Anti BDS bill snuck in spending bill.
Other urls found in this thread:
In other news, water is wet.
Now you know why [along with the Mexico payments] the "Syria withdrawal" shit got plastered all over the news.
What was BDS again?
Feinstein, Sanders urge Senate not to include anti-BDS law in spending bill
Jewish senators warn controversial anti-boycott act infringes upon freedom of speech; J Street, New Israel Fund back legislators
It literally doesn't matter as this will be challenged and with the new reduced kike Supreme Court they will allow BDS.
It's time this was moved up the chain and shot down for good, (((they))) have been trying this every year since the 1990s.
Left wing pushes back against last-minute effort to pass anti-BDS bill
Congress is debating whether to attach the law to must-pass spending legislation this month that will keep the government open.
it's the only version of the video I can find anymore, there used to be others
You see this Zig Forums? this is why we hate you.
90% likely the group is run by Jews though.
Seems like a good way to force a government shut down… put something unreasonable in the "emergency funding" bill, guarantee it doesn't get passed.
Bernie's pretty legit, have you guys registered as Democrats so you can vote in the primary.
boycott, divest, sanction?
Americans now know what it feels like to be a palestinian.
>implying a white mail will be selected by the crooked DNC which shafted him without lube or an apology last time as he just sat there and grimaced and took it and then gave all his superpac money to hillary for (((reasons)))
The guy fucked you last time, he's a Hilldawg plant or she knows where his bodies are buried at least. He's finished.
This is never going to happen and if it does it will be swiftly struck down. I want it to happen, they try it every year.
You think you're safe with whosmuhwigger browsers. Breaking news jackass! Everything you're doing on the "completely anonymous browser that stores and keeps nothing and is backed with proxies plus your on VPN", well faggots, I am here to tell you that all of it is one program sharing all information with itself.
Shit thread. You know nothing of real Israelis. They come here for the same reason your Irish / German / Fuckistani ancestors did: their homeland is so fucked up they are willing to throw everything in the dumpster and start over with nothing to make better for themselves.
My father's parents came to this country in their teens with nothing. They died with $1 million in the bank in their 80s. My father graduated as valedictorian of his high school, got a scholarship to Wash U, and got his MD from U of Ill. Among my siblings, the 3rd generation, we have 80% advanced degrees and careers to match. One of my best friends is an anesthesiologist who came to the US on one of the last planes out of Saigon. His sisters are all engineers.
Never did I mention my country of origin. Deal with it. Immigrants are the live blood of American pragmatism and innovation. They make big things happen.
no wall, niggers freed from jail, gun grab, and to cap it all off, billions of taxpayer money sent to wetbacks and kikes.
gutless coward jew trump has made one thing apparent: white america cannot vote itself to salvation.
buy guns now, while you still can. move out of major cities(jew/nigger/spic strongholds). prepare for the coming strife as best you can.
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
We have now witnessed the official de jure death of the 1st Amendment, it's all so tiresome.
I'm glad you're here. Ignore the inbred White trash on this board. The world belongs to those with the American spirit. Americans lost it a long time ago.
Stop posting and lurk for two years.
And here we see why there is no such thing as a "good jew". They just can't control themselves.
What is Trump doing about this? Sucking Israel's cock, of course.
After this Trump disaster, I'm going to vote for Tulsi Gabbard. She was in the military and has more balls than draft dodging Trump and Ol' Bernie
You didn't even have to yid, your dimwitted, misplaced pride already did it for you. You kikes always overplay your hand.
go away polvol2, your mental breakdowns are getting in the way of your rational thinking again.
It's unconstitutional. All anything has to happen is for someone to challenge it which I suspect to happen very soon.
That's horrible, user. You should support the nuclear annihilation of Israel off of the face of the Earth and the total extermination of the kike parasite worldwide once and for all. After all, that's perfectly legal. :^)
oi veh goyim, you must buy Israeli products. Its the law!
I honestly think its a win/win.
It red pills the masses and it persecutes the left.
Fuck off, 4faggot.
Kill yourself, kike.
It's never going to pass the Supremes, probably not even the circuit courts.
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The jews are desperstely trying to save their from the rope they're about to hang themselves with. Go ahead, out yourselves and prove Voltaire's assertion correct.
JIDF is in full force in this thread, I see. (((They))) are scared.
You're memeing irresponsibly right now, nigger. Don't make me bust out the sigils.
I don't fucking understand american politics.
Why the fuck don't they take ONE thing to vote?
You want to take the budget to vote? VOTE ON THE FUCKING BUDGET.
You want to take Anti-Boycoot to vote? VOTE ON THE FUCKING ANTI-BOYCOTT VOTE.
No, really, someone explain me: why is this shit a thing? It's like those Term-of-Service parodies where a company annexes "… and you give us your soul." at the end. Except this shit isn't parody, it's american politics.
I never saw anything like this in any european country. They vote everything seperatly. WHY?
But how else would (((subversion))) occur?
*save their own skins
Always playing both sides.
This is a vote to demonstrate fielty to zog over the Constitution.
But it makes no fucking sense!
Imagine you ask someone "What's for dinner" and they give you these two choices:
I don't know about you, but I'd clearly go with: "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?"
I keep hearing about this "sneaking in bills". This shit is even publicly acknowledged to be happening.
It's something as natural as writing the fucking bills in the first place.
Why is this shit even allowed?
I'm sorry, burger-bros. While I find a lot of things about your country amazing, your political system went to complete shit in the last 4 to 5 decades. How the fuck is this a Democracy or a Republic?
If a single person can paper-clip a bill to another one and have it passed, it's nothing more than a Veiled Tyranny, where the Tyrant keeps a low profile, is not seen as oppressive and when shit goes sideways, he can vanish and not face any consequences.
This shit has a name: it's Corporatism, this power-grabbing/blame-dodging duality is the hallmark of hyper-capitalistic entities. And it fucking works for them because they keep fucking each other in the ass in an hyper-competitive environment that fosters aggressiveness and innovation.
But this is your goddamn Senate. Your representatives. The Volk are not stocks you can trade freely, and your country isn't a fucking bond to invest and later sell off!
Is anybody keeping track of who's whom, of which particular slaves of the jews in US Congress sell out America's interests and how often they do so?
It would be good to have a breakdown of the Shabbas Goy treachery at election time.
Is any website keeping track for voters?
God DAMN IT this really stirs my fucking ire man… The media is running with this HARD to try to push the whole
"Ov vey goy, whadda ya meen Jews wuh respawnsibul? Jooz wer da ones fightin' loudest against it! Stupid goyim!"
shit-tier faggot fucking kike narrative.
"Oh goy, look, we're fightin' for the constitutional rights of da goyim!"
The NERVE, the fucking GALL, of these slithering kike FUCKS to pretend as though they give a SHIT about that stuff is infuriating.
They all sold the fuck out a long time ago.
Yeah kikes suck and should all die but calm down, user. Just point all of that out to everyone who will listen to you and help them to see reason.
All of them
Do not think for a single instant that I am not calm as a cucumber my boy. The time for rage is still yet at hand. but when it comes, oh shall I see it wrought user… I shall see it wrought in full, and cheer its doing from the mountaintops.
The point is that it's a corrupt tactic to either force congress to pass by holding the money hostage, or sneak it in and hope nobody notices. That plus they make the bills like 1000 pages long so nobody reads them. Basically, their a bunch of fucking traitors who sold our country down the (((river))).
This should be a permaban tbh
Thinks this can be fixed by voting and good government
We need more effort moshe.
That's because you have the capacity to recognize abstract concepts, like time.
Most extant hominids cannot do this. Even those that can see it, most of them can't overcome their desire for immediate gratification.
Hence they never ask the question of the choices to begin with.
Because the US is the god damn Roman Empire at the end and sweet fucking Jupiter let it all fall down on their salacious, libelous, disingenuous, degenerate faggot fucking heads. Because half the fucking country is a mud-brown fuckwit who couldn't reason his way out of a paper fucking bag and the other half are so cowed and demoralized by fucking KIKES that they're afraid to lift their fucking heads for even an instant in real opposition.
When it comes down to it, I'll take beaners over fucking kikes.
Paid shill confirmed.
I would say all of them. The rare exceptions like Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich, or Cynthia McKinney all left Congress a while ago.
How about neither.
kek, finally realizing pet is better than prey.
How about we remove (jew) first and see where we're at, moshe?
Better question:
When is the last time that either the House or the Senate voted unanimously on a bill that WAS NOT about Israel?
EXCEPT THEY DIDN'T. That's the big lie of it all you faggot, BECAUSE IF THEY DID, they wouldn't fucking exist anymore.
They'd be Amerimutts - but they aren't, they're fucking KIKES.
Because of shit our ancestors did to their ancestors IN LARGE PART BECAUSE THEY MADE OUR HOMELANDS SO FUCKED UP WE HAD TO LEAVE.
Don't for an instant think I'm emotional about this, I'm putting into text how I'm speaking to you, because I perceive you to be either a complete fuckwit, a child who somehow found access to Zig Forums, of the dimmed Israeli kike fuck I've ever seen.
My ancestors arrived here at every stage of this country from the 1730's - before it WAS a country (got chased out of Europe for telling the (((Pope))) that baptizing babies for shekels was wrong) - so don't you fucking cite your newfag nigger ancestors showing up here and subsequently giving kikes all the power and thereby destroying what you claim to wish to uphold the genuine ideals of.
What are the numbers on wife-beater gun bans?
Bait, but I'll play.
I know real Israelis believe that the goyim have no right to life, property, or pursuit of happiness. I know their bretheren in the west agree. I know that they have no will to fight or serve their country if there is any way to evade it. I also know that they launder money back to the US as campaign contributions.
I don't like the idea of some poor non-jewish shit dying for your kike paradise, so I will continue to undermine it anyway I can. No one will ever change my mind.
Then do something about it rather than invade another host to get your blood.
Paid jewish shill confirmed.
Also, you have no fucking country of origin you filthy fucking yid.
Kike2 confirmed.
Bump because you can't hide this, and because you can't read IDs.
Nigger, you will never be white.
Oy, I totally didn't hop IPS, it's a shoah!
You can't hide this.
You really need to up your game, JIDF.
It's like these niggers don't study linguistics and profiling.
Oh, also:
Pic. Fucking. Related. Jew.
You stupid fucking yid. Nothing you do will ever work. Here's a bump for your impotent fucking jew ballz.
whoops bump.
oh no jews are going to write stuff on paper wow whitey BTFO
Dude, you called me Kike2 a few hours ago, quit it with that faggotry.
Stay mad MOSHE, you will never, ever, be white. I don't give a fuck how many white women your kind sullys, you're still a shitskin.
Haha, the JIDF has to resort to calling their non-Jew opponents kikes. Is the JIDF even trying anymore?
I wasn't here a few hours ago, niggerjew. I'm calling you a motherfucking kike NOW.
I'm a low attention span pleb with dyslexia so I'm not going to read.
Just tell me,
The fuck is going to happen if I boycott?
No you called that other faggot that. Ah fuck it nevermind nigger.
You still can't read IDs, you subhuman faggot.
Another IP yid? Really, you already fucked up.
Become literate.
Stop being a nigger.
Actually know what? Let's catalog this shit.
We need links to every time that either the House (435), the Senate (100), or the whole of Congress (535) voted unanimously in favor of jews or Israel.
Cry harder. You were wrong. You're jumping at fucking shadows.