Is there anything more pathetic than a limpdicked hunter? Desperately trying to assert the masculinity which he lacks by killing creatures that never bothered him, the huntcuck succeeds only in giving his wife ample time to cuck him while he's out in the woods
Huntcucks, The Uber Meatcucks
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Animals are gay poaching is based we should shoot all the endangered rhinos and wolves
Fuck off reddit.
being blatant isn't a good look
Hunting is the most reddit activity in the world,
Veganism is the pinnacle of anti-degeneracy. Hence why SJWs hate vegans so much and claim veganism is 'white privilege'.
Meatcuck degenerates detected
Yeah fuck meat, let's all eat bugs like the satanic UN wants us to!
The faggot in your picture looks almost as retarded and autistic as the average hunter
didn't even bother typing the link out right for your shit bait
Meatcucks, everyone.
That nigga clearly eats meat
what the fuck am I supposed to eat in these hard tomes of famine? How much of a fucking retard do you have to be to not understand the importance of eating food?
smh tbh fam
What a cuck, just photosynthesise.
Reminder that if you eat meat, you're not a Nazi, and basically a Jew.
I'm probably taking the cuckchan bait but screw it, I'll counter.
How is asserting masculinity bad? In a world deprived of testosterone and manhood, asserting yourself as the alpha can serve as a surge of adrenaline much needed in dregs we call modern society.
Urbanite detected. You try planting a garden and waking up one morning to find that the deer trampled all of your vegetables and herbs then proceeded to eat half the apples off your trees.
Oh wow, you go outside and experience nature for a while, that means that your wife is going to cuck you! Better not have any trust in your wife and never let her leave your view!
There are untermensch in every activity, whether it be hiking or watching weebshit, it cannot be helped. There are neckbeards Zig Forums, but that doesn't mean that normal people shouldn't use it.
Hitler himself may have been vegan, but not every National Socialist was. National Socialism promoted humans being a part of nature, not above it as the Jews propose. If being a part of nature means eating meat, then so be it.
I enjoy hunting, I pretend the animals are communists and then shooting them becomes much more pleasurable.
Is samefagging the best you can do, junior? Re: nazis Jews and meat: Simo Hayha, aka "White Death", Finnish sniper in the Winter War (1939-1940) was hunter before and after his military service. He also killed a confirmed 505 Russians, 259 with a rifle at long range, the rest up close with a submachine gun.
Jewish or not, anybody who kills that many commies can eat whatever he damn well pleases.