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Trump is going to begin the process of pardoning all nonviolent first time felony drug offenders.
Fuck off ShariaBlue shills. President Donald J Trump is Making America Great Again by building the wall and kicking the Muslims and illegals out, and that's good for me. If prison reform and increased aid to Israel is what it costs for a White country, so be it.
Get the fuck out.
Trump the goddamn cancer monger looks to pander to niggers while continuing to shit on his base. He further pushes his base away and niggers will never stop being niggers so he gains nothing.
Over 50K drug dealing niggers just let out of prison.
Wow I totally care about what happens in the Middle East and stuff
You will never be white, moshe.
Fuck off to your containment thread
You too OP
The original GOP created this strategy and the democrats stole it from them in the sixties and ever since then they've tried to get it back. Why anyone thought we could co-opt a party that stole and murdered whites to build a negro republican one party state boggles the mind.
Where's the fucking WALL
Ironically right?
Slavery is Jewish and we make money off of slavery in our prison system you utter moron; only a Jew would have a problem with non violent drug offenders being released so that we can get back our "speedy trial" which is between 2-5 years because Zionist dick sucking boomers don't give a fuck about needing proof to be charged with crimes…90 fucking percent of cases never make it to trial. But this doesn't need to change, according to you Rabbi
It's under construction, ShariaBlue.
Trump is so desperate for the negro vote that he's releasing their best from federal prisons. I wonder if we'll ever know what Trump really thinks about niggers. I guess we'll never know.
That's a fence
You have to see through the other side of the wall, ShariaBlue. Nice try.
18 foot tall bollard fencing is not the wall
Here's the thing, you low IQ pede. The reason mainstream culture is trash is because of drugs and nigger rap. But you're to dense and dumb to see that. The reason everything is falling apart is because kikes use niggers. But you'll never admit it because you're too far gone and too brainwashed to see what's in front of your face. Kill yourself and take your dumb brainwashed pede family with you, niggerlover.
All in one day. What a piece of shit.
OK shill, which part of these tweets do you disagree with? You just hate Trump because you're a delusional shill that can't handle that he's winning. The next 6 years will be glorious.
Why couldn't you just use cameras and drones?
No. That's the foundation for the design that won.
lol, fucking republicucks are just as bad as libfags. Fuck this kike, he doesn't stand a chance in 2020 with his cucking like this
Reminder that this trumpnigger goblino is responsible for every other maganigger calling you a "fed".
When funding was allocated for the refurbishment it had a specific condition that it wouldn't be any of the new designs.
No shit Sherlock, so do you want said basketball Americans to work or to retain criminal records therefore making them unemployable and then very likely to re offend as their average IQ even with 20-30% huwhite admixture is only 85 and the average IQ of prison inmates is 85…really makes you think; I mean most people, not you although brainlet
Everyone would rather they stay in prison because that's where they belong you faggot cuck
We want them out of the country permanently and the complete destruction of the social entities that make their presence possible.
This bill lets them out. Enjoy.
Trump is the greatest liberal president to hold office since Richard M. Nixon.
imagine being so retarded that you think the federal government, ran by Trump, is sending out shills that are anti-MAGA/Trump
Yeah I know it does, which is why Trump is a fucking disgrace. Good luck dealing with increased crime everywhere and never getting these criminals niggers off the streets
Oh, they do understand. Only the low iq magapede trashes are that stupid.
Niggers are more intelligent than trumpkike supporters at this point.
After no wall funding, gun bans and other shits? KEKEKEKEK
Then why is there a picture of the new design being built?
"daddy you promised me a pony and to let niggers out early nationalism"
Because it's not.
Reminder that codemonkey is personally responsible for this and that the board is completely destroyed, beyond repair, until he is killed.
Welp. It was a good run guys. Not sure if we'll end up being casterated like the previous two GOP generations or start some uprising in the wake of realizing we can't have a president that is truely on our side but my money is on the former sadly.
All I wanted for christmas was a wall.
That is LITERALLY what happened.
I love how Trump always points out no one voted for people he kicks out meanwhile no one voted for his fucking kike family either
But it is. It matches the bottom of the winning design perfectly.
Why did you say it is just the foundation here?
So where is the new design on top of the foundation?
There will be no uprising. Whites refuse to fight back no matter what the conditions are.
It's a petulant and reactionary strike against White Americans for not waging war for israel anymore. Trump thought he could just blow smoke during his campaign and then build a personality cult that would flip everyone over to where he [read: israel] wanted them to be. Didn't happen. He got told to go fuck himself over Syria, pro-israel stooges got sent packing in Alabama, pro-israel candidates got slammed in midterms, the collusion investigation has settled on the real target: israel and the jewish mafia operating out of Russia, his zionist homeboys got fired by the military. He's even whining that a faggot like Mattis isn't sucking enough israeli dick. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Are all six the winning designs?
Which one was the OFFCIAL winning design?
Link, statement, announcement and proof pls?
as if, kek
It is not, there is in no letter of any law and project explicitly stating that any new wall can be built
there is to this day still no funding for the border wall
Anything getting built today is repairing what the bush administration built.
So please educate yourself sweetie
No one's is going to fight back to take over a country that's dying and will never recover. Why would anyone be willing to risk their lives defending a nation that hates them
It is like you are begging for it to disrupt the thread, dumbass.
They only refuse to fight because they have all their needs covered: food, water, a nice home in the suburbs. You have to make their lives harder to create an environment where uprising is possible.
Silly Zig Forums, don't you remember all the chants from the Trump rallies?
I need to ask for proof that the wall is not getting built?
It's not getting built. There is no wall.
Reminder that this also applies to pedos
Looks like uncle chester will get a second(or third) chance at that little boy.
Do you build a house by putting up the framing on one wall, then doing up the insulation, electrical, plumbing, and drywall all at once, and then build the frame of the next wall of the house?
Without looking it up, tell me if this is a newly designed new "wall", or the old "wall"?
Yeah from the White House and back to Trump Tower. Such is life in the cucked Trump family.
There are 40 million niggers you delusional faggot; you would either have to give them Georgia and half the rest of the south or gas them. We already funded Liberia and that didn't work any other bright ideas?
I want them locked up forever. Those niggers are long gone, you're too naive to see that. You don't live around niggers, I have. Their culture is hedonistic and primal. Most, if not all, of those niggers will be back in federal prisons.
Either option is agreeable.
You only need to attack where the shill can't find proof. All arguments on good faith are based on the greatest extent of facts you can provide.
No fact and more attack -→ a kikeshill and therefore no need to further any point.
For example
Which one was the winning design? Where is the announcement for the winning design?
Trump's accomplishments:
Did I miss anything?
Based and ZOGpilled.
Just popping in to say that this thread won't have any meaningful discussion and that everyone should have been preparing for the collapse a long time ago.
dubs of truth, i see your point now.
And that will never happen.
So white genocide is complete.
Because Border Patrol and ICE themselves have stated they prefer using the slitted walls and requested walls they could see through… You fucking cursed wretch… When someone you love lays gasping for air and crying as they die, think of me.
I'm starting to like 8ch more and more…might stick around
New. The old one is corrugated sheet metal.
Oy vey what a deal!
t-there's more?
Border patrol and ICE are full of mestizo invaders. They aren't an honest source.
No, that's incorrect. The reason mainstream culture is trash is because of kikes pushing drugs and nigger rap, as well as other ills.
Why not instead show me the law that says trump can build a wall
Go look it up, all 8 designs failed because they demanded a single design which could meet all challenges which were unrealistic and not needed in 1700 miles of the 2000.
Their lives will get harder and there will be a violent uprising. Blackpilled cucks like you will be the first to get the rope.
There was once a time that I would have told you to go back, but pigchan is a cesspool full of drooling retards so frankly you fit right in.
The symptom and the disease, both are shit and need to be gone
Well, yea that's the cause. niggers are a biological weapon of sorts.
So all the rust is just an aesthetic choice?
That is nice. So where are the additional announcements that should come with it?
You know, the official final design? Why haven't there been more updates since April?
On this pic Bottom row, second from right.
It was selected back in April. Looking for link now.
The rust is to help them climb
so was the Israel Oath bill rolled into this one as well?
And? is greater than the 0 you were claiming.
BUHASED blacks
They won't.
There won't. What part of this don't you understand, you fucking subhuman? NOTHING will make whites physically fight back.
Paid shill confirmed.
Blackpills don't exist. South Africa and Rhodesia prove that whites will never fight back. All of the Western world today proves they will never fight back, NO MATTER HOW BAD THINGS GET. It's that simple.
Funny how you will literally never do it. Ever.
lern2 IDs you shitskin IQ son of a crackwhore
Agreed, but niggers by themselves can't present any form of significant danger to whites. They can't shoot for shit, can't organize, and are no better than any other annoying wild animal. Niggers being guided and weaponized by Jews is the actual problem.
Ok! We are waiting for your links! Don't run away or distract yourself in the mean time, mmkay?
Rand is a Detroit Republican, remember? Means he loves niggers.