Based white girl smashes face of invader scum in bathroom

Based white girl smashes face of invader scum in bathroom

'You're lucky you're from another language because I will crush you b***h': Syrian refugee girl, 14, is attacked inside a high school bathroom by another teen girl who 'wanted to vape' inside the stall she was in


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (468x403, 277.07K)

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Embed because OP is a faggot.

The Syrian girl threw a bottle at her first and was clearly antagonizing evil whitey.

Low IQ, low courtesy and confrontational. What a great model immigrant!

You're supposed to flush the toilet paper, lassie.

OP is a fucking faggot and so are you.

Attached: Syrian tries to start shit with whitey.mp4 (720x720, 10.43M)

That's awesome.
you're lucky you're from another language

Based whitey. Wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't make international news. Diversity is harmful. Here's proof.

B-b-b-but she's not degenerate

You fucking Zig Forumscucks don't surprise me anymore. This is a White nigger and you all still worship her. You are all such fucking losers.

muh White women can't do anything wrong! The Jews made her smoke, attack the Muslim and suck Tyrone's dick

Fucking shitskins.

based TORpedo