Jews Attacking Christmas
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if jews dont like christmas they should move to israel
Reminder that Jews hate Christianity. They trace their rabid leftism and opposition to European religious and secular authority to the abuse of the Catholic Church. What they never mention is the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches opposed Jews because Jews hate Christ and Christmas.
Jews also actively proselytized in Poland and many Christians were converting to Judaism. In addition, there were Judaizing movements within Christianity which was due to contact Jews. The Puritans and Pilgrims who formed America were largely Judaizers who put more emphasis on the Old Testament and tried to live according to its rules for Jews. That is why they had mostly Old Testament names such as Hezekiah, Jebediah, Jeroboam etc.
The root of Jewish/European conflict is the Jewish hatred for Christianity. It can still be seen in their rabid irrational hatred of what is now a largely secular holiday.
Whatever you say rabbi, noone belives in your Trojan Horse anymore. Christcuckery has blocked for National Socialism long enough.
Every thread should be a Yule thread tbh.
You tried, now fuck off back to faggot land, you retarded nigger.
Jews first contacted Christianity during the life of Christ. They rejected him as a messiah and had him killed. Then they began killing the first Christians.
When they moved to Europe they were still rabidly anti-Christian. In response they were marginalized and separated by the Catholic Church. Jews love to portray themselves as quietly tolerating the abuse which was heaped upon them for no reason. Look at Jews today. Do they seem like the kind of people to not push their identity into the public sphere with unbelievable arrogance and chutzpah?
The first Jewish enlightenment saw Jews leaving the ghettos for the first time (without having converted). They supported the broader Enlightenment because it was better for their tribe and out of hatred for European religion and monarchy.
The second Jewish enlightenment was more powerful. It took place in the midst of the collapse of European monarchy and religious influence due to the rise of Liberal Democracy. Jews participated in these revolutions (late 1800's) as violent street fighting rebels.
While most of Europe was satisfied with classical liberalism, it was not radical enough for Jews. Most of them were secular leftist radicals and they embraced Marx as their new Rabbi. Huge amounts of Jews became Marxist revolutionaries, especially in the Russian Empire and Eastern Europe.
The Russian Czars began pogroms to urge Jews to leave Russia of their own volition and go somewhere else. It backfired and the Marxist Jews ended up winning the revolution and overthrowing the Czar (massacring the royal family).
In the midst of that revolution, half of the Marxist Jews left Russia and Eastern Europe and immigrated to America. They are the grandparents and great grandparents of American Jewry.
They immediately set out on the journey of destroying America by pushing radical leftism through Americans cultural institutions.
Now they are openly demanding the end of Christianity in public.
Paid jewish shill confirmed.
"It's not the Muslims, or Hindus who're suing towns for Christmas, it's Atheist and Jews."
I don't get it, why would anyone be asspained by someone playing holiday music during the holidays. If he was that guy that plays frosty the snowman in march i'd understand, but this just defies explanation. It's not even a sneaky hooknose plot because there's nothing sneaky about it. It's just a histrionic woman's hatred of people having fun.
Don't mind me. I'm just here to call the kikes, kikes.
All the projection in the world won't ever make christcuckery a viable religion for aryans, ever again. Your hebrew god is dead, and that's a good thing. Get over it and move on.
Worry about what happens in this world instead of dreaming of a promised paradise in the next.
fuck off
Somebody should remind this cunt that "passover" is the celebration of the murder of brown children, and that it never fucking happened in the first place, since josephus stole this and other stories from Sumer, Persia, and Babylon.
Those are Yule decorations on that jew there you nigger.
I concur.
Merry Yuletide, user.
Wow, it's like you're exactly a jew
Jews are Christkillers. Not surprised at all, goy.
The premise for your argument is retarded. What you're basing your line of though on is this;
but then you jump to the conclusion that this leads to:
Hi, paid jewish shill.
Yep, jews hated really Christians because they were inbred warmongers and pedophiles just like mudshits.
Nice try, chaim.
jews should be praising the christmas tree
Look at these people. Amazing. Calling persons who advocate National Socialism over christcuckery jews and shills. No logic, no reasoning, no counter-arguments. Just:
Absolutely mentally deranged. Christcuckery is a cancer, and should be purged from pol, then earth.
You are the shittiest, most garbage bot I have ever seen.
Just because jews hated christians does not mean that they were not pedorats. Your logic is flawed.
In addition to the consistent "challenges" christians have had with breeding pedorats throughout the centures, christianity is also inherently anti-eugenics. It is anti-national socialism. Christianity advocates that the best of both men and women should become celibate monks and nuns, thus severing them from the gene-pool. It is absolutely retarded, and incompatible with any form of biological national socialism, which is the only kind worth promoting. Countries who adopt christcuckery breed their best elements out of their society. This is fact. Christianity is death of any improvement of the race, and it only offers lies of a promised paradise in the next world in return.
it's called Yule my nigga
you know who also calls people bots? liberals and boomers on twitter, maybe this page ain't for you buddy.
You know who says liberals
boomers on twitter, you dumbshit nigger "buddy"
Yule > Christmas
Christmas is just a rebranding of Yule. Early Christians figured that their desert religion was shitty, so they just shoehorned in Jesus into ancient pagan holidays.
stay mad kike
Happy Holidays
found the vargposting jew
great argument.
He's historically right though.
You do know they moved the date and renamed everything to brainwash Northern Aryans (Scandinavia, Germany, England)?
Oh and the countries they tried the hardest to subvert are now among the worst off.. what a (((cohencidence)))
>(((Cucktholicism))) = ϟϟChristianityϟϟ!
What a stupid, stupid faggot you are.
jej @ christcucks coping terribly with the death of their disgusting slave religion
Even (((they))) admit this freely
With this shit… no, they don’t hate Christianity. They make movies and tv shows venerating it constantly. It’s a weak cuck religion that brings them shekels, why would they hate it? Your religion is sandnigger tier except worse since it doesn’t even serve your own interests. That being said, we can’t let them trash Christianity or Christmas because they’re just using those things as a proxy to attack whites and also for better or worse Christmas and Christian things (mostly stolen from older, better religions but not the point) are our culture and way of life now. When kikes attack Christmas, they are attacking US, our ancestors and the very essence of our being. Do they attack Christianity in the context of mestizos or Africans who are the majority of its practitioners? No. Because shitskins have no actual connection to the holidays (Yule, Saturnalia ect) because those are European things. They only care when whites celebrate them.
Jews hate white people. They burned all of our shaman before forcing our women and children to convert or die. Remember?
№ 88. Bagel
Maybe in theory because we both know whom this country belongs to. If Americans let that happen I'd feel no regret about murdering them in the war assuming it happens.
stay mad synagogue of satan
t. people who worship a dead jew on a stick
Wish people
Happy Yuletide !
And ask them
when they wish you a merry Christmas.
Ban christcucks from celebrating Yule
Cultural appropriators, get the fuck out, go and do some dickslice festivals to Molech or whatever your shitty religious festivals are, you spiritual cripples.
so what?? Fuck xmas
xmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus- The king of Jews
Hitler didnt celebrate xmas and you shouldnt either
"Christmas" is christcucks subverting white festivals.
He celebrated Yule, with the rest of the NSDAP.
those are 2 different things
Yule has absolut nothing to do with that retarded jew baby we celebrate in the western world.
To bad every Political Party in Austria celebrates xmas and the King of the JEws
Hi, yid.
Suicide now.
they expose themselves
why Im a proud Nazi and I dont need this jewish celebrations
The audacity of these fucking weasels.
I'll be honest with you, I am not a fan of Christmas music since most of it is produced by kikes and is honestly rather shitty. I don't think it belongs in the workplace anymore than the muslim call to prayer would belong. Workspace is for working and outside workspace is for other pursuits. I have no problem with decoration of the workspace as long as it doesn't involve live sacrifices of animals or something else under the guise of religious freedom or smoking incense altars to ancestral gods…not everyone likes incense.
However, if Christmas offends kikes (for the obvious reason; the story of the eagle and the snake in Babylonian lore) then we should celebrate it year round to drive the kikes out of our nations. They don't like Christianity because it reminded them of their own doom for the things they have done to the planet.
fuck off christkikes, not your personal army
Christ was not jewish, retard.
Opinion disregarded for being deluded
Christ was a Jew indeed
I only take offense to attacks on Christmas because its deeply entwined with Yule and Saturnalia.
Otherwise i really don't care if the jew attacks their golem
I appreciate your response, but I actually still make a point to say Merry Christmas even though I'd rather bring up our deeper roots. It emboldens White people to feel and fight for what tradition they do know in small everyday battles which is more important to me than the advanced topic of Christianity's origins. It's one of the few redpills where we overwhelmingly have popular support from normies and I want to build on that momentum not degrade it.
The better approach is to discard secular distortions like rudolph the nose and find and gently share joy in the traditions that were co-opted from pre-christian celebrations. I would much rather lose rudolph and make yule log christmas parties a thing in a widespread way than convince 1 or 2 people to ditch Christmas for Yule and probably confuse and annoy a bunch of others.
He was a direct descendant of Kang David, that makes him as jewish as the shekels you will earn this week Shlomo.
sarah silverman only hates christianity because she associates it with whiteness. in reality christianity is the exclusive power source of the jews. if there was no christianity, jews would have no worshipers and therefore no power.
she doesnt hate christ
she hates white people who "love" christ
Reminder that every word you say is a proven hoax. You are a paid jewish shill.
joke's on them
christmass trees are a pagan tradition, they have nothing to do with the church or christianity
unless these kikes are willing to recognise worship to Odin as an oficial religion they're gonna have to put up with it
not an argument
This thread is getting hairy. Wodinist af here but I love White Christians too. Remember if anyone here is violently insulting you they're probably an outsider hoping to drive a wedge.
First jews get the bog - we can argue about White religion later if we really need to. but who has time for that when you're living in a utopia?
The genealogies are incorrect. Even a home researcher knows that they are incorrect BECAUSE THEY ARE KNOWLEDGEABLE, UNLIKE YOU TALKING OUT YOUR FUCKING ASS. This isn't super complicated, you just haven't bothered to verify it before opening your fucking trap.
of course he was a fuckign JEw
Jesus of Naareth- King of Jews
its written in his fucking cross since 2018 years
INRI -Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum
Jeus of Nazareth- KIng of JEWS
take your meds
jews killed jesus
Christianity is a 'manufactured' religion. BUT THAT MAKES IT EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER 'RELIGION' ON THE PLANET, not different in anyway. It was through 'religion' that the kikes control the entire earth. The reason that they hate Christianity is because it closely resembles the thoughts of the Aryans (in order to take hold in Aryan culture you have to 'meet them halfway' when you manufacture the religion. However, religious mystics do not resemble the kikes in anyway and are IMO the closest thing humanity will ever get to freedom from kikes.
Jews have killed a lot of Jews
Do you know pray and worship all these Jews, Jews have killed?
Jesus was always a JEW
christianity is based on Judaism you clown
do you actually research before you shit this thread full
OMG It is like you people are too stupid to function in normal society. THANK GOD WE SEND YOU 38BILLION PER YEAR TO 'KEEP YOU ALIVE'. THAT WHOLE REGION WAS ROMAN YOU FUCKING HERPA DERP! The ruling class wasn't taken from the sandniggers, he was Roman Royalty out of Britain.
The catholic church literally harbored and enriched kikes, retard. The only pope to ever reject jewish influence was made an antipope.
Filtered for being too stupid to live. You are nigger tier retarded.
Filtered for being a kike programmed shillbot without any argument.
this is aboslutly not true- this is the most retarded shit I have read today
Hitler NEVER celebrated xmas or any christian religion
Hitler and NSDAP went more the spirituell route
chrisitianity is a dumb as religion same as islam- they absolut baseless and invented by the JEW
christians really beleive god jsut shit out adam and eve- even worse that confirms all that incest that is going on in the christian church
Hitler and NAZIS have absolutlynothign to do with christianity
only low tier retarded neonazis that now vote right wing partys beleive that the true white race is christian- this is all a liemade by JEWS so they can get the white man far away from his true belief.
Hitler was more spirituell leader than anythign else but thanks to the kikes, all we learn about him how bad he was
Christianity isn't a white religion you cucklord.
lol LOL LOL, what a fuckign retard
Jesus had nothing to do witht he roman empire
Jesus, King of the Jews - Wikipedia
For for the album, see I.N.R.I. (Sarcófago album). Jesus, crowned with thorns in a purple robe as the King of the Jews, being mocked and beaten during his Passion, depicted by van Baburen, 1623. In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the King of the Jews (or of the Judeans), both at …
hey buddy, if christianity isn't based on judaism, then what's the old testament?
You're either insincere or else you're wasting your energy on the wrong people.
and the talmud is germanic right??
Get your fuckign facts right
Jeus is a JEW, period
delusions and schizophrenia are not arguments
how did you end up in here?
maybe you will turn around and go to back Zig Forums
do you even know where the roman empire and where palestinia was?
these sandniggers was on the other side of the medditernean- Jesus was a fucking sandnigger JEW- i even doubt that his ass ever stepped foot in the roman empire
Lots of Jews pretending to be pagan this time of year. Also you are aware Rome was sacked by Arian Christians, right? The meme about it leading to the fall of Rome is not only idiotic considering the historical events, but just plain stupid; it wouldn't be saying that Christianity weakened Rome or destroyed it, but that Christianity led to the Goths becoming an overwhelming powerhouse which they have remained more or less until today. More than that they actually spared anyone seeking sanctuary in a Church. How many of you supposed European nationalists have read City of God? It's only one of the most influential texts in European history.
However Jesus was painted white by michelangelo to make white peopel apear closer to god but this was around 1500- so 1500 years after our Jewish King died.
Jeus was neither white nor did he have any germanic blood in him- none-not 1 fucking drop-
He was a jew that was born in Jerusalem former palestinia, which the jews later stole from them and turned into the capital of Israel.
lol yeah that'll be why they're doing everything that the torah commands them to, except for a few bits of degeneracy
Talmud is just rules for jews to jew hard while still tecnically abiding by the torah
Thanks for admitting to be multiculturist
take your meds
just beleiv in yourself, thats what Hitler told everyone
He always wanted to create a free society but he is now labeld as a dictator by the kikes