Is stephen miller our kike or is he just another shifty backstabbing jew?

I have read a good amount on the guy, and it seems like he is a true believer in reducing nonwhite immigration to the US. Even back in high school he was considered a "troll" simply for relishing in voicing controversial yet genuine opinions.

It seems to me that he is sincere in wanting to build the wall and ending the flow of illegal immigration into the country.

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Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner are both Americans above all else.

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Trump is that you?

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You have to go back.
Or to TRS or something, as long as it isn't here.

I've been here since the exodus

fuck off

Attached: dailystormer miller.JPG (785x679, 68.3K)

Too legit to quit.

Oh shit you're right, I forgot I actually love Israel and duh jewish ppl. Huge fan.


I also love jewish people.