U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Syria - Thread 2

WASHINGTON—The U.S. military is preparing a rapid withdrawal of its forces from Syria, administration officials said Wednesday, a move that marks an abrupt reversal of America’s strategy in the Middle East.

Greater Israel BTFO. Neocons are mad. Jidf is mad, specially about the wall.

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And Afghanistan, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Australia, Poland, Baltics, Spain, etc. Fuck off kikes.



Why are jews allowing this ? Trump is killing their puppet


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Wow, the first good foreign policy decision Trump has made. Let's see if he actually goes through with this and doesn't cuck out from neocons kvetching about

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Here's an actual news article, m8. Don't just post Trump twitter or the spam bots will get triggered.

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Are they planning something else for the zogbots..

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Gee, because the president isn't all powerful? Your kind has been attempting to roadblock him every way he turns. He's still getting it done. The wall is still being built as we speak even with the continual funding fight, and he's working on making the other countries do what they need to do to keep their shitskins there. Come back when you finish grade school.

Stay ass-blasted shills.

Kosher gas attack when?