Everyone knows about putting up posters in public areas, but what about campaigns that don't use that material or locale? Since postering is probably the most useful thing any user can do without breaking anonymity, it is worth discussing creative methods of getting messages out there as well as important topics like operational security, legality, and methodology.
It is important to say that the intention of all of this is to not cause any unnecessary damage to the structures used to post messages. Some methods are messier than others, but the goal would be to discover ways to post messages in completely legal, safe, and effective means. No vandalism is encouraged by these discussions. Zig Forums is after all a board of peace and purely for informational/educational purposes.
Sticker Campaigns Sticker campaigns use usually small shipping labels printed usually stuck to windows, metal poles, and handrails. Because of their small size they usually only have short, provocative messages and sometimes QR codes linking to some website.
Pros Cons
Resources “The Hundred Handers” are an anonymous group that coordinate widespread sticker campaigns utilizing selected sticker messages using an interesting system of email lists and monthly packet distributions. While they suggest purchase of a specific printer to participate, they have a growing archive of messages they’re utilizing. >Twitter: twitter.com/HundredHanders >Interview: youtube.com/watch?v=EuSaXusDriI
Library Bookmarker Campaigns This is the process of printing off small pieces of paper and hiding them in library books for the next reader to find. Like sticker campaigns the messages are generally short, but not seen except by a single individual at a time. Depending on the books and sections used, one can cater specific messages to specific kinds of readers. Even from a few hours of effort, the messages hidden away persist for a tremendous amount of time and cannot be removed in any reasonable fashion if distributed widely throughout the library.
Pros Cons
Resources No one talks about this campaign style very much, so potential messages are somewhat limited. Tiny versions of existing posters like IOTBW and non-stick sticker messages would be easily adapted into bookmarks. Using non-acidic paper and ink is also important so as not to damage the books if possible.
Redstick Campaigns Project Redstick was or is the idea of hiding USB sticks in various locations to lead a curious person into getting redpilled. While it has a strength in being able to give a sort of treasure-hunt feel to the redpilling and able to deliver far more directed information than any poster, the methods of distribution have not yet been worked out to target the right audience and get them to engage.
Pros Cons
Resources Obviously the Redstick project forum still exists on Zig Forums and is linked below, and occasionally the anons who worked work on it will show up on Zig Forums to discuss the idea to a wider audience. The main problem of the Redstick is getting people to engage with it as intended, which precludes leaving it in random places. My suggestion is to copy the Jejune Institute Project’s use of live interactive narrative and make a treasure hunt out of finding the Redsticks so as to select the curious and raise engagement. Deserves a thread in itself frankly. Project Redstick: 8ch.net/redstick/index.html The Jejune Institute Film: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Institute_(2013_film)
Public Square Campaigns Using a person's outfits or something they carry with them as a mobile poster. Street preachers tend to create posters on poles to accompany their speeches, or some people wear t-shirts printed with provocative messages. It allows the poster to immediately and directly engage with viewers in discussion, though it usually happens at the cost of anonymity.
Pros Cons
Resources Studying street preacher tactics and methods of crowd accrual is an under-appreciated artform. Brother Jed for instance has forty years of experience and demonstrates powerful skills at how to create unwitting shills out of his own audience. Put aside the religious aspects of their craft and study it like a sociological phenomena for full effect.
One other possibility rarely discussed when talking about public square campaigns is the use of a particular sort of disguise, the Zentai Suit. These nylon or spandex suits create anonymity for the actor while allowing them to still see and interact mostly normally. While odd to see, their whimsical appearance is usually pretty disarming and generally people expect them to be mimes anyway. The suits are cheap as well. “Brother Jed” Expert Street Preacher: brojed.org/cms/ Zentai Suits: zentai-zentai.com/zentai-suits-original-zentai-suits-cheap-47_48.html
Flash Mob Campaigns Using the model of Flash Mobs wherein a large group of unrelated, anonymous people show up at a particular location at a particular time to do a particular thing, postering efforts of almost any type could use this method to quickly handle an entire area or multiple areas at once. There is also the possibility of making an interesting scene that dissipates just as quickly.
Pros Cons
Resources Flash Mobs used to be a big deal when they first were developed a decade and a half ago. In many ways the HWNDU was an accidental flash mob creation. Putting aside its other features, the use of a focal point to rally together anonymous Zig Forumsacks without requiring prior online posting by those individuals would be a valuable method to explore. Classic examples otherwise of these instant, unexpected demonstrations can be studied from Impromptu Everywhere. Flash Mobs: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_mob HWNDU History: knowyourmeme.com/memes/he-will-not-divide-us Impromptu Everywhere: improveverywhere.com/
Moss Media Campaigns By blending a solution of adhesive, plant food, and moss, a person with stencils or a paint brush can paint a nearly invisible message that literally grows into a visible body of moss. With a little spray-bottle watering every now and again, the moss will grow into the shape it was planted in. This trick only works in outdoor locations with sunlight and the temperature/humidity to handle it and can only support scenes or simple messages, but it is an interesting option.
Pros Cons
Resources There are odd but interesting possibilities with using living matter to create messages or other kinds of displays. Moss writing is very cheap and lends itself to a positive, surprised reception when it finally appears. Definitely not useful for complex messages, but for life-affirming ones it could be very powerful – especially if the message baits enemies to decry the innocent moss as evil.
Toynbee Tile Campaigns A Toynbee Tile is a device used to create permanent asphalt-mosaics. Once installed after weeks of incubation, the mosaic literally fuses into the road due to its material nature and displays its message. The only way to remove a Toynbee Tile is to tear up the road itself, which means the message will usually persist for decades.
Resources The infographic shows the method of construction and installation for a Toynbee Tile. There is more labor in creating these things than most other poster campaigns and unlike the others comes with a particularly long incubation period during which the piece could be destroyed. However, the successful use of the Toynbee Tile would make permanent postering possibilities, and that has the potential for great possibilities.
That's all I've got right now. There are other methods out there perhaps some anons know of some and will share, but I'll also just dump some info I have on postering methods I've found useful too.
No, because that's retarded. There is no stage two, and the message is bad. Motherhood is your glory. That can't be spun negatively in any way.
Jack Barnes
very thoughtful op
Ryder Cruz
Fair enough. Thank you for your critique and suggestion based propaganda bro. Let us stipulate that we are trying to do something more novel than IOTBW phase 2.
Motherhood is your glory. will trigger an irritational backlash. Can we make it less inclusive? How can it exclude SINGLE mothers?
It should be positive. It should be inspiring. It should challenge feminism and degeneracy, but not be toxic to women who adopt it so that they are singled out for wrongthink. I want to say "It's glorious (good word btw) to be a mother and wife" But that's already too long.
Trying to nail it down…
Zachary Morales
IOTBW was good propaganda but not the high watermark. Look at this standard in vid related. They have it in a fucking vault because it is "too powerful" to be released and would start a 4th reich. The archivists are flat out saying that people can't see what they have or else. Whatever is in there is some mind-blowingly amazing memetics.
This was an absolutely terrible idea from the start, I can't believe people are still bringing it up.
Matthew Sanchez
James Fields was in fear for his life
Colton Fisher
Ever consider trying this in grocery stores? Put the definition of kosher on kosher beef, or some code that has "how its made" linked to a kosher slaughter. Figure this could work for gmo and other poison foods
Hudson Moore
Aerial-view messaging? Sounds fascinating, though how is it done? I imagine if you could find the method of crop-circle making you would have an answer as to how to make such a thing.
There was a campaign a year or so ago that was posting images of happy white mothers with their little children in heavenly scenes, and those images alone were enough to send feminists and other demoralized people into a tizzy. It worked then, would work again now, and as for wording it would be a matter of pinpointing what issue(s) are being promoted by being a happy, married, fertile mother to children that look like her. After that, determine which audience you're talking to, as women will be more inclined to love the thought of their children looking like them while men will like the idea of being a protector and creator of such wonderful scenes. The best right of a woman is to be a mother, meaning both an obligation she has to her people and also her greatest pleasure. Explore more positive words that are around the term 'glorious', build a list of them, and push them around a bit to see if anything catchy pops up.
It was a bit of an obsolete idea from the get-go, but the spirit of it is instructive. Project Redstick had a great idea in making essentially a guided redpill course that would instruct curious normies in what Zig Forumsacks discern over the course of years in these places. The problem was that the people working on Redstick were more like engineers and historians rather than marketers and artists. They had no idea how to distribute their course to the public, and the best idea they had was to leave USB drives in random places and hope people put them into their computers to check for the owner. Foolish.
People need a context to engage with a story, and the context that works in real life is that you are a part of the story. I offered up the example of the Jejune Institute because it was a live-action treasure hunt art project that selected for curious people who were clever, interested, and brave enough to follow some clues and arrive at a destination. The materials themselves in the Jejune project are cult-like absurdities, but it targeted a specific population and got hundreds to follow along with it with great eagerness. A similar project was Cicada 3301 that selected for code breakers. That's what the Redstick project would need to make in order to get people to actually engage with their material. Imagine being a normie who finds a treasure map to understanding the modern world. The ones who would start following it would be the ones who you'd want to redpill in the first place. But again, Redstick lacked the artists necessary to make such an interactive experience, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be done right in the future.
I remember an user who jokingly was putting bacon with the halal section and otherwise doing things like that with grocery store stuff. It's highly amusing, and that's necessary for any campaign. That idea would also pair well with stickers. Once a sticker like that would be put on a plastic-wrapped piece of meat it would be pretty hard to remove it without damaging the packaging. Put it on, take a picture, spread it around, and the internet might take care of the rest. You could also hide messages in some containers, like under the cap or whatever without damaging the product. Good idea, user.
I bet he was, after he ran all those people over and then started thinking about the prison time he was facing.
Grayson Reed
It could be useful if you know someone who'd be receptive, but need to retain your anonymity.
Bentley Cooper
Use your hate for good
Xavier Young
I love how the wholesome stuff made feminists lose their minds. Maybe something more iconic than just different white women in wheatfields. How about an anti-rosey the riveter?
Elijah Cooper
Children need fathers
Mason Morales
okay I' narrowing in on something. Now before I take the time to digital paint Rosie the riveter in a submissive role under a mans arm I need the right guy. Joseph Mccarthy? James Fields? Zimmerman? Hitler. Help me out here Zig Forums Tell me who would be best and why.
Come up with something good and I'll have it done by tomorrow night.
Angel Torres
kek What would a Zig Forums scavenger hunt look like?! You could make it really long and innocuous but it ends with hitler.
Dominic Gutierrez
Martin Luther King Jr. cheated on his wife.
Owen Bailey
IOTBW style campaign, but messages would be:
What tribe is Sumner Redstone?
Can be done with any other top-media kike as well (simultaneously).
Joseph Ramirez
Keep it simple and normie freindly, before you preach the virtues of stay-at-home moms you need to convince women to be mothers, before you convince women to be mothers you need to convince them them that its worth having kids in the first place. I've met too many women who refuse outright to even think about having kids because theyve been indoctrinated to think its the worst experience in their lives and that children are parasites. Start simple by working at that. how about: Your childern are your legacy
Levi Jenkins
Show a happy Rosie the Riveter back at home, pregnant and playing with her children as her husband blacksmiths in the background with the caption, "We did it!" It would be an absolute heresy for Leftists.
Well your dubs and good deed deserve a response. My personal opinion is to keep the guy's identity unknown or obscured, maybe with a hint or something, because the focus is revealing a counter-vision of Rosie the Riveter. But you're the artist, so go for whatever. I'd say if anyone go for that generic white guy you find in Natsoc propaganda posters all the time. It's an inside wink to those who'd recognize him while to everyone else it is just a good looking white guy. Pic related.
Nice dubs too. Basically yeah. The Redpill imagery plays off of the Matrix idea that you are living in a lie of a world and that by taking this other path through the redpill you'll go down the rabbit hole and see the world as it really is. Just the premise is mysterious and interesting and if presented well would engage the curious. At the end would be some cache of more information that would make more sense given whatever clues they found. Plant the clues to things in riddles and information about Jewish activities and the historical context of WWII and so on and as people solve the puzzles to advance further they'll already be committing somewhat to the idea that they've invested into these truths, which makes swallowing the redpills easier. Plus that level of mild research also separates the wheat from the chaff and ensures those who get to the end are worthwhile to redpill like that. It would be a fun thing to design.
Look at all these dubs. I'm a fan of, "Are you a goy?" or something else that prompts or directs to people learning about what Jews think about "goyim". That one piece of information does two things: Removes the innocent halo-effect that Jews cultivate about themselves, and also makes people notice that Jews are fundamentally not like white people. Those two steps are absolutely critical for the masses to get to in dealing with the JQ.
I think you can make it simpler than that even. The common woman doesn't care about "legacy" like a man does, but she does care about her appearance and propagating that forward. It may be a little vain, but it is true: Women want to have children that look like themselves. They want to brush their little girl's hair and know how to work with it because it is their own hair. They want to look at their son and see their husband in him as well as her own eyes. It's not only a good argument for having children in the first place, but also against race-mixing. For instance, it is literally spiritually traumatic for women who have black-white mixed girls because the resulting child's hair is so fucked up that it becomes unworkable. Particularly for black people, because they are particularly obsessive about their hair. I'm not kidding.
Probably one of the biggest reasons a woman would want to have children is to have little people that love her more than anything else in the entire world. What does every little girl want to be? A princess. Why? Because the nature of a princess is that she is beautiful, wanted, and beloved just for being. Only a child can provide that all-in-one package, with a close second being a loving husband who is vital in making the children.
So, really, your propaganda needs an image of a sublimely happy and beautiful woman with her children who are tugging at her dress, hiding behind her legs, curiously exploring just in front of their mother, and so on to awaken a natural desire in white women with any maternal instinct to aim for having white children. Add in a husband providing and protecting them for added bonus. It has already proven to drive lefties insane with envy and rage, and that's because they can't have that idyllic scene themselves.
okay I'm going to the library to put this in all the girl power stem and diversity books tomorrow. It's going to be my version of drag-queen story time; Let's call it "nazi king story time." It's like where communists try to influence my children, but only the other way around. Do you think they'll like it?
I had a lot of fun with this little project. Thanks for all the input anons. I really like collaborating with you gentlemen.
Looks fun, and good job getting the color scheme well balanced. My recommendation is to change the text to a speech bubble and have it say, "We did it!" to mimic the original poster in both style and connotation. Should really stick in their gears that way since it'll fight it out with the original image in their minds. In any case good job and have fun posting it all over the place!
Alexander Robinson
Will do. I'll get the font closer by tomorrow too. How about "college makes you ugly." ?
Need to get some martin Luther King Jr. is a rapist cartoons done soon. maybe a three panel?
Xavier Davis
Sounds like a good one for a different campaign. Remember those side-by-side comparisons of girls before they went to college and after? Would be a good subject to label as a "College Makes You Ugly" theme.
Zachary Nelson
You butchered 2 posters and made 1 horrible one.
Leo Gomez
Find some vid online that explains what kosher and halal slaughter involves (use a leftie animal rights org, if you can find one), make a QR code that links to the vid, then print up stickers just saying something like "safe meat: verified". Keep an ear out for unrelated food scandals (like the horse meat scandal in the UK a few years back) and distribute accordingly. They'll just assume whatever leftist group made the vid stuck the stickers, too.
Cooper Miller
juxtaposing is strong. will work with that. I'm doing a BUNCH of "bookmarks." Here's another quick one to keep it rolling.
That looks effective. I am a fan of those side-by-side comparisons.
Austin Edwards
Very easy to overcome with some thought. Put them on stop signs ie STOP (((THE FED))) (((USURY))) (((#METOO)))
The options which cannot be ignored are above urinals, bathroom sinks, stall doors, toilet paper dispensers. Generally anywhere someone is forced to be still but can’t use their phone.
I like this because it would require our enemies to take life to remove the message. It pairs nicely with the seed bomb op from two years ago; gibs me some time to cultivate a solid idea.
I also like this, get a yellow vest to larp as a construction fag and you can do pretty much anything on the road uninterrupted.
Highly risky but it could pay off with the right message. Perhaps something like If the kikes kvetch they reveal the double meaning of cattle.
checked Typhus 1488
This. Between the slaughter houses, (((cosmetics))) testing, (((pharma))) testing and religious sacrifice PETA should be /ourGollum/.
Banners and signs on overpasses get pretty good attention, but are risky so the message has to be effective.