There was a certain Frog in Jewish legend that was credited with perfect knowledge of the Torah as well as the seventy languages of men and of the birds and the beast. this Frog was also understood as the son of Adam and Lilith, thus according to The Descendants of Adam and Lilith;
Even by Jewish standards this is peculiar but like all the best legends does reveal a great and terrible secret, that they had been taught their entire tradition by Kek, or more properly the adepts of Kek.
The best indication of this is the reference to the language of the birds and the beasts, that is a tradition associated with the Book of Thoth, and the cult of kek and entering into the chamber of kek was very closely related, were Thoth was the custodian of archived knowledge but the chamber of Kek related to original inspiration within the darkness of that chamber, that this principle had created the sacred texts and religion of Egypt, their practises are explained here;
Notable achievements included the development of proto-Sinaitic script a derivative of which we write with here, this proved useful as following the collapse of Atenism certain amongst them were forced to flee into the Sinai wilderness and take refuge with their Qenite cousins and there they created the basis for what later developed into the Torah narrative
It is a curious fact though that those who looked to enter into the Chamber of Darkness/kky now found themselves in a region that both the Mesopotamians and Egyptians considered the very heart of darkness, the region of Lamastu and her witchcraft who shared many characteristics with Lilith, or even Aryan Jahi, the killer Goddess, when their teachings emerged from that region death emerged with them, but as in the legend of the Frog that taught the Torah the Jews didn't seem over concerned with these strange origins.
But it's the basis of an interesting story and there is much more.
This type of junk was created during "Intertestamental Judaism," when jews developed "angelology," and a load of other fanfiction to cope with being utterly abandoned.
Robert Long
If you can find his sources and trace them back to the etruscans I'll reconsider what you said this thread.
Kevin Hughes
That is how symbolism works every Frog is Kek because the frog always represented the intermediate state between light and dark and the physical and the spiritual due to it's amphibious transitional nature, also Kek is particularly connected to the scribal arts and the traditions of Thoth, a frog by any other name is still Kek.
Jonathan Harris
The work was compiled in 1909, still relatively recent of course, never going to trace back to the Etruscans, though probably owes something to Inanna transforming Ish-ull-anu into a frog however in the Gilgamesh epic.
No he may have a point. But he should present evidence of that symbology. The sun being a symbol for masculinity and vitality, that is something we can all understand. The frog being symbolic for the intermediate state between light and dark? I only know remember reading that about thoth. It isn't intuitive at all, which means it isn't an inherent symbol, which in turn makes you right in that not every animal-god represents the same thing.
How far does the author trace it? Don't go back to Etruscans, just tell me the first known appearance of the myth? The lilith mythos seems like an afterthought to me.
I don't know it is later recorded folklore, it is like asking how far back the legend of the Frog Prince dates, the principles behind that go back to the Frog as a symbol of the inter-mediate state and resurrection in Egypt and the Near East.
The inter-mediate physical/spiritual state of Jesus mistaken for the gardener in Gethsemene is considered to trace back to the gardener of Anu being transformed into a frog by Inanna and also as an aspect of Sidonian resurrection cults, the frog always played that role and the cult of Kek was the transformation of the potential into the potent.
Kevin Gonzalez
The Egyptians laughed the jews out of the library of Alexandria when they tried to get their torah added to it. Fuck off jew. Your cult will never be relevant beyond being a carcinogenic plague of mediocrity and the rejection of nature.
Kek predates the torah. Kek comes from the book of the dead, which comes from Sumeria. The torah and all related hebrew larps come from some faggot kike. Jews always try to make themselves relevant with ridiculous jumps. The never ending ceaseless attempt by jews to stay relevant, and most importantly, the center of attention is incredibly tiresome. So JUDEN, RAUS No one cares about the Torah. It's fucking stupid. It makes no sense. It is a giant mangled mess of hypocrisy and childish logic mashed together then called a masterpiece.
Kabbalah? More stolen literature. Also comes from Sumeria. Some stupid Rabbi fuck then swapped the name, made a few changes, destroying the scholastic value the tree of life once had, and turned it into yet another bastardization of the jew.
All you do is destroy history, tradition and lineage, then remake it in some bastardized form and call it your own.
What the fuck I, I am highly sceptical of this thread. I asked him to trace it back to etruscans in line with Alfred Rosenbergs ideas.
Luis Reed
And to be fair, most people who claim x is a lost tribe, while mentally ill, also claim modern jews are not actually tribes of israel. It's still batshit though, I agree with you on that.
You fail to see the point, even by their own tradition the Jews did not write the Torah, they credit that to the Levites, a historian will inform you that those were likely the earliest fanatical adherents to a sect that originated in the Sinai region, in later times they made the case that the inner circle of Moses were Levites but not in the earliest texts, as they weren't, the tradition was started by actual Egyptians, the only Jewish contribution was increasing layers of lies and deception over the centuries.
Kek doesn't come from the Book of the Dead, a New Kingdom text, nor did that come from Sumeria, try to stick to facts.
Thomas Fisher
The Etruscans were a group that originated in Anatolia but they're not directly involved here, the elite of Egypt were descended from Hurrians as were the Qenites of the Sinai region, they had settled those regions around 5,600 years ago, the Semites had no capacity for creating religion.
Heh. bits of paper eh. How many trips does it take to become enlightened! I love how Jewish 'mystical' texts appear and disappear as this timeline evolves. Current memetic action: Transform ancient Jews into Aryans, make Jesus White, reframe current synagogue of satan as genetic imposters. Nuke Jerusalem
Jason Moore
To clarify, the issue here is similar to that of the behind the Jew meme, they did not create the basis of their religion except that in later tradition they suggested the Egyptian founders were themselves Levites, the evidence suggests otherwise, that they were simply the first Semitic adherents.
The cult of Kek was a scribal cult that had originated at Abydos the first place of Hurrian dynastic establishment of the cult of Horus, according to Mesopotamian tradition the origin of the scholars was non-human.
Levites are equivocal to jews as they are Hebrews. I attribute the parasitism of the jew to the hebrew, a racial and genetic trait that has been passed down from antiquity through blood rites and subhuman sacrifice as well as inbreeding.
Whatever they stole it from, it wasn't called the Torah, and the Torah is what you based this thread around. I am attacking you because you mentioned the Torah as something significant in relation to the creation of the concept of Kek as a deity. You are the one who jumped to the conclusion that the frog creature Hebrews wrote of, is in fact one and the same as Kek.
Facts have nothing to do with ancient history. Ancient history is a politicized tug of war over opinion. No one knows if what one man wrote down is true. It can only be assumed as true, even if what was wrote down is corroborated with archaeological evidence.
One could say even present history cannot be associated to fact. Even if it is recorded. Everything can be taken out of context, staged or fabricated.
So, whose facts am I to stick to? Whose authority over what is considered fact do I pledge myself to? According to what I've read, the book of the dead predates the new kingdom. Perhaps not as a single collection, but the parts that make the whole of what is considered the book of the dead.
The true authority of fact and history will always be blood as far as the material and organic is concerned. Everything else is opinion designed to reinforce this cardinal rule, or to dissuade others from believing in it.
Curious fact that it's the Plague of the Frog, rendered in the singular, but you've seen one frog you've seen them all.
Kevin James
Checks out to me!
Tyler Barnes
If you looked into the genetic make up of the descendants of the Levites today you would find they are a lot closer to ancient Caucasian ancestry than the rest of the Jews, the reason being i would suggest is that they were closely connected to the Caucasians of the Sinai region in adopting their ideology and thus also early inter-marriage.
The Torah is a much later compilation of texts and tradition developed over time by those Levitical descendants, those that created the basis of the ideology long gone, but the Levites had adopted the scribal tradition and had some of the required geneology to produce excellence in literary works, they were only one branch though of the greater scribal tradition, and one that should probably be pruned.
Facts have everything to do with ancient history, otherwise one may as well refer to the Torah, and the facts you should accept are those of scholars.
Nathan Lopez
The Jews fear their memetic overlords, they fear the return of the cult of Kek because they know that over the centuries they have only ever produced increasingly retarded versions of what they were originally taught, that they themselves can't meme and will be at the mercy of those who can, they have not forgotten the son of Lilith
Alexander Long
Yet another Jewish heresy, they do this shit because they know God has abandoned them.
Grayson Cox
severely underrated post
Nathan Morales
You mean (((facts))). is right, history is written by the victors and has nothing to do with truth.
Jacob White
The God cannot abandon anyone. However the El's can and do abandon people at will, they are extremely fickle and only care for their own interests…yours to a limited extent as long it aligns with theirs.
Jacob Clark
Scam alert.
You are quoting this severely out of context, the full story is that the Rabbi simply bought the frog, he was not himself (Rabbi Hanina in the story) a precursor or progenitor, just some guy who was kind to a magic frog and asked it to give him a shortcut to work he should have been doing by hiw own sweat. Your kind will try and appropriate anything, won't you?
Justin Sullivan
dubs tell me you are trying to pull a fast one in here you slimy fucker What said is a clear sign your overgrown noses just came up with this brand new bullshit along with adding in some (((prototype contingencies))) from your privately-owned synagogue libraries GTFO OF HERE YOU FUCKING CHARLATAN
Aiden Baker
Kek is older than the religion of the heebs. Stop profaning his name you fucking heretic!
This is the prelude you left out, you disgusting creature:
This means, Torah that existed before the talking frog came into the story.
The Hall of Cost claims another victim…
Not quite KEK himself created Torah and taught it to Jews, is it? (No, don't try 'bu-but it was a metaphor!' In this story the timeline is plainly the Torah already existed and some lazy jew got lucky and met a magic talking frog that gave him CliffNotes on his studies.)
Hudson Cook
please help me to find the image
lead: there is a BOG. and out of it toads are coming. they are joyous and caring rifles. humans are terrified and running. please help
Cameron Jenkins
I just said the Frog had perfect knowledge of the Torah and taught it and then suggested the original teachings would have had connection to the Kek tradition of Egypt via Atenist transmission and that was the basis for the legend.
David Collins
That's the point, Kek owns the Jews religion, it was all an interesting experiment that can be ended just as it was begun.
Brody Wright
A magic frog helped one jew with his homework, in a story written quite recently.
You went from A to B to 6,000,000 in one leap and are attempting to create a fake backstory where Kek is the origin of the Torah. Witness your claim:
It reveals no secret, there is nothing in the full story to imply this, any more than the frog that kisses the princess means there was a secret cult of thot-worshipping Kek priests.
Gabriel Mitchell
Eli Taylor
[El]ves, [El]ohim, [El]lah/Allah, [El]ites, etc etc etc They are the demigods/lesser gods/titans…or the upper echelons of the [El]/Illuminati or the [El]u/Ilu of Babylon. Remember that proto languages where we derive the legends of 'the gods' (or the kike overlords) have no asperates so the vowels can be switched and are switched in many languages. There are tons more references to the El in other languages and titles like the titles of the Ang[el]s. Micha[El], Rapha[El] etc.
Ryder Ward
Aw crap…forgot something as basic as Enl[El]/Enlil the Prince of the Power of the Air one of the two main rulers on Earth.
Juan Ramirez
Levites were Israelites. Hebrews were a religious sect.
Andrew Hernandez
It was something of a lead in device but should raise an interesting question in that one would expect a son of Adam and Lilith to be evil but if that was the case why his understanding of the Torah, either that Frog is good or the Torah is evil.
This leads on to the greater consideration that the region from which the Yah cult emerged was seen as evil by both Mesopotamians and Egyptians, it was seen as the place of exile of Lamastu from whom later Lilith tradition owed a great deal and the Suteans/Southerners of that region as evil and destructive.
The same with the Egyptians and the Suteans/Sethians the basis for their principle of destruction Seth, by tradition anything that emerges from that region will be evil and destructive, it goes with the territory, but it was understood that a certain bird had carried the Tablets of Destiny to the peak of Mount Sarsar in the Sinai region, that lending itself to the tradition of Moses receiving the tablets upon a Mountain Peak.
The tradition that emerged then, the Torah, was always intended to be evil and destructive, but it was contrived by experts and first accepted by the Levites.
Landon Russell
So the ultimate question of why the scribes of the House of Life created a puritanical religion to destroy all other cultures and religions, in simple terms they had a crisis of faith, they had discovered that the Earth was not flat.
Through accurate observations of the rising and setting angles of the sun they had deduced that it was spherical, either that the Sun circled the Earth or it itself rotated around the Sun, but either way it was not flat and the whole of Egyptian mythology involved it being so, the Sun and stars and planets had been understood to emerge from gates at the extremities of the horizon were they had journey through the Underworld, however that could no longer be considered the case, thus all Egyptian religion was based on falsehood including the cult of Osiris, they thus looked to dismantle all of it and create a new religion with it's central symbol of the solar disc and the angles of emergent light, reducing the role of the Temple cults and by default projecting all authority onto the Monarch as the chosen of the Aten, however that proved a fragile basis of establishment.
Having been forced to flee the Egyptian elite of Hurrian descent sought out their Qenite cousins in the Sinai region, these suggested a new abstraction as the central focus that of Yah, a Semitic verb meaning to create, to cause to be, as a basic principle of Deism often used in conjunction with El-yah, El the creator, though also a Sinai cult relating to the incense tree and serpent.
The Hurrians at that time were also influenced by Aryan tradition as the rulers of Mitanni took oaths according to the Vedic Gods and it seems likely they introduced a secondary meaning to Yah that of Sanskrit Jahi who corresponds to Mesopotamian Lamastu or Lilith, the killer or destroyer, thus a question of to be or not to be, only the truth surviving.
I understand that much. But is it more accurate to say that it's a single entity, a conglomerate of entities, or that it's all a ruse and dirty entities just abuse namesake to farm some loosh?
Matthew Brown
The name of the God in the semetic traditions was indeed El. But also, how would this relate to the culture/religion of Mesopotamia, Zoroastrianism and some of the original belief systems that were morphed into Hinduism?
Logan Wood
this much I was able to deduce from wikipedia alone. people have zero excuse to be ignorant
Oh boy. This is like puppet Trump denial all over again
Aiden Turner
It does check out. You are just ignoring the part you don’t want to admit and
Christopher Rivera
Thoth is Egyptian, you tard.
Brayden Parker
This alone speaks volumes. Palindromes too. 142857 too, last time I saw that the post was simply, "they are coming for our memes."
Brody Gonzalez
General reminder that Kek is a demon spoken of in Revelations 16: 13+
You may acknowledge its presence and power (meme magic) but do NOT stoop to worship/praise it or submit yourself to it for that will be a VERY bad thing. End times soon lads. Sit tight.
That's a good consideration, is the primary purpose there the invocation of Thoth towards a banishment spell, is simply saying Thoth enough to dispel darkness, some people sure seem to like saying it, is the acronym simply a tool in the same manner as a hoe?
How is chaos a legitimate demon? It's just chaos. Fucking retard.
Xavier Davis
"Demon" doesnt always mean some spoopy thing with crab claws. Yes Kek is chaos and that chaos is a legitimate force outside which is not compatible with Lord.
We could go into /x tier areas claiming Kek is an egregore amongst other things but I'm just here to give a reminder. You have been warned.
Never forget that duality is fucking gay and for niggers.
Brayden Ward
it's like eastern mysticism breh
Aaron Green
It is the primordial darkness of space but the cult of Kek was the transition of darkness to light, the twilight zone hence the transitional symbolism involved.
The adepts of Kek would enter into the chamber of darkness in order to allow new thought forms to emerge and also seek out long lost ideas, then emerging victorious with their fresh memes and thus was Egyptian religion created.
The point of ultimate twilight is located 18 degrees beneath the horizon and thus there are 72 degrees of absolute darkness, Thoth gambled with Khonsu, the moon, for 1/72nd of its light, it was these interests that led them to realize the Earth was not flat and that objectively speaking the period of darkness was the Earth turning away from the light source, thus what they truly sought in the chamber of Kek was the basis of ignorance or that which was unknown.
Groyper is the Omega, the prima materia, crawling from the bottomless ==BOG== to a shore of spiritual transformation which will deliver the final form that is the alchemical Dragon – the End and the Beginning – project CHRESTOS.
There is some possible connection to this but it may only be superficial. Jews stole a lot of esoteric basis from egyptian magicians. A perfect example is the Kabbalah which is taken from the Qabalah, and what they did is replace the egyptian names and terms with hebrew ones, and possibly rewrote other things.
That being said, the bible is littered with references to other cultures' myths and this is how jews would demean other cultures. For instance, satan is a placeholder name for "non-jewish deity," so satan at any point in passing mention could be a stand-in for another culture's deity. It was the jews' way of showing how their deity and bible jews were way cooler. It's chris-chan tier storytelling, how chris-chan would insert people he didn't like and portray them as cartoon villains. This is how jews treat other cultures, their myths, and their representation.
This is post-modernism tier thinking. In post-modernism, every thing in a story is symbolic and if a story is proven to have used an object or character role in some way, then that object and or character role is now an archetype. It's "symbolic meaning" is retroactively applied to other works in the past or concurrent with it, and even works after it. So if a story featured a tortoise, you're supposed to immediately interpret that as the tortoise from the tortoise and the hare, and also add communism into the context for good measure and A+ on your essay analyzing the story.
It is possible that jews wanted to incorporate kek in some way in one of their myths, but that has to be demonstrated first. They could easily do that with umbrella-ing him under satan, as mentioned before with how the satan label works. Also as mentioned before, jews routinely portrayed other people and deities in poor ways. So why would they credit a representation of kek with giving them something?
Jace Howard
It's not really Post-Modernist thinking as it was the basis for hieroglyphic language, to determine an absolute association and elaborate on that according to juxtaposition and context, there are Post-Jungian's though that might believe Paralanguage a new approach, it isn't .
As for the Jews they commonly use the Frog as a symbol of transition, from Egypt/The Black Land, into the Promised Land.
>Today, frog napkin rings, plush dolls, plastic figurines, table cloths, t-shirts, matzah covers, and candle sticks—all can be found in abundance at the Seder table. But rather than bemoan this amphibious invasion, I’ve begun to embrace it. Why? Because the more I looked, the more examples I found throughout history, science, and the arts of how the frog symbolizes the struggle for liberation
So they use it as representing transition and change, the Egyptians used it as the transition to light from darkness and visa versa, but anyway they are well aware of what it means when Frogs start proliferating and it is foolish to try to prevent the change.
'post-modernism' is lacking denotation, without redefinition it's an emotional hieroglyph. 'jordy pete saying post-modernism bad.' huh, then modernism is good? good for what.
It's the tradition of the scribes and scholars that were understood as the descendants of the seven sages as per the Vedic tradition and the seven Rishi, the Egyptian House of Life sect was a branch of that, the Levites a twiglet, a rotten branch can be shed by the tree.
are Levites connected to the water dragon Leviathan?
Kayden Walker
Only in the sense that Leviathan was understood as bound and that is the meaning of the name, Levi meant bound/attached/connected probably indicating they were bound to the cult of Yah, the first Semitic followers of the new Doctrine.
hm-hm, there is a tradition that associates Levites with the worship of the sea serpent, whom they call Nehushtan. I believe, Moses has lifted Nehushtan when Israelites were attacked in the desert by the fiery serpents. Seraphim?
tbh, I'm not quite getting the point you are making we have tradition of seven sages and coming-out-of-the-sea God (Babylonian Oannes). water is the element feared by Yah-cultists.
The serpents in the Yah tradition more related to the Frankincense tree but they also became familiar with the greater body of Levantine tradition which included sea monsters.
Oannes is a Late Period adaptation of earlier tradition, the seven Apkallu/sages were understood to emerge from the deep waters, the Abzu.
There was actually a Celestial location for that, the God of the deep waters Ea/Enki was the basis for our constellation Aquarius, beyond that lies the Star of Enki, Fomalhaut in the Constellation Piscis Austrinusm, the Fish constellation of the Fish people, that entire quadrant of the sky had watery associations (Pisces-Aquarius-Capricorn), scholars were descended from the Fish people
They never really got the Astronomy tradition which was based upon Piscis Austrinus and the Royal Star Fomalhaut, not the whale Cetus a later constellation identification.
Ryder Peterson
is there a connection to the Ursa Major? seven rishis is associated with it. as well as the eternal-recurrence fertility-god slayer Typhon. who is sometimes equated with the scribe Mercury. watery BOG dweller. lol.
Indirectly in terms of opposites, the seven stars of Ursa Major were seen as part of the cyclic destruction associate with the daily and quarterly rotation of that constellation, the seven sages as founders of civilization, one due North the other due South, opposite polarities.
There were also the seven sisters of the Pleiades and the seven dangerous spirits born to the Scorpion which could be related through context to those of Ursa Major, they were dangerous.
These Heptad traditions originated in Anatolia, i don't think there were necessarily seven Fish people but the wisdom tradition involving seven related to them, of course it also related to the Moon in it's waxing and waning quarterlies.
nice occult dubs. but you go suck a dick. this is an imperialism of the sacred knowledge now. politics is outmoded, meta-politics is the only thing. zog bows to the BOG. that is the only law.
Heptad is primordial. there is a lower and a higher Heptad. either virtue-and-vice pair of the seven planets, or planets and seven astral principles. what is more ancient you think AEgypt or Chaldeo-Sumeria?
It is known that the basis of Dynastic Egypt was introduced into Southern Egypt circa 5,600 years ago by explorers/traders sailing around the Arabian peninsula from the Uruk sphere and Susa in particular.
The Uruk sphere was Mesopotamia, Western Iran, the Caucasian Hurrians, the basis of civilization had developed first around Susa during the Ubaid period.
The Hurrians had also established colonies in Jordan, the Levant and Northern Arabia mining ore resources and developing the incense trade route, these were the ancestors of the Qenites, the overall aim to establish land routes to Egypt but the situation in that region was generally hostile and outposts were heavily fortified in Jordan and the Levant.
Early contact with Egypt seems to have been very friendly and mutually beneficial leading to the Horus Dynasties, they had also established colonies around the Arabian peninsula at Bahrain/Dilmun, Oman/Magan, and less well known Yemen, the basis for Sabian culture.
Much of that, British Israel, American Indian tribes, ect, is not "the Jews" as a cult but legal claims based on lineage and hereditary titles that depend on those "legal assertions" of lineage. The current royalty of any former or current colony of the English empire HAS TO BE descendent from King Solomon for their legal right to rule, as bestowed by the Pope. It's all legal shit and it depends on jewish history because the Catholic Church is gay.
Chaos is not demonic by nature you idiot. The very fabric of existence is chaotic due to it's unpredictability. But keep telling yourself that your semitic cult is somehow the correct way when it's only reason for existing is because of it being a tool for kikes to undermine other cultures.
Lord Kek is a righteous God. Your demonic baby-eating (((YHWH))) is not.
Tyler Adams
KJV of this verse:
"three unclean spirits like frogs come out…" "three unclean spirits" "three"
It says that there are three spirits, not just one. Kek is only one entity you stupid nigger
Ian Green
'like' a frog would probably include, a salamander eh?
Jonathan Edwards
Christianity is pagan fanfiction AT BEST and absolute spiritual subversion at worst
Brayden Gomez
Tacitus figured out the jews long ago. (((They))) were a disfigured and diseased group that was excluded from Egypt on account of their disfigurement and so the jewish religion was specifically made as the antithesis of the Ancient Egyptian faith. Tacitus also believed it was Saturn who propelled the jews and perhaps even created the jews for his own purposes.
dubs of occult knowledge. also add the post numbers up 1+2 ect. its got a nice pattern until 33. 33 degrees. this is a divine post. it deserves our full attention
Looks like a Roman smear and the suggestion that a group of lepers conquered Canaan in one day and founded a major Religion can't really be taken seriously.
Israel did emerge as a confederation and the Jews were barely mentioned in the earliest accounts, generally they were Suteans/Sethians the nomadic groups of the Sinai and Habiru bandits against the established order, the principle similar to what was seen with the expansion of Islam.
Jeremiah Reed
Also, ancient Egyptian religion and Judaism are connected in some way.
Carson Howard
We know very little about the late bronze age and the period in which the civilizations fell. Drawing too many conclusions about how things happened is futile unless we get more information. For example, there seems to have been a meteor swarm hitting the area where Sodom and Gomorrah were stated to having been.