Stock Markets Dips Sharply After Fed Continues Hiking Interest Rates
Dow now negative for the year
Federal Reserve Pulling the Trigger
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zoom out
What part of Dow negative for the year do you not understand?
it's been lower
Queue Trump kvetching about the way the guy he appointed to run the fed is running the fed.
nice job
Bitches on twatter as usual and immediately gets cucked by his own guy the very next day.
It’s literally at the critical support level. If it breaks past here (it might not for a few days looking at the MACD, but who knows) it’s going full blown crash.
Trump could always nationalize the fed like the constitution says only the government can print mint money.
Oh those bitter faggot kikes.
Dow at lowest close since Nov. 2017
The economy was never good. Remember when Trump was campaigning he called the stock market a bubble and he called the Obama recovery fake. What changed?
The Fed is desperately trying to raise interest rates. Normally going into a recession the Fed can lower rates by 4-5% and pump asset prices with cheap money. We’re only at 2.25-2.5, which is historically low still and the shitty economy can’t even handle it.
when does it burn?
drup toching wall.tiff
should have voted for hillary, nazi
What part of zoom out is unclear, you subhuman faggot.
The Fed is also taking in 50 billion each month from maturing treasuries that they bought from the banks during the recession, it's fucked.
Explain what the "critical support" level is supposed to be or mean, and explain how they literally won't just close the markets for a week and do QE4.
Obviously. Zoom out further.
With who's money are they going to do QE with?
>look at (((Greenspan)))'s bubble economy
Do not reply until you learn what "money" in the current economy is.
And then you zoom out and see that it only fell 0.01% on that chart.
We've been in a bubble since 1913. Call me when something is actually happening.
What is inflation?
Yes, his guy. He nominated him you fucking retard. Not my fault he rewrapped Onigger's economy in different paper and sold people the same bag of shit. Guess he thought Powell would do exactly what he wanted. It was dumb to assume the fed would listen to him.
When price bottoms out at a point, usually several times it becomes a support level. When a price tops out at a certain point, usually multiple times, it becomes a resistance level. The two can interchange, support can become resistance. If you break support it will fall to the next previous support level. It’s Trend Analysis, it works u til it doesn’t, but support and resistance are usually good indicators where the price is headed if it breaks one level, up or down.
I fully expect QE to continue in the future. Remember it was never finished in the first place since completing QE means normalizing interest rates and normalizing the Feds balance sheet, both are impossible. QE is a trap meant to enrich the very wealthy. The dollar will die in my amateur opinion
Do the banks have any worthwhile assets for the Fed to perform QE with this time?
I mean they bought a shit load of worthless CDOs last time in addition to Treasuries. I know the banks have large amounts of low grade corporate debt, but worthwhile? IDK
fucking kek, boomers' portfolios btfo
Didn't that purchase require the bailout last time because they were worthless? The US government budget is fucked this time around, unless they're going to do a bail-in.
kiss your 401ks and IRAs good bye boomers. Q did not predict this.
They essentially create it out of thin air. That's the power of central banks, and them being private almost everywhere is a big hint at how power is really distributed in the world. Of course, adding money all the time gets you closer to the dreaded hyper-inflation, and if you have to do it, you at least want to be the last one who has to. The situation today is tense for every country that matters.
And whose guy is Trump? (Spoiler: not yours.)
The Federal Reserve needs to be seized immediately, by law enforcement, military, regulated or unregulated militia.
Single digit loss for the year and you're proclaiming "kiss your IRA goodbye"? You are why I outperform the indexes.
I was confusing QE with TARP, but since the banks have no assets this time worth a shit if the Fed pulls QE again hyperinflation will probably kick in.
This board is sad
The military works for the fed.
Your damage control is sad. How do you still have a job being this inept?
so much ignorance in this thread holy shit
Who gives a shit? Its all fake. The market is fake. Our money is fake. The wall is fake.
Reminder to buy gold and silver, but especially Silver. It's actively consumed by industry, mines will deplete in ~20 years, and it's small scale enough to be tradeable for commodities.
It's also grossly undervalued and starting to rise.
I'm aware of the collapse in the purchasing power of the dollar. That means nothing. It can keep collapsing indefinitely.
Okay, that makes sense from a terminology standpoint, at least. Thanks!
Okay… but what "makes" an arbitrary amount a "support" level, other than "it once was"?
Oh, it's just bullshitting and localized analysis of economics. I understand, I think.
How can the dollar die if QE–designed to keep that from happening–continues?
Why make investments into a debt economy that brings less and less return?
"Larger" investments become easier to make as the amount of currency increases. We've seen a century of kikes and retards making these investments without end; why would that change now?
The kikes found a new partner.
I have 20 grand burning a hole in my pocket… I'll either put it into the market if it crashes or invest in farm infrastructure if it doesn't.
I'm overjoyed at this thread. The market is still over-priced, imo… but I'm looking ahead… the 3-5 year range, and plan to sell once the market hits 30K.
Based on what the Fed (which shouldn't exist) does and how the market reacts… I may avoid the risk of the market altogether. It's bad enough that my 401K is tied to it.
Keep up the good work, anons. It's my money, I'll put it where I see the greatest 3-5 year return. It's nice to see a /pol thread on finance.
I swear, the stock market crash is your answer to neoliberal/leftist's global warming.
This kills the kike OP
Oy vey… boy did they ever. Seething anger.
I hope nobody doxes Richard N. Haass.
Hate to hear that 95,000 little plastic Menorahs got delivered to his house, just in time for Hanukkah.
Trump could also shoot his daughter and all his kike grandchildren live on TV. It’s physically possible, sure. It will never happen, so saying it won’t help us, but it’s as “could” as your statement.
Preface: In the process of typing this, I'm reminded yet again why I hate these (((people))). In trying to figure out just what the direct goal is or next step will be, I've found myself running in so many different directions to try to figure out their massive tangled web of bullshit and anticipate their next move. They have so many god damn threads going at once, its damn near impossible to untangle it all and plan a counter attack (or at least just be prepared for the next strike). I know, this is intentional, they fuck you from every direction they can at once, death by a thousand tiny cuts, but god damn trying to unweave this shit is painful. Can they not just be decent fucking human beings for ONCE!? They can just go "man, being a human is great right now, wealth and tech beyond the wildest imaginations of people living even 100 years ago, maybe we should stop trying to be tyrant kings over a sea of ashes and instead enjoy this age of humanity with immense prosperity?".. but nooooooo, better to be a king of ashes than a commoner in a utopia I guess.
This makes me think this is all intentional for some after-hours deal like what got us the irs, income taxes, and the fed so long ago.
Market (intentional) crash pretty hard just before christmas, congress and executive "work" behind closed doors over christmas while everyone is distracted, to pass some god awful bullshit bill that no one knows or cares or finds out about for weeks because "muh holiday season," by which time the measures for it are already being put in place and shits going tits up really fast
Now, what that ultimate "solution" could be, who knows. What is it they're going for anyway? I mean, crash the market, sure, but whats the end goal? Its pretty obvious they're setting about to do that, the markets do hold a lot of average (white) peoples retirement/investments… which has its own goals in and of itself (it does harm the economy over all, but maybe its worth it to strip those people of their wealth, again, and set them back to near zero? Stop the goyim from climbing the ladder or even being able to retire? Maybe drive a lot of them to suicide? But overall just break the market after (((they've))) all had time to cash out already, drive prices to near zero, then buy everything up?… the market crash itself has many pretty obvious goals in mind, all universally tied to buying up more shit dirt cheap until they own the entire nation)… but that doesnt say much about what the true end goal is going to be, because there WILL be some kind of (controlled) "response" from the government to a market crash… but what will that response be, and what will be its actual intention?
That question has me wondering… We all understand their true end goal, no need to really lay it all out here, but what step towards that end goal will their inevitable "solution" (to the problem they caused, of course) aim towards? Something along the lines of more wealth control? "bailing out" more banks or markets or god only knows what else this time? Or are they trying to cover tracks with all this? Maybe there was a lot of funny business going on that was going to come out and this is a preemptive step to memory hole that before it even becomes memory to begin with and pass some kind of legislation that will ensure its covered up? Maybe its just to get another big bail out? Maybe they're ready to shift more operations elsewhere? maybe they're hoping to wreck the holidays and the "response" will be nothing, but the controlled media will run 24/7 coverage and news alerts and all that shit, maybe even use that fancy cell phone EBS tech to make sure everyone knows the market is tanking and "not to panic" (to make sure they DO panic) to cause panic, maybe even chaos and riots if enough people start finding out they've gotten laid off by their mega-jew-corp employer while they were off eating turkey and ham and opening their jewmart gifts? Maybe something less overt and "happening" level and more subtle, like just passing some really nightmarish shit enabling massive printing of dollars to "bail out" someone again, all funneled to (((banks))) naturally…
Hell maybe it could be something like seeing negative interest rates… crash the market, steal all that wealth over the holidays, some congressional response, which the fed takes and drops interest rates to the negative so that anyone not paying attention starts even losing their savings account money pretty quickly, drain the goyim dry on all fronts at once while they're distracted
Either way, something else is GOING to happen after this crash. Its not just going to crash and that be the end of it, then slowly start building back up. Nah, theres always another goal or agenda in mind behind the scenes. Theres just to many threads for me to follow anymore.
let it all burn so we can finally start hanging them high again
Support and resistance are as you say arbitrary. You can create support from a massive buy action after some good news or create resistance from a reversal due to bad news or any other reason.
QE was designed to re-inflate the bubbles that got popped in 2008 and it worked. They expanded the monetary base by many multiples. Most of the new dollars printed are sitting at the Fed as reserve deposits of banks, which the Fed is paying interest on. As soon as there is a liquidity crisis that cash will enter the system. Also, the value of $1 worth of stimulus has greatly diminished in the past decade. They will have to inject exponentially more currency to stimulate the economy.
Isn't the Fed trying to loosen the bank reserve requirement already?
This post is the definition of COPE
You really need to try harder nigger. Like, seriously. Try just a little harder. It won't be so boring then.
Global currency
I am pretty sure that what the kikes objected to was the opening of the tweet and the distancing of the Federal Government implicit within the statement:
When the Fed pees?
Awww yusss
It’s full of delusional boomer burgers feds and the lowest types of neo Nazi. All of the intellectuals and interesting left ages ago.
Speak for yourself
the solution is to gas them all, remove (((parasitic entities))), remember once again to become Free, Divine and Sovereign Beings, remove (((parasitic constructs))), etc.
The reason of why the DEAD (((they))) are so negative is because the dead (((they))) are psychopaths, without empathy.
spoilered accidentally. sigh.
(((they))) ARE DEAD FOREVER.
(((they))) ARE DEAD FOREVER.
(((they))) ARE DEAD FOREVER.
(((they))) ARE DEAD FOREVER.
S&P is the only market-wide index that matters.
Self-awareness is tough, I know.
It's a bunch of shitty companies that don't produce anything meaningful for the world and a couple of banks and loan sharks.
They could well evaporate and the world would literally be better off for it, and the next 30 companies would be back on the list and on we go with a better life.
Wait! Are you saying that the chart shows data similar to what we witnessed just before 09/15/08 and that now that everyone is content with an over-inflated market ignoring the huge bubble that when the market drops like a rock this time it will be far more devastating than 1929 and we'll see people jumping from buildings again, the homeless population will sky-rocket and anglo-kikes will be hanging from lamp posts? …or somethin' else
jesus christ, just crash already.
can you help out a down-trodden white with starting money for a business I want to open?
Where would you recommend buying silver from? Preferably a reputable seller that isn't going to send me jewish bars with iron filling.
Fuck yeah. Bring the pain on the normalfags. i wish it was burning down but I've heard all this before so not getting my hopes up
it's all planned in order to further consolidate wealth into the the pockets of kikes. fortunately, they will not be able to protect it or themselves this time. Jews will burn
You don't get it. Banks purchase whatever assets they want with money they order to be printed. QE literally is just buying bonds and other financial assets with new money. There is no way to run out; even if the government doesn't issue enough bonds, they can just purchase other privatized assets. Most of the new money being created, though, is U.S. debt, aka government bonds.
The real catch is that the government shouldn't have to issue bonds at all. The government should be able to just introduce new money into the system and finance public projects directly. As it stands right now, the government has to borrow money from banks and other investors just like you and I have to borrow money from the bank for a car or house loan. Issuing new money into the economy should be the prerogative of the government, but instead it's the prerogative of the (((Fed))).
Other way around, though–the banks are the ones with all of the money and power; only when the bankers order something does the government get off its ass and do something. Privatized central banks rule the world, with their stockholders (independent banks, mostly) pulling the strings.
Hyper inflation really only happens when industry is destroyed. Technically just printing a ton of money won't crash the economy. Hyper inflation usually occurs when industry tanks and the government tries to print a ton of money to start it up again.
The horrors of the Weimar and Zimbabwe inflation spells had a lot more to do with lack of goods to buy than too much money in circulation. Production in those countries practically came to a halt.
Come arrest the drug trafficker in the library harassing people
I've been hearing this shit since 2015
Yep remember reading the same shit in 2006. These faggots are fucking retarded shills.
I need to make a short infographic explaining to brainlets that the x axis of these graphs are everything the past couple of hours, days, years even is not going to tell you shit.
Look at the Y axis. The y axis doesnt start as zero you mongoloids
Can't stand crackheads.
How about Trump stop being a faggot & allow congress to set the interest rates by nationalizing the fed? If the tribe didn't have their fingers in WallStreet so much we could set our sites on Wall Street with memes.