This book is essential to understanding the challenges we face.
If we ever hope to win our future, we must reckon the strategies of the enemy. This book will not make you a good person, but it will make you a useful one.
I recommend it especially to Zig Forums's youngsters and newfriends.
The book is formatted thusly: It states a law of power, then offers a real-life example of the law in effect.
There are summaries available, but the real weight is in the examples given.
Read or listen to the whole book. The audiobook on youtube is 10 hours long. Consider it your homework for the next 2 weeks. 1 hour of listening per day. It is more important than your algebra homework.
I hope you enjoy it and learn from it.
inb4 (((JEW))) Yes, Greene is a filthy kike. The same type of kike that owns you, your mother, and your ass. If you want to win tomorrow, learn today from the enemy that defeated you.
48 Laws of Power
Other urls found in this thread:
In case it wasn't clear, there is a JewTube link in my post that links to the full audiobook.
Just read the list and realize these are how sociopaths you are up against operate.
Yes. Know thy enemy.
That's actually the point I was trying to make. This is basically the enemy's rulebook. If you don't see the value in such a thing, maybe our little movement is fucked from the get-go
this is quicker..
The unabridged audiobook is 23 hours long.
Here's the summary.
The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche.
I would read that as well.
Can anyone repost this?
I need to do my algebra hw though. Mr Goldberg is having us calculate the numbers of jews gassed in the shoah for our final and I know it's going to be hard
summary of each law without the retarded unnecessary bullshit
his latest book
audiobook version of his latest book
Good overview, excellent historical examples even though (((Greene))) is one of (((them.))) His books on War and Mastery are good too.
Reminder that niggers and activists in congress read this book and then think they are fucking Machiavelli. You need to have the intelligence to recognize the laws and know when not to use them. Actually, nogs are more likely to read Greene's lower level book he wrote with 50 Cent, but the point is they are becoming explicitly aware of power and how to use it against the white man.
I think the top 3 books in prisons are: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of War, and Behold a Pale Horse. I've mostly seen the 50 Cent recommended by the White (or maybe h'White) self-help crowd.
Them being highly read books in prisons make them less appealing. How many people get out of prison and start mastering the world around them?
The groids who read them are trying to master things like smalltime drug dealing, not the world.
Robert Green just strip minned the works of Gracian Baltasar, a now deceased Spanish monk. He's the guy you wanna read. Green is a clown who copypasted his work.
>Drawing from the ideas and examples of Pericles, Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King Jr, and many others
Hahaha oh no
The meat.
I might listen to Trump talk for that long on power but not this yid.
I love this book.
The historical examples were shit and misleading at least a quarter of a time.
Not buying your book, yid.
most examples are made up or heavily modified
This shit depresses and enrages me.
Whats the point of even being alive if it all just comes down to this rancid, evil, putrid, soulless, cancerous, smug, noxious grind for power?
Anyone who uses these tactics on me should be exterminated in the most painful way possible.
And yet to hunt monsters we must sometimes use our teeth. Master the monster to win the maiden.
Notice how half the laws deal with thwarting the angry and honest.
Two things parasites find antithetical to exploiting their hosts.
It's no surprise that this was written by a jew.
I'll check him out, thanks user
Really? I may have been misled. I verified the Lola Montez story, but none of the others. I'll verify a few more before I read any more of this book
It is quite telling
What practical use is it though?
If you do these things at work you will be branded as a psychopath.
This book is fucking schizoid.
All over the place, messy, many 'Rules' can be consolidated.
It's basically a listing of historical moves or charateristics in no particular order with no particular coherence.
This book is shit.
It should be /6 or /8 at least to clean it up.
Classic shitbook written for Salesfags like Sun Tzu's 'Art of War' even though he never wrote any such book, and any mindlet fag would do the same things in his position.
People acting like these are some secrets or whatever.
Apparently very popular in Prison. Know your enemy. Read Karl Marx, the protocols of Zion, the fucking Talmud. Know the Jew.
That's why aristotle pushed his political ideology even further than his mentor plato, who in turn pushed it further than his mentor socrates.
Socrates was bound and loyal to the laws of the Polis, he thought them unbending and immortal. He believed in democracy (ie only free citizen male athenians over the age of 30), meanwhile platos ideal society was one of oligarchy, with philosophers being the arbiters and leaders of the polis. They would earn no wages and would enjoy no luxuries. Instead they would be frugal, stoic and impartial. Aristotle, having lived the rise of alexander and his victory over the revolt of thebes and all that followed the assassination of Phillip II, he came to the conclusion of an ideal society ruled under a valorous and virtuous hegemon. Monarchy, or in his sense, tyranny under a man of men, someone like his pupid Alexander.
Interestingly enough, even Diogenes the cynic that introduced the world to absurdism followed that train of thought. Consolidation of power to one individual, but a coherent understanding that it is up to his subjects to dethrone him at a moments notice if he betrays their trust and interests.
jew never defeated me
fuck off
Intolerance = Power
Fanaticism = Power
Hysteria = Power
You only have power when people fear crossing you more than they fear crossing your competitors and enemies.
That's basic bitch teir power.
Really? This is the sort of random useless knowledge I love.
That is crazy silly if true.
I think an even better book on this topic is Secrets of Power by Ingo Swann
quit with the esoteric bullshit. Read the originals.
The Gallic Wars
The prince
can't really read anything
hit the second level of unconsciousness and memory span is now 0
what means this?
I wonder who uses such inteligent technique, oh wait…
I guess we are (((pol))) now
here are the summaries for those without a spare 10 hours or 5
The list is too long to read though.
It has been in my reading list for a while. But since a beloved companion from the reich took his time to recommend me, I will make an effort to read or listen to it at max until the next month. Started Mein Kampf 2 days ago, right after finishing 1984.
Thank you, my brother.
No, it's not.
~450 pages. If you read 10 pages a day, in less than 2 months you could finish it. Read, listen or whatever.
This kind of stuff interested me when I was younger, however I don't think people here are sociopathic boot lickers that will worm their way into any power structure.
If you want to see full 48 laws of power in action just go to Thailand where a full 48 laws of power ethnic Chinese elite has a tight grip on the country and everybody that doesn't play ball ends up dead or with his life destroyed.
If people go full PC to keep whatever little position they have left in a society of under employment and ever declining wages the end is neigh and next thing you know everybody but the political class is a slave just like the turd world monkey people you once laughed about.
Trying to fix rot and decay from within seems like a pointless task in the modern world. Going full separatist in the country side with like minded people sounds like a better idea but prepare to get Waco'd for it…
Thanks for sharing m8, I'll definietely give it a go
t. kike
>"((((((jews)))))) and their ideologies are evil"
Never change pol, books themeselves contain very basic knowlage if you are into history all "laws" sholud be already well know to you.
Greene takes random historical events and samshes them together only to prove facts that are very welll known, book is misinformative and manipulative; on the long run it is waste of your time
If you truly want to educate yourself then learn some facts insted of this theoretical bullshit
Also to OP there is "we" anyone fights for himself, and if you want satrt "fighting" the (((enemy))) then mabye you should stop promoting doctrine made by (((them)))
I recommend the audiobook Siege by James Mason
You can get a copy from Alex Linder
I just finished 48 LOP.
If you goys want real power you should read and get a physical copy of Ca$hvertising.
this book turns you into a sociopath
read it to understand how sociopaths try to manipulate you
but take the high ground
well niggers are garbage but still a threat in the way of "well I have this mental space, even if it is smaller than that of a white, that was used for voodoo, remove the voodoo and input basic psychopathic silent warfare" and you got a person who is more capable of doing that than a white person who doesnt have the basics…
but its hard. One of the rules of this book is "Have a great poker face" as in, not being able to be read. A nigger, who has less self control and more emotion will always be more easy to provoke than a white person. One of the great, if not THE most important things that you need to learn from this book is "imagining things from the other persons perspective" and a nigger who by nature has much less capacity for empathy…will simply not operate very well even with these rules.