Goys. Ids habbening.
On Twatter german people are gathering under the #IchbineinNazi an breaking the conditioning. Leftists are freaking out about it.
Goys. Ids habbening.
On Twatter german people are gathering under the #IchbineinNazi an breaking the conditioning. Leftists are freaking out about it.
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Leftists have no arguments against Nazis. NatSocs advocate (almost) every pro-social program they do, just with nationalism. The only difference is one calls out ZOG and the other doesn't.
The word you newfags are hunting for is Jews.
but trumps not a leftist…
trump is a grandfather and father of kikes though.
is he not, though? really? Think about it..
Are you kidding me? He's literally a soft core democrat in philosophical terms. The only thing he's more conservative on is the economy, and being a neocon. He can act all anti immigration but he's not. Nothings different and i see more non-whites moving in around me every year. He's clamping down on gun rights be it faggy bump stocks, but is also in favor of taking peoples guns away without due-process and based on fee fees. Since getting into office it's noticeable that he was sat down and (((the true handlers))) were reveled to him, and his tune changed over night. He can be funny at times with his twitter or banter at press conferences, but he's not doing shit for white people, which is literally 90+% that voted for him(i.e. republicans). He should be using every tool he has to get his agenda done, but he doesn't. He should be using the bully pulpit to get the cuckservatives in line…like why the fuck isn't he going out every god damn day and attacking paul ryan for being a democrat obstructionist of the party's agenda? People listen to trump, but he refuses to do anything other than light jabs at career democrat politicians thats districts are in area's that will never be voted out. Trumps a huge disappointment, and i'm still unsure if i'd vote for him again.
but muh pr
What the fuck are you even talking about yid kike superstar?
wtf i am now with her
It’s hilarious you think Trump is a leftist.
I think the bigger disappointment is that you actually believe what you typed.
unless ivankas mom was one what you said is false
not sure if Zig Forums or 4cuckfugee
either way
Is that why you make memes like this?
Up until very recently he was a publicly admitted democrat. Mind explaining why he’s not a democrat? And don’t pull any kikery and try and use his boastful talking points that he doesn’t even keep to as examples.
true if big
a leftist would never lie, goyim
and you say Trump lies
so it's not a leftist
Democrats in the USA are right wingers, moron.
Clearly one should choose the lesser of two evils, but you have not lurked 2 years if you honestly think that both parties basically do the same thing. Hell, in the past 30 odd years, most of the anti 2a gun laws have been implemented by republicans that think they’ll get some good goy points for cucking.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer.
Compared to Europe perhaps but like a kike you didn’t provide me with an answer to my question and instead provided an ad hominem and another meme/pic to try and use that as a means of making a point, but failed as your not one of the higher IQ yids. Go back to the kids table.
I don't read snowcoon runes? Could we get this translated into white?
You are too stupid to live.
Listen here yiddler on the roof. Posting an image with no context or criteria might work on reddit but your on a big boy site where your nose is noticeable. Also thinking Hillary and Gary johnson are more right wing than trump is fucking laughable. You’re clearly not an American citizen and are in Ashdod getting paid but not layed.
Here's one
Where the fuck do you think you are right now, nigger?
Not sure what the creature from vid related is saying.
Try learning a new language. Or what are you even doing on a political board if you wanna learn nothing?
Basically someone talks about hanging out with his son. Antifa appears and spurts hateful nonsense against normal family relations. Everyone laughs at antifa, the end
Yes wasn’t Trump against the ebil big banks and (((globalists))) and Johnson and Hillary were not? Didn’t you endlessly cry that Hillary took money from big banks, was funded by the far right theocratic Saudi regime, hate gays until 2008, called niggers super predators etc? Trump is clearly more authoritarian than them as represented in the picture. You just have a warped view of politics because American politics are very right wing in contrast to the rest of the world.
That describes me about about 75% of people here. Your point?
I love these ironic fake facebook retard memes ahh brings back memories.
Even he is against mass migration, Merkel and the nigs and nogs they force upon us.
Not even rare jebs?
Going to ignore your comment on banking and x,y,z cause it’s not really productive as it is d&c.
But let’s go back to your original comment off of mine. Firstly, of all the replies that got, it’s easy to see you and your commie ideas are not welcome here your kikeness. Secondly let’s assume you’re a raging leftist(which you are) and you genuinely despise trump. Why would you attack someone who was also talking ill of him? Well simple, your being paid to be here and d&c the conversation on any level. Enjoy the rope kike, but don’t worry, we’ll charge you for it before you hang.
These days anything makes you nazi so if they keep saying such it might as well be time to embrace. They created this.
back to cuckchan with you
You have no idea, at all. European right-wing parties make Trump look like the left-wing snake he really is.
What, you speak Spanish or some other shitskin language?
Probably Finnish or Swedish tbh. Those are the two most Anglophile nations in Europe.
Sounds cool. But I see no proofs.
Yeah he is.
What is that thing even? Some kind of nu-German 56%? I'm so confused.
terrible 4cuck thread
give proofs nigger
Yeah the OP is shit but this has massive, massive potential. I'm surprised nobody else has taken the 10m to scour twatter and post some of the best stuff back here.
Looks like it.
Seems kinda gay.
I don't speak German, but this one was good
He is. Or I suppose rather, he's a liberal progressive.
Climate change is fake though, and environmentalism is not a 'left wing' position.
It's like this faggot doesn't even know what the Frankfurt school was doing. Leftists are masters of language manipulation. They made us all believe that Neo-Cons and Libertarians are conservatives.
I'm scrolling through and all kike twitter will show me is ((leftists)) getting mad at the hashtag. Literally havent seen a single authentic one.
Fucking kikes
bugman detected
German leftists are the most disgusting pathethic creatures on the face of the Earth. They are always the most radical, self hating and degenerate out of all western countries. Every time I see some manchild spewing antifag garbage in German on twitter with a anime schoolgirl or furry shit as profile picture, I feel nothing but rage. If I were German I'd prefer conversion to Islam over living in a nation with such scum.
Yay faggots! Yay trannies! We must rip apart everything good about western society because professor Goldberg told me literally everything is oppressive. Non white's are so oppressed in the west but despite this they need to be imported en masse! Every racial differences in anything is because of oppreshun! There's no way there could be any racial genetic or behavioral differences at all! White males have privilege despite literally being selected against for jobs and admissions into universities (where they are taught to be hated) solely for being white males and despite being shat on on a daily basis by seemingly every major institution, media and entertainment organization and corporation! Oh but Shaniqua couldn't find a hair product that worked for her nigger hair so shes oppressed or something… I am le resistance!!1
Also the idea that fox news is Zig Forums is just laughable
Nazis basically agree with their socialist bullshit and social engineering mixed in social engineering for a greater good. But with Ethno Nationalism.
Pointing out that their are Jews in a government doesn't really change anything. Nationalizing industry just gives it more potential to be corrupted.
Which is why I hate you both. But At least Nazis hate communists almost as much as I do.
This idea that everything about society is bad doesn't neccesairly come from jews a whole, but a single jew.
Pic is that Jew. Stop grouping all Juden with this prick.
two out if three ain't bad
Shut up kike
true if big or honeypotting 101 ?
This is the real reason why 4chins is down. Can you imagine if a large group of people started injecting common sense ideas into it?
This is the spark.
Trotsky is the father of globalism, international socialism, and mastermind behind raising tensions between social classes for class wars.
Seriously learn about Ice Pick head and what damage he has done to modern society. Nearly everything that is strawmaned about the jews (except wars for israel) goes back to him.
like what????
Yup the timing is perfect.
bad faith ZOG < non-traitorous/foreign controlled government
Trump = jewcentric CivNat King of the cuckolds
No, I meant that a person of Jewish descent who is a citizen of your country.
And I don't mean as a lobby group, since their a dozens of lobby groups with forgine influences from China, to Palestine, to Israel, to Naru, that is not unusual and is not what I meant.
What I mean as someone who runs a nationalized industry like planned parenthood or a company who's main customer is the government, like bowing.
At present, yes. But no, that's not a good mindset to hold as an innate truth.
google translated
The left can't meme
I can barely keep myself from shitposting on twitter problem is I don't want to get v&
Go Zig Forums, guide them
They just did it to themselves and are unable to understand it.
this is rich
The left is most likely bigger than Jews.
Nazis privatized their industry, even more so that the United States had a more nationalized economy than Nazi Germany at the time. At least look at the jewpedia page before embarrassing yourself into believing propaganda. They also reduced the age of which it was legal to own a gun. Stop buying into propaganda for once in your life you absolute fucking idiot. The "socialist" part of NatSoc ideology is the idea of serving your people first. And Jews aren't "in a government", they control nearly every aspect of culture and public discourse, from media to theature. That's also the reason why Hitler hated Jew so much, they shit all over culture and tried to subvert their country to (((their))) ideology. The United States is the way it is today because of Jews, period. They used these platforms to propagandize us for around 80 years now, that's why it's important to point out that it's not white ideology and belief that is being represented, but a foreign people who hold no allegiance to the actual people who built the United States.
Interesting filename, Joan.
Fact: The other is the Z.O.G.
High Corporate Taxes
Regulated Economy
Fiat Currency (Usury).
Open Borders
Low/No Corporate Taxes
Deregulated Economy
Anti-Usury (Currency based off of a unit of value not a unit of debt.)
Closed Borders
The only thing that Progressives and National Socialist agree on is progressive tax rates, welfare state and nationalized economies.
The funny thing about far right governments is that they destroy the conditions that make people want to live under them. That's one way to keep foreigners improving their own countries, sure…
Of all the languages someone could learn, why would they waste their time with German?