The jews are trying to shoah Michael Savage!
The jews are trying to shoah Michael Savage!
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Savage is a kike
The jews have already silenced millions of people who aren't influencers or e-celebs and now all these influencers are asking the people for help in combating this? How about go fuck yourselves kikes. You people never speak up.
Michael Savage is a rich jew with a rich jew family
Shut the fuck up OP if you don't know what you're talking about
Who cares?
He is a jew, just one of the more tolerable ones.
wtf I love Ben Shapiro now!
A Neocon is a neocon.
CRTV and The Blaze merged, and they're keeping neocohens like Ben Shapiro but ditching people like Gavin "the Faggot" McGuinness and Michael "Weiner" Savage here along with Alex Jones who already was shoahed.
You niggers keep posting shit like this in an attempt to get people to defend the subversive kikes. KYS nigger
"Savage was born Michael Alan Weiner[1] in the Bronx, New York, one of three children of Benjamin and Rae Weiner,[9] Jewish emigrants from Russia."
Don't forget Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the Hitler of our time. That aside, though, I'd listen to him complain about food rather than most of the other stuff on terrestrial radio.
I looked at Mahmoud's Twitter yesterday, total non threat. Our media's so full of shit but they keep us spending every penny we got to secure global Jewish hegemony. Notice how any serious effort from the gov is for Jewish interests.
Yeah, he said some inflamatory things, but my take is he was more of a big-mouthed populist and an easy target for Israel's endless war-drum banging against Iran.
I'd just always chuckle when Mike would work himself into enough of a tizzy to start shouting that. It was reliably the part of his show I couldn't find much room to agree with but which was still entertaining nonetheless. I think its says something if you can disagree with somebody but still enjoy the humor in it.
this metokur meme is ssspicy
I'm expected by the muh Hitler schmucks to expect Holocaust 2.0 any day now, but we have pol-acks who lament Weiner isn't half bad. Time to desert this regiment.
This will change.
No, he's right.
Never trust a Jew.
this thread lives to prove mods = sodoms helpers
We've got MONSTER MICHAEL SAVAGE stepping into the ring and taking on the ENTIRE RADIO BROADCAST ROSTER. Who will survive this bloodletting? What will become of the tax breaks? And could we possibly see a run-in intervention by a based black man, willing to come to the aid of his endangered jewish master? We're gonna find out tonight, folks!
This is a power play by the British & Israelis to take over American Conservatism in it's entirety. A repeat of the William F. Buckley strategy that duped the Baby Boomers for 50 years.
Fox News
The Joe Rogan Experience
All of them, a part of the operation.
Nuweli Volk National Park
Eisenhower Progressive Republicans
this, wake the fuck up you dumb ass cuckservative niggers
Clean your penis man doesn't need Patreon, he can always pick up a UN or teaching gig.
Sargon was brought up on Dan fucking Bongino's podcast too. That was rather weird. (He's going to be brought up from the farm team to Fox very soon, it's pretty obvious.)
That isn't what he said m8.
Posts like this are cuckchan
(but the term "blackpilled" IS gay. Just say demoralized instead)
You mean michael weiner?
While I enjoy watching kikes eat their own, I do recognize that this is a loss as Savage's kikery is of a substantialy less toxic brand than lil' Benjy's.
This is what happens when Glen Beck and his fecal Midas touch take an interest in anything. Like a blessing from a 3rd-rate Papa Nurgle with none of the benefits.
Subversive kikes who pretend to be somewhat on our side are more harmful than those who openly oppose us. Pic related.
But who's his opponent?
Well well well. It's always the bankers, or some political party, or some mob being led by a pied piper or other, or even Zionists, but never "The Dyuew"! And out of whose mouth is this said? By a Jew. So what are his arguments? Nothing substantive, bunch of rhetorical "we" type language. Here's the bottom line. IS THERE A GROUP OF CONSPIRATORS, YES OR NO? ARE MOST OF THEM, and ESPECIALLY MOST OF THE CORE, JEWS? Does the Jewish ideology promote the seeds of this conspiracy in its worldview? YES OR NO!? Then if so, there is no reason to blame on banking nor on mob demagoguery, which could serve any purpose. As of now, those are mediating instruments at best, and it is clear that even if those were taken to be primary, the CORE CONSPIRATORS within THOSE elements are: "Approaching the ring, representing the tribe, from israel, THE DYUEW"!
Yeah, 10 years ago he would routinely rails against "Nazis". Everything and everyone was a "Nazi". He stopped doing that so much. Probably because he knows his audience are all Nazis.
Honestly the guy looks and acts more like an Italian. But who knows.. maybe he took on the character of those old New York Italians thinking they were cool. He was anti-Ron Paul, but gave him a few interviews when nobody else would. Called 9/11 researchers a bunch of nuts, etc.
One less zionist mouthpiece.
I think (((London))) banned him from entertaining the UK.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! See ya later Kike!
He knew this was coming has been advertising his podcast for a while which should be up in 2019, anyhow, end hew on hew violence guys no more brother wars
well yeah, im convicned savage picked up his talking points from rockwell and just made them kosher for the goys, the ebil democrats
that and alan ginsburg lol
do you know he and alan ginsburg were fags together lol
Yep. They gave life to the mob, thinking they could control it. Yet again, they fail to do so, and we are laughing at them.
Beck is a (((mormon))) stooge brought in to shit in the corn flakes. Doing the same as he's always done. He's a lot like that Webb guy on YT come to think of it.
Glenn Beck and his (((london handlers))) are now shilling AGAINST Thomas Jefferson. Know why? because from a london perspective Jefferson was the anti-London bad guy that stood against pro-London Hamilton the crypto-loyalist.
Mormons were always crypto-loyalist who hated the American Founding Fathers. They believe their greatest historic period was during the British Victorian Era. This is why you see double-agents like Richard Spencer, Jordan Peterson pushing forward a pro-Victorian narrative.
They're just fucking loyalist for London.
Republic of the founders failed, less than 100 years after its founding.
Hamiltonian economic nationalism and Jeffersonian republicanism are dead.
A large portion of white americans are of british descent.
TLDR- stop posting nigger
He literally is one of those old New York Italians / (((Italians))). That's like where the Jewish-Italian Mafia came out of and everything. Part of the pull is how much he sounds like your old uncle or your next door neighbor's dad or whatever who had too much to drink at Thanksgiving again.
This dude is actually pretty hilarious.
Good. The less Jews in media, the better.
First and best kike-free post.
Funny thing is Eisenhower wasn't Swedish, either. I haven't found any solid evidence that Eisenhower was a crypto (I suspect Johnson to be one, though), but he was a very good goy for (((them))), though.
Crypto-Jews or not, the British Royalty as an institution hasn't been legitimate since Oliver Cromwell's coup in the 17th century.
a jew.
nothing of value is lost.
Don't give a fuck, the end of the jews is at hand, all of them, and it cannot be stopped. They can dance around as much as they like.
That's pretty much all that this amounts to.
there is a war on for your mind
& we are the twenty first Infantry,
a new hope to put a pillow between
you & the cement floor you use as a bed,
no education - just school of hard knocks,
haha, the intelligence of this board
Savage is a Jew and this is a cuckchan low effort post. Why is this up.
I like that, "THE DYUEW"
I've listened to Savage for years, he is not pretending. If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it IS a duck. Savage fights for the west constantly.
This is the subversion that will destroy the west. We attack everyone that is not an aryon or Nat Soc, and the only people left are the Neocons and Leftists.
Divide and conquer is the plan and we are going along with the plan.
This. Many people here like to LARP, but it's not a viable winning strategy. Savage is a kike, but he names the Jew regularly on his show. I listen to him on the way home from work, he's the only radio show I can stand, and even then only in doses. But if we attack everyone who isn't full 14/88 nothing will ever change. Purity spiraling is a thing and it will cost us.
If Savage was really "fighting for the West", he'd be another Bobby Fischer, calling out his co-racialists who are openly at the root of all our problems.
You're just too emotionally invested in your "good" radio jew to see the truth.
The real "LARPing" is from people like you, who will pretend to be jew-wise and racially aware on the internet, but are really just a kosher conservative. Just like the lolbergs who love to talk about how "fashy" they are.
Oh, that explains everything. At least you're essentially admitting that "purity spiraling" is just a codeoword for "antisemitism" and the rejection of so-called "good jews".
This is Based Michael Weiner after he stopped sucking Allen Ginsberg's dick and started fucking Barbara Streisand.
Clearly, this is the one good Jew. Let's make him honorary.
nah. How about I kill your family?
Nigger, you'd better be autistic.
I do like trains…
FYI, That is a wax figure of Barbara Streisand.
Yes, I know. How embarrassing that the real BS is still out of Weiner's league.
Why are we still on the topic of Based Kike?
I don't know.
It is probably worth noting that Savage is being shut down, but not worth too much of our attention. He's not /ourguy/ or anything. He is just yet-another-jew-in-media.
This actually isn't the worst thread to bump right now, considering 3/4 of the highest posts are reflexive bashing of yids. That's a good attitude to display even in a slide thread.
so whos jewing who now?
I still came
So are Benjamin Freedman, Myron Fagan, David Cole, Bobby Fischer, Jack Bernstein, Mordecai Vannunu, et. al.
old shill, basically found out, looking for a way out
oh well, "i got banned" is probably better faking your death
Nice birthdaysuit you faggot.
Oh yes, the "good jew" who used his revisionist knowledge to promote Holohoax orthodoxy when he was in hiding, and now that he was outed pushes Holocaust-lite, where it all happened, just not in Krema II or gas vans. You convinced me, I love "good jews" now.
Yeah, nah.
Savage is a literal zionist though. He's got a boomer army of fiscal cuckservatives and BASED minorities.