Seemingly out of nowhere, the former Jewish Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has come out of hiding to do interviews about the economy. He did one with CNN where he basically said that the stock market will collapse because of a rising interest rate environment. He also predicted a great deal of problems with the economy moving forward.
But who sets the interest rates? The free market sure as hell doesn’t. Interest rates are dictated by Fed policy. So essentially he is admitting that the Fed is increasing interest rates to crash the economy.
Of course what’s happening now is no different than what’s happened many times before. The Fed maintains a loose monetary policy for a period of time then tightens which sets the stage for a financial collapse. This process has repeated over and over again ever since the Fed came into existence in 1913. Jews have taken advantage of this engineered boom and bust cycle to repeatedly consolidate wealth.
If we look at the Fed’s interest rate policy since 2001, it shows conclusively how these economic booms and busts correlated directly with Fed policy.
Greenspan ran the Fed for almost 20 years and is well aware of how this scam works. He personally engineered the housing bubble of the 2000s with artificially low interest rates after the dotcom bubble burst in the late 1990s. He also set the stage for the big financial collapse in 2008 by aggressively increasing interest rates in the years prior.
This old Jew tries to pass himself off as some type of financial genius but he’s nothing more than a scam artist. Whenever he had to testify in front of Congress during his time as Fed Chairman, he talked in a deliberately confusing manner so nobody could understand what he was talking about. The term “Fedspeak” was coined to describe his ability to bullshit people with nonsense.
But since he ran the Fed for such a long period of time, people falsely view him as a credible person. So by putting him on television to talk about doomsday scenarios, they are intentionally trying to accelerate a collapse which the Fed is in the process of engineering.
It is not a coincidence that throughout Barack Obama’s tenure we had a zero percent interest rate environment. And just as Donald Trump takes office the Jewess Janet Yellen immediately started increasing them. It shows that the Fed is politicized no different than how the Department of Justice is politicized.
Jerome Powell the current Fed Chairman who Trump appointed is simply continuing the policies that he inherited from Yellen. And even though Powell himself isn’t a Jew, there are lots of Jews around him at the Fed who have input in the decision making. Trump has admitted in interviews that he is not happy with Powell’s job performance and rightly so.
Powell was not a good pick. Trump should replace him with Dr. Ron Paul. It’s high time that we start picking people to run the Fed who want the institution abolished. It is the only principled position on this corrupt and sorry organization.
And say what you want about Dr. Paul, but with him in charge of the Fed, the institution would not be used as a political weapon. Plus, picking him to run the Fed would be very funny. Just think of the memes that would result.
Jason Brooks
Warning people of bad news reduces consumption, retaining real wealth in the economy.
Jaxon Nelson
The Fed will crash the economy so it all can be blamed on Trump since his Russian collusion investigation is going nowhere, in an attempt to destroy any chance of reelection of him (or any republican) in 2020. As OP points out, the jew engineers the melt down and in politics there are no coincdences.
Most likely scenario. I live in Australia and I have to worry about this. Fuck I hate Jews… the turn good into shit and shine their inbred grin of pride. What's the bet they make this one super bad in collusion with politicians and world leaders to have an excuse to ban rightwingers from politics altogether? Call me crazy but you know that is totally feasible in clown world.
And in 2020 Republicans and Capitalism will be blamed. We’re all so divided that there won’t be any sense of community to help each other out in the next crisis. Only the government will be there and the masses will beg for Socialism.
Why does this always happens? National Socialists in Zig Forums are just about as against Israel as the so called "anti-Zionist" (not anti-Jewry) internationalist Marxist left, but they will never cooperate because of "Muh ebil Whitey gnatzees are oppressing me!!! Death to White families!!!". And (((they))) are loving this divide, useful idiots being useful idiots as always, I guess.
Don't they know that the Zionist side of Jewish politics actually agree with their Jewish Marxist sentiments on homosexuality, feminism, open borders, race mixing, and multiculturalism? (((They))) are not "White fascists" in any sense of the word. Do you see lefties calling niggers killing White South Africans "fascists"? No, in fact they are actually applauding them killing innocent White people. This goes to show that sympathy from the left is only specific and narrative-driven. It's almost robotic when you think about it.
Samuel Clark
What makes you think Trump had a choice.
Ultimately, capitalism IS to blame. It is a system that must eventually end this way. Marx got that one right.
Jose Garcia
Would the Jews truly be so stupid as to destroy the bread and circus?
Jacob Williams
It will come down. It's been sustained since the seventies, and needs a restart at the very least. Better for anybody in control to provoke it on their terms.
Luke Scott
Which is exactly why no Aryan in his/her right mind would ever trust a Jew. Instead of actually coming up with a solution to the problem that his own tribe created, (((Marx))) just basically went around saying "Listen up fellow goyi- I mean, fellow comrades! Do you see this shit (capitalism)? What I've got (Marxism) isn't totally that shit so you better revolt against the Tsars instead of my Rothschild brethren! Capitalism is YOUR own doing after all! You dirty intolerant Europeans!".
Wyatt Collins
The mods will burn for this tragedy.
Andrew Sullivan
Henri Ford was a capitalist and doesn't look jewish to me. Capitalism was welcomed by the elite in self-interest, whether jewish or not. What IS rather jewish is to think capitalism is the way forward, and the proles just need to take possession of system, not revert it.
Angel Scott
Evan Green
Trump's tax cuts + the $20 trillion deficit + never ending wars + Jews running everything = Pack a lunch mother fucker, things are going to get bad. I predict in most of our lifetimes we will witness other Americans starving to death.
We're going to get plundered like the Soviet Union by the exact same people. Most of this can be traced to the GOP's Citizens United scheme. Yea let corporations and billionaires legally bribe all our elected reps, great idea.
Hudson Smith
Robert Cooper
Not just Jews running everything, the Jewish mafia, the Organizatsiya. You dumb fucks knew Trump laundered money for them and still voted for him.
You knew he was a world class con man who destroyed everything he touched and still voted for him.
Aaron Ross
Even Joey Diaz warned your asses.
Easton Howard
so what you're saying is should have voted for your hillary.
Jose Smith
Remember…the Fed bank was accepted in the U.S. to end massive inflation!! Pic related.
Wiping your ass with your tongue again, I see. Trump is the only president in anyone's memory that actually mentioned ending the Fed. If they fuck with him enough, he might just do it. Trump is in construction. If the Fed were eliminated, and the origination of money returned to the Treasury, you would see a lot more public works projects, because none of the spending would incur debt. Trump, after he leaves office, (and his son) would probably have no problem getting a lot of these government contracts.
Do you think Trump wouldn't stab Jews in the back? After they've been stabbing him in the back throughout his presidency? He could wreck them by ending the Fed, especially since he'd have a huge amount of support from his constituency. The only reason he hasn't done it so far is because he worked within their cartel, making money off it. But when the cartel throws you under the bus, what have you got to lose?
thats racist, if Obama did that they would have whacked him
Levi Anderson
Hunter Jackson
I'm sure they want to whack Trump too, but he kept on his own security force after becoming president, instead of handing it over to the (((secret service))). I remember the SS being miffed as hell about it.
Blake Cruz
He's right, but not for the reason he thinks. The stock markets have levetated for the last 30 fucking years because these kikes have kept interest rates far below market value, forcing people into the stock market to seek yield. Problem is that that is a PONZI SCHEME. The money you get out comes 100% from new money coming in.
Higher interest rates lead people to save money in the bank, which loans money out to generate interest. Under normal circumstances (ie higher interest rates and no perverse incentives from the FDIC), such loans would be very conservative, going almost entirely to people wanting to build or expand their businesses, or people with good social standing wanting to buy homes or cars. The money they get back comes from labor.
The simple fact of the matter is, the stock market really shouldn't even fucking EXIST. All companies should be privately owned.
Nathaniel Ortiz
You HAVE been plundered. Where has all your industry gone? Where is your gold? Why did it take so much time to give its reserves back to Germany if you have any? Where are your strategic oil reserves (hint: Trump, 2017, Goldman Sachs)? Speaking of oil, how's the ratio crude input/gasoline output doing at your refineries? Still energy "independent" with that highly subsided shale oil? Your country was the Mouth. It would Buy. It stopped producing anything of value in any quantity (even in weapons, Russia sells cheaper, more practical stuff) anymore, what's left for you to justify your place in the economic pecking order? (That means "standards of living", by the way.) The dollar, backed by a lot of violence. It's what Hillary's backers seemed to count on. Their interests are probably quite tied to the US. The opposite, Trump's, are more into banking, and their globalism seems more commercial than imperialistic. Their assets have been transferred to the next nexus candidate. They're probably done with it by now, as there's a good chance of habbening at Brexit time.
Americans, have you SHTF plan ready. Just in case.
You're falling for all this Mueller bullshit. Dude, Mueller Putin, Trump, the MSM,. the corporations and Jews are all on the same team and the American tax payers are the mark. Cohen's being punished for ratting.
Dude you haven't figured out Trump is totally full of shit, how are you hanging on to something he mentioned a few months back, wtf.
Michael Lopez
THIS >>> you guys are fucked.
Aaron Powell
If the interest rates hit 7% or 8%, the interest-only payments on government debt will eat up all the tax revenue coming in yearly. They will be unable to keep functioning, to keep paying their employees, and maintain a military. They kept interest rates at around 0% for this very reason, because the banking cartel would much rather have the U.S. owing them money, than have them default on it all using massively inflated money. And the Treasury can still mint coins. And they can mint trillion-dollar platinum coins. And the Obama admin had all of this in place, ready to go, if the interest rates got out of control and started to skyrocket.
And the results would be Wiemar. Because, if the congress can order a single trillion-dollar coin minted…why not 2? Or 5? Or 25? You know how important it is for congressmen to bring shekels back into their districts. And it would flywheel out of control from there. And the banking cartel's lock on originating money would have been broken, and a new Hitler might arise from it all, which Jews fear the most. A Hitler in control of their primary puppet nation? Good fun would be had by all.
no, take care of your family and make them stronger and smarter. the shtf bullshit is a fools errand and its a waste of money. Youll be "prepping" for some collapse that doesnt come for 50+ years. its autistic as fuck to think youll be scavenging or spending shotgun shells as money in some jewish movie collapse. Save the money, buy property and guns. Thats your "prep", just be a white man.
Tyler Richardson
That's also prepping.
Luke Turner
U.S. industrial output is far larger than China's, even to this day.
That was us screwing the world. We never had the gold in the first place. I'm not sure Germany is ever going to get that amount of gold back, and they certainly won't get the gold they trusted us with. You fucked up, you trusted a Jew-run country with your gold…who's really at fault?
We don't need them, our oil production is more than we can use.
Just fine, our major export is energy products.
Yes, and all countries subsidize their energy production, as well as all kinds of production. Par for the course.
The simple answer to that is to seize the Fed, cancel the debt held there and abroad, and issue a new currency. Domestic debt owners would be issued new dollars to cover their losses (ie prevent a retirement crisis). You don't need credit if you live within your means. We are a fundamentally rich nation. All we have to do is cancel one of our major entitlement programs (I would propose Medicaid) and economic development will soar at rates that have never been seen before in human history.
Harm to the poor and the elderly could be easily mitigated by a number of steps taken to drastically decrease medical costs. Reform medical education so that doctors don't need so much school. Let them start studying medicine at the undergraduate level, and get their MD two years after that is over. Reduce regulations on new drugs and techniques, such as making it easy to conduct phase 3 and 4 trials, allowing the impoverished to get cutting edge care at a greatly reduced price or for free.
There is a lot that can be done to make things better very quickly, if we can just find the will to do so.
Dylan Cruz
farm subsidy turns farmers into slaves
Parker Nguyen
Its was actually the high Gas prices that set off the 2007/2008 housing crash as people could not afford to go to work.
Nicholas Taylor
I was thinking rather the ability to move quickly to a friendly and remote place, converting capital into forms that resist hyperinflation or taxation, … but I suppose a gun just in case in nice too.
Okay. Sauce please.
Your production of *crude*, I'm sure. I don't shovel tar sand in my car personally; not sure how yours work.
Inflation-inducing, and a measure you don't take unless you're approaching the end game.
The current elites, on any team, seem to think that depopulation or lowering of lifestyle level are more pragmatic solutions.
Isaac Jackson
No, it was the simple fact that banks were breaking the law. They were approving loans they knew were bad, and didn't care because they were going to sell them to Fanny and Freddie anyway, letting them take the losses when the loan was defaulted on. This is patently illegal. It is illegal to sell a bad loan to Fannie or Freddie. But nobody went to jail for it.
The derivatives market did the rest. Only about 10% of the loans in the housing market were destined to fail, but the results were amplified many times, all over the world, due to synthetic derivatives.
But the (((banks))) didn't care…they simply had their puppet U.S. government steal a shitload of shekels from future citizens to cover the losses on the (((REALLY important banks))) and then skated away, unharmed.
Nobody went to jail. This means they will blithely do it all again. No punishment means nobody learns or cares.
"America’s top 10 exports accounted for over two-thirds (69.2%) of the overall value of its global shipments.
Among the top 10 export categories year over year, mineral fuels including oil was the fastest-growing U.S. shipment via its 47.3% value gain from 2016 to 2017.
In second place for improving export sales were organic chemicals which rose 6.6%.
America’s exported machinery including computers appreciated by 5.8% year over year.
There were two decliners among America’s top 10 export categories in 2017 compared to 2016: aircraft and spacecraft (down -2.7%) and pharmaceuticals (down -4.1%)." Source: Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook
Jacob Russell
If you really want to lower medical costs get the lawyers out of it. The lawsuits are out of control and we are all paying for it. The idea that you are owed something for bad luck is ridiculous. This goes true for everything in America. I can't think of anything that the first answer to making it better isn't some form of get control of the lawyers.
Noah Green
kill them all and let god sort them out
use drones
Eli Reyes
Nigger that kike neither built a wall nor kept any of his presidents and you still have hope for him? Plus didnt he ban bumpstocks? You have to be a jew
Oliver Peterson
What a fantastic euphemism for kill all of the jews.
Elijah Ramirez
The will is and always was there. It's the certain tribe whose interest is the exact opposite of what you propose that stops all prosperity from happening. The sad thing is - I'm not even exaggerating.
Nicholas Reed
Greenspan is a fucking morron who is pretty much responsible for throwing the american economy in this shit fest of low interest rates are bailing people.
Brandon Lewis
There is no such thing as Capitalist society that has a fucking central bank fuck off. One very important characteristic of a free market is that interest rates are fixed by the markets. Marx has been wrong from top to bottom.
This is like blaming a patient for squeeling and hurting himself while you are amputating one of it's limbs.
Dylan Lopez
I would kill to see this.
Blake Mitchell
You are making the common lolbertarian mistake of re-defining capitalism as free markets something something.
Free markets were never on the table in the real world. Power struggles happen first, free(-ish) markets may appear at certain points as a result.
Capitalism is about profit, not freedom, and can happen without free markets. Structurally, it concentrates wealth and destroys aristocratic values in its path, replacing them with plutocratic ones.
The patient's limb is a tumour. It was placed there by the doctor of course, but maybe don't trust the doctors to think what's best for you in the first place?
Nicholas Torres
…concentrates weatlh in the merchant class, mind you, at the expense of the warrior class.
Jordan Myers
That's a bretty gud get right therre, user. Checked.
Capitalism is voluntary trade. Simply put, it is the most practical, and efficient way of distributing resources. I haven't seen anyone offer a better solution apart from free market capitalism as an economic theory.
You wut? How many bailouts did he oversee? Like 3-4 I'm pretty sure.
Dominic Sanders
We need a global debt Jublie. All debt from private, business to municipal & national debt would be wiped out.
Luis Hernandez
Of course they're all speaking up NOW of all times. They all contributed to this mess, but nobody has the attention span long enough to understand that this has literally been happening since the 30's. Trump will take all the blame, because it's "his economy", the same way Hoover took the blame for the Great Depression see: Hoovervilles, they'll use it as a chance to shit on him and his policies, and possibly drive him out of office.
For fuck's sake, even Trump is blasting the Federal Reserve as this is happening, and has been even before the media began parroting these new ECONOMY BAD, ORANGE MAN BAD talking points. Anybody who can do an ounce of research should be able to see that this was destined to happen.
Audit the Federal Reserve, dissolve the institution, and reclaim the assets. We can rebuild from the ashes.
All government subsidies to successful businesses need to end. There's no reason whatsoever to give a successful business tax breaks or subsidies. If Amazon is so rich and successful, they can eat all of the costs of doing business; if they can't manage that properly, then they should fix their business model until they do, provided they don't run aground of the appropriate consumer protection regulations.
Robert Ortiz
I'm not offering an alternative, just pointing out the end result of the "least bad so far" system is still catastrophe anyway.
My employer pays me 1$ for a gizmo I make, sells it for 2$. That's one dollar of the whole supply that shifted towards my employer. He keeps doing that, he can buy politicians to rewrite the rules to his advantage. He also fixes my salary industry-wise through deals with the "competition" because it's in their common interest. This is not absolute behaviour, but a tendency. Still, the tendency overcomes any counter-balance, enough that the system eventually ends up with the capitalist (and the money printer) having all the wealth. It can work as long as there is growth (and the proles are given part of it, ->1970), or we fake growth with debt (1970->now). Innovation cannot keep up, especially in an intellectually diseased society, momentary boosts of natural resources, such as petrol, come back to a "normal" level, and so without technique or cheap energy, growth cannot be sustained any more. Then bad things happen.
Joshua Wilson
Are you lost? Capitalism is judaism. Republicans are judaism.
Adam Sanchez
Perhaps I should have said: "in a scalable way". The dollar I get from my hours of work is not a scalable way to earn money. Hence the imbalance in wealth flow.
Dominic Gutierrez
So tired of these jew tourists coming in to shit the place up for christmas vacation.
Aiden Jenkins
Your debt jubilee is called bankruptcy, fucktard.
Adrian Lewis
Crony Capitalism is judaism. Regulatory Capture, bribery, lawlessness are the issues here. Capitalism isn’t necessarily the problem.
Educate me on volcker please
Benjamin Rivera
shillary lost. deal with it.
Zachary Smith
Joseph Myers
have you looked at any entertainment source in the past 5-10 years? ever since gamergate opened some eyes, they have pushed their degenerate bullshit ever harder 99% of tv shows and movies are unwatchable and art has become disgusting…the moroccan death vid is more artistic than half the shit being pushed on us as art or entertainment and they fucked with american football….do you have any idea how many men gave up their sportsball watching over that shit? men of the west are waking up because the circuses are no longer trying to entertain them….men are no longer a targeted audience, but a punching bag and it is across all forms of entertainment every single porn and soft core source now pushes trannies….as do beauty pageants and women's sports and modeling….things men watched only to see beautiful women…so they're not watching every tv show is pozzed and pushes the gay agenda as do movies and comic books so jews are stupidly destroying the circuses that allowed them to distract men from their bullshit
now they're killing bread it's almost like they want a war…but the war they want is white vs white another brother war but the men of the west have started to awaken and see the jew I don't think this next war will go the way they want it to
Jeremiah Sanchez
Nothing highlights it better than this chart. SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN AND KEEP US POOR
The workers comoensation model. They’re stingier than most jews on payouts too.
Hunter Jenkins
These faggots aren't even trying anymore. They just dump a few anti-Trump images and leave.
I'd say kill yourself, but then your boss might hire a better employee.
Robert Morgan
Animated corpse looks like he could be Kissinger's dad
Logan Parker
It does not matter what economic system you use, kikes will corrupt and destroy it.
Brayden Anderson
How many presidents should one keep?
Justin Wilson
Isaiah Garcia
Robert Lopez
I looked into this a little more. This is all from the Ministry of Truth:
This is the most Jewey thing I've heard all month, and what makes it jewey is that he's so smug about it. He likes the fact that he's mumbling nonsense and passing it off as deep esoteric economic information.
Xavier Mitchell
Housing bubble was engineered by rating agencies ratings scam for the mortgage derivatives.
Jace Jenkins
Thing is banks WERE following the law. Its the laws were bad. And there is no responsibility for the bad laws and regulations. This is why no one went to jail.
In some cases the banks were forced by the law in order to make those bad loans due to whatever the buzzword of the week was (Its racist/sexist/antisemetic/etc to not give those loand goy!) Especially for the smaller banks.
Liam Scott
Interesting historic interest rate chart.
I absolutely got slaughtered in the stock market in recent months. 25% down on major stocks…
The circus doesn't begin for the jews until there is no bread on the shelves. Then the masses come and offer them their children to fuck/rape/sell into slavery/ devour in sacrificial cannibal feasts.
Weimar Republic, that's what the jews love. Holodomor…real shit fests..
Josiah Gonzalez
Jason Richardson
I've been reading Trotsky's biography of Lenin, en Francais and it's interesting to see that Lenin, and both the Bolsheviks and the Menchiviks wanted their revolution to be a BOURGEOIS revolution particularly in the failed 1905 revolution. it was only in the leadup to the 1917 revolution that they decided it must be a proletarian revolution. One of the biggest quarrels between the mencheviks and the bolsheviks was what to do with the peasantry. The general consensus was to give them land so they'd turn into prosperous land owners and become bourgeois.
Charles Baker
Here's a simplified rundown of what Capitalism really is for all of you uninformed Zig Forums lurkers.
Capitalism is the transfer of a nation's wealth, resources, and property into the hands of Jews. Nothing more and nothing less. The goyim naturally become displeased with this, since it is within human nature to pursue power.
Marx, son of a Rabbi, comes along and tells the disgruntled goyim that it is those of their own kind; the successful, talented, ambitious individuals who have earned their fortune, who are to blame, and not the sniveling Jews behind the scenes running the whole operation. The goyim are then sent against one another, to generate the chaos which the Jew then exploits for his own benefit. This is known as Hegelian dialectics, or, the Jews providing (false) solutions to the problems that they create. This is their primary attack vector for consolidating the power that they now have. Of course, this is all rooted in the dialectical materialist viewpoint which denies all suffering of the soul and blames it entirely on political, social, or economic strife. All of humanity, and even reality, is split into two groups, where one is the oppressor and one is the oppressed. The oppressor must then be destroyed. Sound familiar? This is another idea which is not in alignment with reality.
So, then, what is the end game of this Capitalism? Ultimately, the ==total== transfer of all wealth, resources, and property into the hands of the state, or the Jews, is now complete, and the goyim have been reduced to a seething mass of grey matter. What remains is State Capitalism, otherwise known as Communism. All of these globalist corporations (all owned and controlled by Jews), seek to eventually conglomerate into a single global state entity and in the process, reducing the rest of the world into a communist shithole with all competition eliminated. HQ of course in Jerusalem.