Trump is driving a wedge between American Jews, who tend who be liberal faggots, and Israeli Jews, who tend to be a lot more right wing.
Will American Jews finally make the break and begin to oppose Israel? They've been leaning that way for a while.
Trump is driving a wedge between American Jews, who tend who be liberal faggots, and Israeli Jews, who tend to be a lot more right wing.
Will American Jews finally make the break and begin to oppose Israel? They've been leaning that way for a while.
>direct link to (((haaretz)))
Upboated fellow pede!
Oh no, they might warn 30 shekel cents from my link. What a tragedy.
You can't deny the kikes in Israel are more based than their American brethren.
You idiot. That article is from a jew-run whining paper.
There isn't any difference.
No shit. You can't deny though that there's a ton of Jews in the states who hate Israel. I saw them all the time when I was in college.
And he moved the embassy for a mere $400k.
That in itself must have pissed off a lot of people that would have stood to make bank had it been done in the traditional manner.
Why not? Left wing Jews are different from right wing Jews just as left wing whites are different from right-wing whites. I'd much rather be friends with a red pilled Jew than a left-wing faggot.
They were already toxic you lying piece of shit.
Trump hasn't done anything but act as a point of contention in an already-extant internal Jewish conflict.
No, they are not, and further
this is the single most semitic thing I've ever seen someone post unironically.
A Jew will side with a Jew against a non-Jew regardless of political ideology.
And there are no good Jews.
“Hypothetically there could be a good Jew, but the cost of finding this out would be enormous.”
Very much this.
I am reminded of something from Starship Troopers, wherein the teacher of the civics class is talking about value.
Basically, he comes to the conclusion that the phrase “the best things in life are free” is both technically true and inherently false, better phrased as “the best things in life cannot be bought with money”, on the basis that those things can only be bought with blood and struggle and hardship, and its never cheap.
By the same token, “there are no good Jews” is technically false but inherently true, because while a good Jew may well exist, you can never know that a Jew is a good Jew or merely another in the long line of malicious subversive Jews until its too late, and the cost is too great to justify embracing the technical falsehood in favor of the inherent truth. I would likewise conclude that a better statement would be “there are no Jews whose embrace can be justified on the potentiality of their being the exceedingly-rare good Jew”.
He's turned it more toxic, friend. He certainly didn't start the rift but is helping to widen it.
Except a lot of liberal Jews in the US support BDS. Your point is false and retarded.
They are trying to get Jews to move to Israel. Shouldn't we support them in this?
lol no
If every Jew world-wide were all pawns in some grand Jewish scheme, and that included why beliefs they professed to believe, there would have to be coordination. For coordination to exist there would be documents. And those documents would have leaked a long time ago. They haven't because your premise is nonsense.
He didn't, the Jews who own him did, you silly goy.
No, they don't. And BDS is basically outlawed throughout most of the US.
Your point is false and retarded.
Kill yourself.
You do realize that one always wins the game if one plays on both sides? Also how many times in the last 5k years did the "but not all jews" excuse turned out to be a devastating ruse? Here's a good survival tip for you…stop showing mercy.
Violence is the only answer at this point.
This is win win. If all Jews move to Israel then the Israelis can use the progressives as cannon fodder against Muslims as they battle it out. If only the right leaning Jews move to Israel then the progressives will remain and they are easier to fight. Why y'all whining still?
Also this wasn't me.
No problemo.
So sayeth the edgy neck beard who will never make a life for himself.
Yeah it's Trump fault that the gay sex having while on drugs jew in CA argues with his orthodox brother in jewland. Such a cowardly and dishonest group.
So sayeth the MIGApede who can't wait to vote in 2020.
That's not how I read it. I read it more like Trump's existence exacerbates but mostly illustrates the tensions between left wing Jewish faggotry in the west and the much more conservative jewdom in Israel.
I only want to MAGA, friend. You, meanwhile, talk about showing no mercy to the Jew while still living in your mom's basement. Hilarious. How much did your trilby cost you?
Get the fuck out, you moron. The absolute state of this board.
Yes there is. Right wing Jews are more likely to be in Israel.
Of course they are more based. They are in their home country rather than America. Why are you afraid of Jews being where they belong?
Israelis kill violent mudslimes on a daily basis. They take their border security seriously and don't give a shit about the panty wringers at the UN.
To me, that is based.
Only for show. The whole idea is to maintain a parasitic relationship. You are an idiot.
The reason a parasite sometimes backs off a bit, or injects some sort of calming chemical in its host, is to get it to relax and then go back into a state of vulnerability to further burrowing.
That's what makes you a cuckold.
Reminder that all jewish "civil wars" are hoaxes to get the goyim to fight each other. Reminder that Trump has not turned his masters against his masters.
If this were true that all Jews were acting in concert then there would be some proof somewhere. Such a massive conspiracy spanning decades and millions of people could not be hidden. There would be records and documents.
Can you produce any? Or did you just make this up?
Those aren't even close to being parallels you retard. What shitty logical reasoning you have. Go take a course on logic at college.
No thanks cuckold.
That is some retarded logic right there. Sorry to say it user but you need to get out.
Oh, look, the cuckold brought a friend.
Did you forget to change IPs or did it just trigger you that much?
Left wing jew and right wing jews are very different.
The left wing jews want us to be docile brown cattle and the right wing jews want us to be mindless brown golems that fight their wars. So different.
You are too retarded to argue with. I have filtered you. Would you like a box of crayons?
you have to go back
Das it, mang.
In conclusion, you're fucking Jewish and I would laugh watching Muslims burn you, then burn the Muslims.
This doesn't prove Jews are engaging in fake civil wars you moron.
Kill yourself, my jude.
On the other hand, Trump has said yes I know he will bring the US troops home from Syria. If he is also sending Jews back to Israel then it's win win.
Not until he does it, jude.
The Generals and Admirals with balls better start waking the fuck up to common sense, and their own fuckin' eyes, or they are going to get "Stearneyied".
The military is kike owned at the top user.
No officer worth his salt is owned by ANYONE or ANYTHING except honor and duty, and loyalty to his sacred oaths. And if he can't see that he's dead either way and therefore choose the honorable path that gives him the greatest meaningful chances, then he is a fool and no officer anyway.
I ask for proof of a claim, you provide irrelevant information. When I point out it's not what I asked for you claim I am shifting the goalposts. You're a deceptive liar or moron.
Just a Jew paper trying to tear down Trump over manufactured bullshit.
They're pissed he's going to pull the military out of Syria.
kikes have no home country, God cursed you to be rootless drifters for all of your existence. Always corrupting, always taking, always lying your way through the world. Immoral degenerates, every stinking one of ya.
Never forget the golden rule: There are no good kikes.
They're all controlled op.
Here is the (((ratling)))
Not so fast, user!!
There ARE good kikes.
They fit in ashtrays.
Once again that doesn't even come close to being evidence that Jews manufacture fake internal civil wars. You posted a mostly irrelevant Wikipedia article and are strutting around like a retarded pigeon.
Oh look, another jew telling us what American Conservatism is all about.
Alright! We got one of our Jeeps back! The most they've ever done for us.
Get lost with your William F. Buckley version of American Conservatism. See,
We are Jeffersonian here.
which ethnicity carved out that "home country" for them?
Retard, that thing the jeep was stuck on is NOT part of the new wall.
Fucking nu/pol/.
The Brits and Vatican are behind 80% of the world's woes, and are the American's Parasite. But the Jew is a sort of hyper-parasite that is on top of them, because it is in a "direct relationship" to YHWH. Note the way this influence dovetails in through religious identity and spiritual identity complexes and politics.
If you continue to shill for zionists, nobody will take your half-assed rhetoric to heart, jude.
>>If this were true that all Jews were acting in concert then there would be some proof somewhere.
God you're fucking stupid.
This is the wall.
But that's a fence.
You think Jewish organizations existing means all Jews act in concert and fake every internal disagreement they have is proof of your pure retardation.
Fences are not that tall, and they're not made of steel beams.
Our old fences were. So I guess Trump is a liar after all.
But our old fences were. So I guess you're a liar after all.
Have you been psychologically tested yet?
Does anyone have a screencap of that perfect response to an OP that talked about "friction between the right hand and left hand of the enemy"?