I know more than you can possibly imagine. Ask the most redpilled person on Earth anything.
I know more than you can possibly imagine. Ask the most redpilled person on Earth anything
What is socialism divided by 0?
How do you implement this in the USA?
Oh fuck
Why do jews want to kill off whites?
Before you give an easy answer that I've heard before, consider the fact that there is no future for jews in a world without whites - no future which is better than the present they live in with whites.
What does 666 mean?
Why do they worship Saturn?
Who is Cronos and Moloch?
What does the star of remphan mean?
It means to plunder three 6's in appearance.
GOod times?
BAd times?
The Jews are the distant children of Demons. Fallen angels.
They have nephilim DNA in them. Their genome is very strange, and the genes that caused their original corruption are passed by the mother, and only the mother. This war is far longer and beyond us than you can possibly realize.
Have you heard of the Atlantis? Of course you have, who hasn't? That's not what it was called, but that's what we know it as.
An advanced and powerful civilization, plagued by internal problems. Sunken into the sea, they say. Have you ever heard anything similar to this story? You may not realize it but you have. Atlantis was the civilization that existed prior to the Great Flood. Which happens as the Bible tells us. Now before you go on being a retard and calling me a Christcuck, remember that there is documented evidence of this not just among the Torah but also in Sumerian and Babylonian tablets. These are also mentioned in Finnish mythology.
The Atlanteans' fall was caused by a great sin which our people have long since forgotten. Racemixing. Not conventionally as it's known today, but between the Children of Man, which were Nordic in stature, and the other races of people, the Denisovans, Erectus, Sapiens, and Neanderthals.
Prior to our mixing with these races, we were very pure and long lived. Exactly as the Bible tells us. In breeding with these monkey-men, we thereby decreased our lifespans, and grew wicked.
The process was gradual, it did not culminate with mass breeding between the two, but due to certain members breeding with them, then reintroducing them to the main population. These very minor amounts of DNA changed us for the worst, permanently.
It was THAT that led to our great fall as a race, the first time it happened.
Neanderthal DNA is also the most prominent among Jews, and serves as the original corrupter.
I'm starting to think that the "Illuminati" are already fucking with me for spreading shit loads of information everywhere. Is this possible or am I just being paranoid?
Here is a question: Is it possible that the people from Zig Forums could somehow spark or create a global change for the better. A follow up is "How". Because if its no, we have zero reason to be on here.
Why are you such a manlet?
666 is falling short of 777.
Lust for wealth, fame, power. A corrupt ideology in which they perceive Lucifer to be correct in his rebellion against truth. Mind control. Supernatural abilities and foresight. And at the very top, due to the fact that they are born, quite literally without souls, having the blood of demons within them.
They have served as corrupters since the very beginning. Every path they have taken has been to destroy, not to build. It is concluded that their actions are based in their very nature, based on their own blood.
Lucifer and Satan. Two and one.
Rejoice in the fact that you are important enough to be silenced. That would show that you are working. You must understand that our ultimate goal is not to stop them, but to prepare ourselves and our communities for what is to come. It is not a popular opinion on here, but know that they have been planning this (in this fashion) for over 700 years. And they have been attempting to destroy us for all of our history.
This will will crumble into absolute darkness and out of that the Antichrist will rise, they shall praise him and believe him to be god. That is the time ahead of us, and it is here. We cannot undo the betrayel of all of our governments and stop the effects of the genocide. It will be carried through. There are many, in far greater positions of power who have tried to stop it and were silenced.
It is PROPHECY my friend.
Jokes on you, I hit 777 months ago.
I like this thread. And OP has triple 8s of truth. Hey OP What do you think will happen in the 2020s? Honestly. Everything seems to be heading towards DOTR, balkanization/collapse of the U.S., race/civil war. What do you see OP?
Zig Forums has a great purpose in the grand scheme of things but they will be sorrowfully disappointed to learn that they will not lead a revolution against the Khazar Sabbateans.
We are specks of dust on a very large planet in a very large universe. We only have the illusion of control as of now. There exists more worlds than this, many of which are incomprehensibly more powerful and advanced. There are beings far greater than us, even on this very Earth.
There are beings which sit with you and me right now, on a different plane, both watching over us and others being indifferent to us. God has created us for His pleasure and we will see the end of a long and arduous story very shortly. And you will not be begging for happenings when it does. It will be the greatest spectacle our Earth has seen for millennia. Our lives are known before we are born.
The enemy will lose, they have tried this before and suffered for it. This time however, there will be final victory. We will be purified and become one with the Heavens.
That's chaos? Maybe for a nigger.
Thanks op, that tends to agree with my understanding
Who was this nigga looking at me in my window over a decade ago
Why would he want to look anyways
I'm not omniscient but I have devoted my life to study of history, and soon after the truth. That is my goal, to find the truth.
Currently we are near the end stage of the Judeo-Masonic plot to bring about their society of racemixed slaves, subservient to themselves. They are foolish and do not realize that they too are puppets, and will be not only enslaved but killed.
The 2020s will continue with the globalization agenda. They must accomplish two goals before they can fully realize their plans.
- The population is feminized, docile, and racemixed
- The population has no weaponry, and cannot defend themselves
- The enforcement is replaced with those under mind control, including soulless clones and mind-broken puppets.
- Russia and Iran must be fully controlled. Trump is a threat ATM but he's played ball, soon he'll be out and they can accelerate more.
After these things occur, a war will break out between Israel and the Muslims. This conflict will expand to become a global issue, and soon ALL countries will become involved.
The people will suffer, the majority of the world's population will die, especially the whites, and the Antichrist will take the reigns in the faux-conflict, uniting the world under his power. For four years shall we suffer, if we live.
If it makes you any happier, the Khazar Jews will be purged in this war and replaced with manifested demons.
End times.
The clock will not spin again. It will be stuck.
Why are you such a faggot?
They use undefined terms so they can interpret anything they don't like as that. Classic legislative strategy, the ultrafaggot mods on /b/ did the same, completely ruining the board in the process
yeah ok gramps
Would you prefer I use a term that sounds more mystical so to capture your autistic fantasies?
When will Jesus THE Christ return?
Jesus THE Christ does not know that.
Only the Father.
No, i'd prefer you come up with something that wasn't already pleb tier 10 years ago on GLP
You didn't answer the question so here is another.
Are you AI?
My blood is RH-
Does it mean anything as opposed to RH+ in a deeper context? I heard ppl talking about alien stuff about RH-
Where can we read the prophecy?
After all, Neo wasn't The One and morpheus was a false teacher.
They never escaped the matrix.
Agent Smith was The One.
Did you know on the east coast they actually trade people?
Cop gets out of line they move him somewhere else. Mason acts like an asshole, they move him out of the lodge? In some lodges they purposely strip him of all wealth, and tell people he's power hungry, fame seeking, money orientated to see how other Masons respond. Some rites even require you to be homeless for a time. ;-)
Not a nigger morons.
Wonder why she made the gesture of Worshipful Master.
I just dislike midgets.
If Christianity is Cultural Marxism then why is it an explicit goal of both Cultural Marxism and classic Marxism to eradicate Christianity?
In what way is a non-materialist religion the same thing as a Marxism, which is predicated on materialism?
How are instructions that wives must obey and submit to their husbands (Christian marriage) in any way the same thing as Cultural Marxism that is focused on completely destroying traditional "gender" roles, as well as on destroying the concept of marriage itself?
Judaism is anti-Christian, and therefore so is Marxism.
If you can find me proof that Basques are either reptilians or the masterrace RH- is not important.
I've heard all sorts of stories ranging from ancient babylonian vampires to egyptian wizards to Pleadean settlers. And far more.
I'm afraid to say it doesn't make you all that special.
The Bible.
Not him but OP. Atheism is an experiment into the suppression of human instinct to search for a higher being by suppression of the pineal gland and copious amounts of propaganda.
Atheists are fools intoxicated by their own shit. I don't say that with malice either.
Are you asking me a question or are you attempting to be cryptic and assuming I'll understand?
Answer me, machine!
what is your stance on aliens?
How bad are things in the UK, or in France, or in Germany? What are the games being played there, who are the players? Is there anywhere in Europe or Eurasia where the little people will weather upcoming issues better than elsewhere?
Go to London and see for yourself, even the better parts. It's 3rd world and nobody gives a shit - that is how you know things are really, really, fucked up.
How do we get evangelical zionists to recognize the JQ? America's only hope is to unite right wing traditionalists for a last stand. Without them, half the civilian guns will be fighting for the wrong side.
I can see how that would be an improvement so maybe the futures not so bad afterall.
How does a conscious white man maximize his odds of surviving this calamity?
Stop believing nonsense like OP might help.
Is the RV legit, yea or nay?
What do you think of Kek and Thoth?
How many Heavens are there?
this is where we see how full of shit you are
Why is 'god' still a thing?
Doubt is more powerful than truth (pic 2)
OP is a retard
This whole thread is full of schizo retards
stop this symbolic larping ffs, it is ridiculous, unrealistic and boring
its where the spirit that animates those who call themselves jews comes from. jews are demonic parasites avataring human flesh.
There will be no last stand there will only be destruction. We cannot stop prophecy.
What you can do is warn them to something they'd be receptive too, the end times. Teach them to prepare their families, to get ready for the storm. No amount of rebellion will stop a nuclear winter. In the war to come all those who you hate will be vanquished, replaced by even worse beings, granted, but vanquished.
You need to stop trying to save the world and focus on doing what you actually can achieve, save those around you. Sorry if that's demoralizing, but it's the truth.
Find a place in the woods, a mountain range. Build a shelter out of good materials, concrete if you can, make part of it underground. Devote half the space of it to non-perishable foods. Get gas masks, hazmat suits, loads of fuel (don't use gas, it expires), and other essentials.
You will need a place to stay, eat, and keep warm come the nuclear winter. Fallout will be massive. Imagine the ash from St. Helens, now imagine that covering the entire earth for weeks, if not months. There is a reason the elites have bunkers and we don't.
There are many aliens but the beings we believe to be aliens are in fact Demons. Greys are fallen angels.
Cringy meme nonsense. Every dubs the LARPers attempt to gain is ignored if it fails, and screencapped if it isn't. The actual deities are a standard pantheon of demonic entities. Energy is a currency in the spiritual realm. The more energy you devote to a certain being the more powerful it gets. This carries into all aspects of life too. Focus on the negative, you will become negative. Focus on the positive, same goes.
You are what you eat. You are what you read. You are what you allow yourself to be. You make that conscious choice.
The number where you get to call me an idiot LARPer.
Do you believe God to be creator of the universe? Do you believe the universe to be uncreated? Do you believe that if there is not a monolithic God that perhaps another race of beings came to us, created us, and set out one for us to call God? If the universe simply IS, then is not God simply AM?
How did I know you wouldn't answer?
You haven't provided anything that wasn't said somewhere else already. We can't be the ones asking questions here, you have to actively provide something new that no one else has said before.
Otherwise by definition you'd be another LARPer.
Trump is a Fordham trained Jesuit coadjutor, philosemitic as per their vatican 2 legacy. The fact that Jerome Powell is also a Jesuit trained goon, means more financial consolidation and possible collapse when they are on the thrones. Pope Francis is also a Jesuit.
this is cuckchan /x/-tier material holy fuck this board is dead
did you know atheism is a sect of satanism?
OP, you sound like a Q
did you know that Christianity is a fake jewish religion? So is Satanism and everything which has it's roots in that
Why haven't you gone back to Reddit yet?
I am my own god. I can prove that I have created life.
If there is a supernatural being that created everything and everyone, he/she/it needs to stop being rude and introduce him/her/itself.
Hol up hol up, what is a 'children of man', is this code for white boy nord since sapiens is listed there, and would sapiens be the groid.
Why do you think you can violate the rules?
Isnt neaderthal most present in all Europeans (not just jews) comparatively to other races, I've heard stormfags on this board give this as the reason for their supposed mental superiority over blacks and amerindians. Luckily I have significantly lower neaderthal admixture, praise be to the gods.
I knew there was a reason I liked these two nations.
Cool thread, OP. I love reading these things.
You'll forgive me if I throw this in the "ur dooooomed goy!!!1 just give up k plz" bin with all the other kikel wishful thinking we've been getting lately. That part where you said racemixing is going to continue on in to the 2020s gave me an incredulous chuckle. The free ride is over. People are on to you and the few tactics you've used for 100s of years.
I note also your "stay positive" meme. I tried it for years. Coincidentally when I started reviewing this planet for this absolute shithole that it is, the happenings began. Wanna see how much more angry I can get? Stay tuned, nigger.
Anyone responsible for this utter shitball of a planet and the unforgivable waste that's engineered for here aught to fucking die of shame. The ones that don't will be treated manually.
Hey OP, don't forget my Europe questions! At least give us what you have on some EU players. Merkel, Macron, or even Putin … anything interesting in their past in your opinion?
Is the earth hollow?
does antarctica really have an entry to a new world?
will we ever see it in our lifetime?
did we land on the moon?
where the nazis genuinly the good people or were they controlled opposition scapegoats to create postww2 society that helps them finish their goal of the kalergi plan?
is trump genuinly the good man that came or is he controlled opposition?
do you think we will get rid of the fed in our near future or are we doomed allready?
thx in advance
Shit that never happened
Even if you are a larper, i like this part.
Some of us already know things are beyond salvageable.
It's better to start building small villages and growing from there, than try to rescue every pozzed institution.
Shhh, let us kids have our two minutes of wonder.
The Nazis wanted to keep the race pure, but that made them evil. The Jews have always kept their race pure, and no one says a fukken word. Why?
The mods anchored this thread and I have to go to work so I'll keep this short
What I was saying is it was originally a mix with the neanderthals that lead to the fall. Neanderthals being pale skinned fell under the radar to the Ancients. A negro would be more noticeable and likely result in death.
Macron = Common Globalist
Merkel = CIA operative globalist, trained with Theresa May, rumored to be daughter of Hitler
Putin = Corrupt as fuck but still independent. He's technically the richest person on Earth due to the money he's laundered
Yes but it's not Hyperborea.
If the Nazis did discover a "new world" they would have likely returned to reconquer the old one. Hitler died in Brazil.
What is interesting however is that Antarctica is the very same Atlantis I spoke of. It was not to the West of Spain as people believed. Under the ice are ancient ruins of the civilization, and a great city of riddles. In that great city of riddles researchers have sacrificed thousands of people trying to maneuver it. None have come back. Legend says the body of the frozen antichrist is within it.
Lol no.
Yes and the Earth is not flat it's spherical. Flat Earth is nonsense intended to discredit actual theories. However, most of what you know of space is CGI. NASA is used for money laundering.
The Nazis under Hitler were definitely legit. Their rise to power was allowed however. They NEEDED a figure like him to come along so they could create their holocaust theory. Before WW2 they already spoke of the 6 million.
Non-partisan, hates immigrants
Doom gloom and 1000 manchildren on here LARPing about viva la revolucion.
Who controls the greatest weapon known to mankind (not nukes)? What resides within our brains that allow us to change the course of history?
How do you fit that many dicks in your mouth at once?
How deep does the industrial technocracy go? Is there power unstoppable?
What's the end goal of trans humanism? Eternal Virtual torture for all of eternity? Much like the story I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream?
I don't buy into your prophecy bullshit "world is ending and nothing we can do" but I do have a question:
through meditation I was able to achieve what is called first jhana, but have been unable to get back. Do you meditate and how can I get back? Why wouldnt it be true that through intense meditation where some of the good people of this world could undo their brainwashing, and excel to superhuman levels of intelligence and power for the sole purpose of fighting evil in the world and taking back power over this world.
I have felt the presence of forces of light. Surely there are good guys fighting the bad guys otherwise why havent the bad guys completeed their evil plan yet? Angels are real, are they not? The war for earth is not over. What about the kali yuga ending?
At least I know where your loyalties really lie.
My bad, meant for
Wrong. Humans can do anything any beings can do. Those beings are jealous of us, as they cannot do what humans can do.