This whole Russia thing man. I just can’t hardly take it anymore.
But this thing here – this brings up a relevant point.
I don’t even know if Russians are actually making these memes. I tend to think they are not, and the entire thing is a complete hoax. Even if Russian citizens are making these memes, it is a hoax that they are produced by the Russian government and it is an even bigger hoax that they are having any effect whatsoever on American political discourse.
You then have the further question of: why and how can it be illegal for Russians to post memes on the internet? What does that even mean?
On another level, you basically have the Alt-Right and other right-wing figures being accused of being Russian agents for supporting policies that Jews do not like. If anyone posting memes supporting Donald Trump, and anyone supporting Donald Trump, is a Russian stooge, then you have a situation where no one can genuinely support Donald Trump, and the only reason anyone ever would is that they are a Russian stooge.
All of this ends up being an attack on freedom of speech and the attack on the free exchange of ideas in general.
And we come back to the question of democracy itself: if people are so psychologically fragile that they cannot make up their own minds, and will make completely wrong decisions based on internet memes, then how can you have a universal suffrage democracy where everyone is allowed to vote?
If crappy internet memes can “ravage the mental faculties” of voters, then certainly, multi-million dollar media empires can do the same. And I certainly don’t think that MSNBC believes our mental faculties are so ravaged that we would be willing to simply trust them and CNN to just tell us the truth out of pure goodness of character.
These people are openly saying that for democracy to work, the population must be shielded from certain ideas and images. And of course, they are the ones who get to do the shielding – but that’s a secondary point. The fact that anyone would need to do any kind of shielding from any kind of ideas in order for democracy to work discredits the entire concept of democracy, which is based on the idea that each person is a unique individual who is capable of taking in all information and making up his or her own mind about which way they think society should go.
If this isn’t true – and it is clear that the argument coming from the left is that this isn’t true – then we need to absolutely stop talking about democracy as a valid system of government. If people vote based on what media they consume – and again, that is their argument, not mine – then what “democracy” actually is is a system where those who control the media control the government.
And it appears that the current media is willing to be shockingly honest about this fact. So let us then discuss things from that starting point, and decide if it is fair for the entire media to be controlled by extremely biased private companies with fully transparent political agendas.
Please. Let’s just have an honest and open discussion about what exactly the implications of the revelation that “media decides the way people vote” actually are.
Alexander Hughes
The Russians never made memes to win an election. It's framed like that in America to discredit and dehumanize good ild fashioned hard working Americans that went out and voted.
It is a curious frame thoguh, to make Russia into a boogy man. What is so bad about Russia? Why are they supposed to appear as bad guys? If we are to belive American Media, Russia is the all time worst nemesis of America. What's so bad about Russia?
Russia is not bad. There is literally nothing wrong with Russia. Russia did nothing wrong. Russians hate fags.
Adrian Smith
this dude sounds suspiciously like that gasmask nazi larper
Thomas Ortiz
i would counter with this: russia has and always will try to subvert the west ala duganism, the promotion of degeneracy in all other countries but theirs ect ect however, i think the kikes in command of the mother communist country russia are in deep with the kikes here in burgerland, it's a tight network. so in reality it would be truer to say the kikes in russia reached out to their network in America and concocted this whole thing
Thomas Flores
dbl posting to add this, if the dems in America wanted this russian collusion narrative to float, they would have had to have cooperation in russia so they could have some trial to point to when it came to accusing time, you build both the fall guys and the accusation, that leaves finding a victim to pin it all on, Trump.
Cooper Baker
Russian agent here. No one will believe me anyways but this is true.
Jason Ross
Fuck off jew.
Cameron Brooks
> So Russians are using Jesus to make us stop masturbating, while really trying to get us to masturbate together?
The staid and boring norms are what people will consent to be ruled by
The leadership caste must be people who are willing to conform
I'm sorry
Making all of society conform is not necessary, but leaders must perform an impervious show
It may be easier to exalt people who will live that way, even if they are dumb symbolic figureheads, than to exalt people whose capacity to be two-faced is perfect
Seal the top to soothe the bottom
Take away people's right to find something exciting in prominence
Wealth without prestige makes people happier and is what the public wants, though it cannot fathom that
Overrecognition of prestige creates a sense of ubiquitous injustice as prestige is nothing/everything/hopeless/vital
Mason Gomez
Jacob Long
tits or gtfo
Brayden Baker
Angel Peterson
Hi Andrew!
Matthew Sanders
oops. was replying to
Christian Parker
Niggers can't think, man. They just do what they're told by the MSM
jew is living in your brain rent free, having already conditioned you so refer to them as "msm."
Xavier Evans
I propose we change it to MNM, the delicious chocolatey candy.
Dominic Richardson
Part of it, I suspect, is that Russians have gone through what we are currently: a Bolshevik overthrow, and, thus, are the voice of experience when it comes to such matters. If they could, I'm sure many would try to warn Americans about what is happening, so, in order to keep us from listening, the powers that be demonize them in order to trick us into hating them and, hence, disregard anything they may say.
How much are they pay you in wodka and pancake, komrad?
Michael Stewart
Nobody outside stormfront and fringe leftists in Russia know who the fuck Dugin is. The Nazbol party in Russia is fucking illegal and were frequently beat up by the cops until they found refuge on the internet (so they just shitpost and get vanned instead).
The idea that the Kremlin is behind them is about as laughable as saying Hitler was a jewish puppet because he made agreements with zionists at some point in the 1930's. The whole "Dugin is behind Zig Forums BS" is just as equally a Russian fear mongering psyops for retarded rightwingers as "Putin eats baby gay journalists" is for normies.
Also "Dugin is the Kremlin" is largely an hoax in itself. As far as anyone know he has never had any official position in the Russian government, he's sort of "an official advisor" as he was (he got fired eventually) the Chairman of International Politics & Sociology studies of Lomonosov University (which is Moscow state-owned university) so I'm sure he would get invited to all sort of official things but most importantly he always say batshit insane things which is good to sell paper and that's about it. That shit is also true in Russia…
There is no evidence whatsoever he is anything else than a nut-job philosophy professor and that he ever had a say in Russian politics. The only politicians he was documented to be actually close of is Lemontov which is… anti-Putin and maybe Primakov time, Primakov was the Communist leader and prime minister before Putin and literally the only serious OPPONENT to him in the early 2000.
The whole Dugin thing is basically saying that a Bernie Sanders advisor (I'm sure we can find a nutjob professor in his entourage) is behind Trump politics or something equally retarded.
Is Dugin a Jew? Because my Jewdar is not really going off. I legitimately am asking here, not trying to troll
Jace Howard
Don't know tbh, it's the only pic I have of him with Brzezinski. I agree he doesn't appear jewish, but he's a commie so he is an honorary jew at any rate.
Oh wait… Those aren't Russians…
Isaiah Bailey
Yeah, I wasn't referring to his politics, just the image posted. But your right, if your are a commie that pretty much makes you a kike by definition.
Hunter Lee
He's not a commie at all in fact he supports basically any movement that seeks to destabilize the west to promote his Eurasian Empire. He coops other movements ranging from Christian traditionalism, Anarchism, to National Socialism to suite his own ends. He is pro-chaos and destabilization, essentially globalism reversed so Russia will replace the US as world hegemon. This is why he has the star of chaos as his symbol. Also why Matthew Heimbach, that retarded orc, used his symbol for his movement.
He is in Russia the Nazbol are considered as Stalinists and as the left of the communist party (which is the main left party in Russia and the actual opposition to Putin BTW). Dugin himself considers that spirituality is important to life but that also something Stalin did, he himself being an ex-seminarist and not having the jewish hatred for anything christian he ease up the restriction on the Orthodox Church (as long as they remained loyal) instead of slaughtering priests wholesome like Lenin did especially during the war but it continued until his death and is what actually saved the Church from extinction plain and simple.
Now you can go full Zig Forums and say that stalinism wasn't communism.
The Russia thing has fallen apart, and to protect their egos (((they))) are claiming that all Trump supporters are "Russian influenced." If you posted on Twitter or Facebook or Reddit, or even read those sites, and voted for Trump, well that's the Russian influence voting.
But let's not talk about China or Britain or Israel and their interference in our political process.
Logan Barnes
Russian Government and Intelligence agencies are pozzed just like America's. Running PSYOPs against the American People, especially to sway an election, is criminal. It's an act of war for a foreign nation to do it and it's treason for an American employed by the Government to do it. Alt-Right is an Israeli-Russian propaganda outlet who used psychological operations to rig the 2016 vote for (((Trump))).
The goal of these Zionist-Bolsheviks is allowing the Jewish State and contemporary Judaism to fall, only to be replaced with Christian-Judaism. Christianity is the continuation of Judaism, not its destruction. Again: Jews are feigning defeat while successfully implementing their NWO agenda. Russia, America, China, and most other Nations are privy to this Plot and willing participants. In the end Jews get everything we already know they want: de-population, world-rule, and the International Police State. It's not too late to stop it but soon it will be.
The Russian allegations are all cover for revealed corruption and a reverse physiology attempt to provoke Trump and the right into getting tough with Russia to further the neocon agenda in Syria and Iran. Facebook and Google attempted to throw the election for Hillary. All the investigations concern themselves with Russians or China, and conveniently sidestep the companies manipulation of the American public. The investigation into Manafort was to punish him for helping Trump but the greater purpose was to give immunity to the Podesta's. They are investigating Don Jr because he may have talked adoptions. This is a big issue for these satanic freaks. Putin cutoff adoptions when it came to light Russian boys were being abused and pimped out by their gay couple adoptee parents. Said no gay adoptions. Pelosi, Schumer, and the usual suspects went livid over this and threatened serious repercussions. This was the start of the Democrat and media's big turn on Russia. On one level I think they wanted picturesque white babies to promote gay marriage with, but knowing about spirit cooking and ritual satanic abuse it could be much darker. Putin is fine with straight white couples adopting Russian kids, and Democrats think they are punishing him by saying if gay couples can't adopt then straights can't either. So it's illegal to talk about apparently.
Grayson Davis
The Podestas rolled over I think, they closed up shop and are rarely seen or heard from. Last we saw of Skippy he was getting harassed in public, plenty of Youtubes out there of randos approaching him and yelling "YOU THINK YA HOT SHIT DONCHA."
Brody Martin
Okay, paid shill.
Andrew Hughes
That has to be a joke, right? All those are either lies or minor compared to isrealis and saudis doing even worse than the russians.
Tyler Cox
if anons don't reject the conditioning our Enemy will win.
China's doing just as much but they never get a whisper. Our elected officials fear and pay fealty to China and it needs to stop before WWIII, which is coming soon.
Ideally we can accelerate WWIII so it happens under Trump's watch. Hillary would send every white male to war and replenish the USA with young MS-13.
They're worse than fox news and CNN is. I don't expect anything less laughable from them. But you know, maybe they're right and we'll get those rubles wired from Putin's bank account we were promised some day.
John Long
from the joke known as the Senate Intel Committee, presented by Lyin' Williams and interpreted by Negro Agent Nance.
roflmao they have no capacity for empathy, these savages! Who were the people that bullied gamers for decades and tried to make it government policy to loot them and treat them as terrorists if they disagree? They were the goodie-to-shoe-kikes that believed and enforced the (female) teacher's oppressive narratives.
Jordan Carter
John Roberts
what do you mean? it's hilarious, just goes to show how fragile the mind of your average lefty nigger is, I love it
Daniel Richardson
We've been conditioned to hate Putin / Russia for a while now. Try to remember all the anti-Putin memes that inorganically appeared all over reddit and other sites at the same time. He defeated US/Israel-backed terrorists before they could overthrow Israel's bad guy, Assad.
To me, the whole Russian bots thing is a hoax to get people to irrationally hate Russia more. They've mobilized the SJWs against Russia by saying Putin is anti-fag. Most Americans barely know anything about the country they live in let alone a country as complex as Russia.
It's parody you dumb nigger. The word jew or israel is swapped for Russia. Democrat is swapped or GOP and Hillary is swapped for Trump.
Levi Watson
We be ballin you.
Brayden Lee
Russians have become the Jews of the left.
Connor Gutierrez
Not really surprising. Russians made USSR fall on its nose.
Justin Morgan
Because China and USA are on the same team, two tentacles of global jewry.
Hunter Nguyen
Wait and see.
Ayden Wright
He's not a Jew, and if real, that article is a bunch of word salad. I can vouch for Scholem though, he's pretty coherent compared to most Jewish writers on the topic. Kabbalah, like most things 'esoteric' is all about the pretense of possessing hidden knowledge where one exists. It's a revealed tradition, just like the Law of Moses, and the Passion Narrative, so a rationalist will inevitably deconstruct these revelations to the point where faith in them is impossible. It's interesting to see what the kikes think though, and worth reading about. The story of Sabbatai Zevi is a fascinating one, but the story of Jacob Frank is even more relevant to the discussion of the secular and heterodox Jews.
Connor Wright
Joseph Hill
Dunning-Kruger strikes again. Please only comment on topics you at least know the basics of.