Tranny attorney Autumn Scardina asked Phillips to bake a cake that was blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate his gender transition AKA mental illness.
They are going against the same fucking baker? How obsessed are they? They probably deliberately sought him out just so they can get some pro-fag law in place.
They don't need to win to drain the guy of resources and put him out of business. It's called barratry and it used to be illegal. Still is, technically.
Ryan Myers
It might be illegal, but seems like it would be hard to prove without a great PI and a judge who could accept the evidence proper.
Christopher Barnes
These people are fucking cultists.
Bentley Fisher
Fucking faggots didn’t get their way, so now they’re going to barrage him with faggotry until he’s out of business. Faggots are basically the mob now.
Jaxon Lee
Do they expect this to make people more accepting of faggots and trannies? I know they don't; they just want to use government as a cudgel to get their way DOTR when?
of course they did, user. of course they did. the world would be sane if they didn't.
Parker Ward
Counter sue for harassment.
Kevin Perry
It serves as an example to other businesses as well. "If you don't accept us, we'll sue you out of existence so better not make a fuss in the first place, breeder!"
Juan Gray
trannys are just faggots with mental illnesses
Justin Allen
I'd really love to see one of these bakers say, "sure, I'll make your custom cake. That will be five thousand dollars. Will you be paying with cash or a credit card?"
Courts have no problem telling a business they must serve everyone, but litigating the price of custom services is a whole nother story.
Evan Flores
Asher Clark
Faggots have always been the mob user. Faggots are kikes. Kikes are faggots. There are reasons why we used to bog them wherever we found them.
Evan Long
Why not just make the cake but make it as sloppy as possible and then charge out the ass for it too? None of the regular customers will give a single fuck about some tranny getting btfo like this
Lincoln Gomez
It's called pushing further and further left so that you come to accept lesser left wing positions as being normal. It's shock and awe, cultural marxism 101.
Jonathan Gomez
yeah, so, how did closing all the asylums work out for us? I'm so glad we're a tolerant society
Ranchers had trouble with endangered animals killing their animals. But they faced serious penalty for killing federally protected animals. The term that arose for the solution was shoot, shovel, and shut up. Whenever i read one of these degenerates trying to push around the "normies" I think of how far normies will go when they get pissed. The day of rope is coming. I have the popcorn ready.
Andrew Thomas
No shit this is scripted against him. Just like the cake fiasco popped up in the EU too.
Bentley Howard
How do we support the guy?
Connor Long
Fags would enjoy that. They'd be repeat customers. What are the foulest-tasting legal human-grade food items? Castor oil, Bitrex, Robitussin, a few cups of MSG, a pile of Carolina Reaper peppers, nettles, quince, pith . . . here's your cake, fags.
Dylan Myers
It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake.
Samuel Diaz
Youre being redundant user
Julian Flores
It would have to be the same couple as the first cake. Harassment gets thrown around a lot as a meme but it's usually used by people who are clearly in the wrong. Very hard to prove.
Bentley Anderson
Disparate impact, goyim. The rules changed.
Lucas Miller
They will just keep hitting him and hitting him and hitting him until he is all used up. The world continues to move leftwards.
Adrian Cruz
The more this baker resists, the more the faggots and trannies get their jollies from trying to overcome him. Faggots and trannies are the most disgusting creatures in the world. They need to die so that western civilization can live.
Carson Flores
This is not about Jews.
Jace Ross
fallout has faggots, cross dressing, race mixing, forced anti-White narratives.
Elijah Murphy
Trips of truth. It's actually really easy to bake a cake. The tricky part is ensuring the cake is not too moist, but also not too dry. So while any nigger can throw together a pre-packaged cake mix, it does actually take some skill to bake a good cake. Thanks for another recipe to add to my family cookbook, user.