Nationalist Org Directory
Post info & discuss nationalist groups from around the world ITT
Info to spread awareness on groups for anons to get involved with or network with. Do your own research and form your own opinions on whether to join something or not my advice is to start something small and local with people you trust. I'll start out by naming some that I'm aware of.
Nordic Resistance Movement / Nordfront
Pan-Nordic National Socialist movement operating in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. Operates politically and has a "paramilitary" wing.
Golden Dawn
Greek organization that initially started as a small National Socialist group, claims to not be nazis or fascists now, but probably just lying for PR cuck purposes.
Italian fascist organization named after Ezra Pound, self described "radical centrist extremism". Cites Gentile, Mussolini as inspirations, among others. Involved with a lot of community-based projects.
Italy for the Italians
Coalition of various fascist parties.
ONR / National Radical Camp
Polish organization responsible for co-organizing the 60,000 person nationalist march in 2017.
NOP / National Rebirth of Poland
Self-proclaimed superfascists who want to gas fags and remove all yids from Poland. Surprisingly not banned.
Serbian Action
Serbian friends of Golden Dawn. Anti-ZOG, explicitly christian, and Third Positionists.
Lithuanian based fascist youth group that likes a e s t h e t i c s. Disappeared for a while but apparently returned.
Rise Above Movement / R.A.M
USA fight club and fitness for nationalists. Currently under ZOG investigation with members falsely imprisoned.
Patriot Front
Texas-based fascist youth movement with American Nationalist aesthetics
Dominion Movement
Patriot Front 2: New Zealand boogaloo (not actually affiliated with PF, as far as I know)
Vanguard America
Patriot Front before the American Nationalist aesthetics. Responsible for creating some pretty good posters.