If this survey is correct church turns you into a liberal. I’ve never heard a priest say anything against homosexuality or abortion in church. However, I have heard priests say jews are God’s chosen, quote rabbis, and on occasion say some borderline globalist/communist stuff. However, there is a lot of based stuff in the Old Testament like antifaggotry, antimiscegenation, and antithot laws. After I move out of my parents’ house should I become a sola scriptura Christian and stop going to mass? In internet debates I find myself almost exclusively quoting the Old Testament to defend conservative views. It feels kind of weird being unable to quote the New Testament because it’s so cucky. It’s also the kind of stuff I hear most quoted in mass to support turn the other cheekism. How do conservative Christians get around the New Testament without pretending God was just joking with that part?
Is church evil?
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The only house of worship is within oneself.
Have you checked out a Latin made parish? They tend to be more conservative. Also slow scripture is contradictory and dumb. For all the problems with Catholicism, prots week low is retards
Low iq
Shitty phone poster, sorry
Christianity is aids. It's literally just proto-communism with spiritual window dressing.
this is what cucklicks actually think about the word of god, when that is they aren't busy thinking about little boys
Fuck Prots are low iq retards. damn this fucking changes every word I type.
Pick one
We love scripture, we love it so much that we had council's to decide what was in it.
Proceeds to shit in street
Wrong. My church-going conservative family hated Trump from the get-go. I don't even know who they voted for, I know they voted 3rd party.
Church-goers hate trump because church-goers are real conservatives.
you hate God so much you make shrines to pagan fertility "goddesses" while your "councilmen" rape children in the name of Christ
That’s nice but how do I get around the scripture issue? I can justify most of my beliefs with John’s books, the Deuterocanonicals, Genesis, and the Wisdom books. But everything else in the Bible reads like zionist cuck propaganda unless you’re a white Israelist raised in an ancient Roman culteral context. I’m raised in modern US. So am I going to have to switch my brain into larping as white Israelist ancient Roman to get anything of value from the rest of the Bible?
My church always talks about morality and how homosexuals are drove by Satan, but I'm a orthodox christian so I can't talk for all sects of Christianity
Christianity doesn’t protect against cultural change. It hits the shitter real fast when cultural change happens and in America’s case goes from antimiscegenation to promoting miscegenation in less than two generations.
Say wot m8? That's some serious blasphemy there implying that Christ is the son of a pagan fertility goddess.
Half the bishops should be hung by the civil authorities, but the civil authorities parallels too. Also. You. Eye. Log. (Evangelicals have the same problem)
>not supporting (((Trump))) means you're a liberal
*are pedos
I don't see any Zionism in christianity. The jews as we know them are essentially frauds. We didn't take the bible from them, but vice versa. In the Latin rite of good Friday we pray for the conversion of the perfidious jews (because Judaism sucks)
laughs in steel tariffs
your fertility goddess you refer to as "queen of heaven" that you make idols to and worship does not appear in my bible
"Evangelical" is not a denomination, typical illiterate cucklick, it's no surprise you are a cucklick that hates God and the word of God since you cannot even read, just kiss your pagan statues and look the other way when your "vicar of christ" disgraces the name of Christ.
Probably because you're either a Catholic or a yankee.
veneration isn't worship
do you ever find it strange that you can make catholic jokes in public still but not homosexuality jokes
You mean like Pope Francis?
Jews don't actually follow the OT, they just claim ownership. See also: open source, democracy, world trade agreements, etc.
Map search SSPX, it's a traditionalist group within Roman Catholicism where everything is the opposite of how modern churches work. People attend mass consistently, the mass is in Latin (homily in vernacular,) they're straight, the play organ or piano or they sing instead of guitar or 'world instruments.'
That's because OT is where the bulk of laws and punishments are found. NT doesn't repeal the laws.
I have no pagan statues. What are you talking about? I have a statue of the mother of Jesus. I don't worship it though.
Evangelicals are a class of denominations with very similar belief and structures. Most people pump them together because pulling apart the ecclesiastical disaster that is evangelical Protestantism is too much of a pain in the ass
I wish I could believe that but Jesus defends a thot by saying let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Also try ffsp or the institute of Christ the king.
there is no functional distinction in cucktholicism
dumb nigger, we have a new covenant
par for the course
why do you have this idol? do you pray to it like your compatriots do? do you kiss it for "good luck" like your compatriots do?
not really
this is hilarious considering cucklick doctrine literally changes over time but our faith is based on the immutable word of God
But textiles (us)don't have to follow it. Hence the controversy over circumcision between Peter and Paul
There is a fu
There is a fu>>12571371
There is a functional distinction though. Worship is reserved for God. Generation is not. Something can be holy without being God
there is no controversy, jews and gentiles alike are bound by the new covenant, moronic cucklick doesn't even understand basic theological concepts like this…
the eucharist or jesus sacrament rituals are literal spirit cooking and also ritual canibalism
not ok at all
there was one though. It's in acts. It's the topic of the council of Jerusalem
But you’re the kind of Christians I’m always at odds with. It’s always the degenerate Christians who want to smoke weed and fuck each other in the ass who say there’s no need to follow the OT.
tell me what is the functional distinction between your worship of Jesus and your veneration of your allegedly divine queen of heaven
As a reminder of the example of the holiness of the mother of christ
To the statue? No. In front of the statue for the purpose of better focus? Yes, sometimes. Not normally though.
Not my thing actually. Also it's less for luck than acknowledgement that the thing represented in the picture is holy
do you think there was a law in the OT that said thou shalt not smoke weed? or anything about drugs at all? no we are delivered through our FAITH and through our FAITH we do not need to take drugs, unlike cucklicks who struggle every day and have to go to confession when they inevitably fail because they do not believe in salvation through FAITH but self-flagellation and other nonsense like this
For one thing, Mary cannot perform miracles, God can do it through her, but she cannot change anything on earth. When you pray to God you give him petition or thanks,when you generate Mary you ask her to pray to God for you.
why not a statue of Jesus?
this is 100% pagan in nature
1 Timothy 2:5
could you point me where in this verse are you commanded to pray to mary? why aren't you praying to moses? he is far holier than mary ever could be.
Why not both?
How so?
Christ is still the only mediator. Mary is a.part of human mind and therefore falls under the category of "man"
because actual Christians do not need a pagan idol to refocus their prayers for them
why are you not praying to Moses, a literal prophet of God who was much closer to Him than mary?
No. Christ came to fulfill the OT we should be held to.a.higher standard than the OT,but a more substantial one. Why do you think Catholics don't recognize divorce?
Also we venerate Moses as well. He just isn't as popular
*help focus. It's a visual aid bro.
Like pictures in a storybook
Shits in street
What the fug? Explain yourself, papist.
Church or (((church)))?
No Church anywhere in the world will name the Jew. Many Churches dedicate their fiances to importing niggers. Church is ded.
Part of human kind. Sorry autocorrect on this.shitty tablet is awful. Is correcting words that are actually fine
Never let another man lead you to God, for he may not found God himself.
One time Bubbles took me to the Renovation of the Blessed Sack of Cement.
Commit suicide immediately.
And how can you call anything evil?
dumb cucklick cannot into basic theology
Luke 1:35
it is the work of the holy spirit, not of your pagan fertility goddess, also
John 1:1
mary is not the mother of God, she did NOTHING that the Holy Spirit did not do for her, the difference between her and moses is IMMENSE
Exodus 33:11-17
illiterate cucklicks like you HATE the word of God because it so obviously contradicts your pathetic "well we pray directly to her to uh pray to jesus on our behalf when can pray to jesus ourselves but her prayers are stronger because of this 9 month connection ok??? i have zero scripture to back this up also my prayers to her are stronger because i am in front of a statue of her which lets me magically focus my prayer, huh that almost sounds like witchcraft lol!" spiel
see vid related
Something's wrong here.
The Old Testament is Jewish, literally the best parts of the bible was written by Jews. It's a liberal subversive cult for weak minded idiots.
Yes, its evil.
It promotes Christ insanity's fear of Hell which is a form of child abuse and is also a teaching that traumatizes and psychologically abuses adults the goal of which is to scare people into remaining in the Jew cult.
The church is also filled with disgusting pedophile clergy who need to be locked behind bars in super maximum security prisons where nigger and wetback rapists can give them a taste of their own foul medicine.
Christ insanity is also proto Communism or Communism 1.0 and I was once living proof that it can have a tendency to turn people into leftists as I was a braindead libtarded nigger worshipper for years until my racial awakening but yes my Christ tard indoctrination like most of the white western world began in early childhood via Sunday (Jew) School and then later as I grew older filled with Christian teachings and missplaced empathy for subhuman inferior races I naturally took to the leftist Democratic liberal ideology which is simply another mutation of Christianity/Communism but in political form instead of religious.
Judaians used to mean everyone living there. It's like saying Muslim when Duterte is also a Muslim but not an Arab.
IIRC he implied they all where pimps which used to be a capital crime back then.
Take your coal burning cult elsewhere, wigger.
The Jehova's Witness who comes and teaches me about the bible seems fairly based and red pilled. Talked shit about degeneracy, homosexuality, and how the jews aren't Israelites.
He could not explain why JW doesn't boycott the banks / television though and instead focused only on politics and military. Something weak excuse about the teller didn't do nothing and was just doing her job.
Too bad they seem like a cult that's reads off a distorted bible and interprets it the way it benefits their agenda.
go out to the french country side and marry a retarded girl 30 years your junior and live off the land if you're really about it
Your church is supposed to be where ever you are, not some building. Think of the readily apparent effects of institutional education… Rather than becoming knowledgeable the vast majority that attend such a thing become brainwashed. If religion is to be considered a doctrine, which it is, then people going to a place where they are told what that doctrine means and how to abide by it are being indoctrinated. Meanwhile, it is supposed to be a deeply personal thing. It's like when kikes try to push bullshit on how your own families relationships and traditions should be.
Adultery also meant miscegenation back then. It was also a capital crime.
Only a Satanist will tell you to not stay within your people. Not just race. Don't miscegenate between Frenchand German and Pole and Russian.
The Devil is the mixer. It's literally what the word's origin means: Diabolos - mixer, conFUSEr.
Mary was pregnant with jeaus, right?
Based from Coughlin
fr. Coughlin
Your church might be
come to >>>/christianity/ for uncensored christian discussion
if you go to church you are a faggot directly going against the word of any god by putting the church's word above god's
All that is needed is faith and an understanding of the bible. The modern church is a house of sin. Its clergy are liars and sinners.
Only the word of god is the truth, and there is no truth but the word of god. If a man thinks that he needs anything more than a bible to understand the lord, then he is under the influence of devilish powers.
This. But also, the bible is not necessary to understand. The truth shall be reveal to he who seeks it, it does not live in any one book but everywhere.
Dude, first christian pictures of mary are from like the 2nd century in the catacombs. This is a practice that literally comes down to us from the first christians, yet you alert our about it because it isn't in the bible.
We love the bib!e. We also recognize that God conveys truth through other .same as well
*means as well
Protestantism was always about merchant princes being unhappy they couldn't compete with the greediness of jewish merchants due to the Church regulating the markets practice and is based on the sole axiom: "You can do what the fuck you want as long you believe in God you might be saved", which is exactly what is NOT in bible (so they constantly refer to the old testament as a source. You know the one the apostles said it was bullshit).
Catholicism died right after WWII as there hasn't been ONE pope ever since that lasted more than a couple of years/wasn't elected under suspicious circumstance Vatican II council being essentially "let's flush down the toilet the entirety of the Roman dogma".
Orthodoxy only (barely) survived the cold war by accepting commie rule and control, it's the ones that are the closest to proper Christianity as they've suffered 100 years of "egalitarian" and "humanist" persecutions. The spiritual dogma is largely intact but the secular institution can be corrupt as fuck. They actually consider humanism as heresy so that's a plus and are all strong believer in nationalism, patriarchy, etc…
the absolute state of papists
Yes, Christianity is an evil Jewish religion. Worship European gods, not those of the kikes.
What’s with this Yahwehphobia? Jesus was clear on OT validity. Why don’t you just admit you’re a sinning stoner instead of corrupting the religion so you feel justified?
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:17-20
So Christianity is Jewish?
The church is by nature the centers of indoctrination of "Judeo-Christian teachings and values". Having the church turn into the home of Jewish backed degeneracy is a natural step.
Yeah, you're a paid jewish shill.
No, the exact opposite is true. Paid jewish shills have spammed the same lies for 4 years. Every single fucking thing they say is wrong.
The Christian is immunized against all dangers: one may call it a faggot, murderer, liar, normalfag, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew-worshiper and you will be astonished at how it recoils, how injured he is, how suddenly he shrinks back and screeches: "I've been found out."
No but judaism and Christianity share an ancestral religion.