Israel is in its death throes
From this point on all news about Israel will be bad for them.
Big things happening all over the world
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Come on faggot. Learn how to make a real OP.
Sorry, I'm a faggot.
Israel killed Khashoggi to frame MBS
Russia isn't putting up with anymore of Israel's bullshit.
The US isn't toppling Iran or Assad.
Mueller Russiagate has now turned into Israelgate
The entire world hates Israel
It will soon be revealed that a 4chan user was responsible for feeding the pee story to Rick Wilson.
Holy shit Q predicted this.
Oh fuck off with your Q bullshit. You narcissistic assholes spam this just to piss people off.
Yes, bad things happen. Not everything you're observing is real.
What does this even mean? israel is doomed.
"Through deception, we shall do war"
Mossad motto.
Yeah Mossad is total shit.
You wouldn't know a Mossad agent if you saw a Mossad agent, is my guess. I can't say the same.
I can honestly say that I don't ever recall seeing a genuine smile on that woman's face.
If they gas you, you win.
Is Erdogan based? He's been ramping up his anti israel shit untouched, Im starting to think hes actually going to go all out on the kikes within 2-3 years. Completely all out
Nice try (not really), kike.
I am not sure I want to know, but WHAT is the 'pee story'
From the dossier. The one that was used to illegally get FISA surveillance warrants on Trump.
I believe that your DJT quote is speaking about places like Zig Forums and not GENUINE terrorists like themselves and their kike friends. Remember user, this is clown world extreme where 'opposite meanings' are always the reality.
Oh god, I thought it was the Russian Hooker pee and cheeto scandal. I just didn't want to believe that is what it really was…
All these people in the establishment really are that incompetent.
This is the reason behind all this sudden ramping up in anti-boycott laws and trying to put a holohoax sign on the fucking moon.
Q predicted you'd say that.
That’s actually a nice white pill. Notwithstanding who or what is or is not a shill or a psyop or what have you, I think Flynn knows about anons and loves what happens here. This guy is on our side.
Israelis aren't losing anything. Bolsonaro and his new VP are hardcore Zionists.
Bolsonaro is highly divisive among Jewish voters: He is ardently pro-Israel, but has also run a campaign pledging to restore law and order and fight corruption with language some have called “fascist” and worse.
Bolsonaro has declared he will move the Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. His first international trip as president, he said, will be to Israel, with which he will seek to broaden the dialogue. And he promised to close the Palestinian embassy in Brasilia.
I am not holding my breath waiting for Michael Flynn to speak about something that is really relevant like the MIGHTIEST ARMY ON THE PLANET, RISING UP AND FUCKING CRUSHING THE SHIT OUT OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE 'RULING OVER US'.
Flynn is 100% /ourguy/
"Yes, bad things happen. Not everything you're observing israel."
The ACLU is just covering their own ass because they know that bullshit boycott law would have been torn to shreds under any actual scrutiny
This is the very reason why they MUST be exterminated for their to be lasting peace on Earth.
new fag
Reminder that the House of Saud are Crypto-Jews.
Do you not understand that this is tearing the jews apart from the Israelis?
Hey faggot. Saudi isn't helping Israel at all after they tried to frame MBS as killing Khashoggi.
Khazars, I believe…related to the 'kike queen of the brits'.
Dopey Prince Alwaleed and his Wahabbi faction aren't in power anymore. Israel is all alone.
What is botox?
Erdogan's a cunt.
newfaggette, she is unhappy about all the jews she's forced to look at instead of DOTR and 4th Reich
Are you kidding me? These fucking people are so completely BIZARRE. Can you imagine having botulism injected in your face because you thought it made you 'look pretty'. What kind of fucking mental would you have to be? I thought she was simply permanently suicidally depressed.
The population of israel is about 75% jew. There's your six gorillion.
One of my customers is a botox bitch, and she's never happy.
Great. Now what about the other oil rich sand nigger nation Saudi Arabia, which has been pushing its endless wealth into our countries to fund the same kind of anti-white, open-borders, pro-Islamist shit people like George Soros push?
jewish mitosis
It is like building yourself a FLESH CAGE which traps you in a permanent state of unhappiness…certifiably batshit. Did you know that they did research on people's face to see if people could tell someone's social status by looking at their face. Turns out crows feet and other facial wrinkles are a sign of higher status/financial well being than someone without many lines on their face. So basically the stupid bitches are just making themselves look like poor white trash because they are actively erasing the signs of their own social class. Only kikes could have engineered a fashion (being cut up and tortured to 'retrieve youth'; something that is never in the cards) for such an irrelevant and ridiculous outcomes.
Filtered. Muslim shill detected.
What kind of low IQ shit is this?
Dude…we need the end of that fucking garbage PEASANT ('untouchable' according to the caste system) BLOODLINE and the return of the TRUE ARISTOCRACY; ARYANS. The 'untouchable' fucks are the rulers of the Kali Yuga…we don't come out of that until we purge them almost completely from the Earth…I would prefer we purge them completely. This clown world is the result of having UNTOUCHABLES run the Earth…there is no nobility anywhere…they turn everything they touch into shit…BECAUSE THEY ARE SHIT PEOPLE.
Replacing Israelis with Cryptojews and forcing the kikes into hiding is worse, when they are proudly exposing themselves at the moment.
You don't want Sunnis in charge. They've lost all credibility for hundreds of years.
Kek. 5 million muslims will invade Israel and wipe them out. This isn't up for debate anymore. Israel is incapable of changing their behavior.
They've never changed their behaviour, tactics maybe but never their underlying behaviour.
You think some aging stank pussy roastie has 'nice skin' because she has gone under the knife repeatedly and erased all signs of being a living human being?
That seems 'high class' to you?
Have a duck face plastic bitch for your effort
It's a good thought, no doubt. Just can't get my hopes up until I see the habbenings
Somehow they will try to drag us into their bullshit OR worse, they will simply slaughter us enmasse because we don't fucking rescue their psychotic criminal asses. Either way, that will be our chance to completely exterminate this parasitic class here in our own nation as well.
That is a beautiful high class woman with magnificent skin according to this user
Look, I know you Hasbara shills are really shitting your IDF diapers right now, but soon it's gonna be all over. Ben Gurion is a faggot.
The fuck are you talking about, kike? After a year of potential happenings with nothing to show for it I'm just not popping the champagne until I see it actually happen. Or are you forgetting the attempted coup on Ergodan?
Okay, peasant, go kill yourself, because you're not super rich or successful. You're from a peasant bloodline. Go die. Now.
No, but according to you 90% of white people are white trash for not leading excessively stressful lives and having decent genetics and skin. According to you if a white woman doesn't look like a dried up prune, she's white trash. You're anti-white.
holy shit
We can both agree that is a niche kink faggot.
Yup. Flynn knew he was being surveilled and lied to the FBI on purpose so that after he was charged by Mueller it would be revealed that they only knew he was lying because of the illegally obtained FISA.
Also all those Democrat lawyers Trump complains about inside the Mueller probe have flipped to get pardons in exchange for helping take down the Swamp.
Rod Rosenstein and his wife Lisa Barsoomian
Lisa Page and Strzok
Bill Priestap and his wife Sabina Menschel
Bruce and Nellie Ohr
shit is about to get interesting.
Pretty much this.
yes I agree…he is an obvious faggot, sounds like one who went under the knife as well and now feel remorse.
Is ANYONE ELSE BUGGED OUT by the way shills have been posting on here lately. ITS A MIXTURE OF SCHIZOPOSTING AND YELLING with a little bit of
mixed in.
Or is it just me?
I don't take anyone who uses the buzzword schizophrenia seriously. It's an overused Israeli buzzword and it's gotten so old.
It's so tiresome.
And we can't throw them in the oven (pic related).
Take your meds, you delusional magapedo.
t. Schizoposter
Do you have a better word you'd propose we use? Or are you just disappointed we are able to point out shills' annoying posting habits?
They use the New York Times to broadcast their thoughts openly. And they call me a 'conspiracy theorist'. There's no conspiracy, it's quite public.
Hey kike you really lack the self awareness to understand that your shilling isn't effective anymore. Why do you waste your time still trying to influence peoples' opinions? It's not like it works at all. In fact, I think that all the shilling that zionists have been funding has only made people hate Israel more. Yet here you are using those same buzzwords and collective phrasing. It's really sad.
Apart from the surprising lack of anti-Trump shills.
This is something they aren't going to let happen.
Do you think the Israelis are still in control? Israel is fucked.
It's actually (((Soviet))).
And yeah, it's a lame-ass "no u" only brainlet shills use.
It's called an argument. I would start with Plato if you're interested.
Again, I exhort you to give me a better word if you are so irked by 'schizoposter'. I know of no better way to describe the posting patterns of certain types that seem to pop up in every goddamn thread.
This is bad. For us.
Where are the Jews going to go? To us, of course.
A president who'd oppose the Jews was almost as naive as all Jews voluntarily migrating to Israel.
NO YOU ENTITLED KIKE. You Israeli faggots will have to live under a President named Mohammad. Do you fuckers think that anyone will take you in? You have a home, you're just gonna get a different government.
Okay but you're wrong.
Jews have been living all over the world for centuries. The reason why we're having problems is because we have non-Americans in our gov't. Once Israel is being raided, guess what? They'll disperse. Again.
Israel doesn't represent all Jews. Iranian Jews want to see Israel destroyed. Zionism is an abomination on this world and normie Jews have been just as deceived as anyone else. This is about destroying zionism. The idea of Israel as a country is completely illegitimate and they are an occupying power. Israel and its people will have to reap what they have sown.
I’ve seen this shilling before. They know Israel is fucked they’re trying to say that getting the rest of them is ‘racist or division shilling’ or something. Perhaps trying to save their own abroad. Happened to me on 4pol.
Right, thanks for confirming that you are indeed a jewish shill. Nobody is buying your age-old tactic of "look, we're the good jews, we hate X too". The entire jewish "race" is an enemy of mankind and should fuck off back to hell.
Look fags
Absolutely with you here. Not that it matters much. Once the idea is out we need to formulate a proper response. We can't just burn the Zionist books but need to build an immune response so to speak.
Similarly how millennials are learning communism to debate against it nowadays we'll just have to make everyone study Zionism with all its implication.
No, I'm not a Jew. I'm just not into the idea of hurting them and making all the NPCs cry about how they're the victims.
He's right. There are Hungarian Jews.
Did you know Soros is trying to legalize miscegenation and funding Black-Jew pornography?
It's said Hungarians can outwit the Jew.
Botox plus orangeman jizz. If you got fucked in the ass by him… you'd probably love it and call him, 'dad'.
Because the (((wsj))) told you so hahah good goy. Guess who the faggot is? Fucking dumb shit.
You're my dumb nigger of the day. I'd explain it to you, but being a monkey, you would't understand. I'm glad poor peoples perception is what passes for science to you.
Regular Hungarians I meant in the last line.
It really is so tiresome.
But you can't expect much from average a 84 IQ point nation that has been let out of its containment desert via European males invention of the internet. Little did we know that it would let all the kikes escape their hellish prison of 'kikel community' and it would release them into genpop to infect as many as they could take down with their inane and meritless propaganda and knee jerk spambotting. It is really like they are machines…spambot level intellect. That is all.
Wrong WEBM.
Oh no no no those are just israelis playing pretend