This would be the end of AIPAC.
This would be the end of AIPAC.
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Rand Paul is a manlet lolberg faggot…
… But I support this.
He could get support if he brought up how the same people who gave Israel a 20 billion dollar bonus on top off their typical welfare are now standing their ground, and saying there's not enough money to give 5 billion to the wall.
A lot of people are flaming hot angry over the wall. The wall is the wedge we need.
Perhaps rub it in deeper by saying Israel is now building new sections of their wall that goes 100 ft undergound to prevent tunneling, and compare it to our wall.
A very good narrative.
The Israeli $38 billion + spic $10 billion should be easy to use to show people how utterly fucked things are in the US.
Of course, the masses are retarded, so whatever.
And trump is an honorary kike
The wall is the tool that we've waiting for. Plenty of people are now super mad about the wall, and aIl would argue their hate is now stronger their their support for Israel right now.
If there's anytime to pass such a bill, it's now.
Rand needs to not be a chump about this bill, do it right.
You can have hope, but I wont hold my breath. If rand can do something significant you americans need to get him in.
If he kills Aid for Israel then replace Trump with him. If he kills the Aid, he can kill the Fed.
Trump is complaining about the fed. Alright so nationalize it, and back the new money with important resources such as Lithium. I would push for a global debt jubile. Just imagine what home owners could do if they could spend 100,000 dollars on home & improvement instead of giving that money to the banks.
replace trump with him during trump's next term.
Primaried trump*
I did not see this coming.
Depression subsided for a second or 2. Thanks op.
At least you americans have a chance. Canada has a pretty boy closet faggot who may or may not have been a rapist who daddy bailed out turd a shitskin commie who may hate muzzies but since is part of the commies may as well be a bottom for them and any marxist tranny and a neocon who sounds like a poor idiots trump, and has 0 charisma to get anything done other than suck kike cock. We fucked 10 ways to hell in canada.
Rand Paul would probably not vote for a spending bill that included wall funding because of his (((Libertarian Principles)))
When you get some momentum, you use it and go on the attack. Its not enough that we should stop interventions in ME on behalf of Israel, I don't give a shit if muzzies want to shoah the jewish state, but people who lobbied congress into these wars need to be held accountable. And that includes people from the IC too.
checked. glad you're feeling better.
Possibly. The world of geo-politics, especially in America, seems to be the following:
>You can have a wall, keep your guns, and stop white genocide if you recognize Israel as the new leader of the world
Because the opposition to Israel is championed by open-border Socialists and Libertarians. It's the typical better of two evils scenario. The only winning move is to call their bluff and burn it all down. People like Rand should be supported, I think.
Yeah but it stopped as soon as I understood it was just another gig to keep the cattle in check
Paul will vote for the wall funding if we defunded everything else we don't need, and he'd be correct for pushing it.
Keep your chin up. Knowing their plan means we can counter it.
Will 2020 be Year of the Manlet?
When did Randlet get such balls?
I'm behind this 100%. About time Randlet did something useful.
>Threatening to block (((foreign lobby)))
Is this the shot heard around the World? I don't think he can be anymore subtle.
Only time can do that kind of job. Our generation won't see the end of it but it will come eventually.
you dont know that the money is going to SOUTHERN mexico - to support their border wall?
Yeah. We have the privilege of fighting for the next generation. Our destiny is struggle.
Looking very, very presidential…
Ending the fed and wiping out all debt using Treasury dollars is a good strategy, but never pay back what is owed to the Fedbank, because that debt was onerous in the first place.
Let the shareholders in the Fedbank eat the losses.
With that done, we start with a clean slate, and the value of our money skyrockets.
Ban dual citizenship holders from political office.
I hope everyone understands what this means. He will be constantly under attack. There is no turning back from this. Already his Twitter is being attacked by Israeli narrative accounts (MAGA/DEPLORABLE - "Stand With Israel").
We need daily threads or another board to monitor Rand's progress and well-being.
Or worst and end up like James Trafficant.
For those who don't know, Jim Trafiicant spoke out about ZOG's influence, ended up in jail for years, came out pissed and was about to get reelected to the house when he died in a freak (((Farm Accident)))
There was a good thread on Zig Forums about a year ago looking into the circumstances of his death, wish I had it. Not sure if anyone knows how to search for it or has it?
Checked. (((They))) had him killed.
the guy that did the autopsy and confirmed it wasnt an accident, died of pancreatic cancer last year
pancreatic cancer should be considered weaponized from here on out
We're not fighting. We're posting on an image board. If you want to change anything it will have to start with someone being able to reorganize education or take over the for-profit arms industry. See:
and related webm
Then those kids will have to achieve in a generation or 2 all the opposite of pic related.
Focusing on aipac is here to give a pretense of democracy, if it goes belly up well, check the council for national interest website. It's a drop in the ocean. They'll adapt and become even more resilient.
The man just sign his own death. Expect his suicide in the news soon.
How does this image even make any sense? I don't get it.
Make it a package deal: that plus a ban on infant genital mutilation.
Pretty risky for Rand to want this. He's already had a history of goons being sent to his house and breaking his ribs. One of the few times Rand does something good such as blocking the Kikeland "aid" bill.
The parent is wounded keeping the invaders out, but they got in, and his child has been murdered by them.
We fight the invasion, but if we lose, it's our children who will die.
Israel spends untold amounts of shekels for Israeli posters on image boards. The first step to winning a is winning the propaganda war.
Maybe the amount they'll have to spend on their military, now that we're leaving Syria, will force them to transfer that dough out of their propaganda force.
Why is this man not the president?
Well they put in a nig, then a populist, next up to con the burgers use. A wait for it, a lolbertarian
He keeps it up, and he will be.
Not unless they want to get shot down against by Putin's giant missile. I'm glad it's over.
Clickbait bullshit. Make a thread when something actually happens.
If they want to talk to the government they can go through the State Department.
bump heil reich chancellor rand
love those socks
Reminder that journos get the rope.
ty. feelin cute might delete later
Oy, but if they lobby for domestic (((governments))) it's ok.
Based micro-man.
Oy vey, I heard that JFK asked his bruh to require the American Zionist Counsil to register as a foreign group, which would have exposed the very (((foreign))) bias of (((those))) who finance US politics.
Wall Street Journal is a branch of the CIA
You say the CIA is more jewed than jew-york media?
I thought it was the nukes.
at some point that sentence is just going to be a string of the word 'jew' punctuated by a few small verbs
Jew say jew-cia is jewed than jew-jew-jew?
Was RFK also involved in trying to stop that? Could be the case too.
What decucked Randlet? His dad tweeting out a Ben Garrison original?
CIA is basically the Jews and brilliant good goyim golem. Instead of using their intelligence and brights to help elevate the world and propel humanity forward, it's directed towards helping move forward the Jewish agenda instead.
home boys still got on his jew helmet in that photo
Excellent link. But it doesn't mention his brother Robert trying to stop the nukes from getting to Israel. I guess they were killed for both reasons.
I think it was the kike exposure, the Dimona mandatory inspection, the need to make the Vietnam war as long as possible to maximize instability and facilitate opium trade.. And maybe the fact he was an ebul anti-semitic papist like Hitler
hmmmm I think it is a good thing that they have been threatening everyone with nukes in the entire ME…making friends, influencing peoples.
Always negotiate from a position of power.
I think it was probably more the fact that they'd killed his brother, and didn't want him in a position where he could investigate it, and move against them in other ways.
RFK was definitely jew-wise, apparently referring to them as "the liberals" in public.
Hmmm instead of their proper name "The Bolsheviks"? How witty.
based as hell. Millions of us see the problem thanks to actions of men like Traficant. None come close to the solution. How in the hell would Paul's bill pass if the problem is voting on it?
Oh fuck make him president
C H E C K E D!
No doubt that Traficant was (((killed))) when his tractor was purposefully flipped over.
Rand 2020
Rand is the kikes plan b now that trump is a complete faggot.
Checking those redeemed digits
I met the man once before he ran for Senate. Short, but he has the fire in him
so, should we paper his contacts until he gets the message of this nugget?
I bet anyone who was caught not clapping was fired.
Rand was my first choice in 2016, but my fellow burgers are retarded and won't vote for a man unless he is 6'+ and is at least as sexually depraved as they are.
Yeah we do hate manlets, not wrong. Everyone does, really. I'll set aside my disgust with him for being a midget if he manages to get this through and doesn't cuck again on the way.
By their own admission (The Lobby: USA) AIPAC is already breaking campaign finance law by giving shabbos goyim many pre-paid credit cards that are loaded with $1000, that and they're not registered as a foreign lobby.
There's enough to out there to fuck them over and glad to see at least Rand is exposing them
Rand got a lot of flack for not being enthusiastic enough. Reminds me of how the last man to stop clapping for Stalin was disappeared
So you hate Goebbels then?
I make arbitrary exceptions for 3 manlets. Goebbels, Hitler and a personal friend of mine. Everyone else gets bullied. Even Rand, although I will let him at least do his thing if he goes against the kikes enough, but he still gets called Randlet while he does it. I hope you aren't implying there's some sort of problem with the way I do things here, user. It is my divine right as a lanklet to cast judgment on your kind as I see fit.
They are called
Cos jews are Scientologists
Kek. Beanpoles BTFO