We can't get government funds to build a wall on the southern border.
If the will of the people is for Trump is to build a wall and democucks won't play ball why not start some sort of High Tier GoFundMe where people can donate for it?
I'm no expert on details but i would assume that people who would donate for it would have that money refunded to them when they file their taxes.
I would assume that even if the project wouldn't raise a large sum of money it would at least send a message that Americans support the notion for a wall.
Other urls found in this thread:
but Trump said the Mexicans will pay for it, why should we worry about our government not funding it?
Cuz we don't want to be flooded by beaners?
aw dood shit i cant believe voting didnt work :^(
Go back into the oven kike
lel eat shit cuckchannel.
This place really has become controlled by the left.
Anything to get you to not vote for Trump in 2020.
I agree fellow 4channer. I think we should go to Endchan instead. Now that's an imageboard that is down with the God Emperor, not like this dump!
They don't even deny anymore.
It's like…every time someone is trying to do something or start a dialog for something that might have some positive outcome…goldbergs appear out of nowhere to shut it down
I wonder if surnames like "French" or "English" came from kikes not getting what the question was for their surname.
The wall could have been an esoteric metaphor for the strength of the American people and their diversity.
seriously fuck off back to thedonald you disgusting nigger-loving patriotard faggot.
I wish I was a vol. I would so many issues with this fucking board.
Idk dude, what i've noticed however is that everytime action might be taken …the slightest action whatsoever , that doesn't correspond with said agenda you can BE SURE 100% that kikebergs will appear out of nowhere to hijack the conversation and derail it to the point where Zig Forums fags just start attacking each other.
I wish Jesus would come back
You're literally the only one posting your faggoty 4chan civnat trash here, you nigger. Each one of your (5) posts have tried to outdo your previous one with how much semitic chicanery you can cram into it. Fuck off. Go back to 4dumpster. You don't fucking belong here.
Nice IP change, you knob-slobbing faggot.
No, instead we're going to give $10 billion to the wetbacks to prepare them for hteir journey and buy them bus fare to get into the country.
But no, bros. Donald is just playing 4d chess and its just dumb liberal shareblue jew shills saying otherwise.
MAGAfags are so fucking deluded. Back to 4/pol/.
All I know is that their shilling is causing me to hate them more.
I'll volunteer to be an executioner in the new shoah. We won't even have to spend money on gas. I'll just slit all their throats.
TS is doing a live show now on the immigration and left issue
I want 4niggers to leave.
I fucking rest my case , up until now everyone has only been shoahposting.
Not one fag has actually addressed the main idea of the thread.
It's all so tiresome.
You're not worth addressing, 4reigner. This is a National Socialist board. The only current political stratagem worth consideration is accelerationism. The ideas you have about working within the confines of a byzantine judaic US political system to achieve goals beneficial to the (few) white Americans who are left isn't noble, and it isn't admirable. It's naive at best, and self-destructive at worst. You're the cancer we left behind in 2014 specifically because you were too stupid, or too stubborn. You're the garbage. And I don't ask my trash its opinion before I haul it to the curb. Now fuck off.
Kill yourself moshe.
Get the fuck outa here with your "muh automation , muh merging with machine n shiet "
The one who should be curb stomped is you and that crack head zelazny who came up with this shit.(influenced by Lovecraft…figures)
-Push capitalism as far as it can go and wait for the chip to get inserted in your ass like a good goy!!! wait for the singularity goy you'll love it .
In a society like that you wouldn't have any relevance , not that you have any relevance now anyway.
You fucking bitch , what you're preaching is diametrically opposed to National Socialism.
If you really think more technology is better just go outside and take a good look at all the NPCs that are walking about aimlessly.It's not like tech companies like google aren't already tracking our every move , more of that please we be good goys an shiet.
C'mon preach the future fag!! Who do you think will be in control of all that ubiquitous tech ?we the people?
Of course something beneficial to the white people who are left isn't noble… amirite shitberg?
LOL sober up, faggot.
Were you born this fucking stupid, or did you have to focus all your efforts to reach this point?
You've really lost the fucking plot haven't you? Doubling down on trump even though he's a fucking zionist puppet. I'm sorry user, the only kike here is (((you))), but interestingly, you lack the self awareness to realise it. It's a shame, because that energy could probably have been used for something useful or productive instead. Well, whatever. Ignorance is strength, right?
You fags can wait for accelerationism to kick in …4chan fags actually doing something productive.