Women are the worst evil. Wife-beating, which started being made illegal in the late-19th century during feminism, should be legalized ASAP. It is the husband's job to beat his wife.
The privilege, ancient though it be, to beat her with a stick, to pull her hair, choke her, spit in her face or kick her about the floor, or to inflict upon her like indignities, is not now acknowledged by our law. (1871 US state declaration)
The Bible says: The blueness of a WOUND cleanseth away evil: so do STRIPES the inward parts of the belly. A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and A ROD for the backs of fools! and he [the husband] shall rule over thee [the wife]. Wives, submit to your husbands as TO THE LORD
Christian law: =A man may CHASTISE his wife and BEAT her for her own correction
Zeus to his wife: I'll WHIP you stroke on stroke… when I come to THROTTLE you with my irresistible hands
Roman law: A man is allowed flagellis et fustibus acriter verberare uxorem (to SEVERELY BEAT the wife with clubs and whips) for some misdemeanors such as leaving the house without permission, and modicam castigationem adbibere (to use moderate BEATING) for others
Germanic laws: Though there are laws to protect unmarried, pregnant and elderly women, THERE IS NO PROHIBITION WIFE-BEATING IN THE LEGES BARBARORUM. Rothair's edict [Lombard Law] suggested that a man could lose his mundium, but only if the beatings were "excessive or unjustified". The husband is legally the head of the wife.
Danish Proverb: Govern a horse with a bit and a shrew with a stick==
Islamic law: Admonish them, banish them from the bed, and BEAT them
Hindu law: If she is still unyielding, he should STRIKE her with a stick or with his hand and overcome her
Confucianism and Chinese culture: The RULE of the husband over the wife is an essential bond in society. "I bought my horse and married my wife. I can ride them and BEAT them as I like". "If you go three days without BEATING your wife, she will climb up on the roof and move away all the tiles"
The list is goes on. Forget your feminist heroes like Trump, Hitler, Churchill, Charles de Gaul etc. and RETURN TO PATRIARCHY. How much longer will men suffer at the hands of these evil subhumans? No more!!!!!!!
100% agreed OP. We should not just bring that back, but also wife selling and the power of life and death, which allows us to kill our wives if they fall out of line.
Woman burning, smothering, stoning and burying alive should also be brought back. Women's right to live should be conditional
I agree with OP, but I'd like to say that if you need to routinely beat your wife to keep her in line. Then you aren't really in control. You should never need to beat your wife because she knows her role and works with you for the betterment of the family unit. Partners in crime.
Huh, that's weird. Because its not the increase in female population that the decline of the West correlates with, and women's rights correlate with either for that matter.
Fuck off mohammad. If you want to beat your wife, you need allah's blessing - oh, here it is: 4:34 Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great.
Jacob Nguyen
Why do we have this new 'free speech' shit again? Oh, right, so /intl/ can be subversives.
Parker Powell
The bible doesn't say all those verses in the same place. That's twisting the word. "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." 1peter 3:7
Carson Bailey
tumor growth
Bentley Myers
Women act according to their nature and the bounds they are given they are no more evil than the wolf that kills the lamb or the hail that flattens crops. Corporal punishment may be useful or even necessary at times but you seem to have an almost fetishistic affinity for it, which I find most disturbing. In any case in situations which it is applied I think an open hand or a strap is sufficient.
Benjamin Jenkins
Wife beating is Muslim bullshit. A proper man has his women under control without threat of physical violence. Reminder that the relationship between the sexes worked perfectly well without violence up until 1968.
Elijah Nguyen
huh? no
you couldn't/shouldn't beat your wife to a bloody pulp but physical violence (slapping, manhandling, etc) wasn't taboo
Gavin Bell
Ever hear the phrase "all authority flows from the barrel of a gun"? Same concept. That relationship only functions when there's a nonambiguous understanding that disrupting it will have consequences. Just like how an armed society is a polite society.
OP is a sperg, but he's not wrong in principle, only in scale. Violence is the universal gold standard. Our social currency isn't backed with anything anymore. It's all make-believe protocol, and so it can be discarded freely because nothing bad will happen to the people who don't want to play along.
Jaxon Perez
The highest authority is from the author. Sometimes just being shown the truth works better than violence.
Camden Davis
beating? no. spanking? sure, so long as it's not your fetish or something.
Blake Martin
Just going to ignore the pathetic, desperate ones with their "muhhh MUSLIM" feminiazi nonsense.
Depends on the woman. Some women need it once a week, while others need it once every 2 days. Partners? The relationship of the husband and wife is that of baron and feme. Lord and subject.
Women's rights had already spiked by 1900, so it doesn't correlate
Those aren't the quotes. The ones referred to by OP are as follows:
If you want to live in the dark ages, property in gaza is dirt cheap.
Henry Adams
I'd say it was 'reasonable' for the Romans too. Killing was only legal if you caught them in the act of betraying you in some way. Adultery foremost like you said. Otherwise you would have to deport the wife to an island, under the threat of YOU being arrested under pimping laws for tolerating that shit happening under YOUR rule.
Landon Barnes
If you force universal vaccination, you lose a key subtle indicator of child abuse. For it is a vile soul who subjects their children willingly to disease, and antivaxxers thus mark themselves for observation.
Some diseases will cease to exist as soon as nobody takes the bait.
Oliver Wood
William Gonzalez
Ok Larper, you can start beating women first buddy.
Was every pre-feminist age the dark age? Get your head out of your ass. These tactics aren't working you disgusting feminist. All inventions are man-made and women have produced nothing but children. They have nothing to do with the progress. Yes, the dark ages were socially better than this bullshit "society" we have today.
Nope. Here's the law: Other offences, however, were judged by her relations together with her husband; among them was adultery, or where it was found she had drunk wine… …For Romulus permitted them to punish both these acts with death, as being the gravest offences women could be guilty of
I hate women. They're all bad except as mothers. Just put them back in their cages please, for the love of god! For the love of all that is GOOD! Women are inherently evil.
You beat a woman today, you're on a death clock. You either get shot or taken before the police. It's the "maybe get shot" factor that really won't let the clock unwind. Just let it go. The age where strength of arm was the most important factor is over. God made humans, but Sam Colt made them equal.
Feminism advanced faster in nations that restricted handguns less.
Parker Gutierrez
Nathan Foster
OP and satanist evil faggots belong in the trash. Cherish and protect women.
Frankie and Johnny were sweethearts oh Lordy how they did love Swore to be true to each other true as the stars above He was her man he was doing her wrong Frankie went down to the corner just for a bucket of beer She says Mr Bartender has my loving Johnny been here He's my man he was doing me wrong I don't want cause you no trouble I ain't gonna tell you no lie I saw your lover an hour ago with a gal named Nellie Bligh He is your man and he's doing you wrong Frankie looked over in transom she saw to her susrprice There on the cab sat Johnny making love to Nellie Blie He is my man and he's doing me wrong Frankie drew back to her kimona she took out a little 44 Rutty too too three times she shot right through that Hardwood door She shot her man he was doing her wrong Bring out the rubber tied buggy bring out the rubber Tied hack I'm taking my man to the graveyard but I ain't gonna Bring him back Lord he was my man and he's done me wrong Bring out a thousand policemen bring 'em around today And locked me down in the dungeon cell and throw that Key away I shot my man he was doing me wrong Frankie she said to the warden what are they going to Do The warden he said to Frankie it's a electric chair for You Cause you shot your man he was doing you wrong This story has no moral this story has no end This story just goes to show that there ain't no good In man He was her man and he's done her wrong
Oliver Gray
another fine thread by mister Ferdinand Aggot. Thank you for your contribution, sir!
Angel Brooks
Male dis-empowerment is part of their plan to reign in the NWO unchallenged so this thread is pretty much d&c crap.
Women will vote out anyone that goes against their desires to dominate and subjugate average men.
Julian Morris
Yeah lol. I shudder at the mere though of cohabiting with a free woman.
Are you forgetting that every woman expects to be served by men? And serving a woman is much worse than serving any man.
FEMINAZI MYTHOLOGY!!! Hitting other men has been a crime since the most primitive of times. Kings and religious/cultural heads were not the strongest. Not even close! In fact, the elders always been at the top of society, unlike today, where they are ridiculed and excluded……. Listen to the REASON long written down for controlling women instead of propagating feminazi nonsense. It's got to do with their EVIL, DEFECTIVE & PERVERSE nature.
Woman is a tool of satan, and a pathway to hell. Woman is the gate of hell and her gaping genitals the yawning mouth of hell!!
It's not that hard. Women are essentially mental children, so it's very easy to take a stern tone with them and verbally correct them. They'll shit test you of course, but if you maintain your frame and stand your ground, they'll back down because they crave your dick and they know that a displeased man is a dick they won't get. But be quick to forgive once they show regret and contrition. Reward good behavior quickly.
Leo Reyes
It's odd that NatSocs on this NatSoc board are quoting the ugly loser smelly buggerbeard monks that were the early authors of the Christian church as authorities on the female sex since they were all apostate jews themselves or some kind of Mediterranean half arab wannabe jews that naturally hated females and lusted for nubile boi butt. I thought you said Christianity was a corrupt jew created cult.
Leo Scott
The term d&c was used for divisions between men. It was never used for divisions between men and women, because we have ALWAYS been divided. A divided between men and women was ALWAYS promoted.
Only feminazis like you use the term for men and women.
Angel Scott
No it wasnt, no one used the D&C exclusively for men infact this was also used when someone said shit about white women this demonstrates you are a newfag
Samuel Ramirez
It's not about your judgement on Christianity. This is about what WHITE CAUCASIANS and all mankind has done since the beginning of history.
Okay, give me a pre-feminist instance where it was used for divisions between men and women. Because the proof is in the OP and practically every religion, culture and philosophy that divisions between men and women were promoted.
I'm giving you a chance to prove that you're not a feminazi
Justin Walker
I meant D&C when it came to pitting women and men against each other, the woman might be the mother but that is not an inferior role, and when I meant D&C i meant it in the context of this board And why would I want to prove something to a JIDF kike who wants to portray us as lunatics
Anthony Scott
Literal fucking pasta
Lucas Hughes
Yeah the term was only used to refer to pitting men against men. The division of men and women is eternal and necessary.
Only feminists like you try to twist these terms, changing their usage and then use them in a faulty context to promote your FEMINAZI agenda.
Owen Harris
Hate women?
Women helped to build our civilization to it's supreme triumphal heights. One of the great things lacking nowadays is in fact the famous salons of the 18th and 19th century, where high ranking ladies gathered society and encouraged the wealthy, the powerful, the writers, the intellectuals and the artists to meet and exchange ideas.
Ladies create polite society.
There is an immense ignorance of history and crass hillbilly stupidity in this forum
not it wasn't you jew, atleast not here, it was between whites against white were the term D&C was first coined
Aiden Cruz
OP is a lunatic that is attempting to procure a benefit without earning it. If you ain't Abrahamic, you're a retard. As for Abrahamicism, if you're Christian, the root of all evil is money and Jews are its whores. Thst leaves you being either retarded, a Jew or Islamic.
God damn, you are a female?
Josiah Johnson
Never assume your interlocutors are arguing in good faith on this site.
Charles Ortiz
It's almost as if people who aren't actually nazis post total garbage on this board to shit it up or something.
Benjamin Morris
FEMINIST BS! Not more than 10 inventions out of the hundreds of thousands. No great social system breakthrough or conception. No building or conception of making things. Even Marie Curie was just her husband's assistant. Nothing great ever came out of them and they were rare. Feminists laws were not around during that time. Such gatherings have happened since the beginning of history, without women. Polite society is FACTUALLY the result of man-made inventions and social systems. Women were ALWAYS KNOWN to be a peril, rude, harsh, brash, domineering and overall evil. More feminist nonsense from this user. Even today, men are getting sick of women because of their evil behavior (that includes extreme rudeness)
Men are too polite. Doormats. We should not control women out of rage, but because we must for the sake of all that is GOOD.
Owen Price
> where (((high ranking ladies))) gathered society and encouraged the (((wealthy, the powerful, the writers, the intellectuals and the artists))) to meet and exchange (((ideas.))) Fixed that for you, bitch nigger.