of psychically dominant black men but they're always submissive if you speak well and have good ideas. Because they're sheer will power but they know a good plan when they hear it despite not being able to think of it themselves.

It's basically slavery but with extra steps and then mini holocaust

Kill yourself.

Fixed that for you.

There was no Holocaust. Isn't that the problem op points out?

Surprise, surprise.

FTFY…you are a retard if you think a black man could be relied on in a survival situation…a fucking fool. I have the videotape of what niggers are like in survival situations.
Shoot them in the head or PAY THE PRICE LATER.

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Not a kike-free first post. For shame.

if hitler was who kikes like you claim he was he would have killed every jew in europe, there wouldn't be 16 million holocaust survivors and we would not have gone from 88% white to 62% white in two-generations. soon to be 0%

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Biological and chemical weapons are the only real solution to our problems user.

No there is another.

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The 5 races of humanity are separate species, but biological weapons are still suicidally retarded. Even if ethnic weaponry could be created, it would immediately mutate and kill everyone on Earth. Chemical weaponry, on the other hand, is not only extremely useful, it's a wonder that it didn't replace slugthrowers and bombs a century ago. It doesn't destroy infrastructure, there's virtually no chance of it "missing," it ensures that insurgencies don't exist, it's perfect for ethnic colonization, and it can also be made PAINLESS AND QUICK.

We do.

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Pinochet was a claykike lover, though. But I can't say that I didn't enjoy seeing some (((Marxists))) thrown out of helicopters.

It is not a matter of how , but if we have the will

The endless kvetching about the rides tells me he must have been better than the alternative

That depends on its criteria for transmission. AIDS was designed to kill faggots and those who act like hedonistic faggots…in the end it will get both its targets.

DO you have any idea how long it would take to kill 7 Billion people using helicopter rides?

We should find out. For science.

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7 Billion half hours?

Only one helicopter? Even the smallest should be able to carry at least a few yid.

As it serves the purpose of this thread, there were nationalists jews that have triumphed on their objective of securing a land for their people, they went by the name of The Lehi.

sage and report, boys

Better than Allende? Without a doubt. That much is certain.

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wtf I love jews now

That says (2) actually…



Maybe the scenario is more like Jews are not a single hivemind like is the conventional wisdom here but instead are a group of millions of people that can represent both far-right as well as far-left politics

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unless the issue is infinity brown immigration into white countries–until they are no longer recognizable, then they are all in complete agreement

Dr. Hamer letter to Putin-Chelomova (a.k.a there was no 6 billion)
Extract :
I wrote in my open Letter from the 5th of March 2015 among other things the following:
"I still see before me my french so called friend, a count, who confessed to me in 1984 that from the beginning of the war until the end translators accompanied gigantic train convoys with jews to Birubidjan, in total several million. And the in Auschwitz gathered trains wound, even after there was war between Germany and Russia, not be stopped or shot at from either side.
After the war this count joined the "long march" of Moses Tung, alias Mao tse Tung, who was of jewish descent and who came from the jewish border area between Birubidjan and China, as a translator and returned 1946 or 1947 to France. Later all of the millions of polish, czech and east-german jews, who the count had escorted to Birubidjan, were declared as "Auschwitz-Victims". I can vouch this portrayed message of the count by the way."

Attached: Hamer_Putin_Brief_2015.jpg (800x1987, 458.87K)

Merry Christmas!

Remember to thank CodeMonkey for this novel content.

You can contact him at [email protected] to thank him for it.
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Remember to thank him for the "Nazi Jews" thread. How else will he know what he's being thanked for!

Because they were all scum.

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We get plenty of examples of anti-nigger Jews around here but as soon as a Jewish connection is found they are disregarded as being some subversive agent

jews calling niggers niggers ain't shit. they deport from yidsrael

give no fucks about them being anti-nigger

No we don't.
99.99% of the "Jews we get around here" are examples of SELECTIVE dissatisfaction with niggers.
That is, niggers in the US/Europe? Wonderful! Niggers in Israeli? NO NO NO! BAD! WRONG! CANNOT DO GOY!

Kikes use niggers as a sword against Whites, same as they do with all other groups. That kikes have no desire to be stabbed by that sword themselves is by no means a suggestion they don't revel in its use upon you.

obviously you kikes are racist as fuck, hating niggers to you is the same as hating all goyim, you chameleons just know how to blend into whatever environment you find yourself in for maximum exploitation

Israel is literally a nationalist state, as for Jews WANTING niggers to invade white countries, I think those are just the leftist commie ones alongside suicidal white liberals and women.

And? Is that supposed to mean something to me? They're the worst kind of 'nationalists' - Nationalism for me goy, but not for thee!

Well you're fucking wrong nigger.
There are only two kinds of Jews: Zionist faux-Nationalist kikes and Marxist faux-altruist kikes; that is, kikes who want you to take the medicine and kikes who've already taken their own medicine.

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we have no nigger growth, we have an exponential growth in the brown population, if you are a "right-wing" jew then get the fuck out of our country and go to your nationalist state otherwise you're just playing both sides and trying to subvert

Both are your competition if you're a European.

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In fact, the 'right wing' kikes are some of the most hateful of non-Jews.
The Marxist fucks aren't the ones talking about "goyim" and shit, like 75% of them don't even believe in a God. The 'godly' kikes are the ones most-likely to espouse the "muh Chosen" shit, while the Marxist fuckabouts are just toxic as fuck in all regards and especially in the way that only Jews can truly espouse.

Vid 1: Marxist faux-Altruist Kikes
Vid 2: Zionist faux-Nationalist Kikes

Attached: 1263159646386.mp4 (320x240 7.22 MB, 1.96M)

Note, I just saw the "anti-Zionist" shit with these hassids, forgot that was in the video. If these things were truly anti-Zionist, they wouldn't be living in a comfy kike-owned Zionist state. They're just autistic in their religious dogma.

Heres a more 'open' example, which, amusingly, blends both the Marxist faux-altruism and the Zionist faux-Nationalism. A perfect example of the duality of Jewry in one entity.

Attached: Greater Israel.mp4 (634x352, 8.47M)

They're rare, but not non existent.

I disagree. I definitely know most of them are nigs and I choose my race over all. But that doesn't mean they can't be used at an advantage while they're friendly. In SHTF there is either gonna be immediate aggression or long term manipulation. Nigs aren't gonna play nice for a few days and then shoot you. It'll happen on contact or as soon as they get eyes on what you have. Those are your two chances. If all goes well after that then he's a potentially Ally until you can muster strength. Until then, he is a useful tool to attain more resources the same way our ancestorios did to help build this country.

Hah, yeah, they're fuckin' rare alright.

US nogs have a HEIGHTENED cognitive ability due to White admixture.
Their average IQ is 85.
That means about 0.03% of the Black population exceeds IQ 130.
In the US, with 42,000,000 niggers, that's about 12,600 niggers with an IQ over 130.

So, yeah, they're pretty rare.

You should. Niggers elsewhere are MUCH more retarded thanks to no White admixture. As a consequence, Africa has a continental average IQ of about 70, which means you need a fucking graphing calculator to even figure out the percentage, but its fucking tiny.

They ain't friendly now and they're not going to get MORE friendly as time goes on. Quite the opposite.
That ended up blowing up in their faces stupendously. Repeating the mistakes of the past will only bring the consequences of those mistakes into our futures.
No thanks.

good man

Most of the Nazis on Zig Forums are Jews.

Or most of the anti-NatSoc on Zig Forums are Jews.
Which seems more probable?
Let's let the audience decide.

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Given the shittiness of advice they give out, I think my theory is better.

You're sounding pretty semitic from here my guy. And who gave you advice? Do you want to share what triggered you?

actual Zig Forumsacks have no issue with acknowledging reality. Jews in SS, blacks in stormtroopers. It was a battle of right vs might, and many people saw the truth in Adolph's words.

Yeah, idiots are like "tear down commie posters", so I tear down some commie posters. Cops followed me for a week.

… And? Cops follow me all the time. I smile and wave.
I understand though, non-Whites are often irrationally afraid of police.

Yeah, and some were just rats doing what served their interests. If you think niggers fighting for NatSoc were doing so on ideological grounds, you've never met a nigger.

Filtered for being a kike.

Pfft, you really are a pussy aren't you?

Filtered, kike2.

Oh, hey, its the Trump shill from the other thread!
Whats up man!

You really don't do anything but one-line shitposts and reddit memes, do you?

erry time. kek

Attached: should have ordered a smug lite.jpg (527x591, 57.26K)

And you think Kikes D&C? Hitler even considered some Jews Aryan. Ashkenazis are pretty much white anyways

Should have asked them if they found the commie vandals yet or if they were going to pay you for picking up after them. Littering is a crime.

Guess not.

No he didn't, he made one exception and the rest got the boot. I even made you a graphic.

Oh, also:

You're still wrong, Jew.

And you're still Enemy #1.

There's no evidence that "exception" was contrary to the rule. Once again Stormfags prove they actually have no idea what National Socialism is

Its right there in the graphic m8, can't help if you're illiterate. Here, let me help you I guess, because as a National Socialist, I am empathic even towards lower forms of life, like animals and Jews.
lel, what is this, 2007?
Once again /intl/ proves they can't read and are mad as fuck about White people.

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Zig Forums wasn't a thing yet in 2007, newfag

But faggots like you were kvetching about 'stormfags' even then! Some things never change I suppose.

Attached: Some (((Things))) Never Change.jpg (1196x1584, 459.17K)

I got curious, and in fact, it looks like that's when you started!

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Yeah, because Hitler was a sensitive man. He went to art school because he wanted to be a painter, was a vegetarian, a non smoker, he hired gay and handicapped officers, and was concerned about overpopulation.

If Hitler was alive today, he'd listened to The Cure, The Smiths and Depeche Mode.

Ah, you could do worse.

Yeah, but then he wound up killing most of the fags.
A shame none of our modern leaders are so concerned.

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Checked for a nice tune. Short though.

Yair Netanyahu we know it's you.You can join our secret club as long as you're not in charge of the finances.

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INCEST BUT LIKE ANAL JUICE ++++ HIV, NO WAY!!!! SNUFF PORN KILL DOG BLEND MICE DRINK STUFF RED, BUT NEEEEED YOUR LOVE, TO MUCH. PLEASE JUST FUCK OFF. No don't go, SORRY! so dick sucky into the reticulation of vagina, cancer crab exits de birth canal parasyte in might. Too much dementia gonaria, mixed in diahrea . Like ice cream, but softer.

A good reliable friend of mine told me many years ago that if Jews eat Durian, they undergo spontaneous human combustion. In fact that is exactly how the EVIL EVIL EVIL….. Nazis achieved the final solution. check out links for infooooooooooooooo .

You see it was a defence mechanism that evolved in the tree after thousands of years of ritual Jewish abuse. Non-Jews can safety eat Durian, but all Jews know to never EVER eat Durian. You will not find one video of a Jew on youtube eating Durian.

Anyone here into beastiaity?

Or rape torture gore? Apparently Hitler really liked womens piss?

Because Zig Forums is mostly dumb uneducated or burger-educated burgers…


Jewish man who got another kike shot

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This explains everything:

What can u guys tell me about this article?

Seems the shills really don't want us discussing OP. Scared of modern day turncoats perhaps?

is this saying mao was jewish?

My sides. Only if he’s castrated though.

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there were Jews in the SS
take that redpill Hitler was JEW himself
nazis are nothing but a cover op for JEWS

JEWS laugh at you nazi clowns, running around blaming the kikes and hoping Hitler will save you- well my dear friends

Hitler was a kike all along- all the nazis went to the USA after the 2nd worldwar and started NASA

true- Hitler was a JEW
they always tried to cover up that fact

and more ties are the BUSH Hitler ties- als thysson crup

those were all nazi jewish owned factories

and in the holocaust the elite nazis/jews just gotten rid of some other kikes- but nowhere near 6 million

the number of 6 million was already made up before the 2nd worldwar