Massive convoy of big rigs shutting down Edmonton Alberta. Folks are pissed at government for hamstringing economy with over regulation, and retarded policies on gender based analysis on any new pipelines.
Edmonton shut down!
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That's typically the line that gets trotted out when jews aren't getting their way.
The Keystone pipeline is being stonewalled on the US end because the US wants to injure the Canadian hydrocarbon industry.
Pipelines could go east or west. It’s the Jews stopping Alberta from getting to markets
Yes, they theoretically could. It's very obvious that Canada wants to take advantage of the existing infrastructure in the Gulf area. The US is resisting this.
Like I said, the US.
Good, let it continue and grow if possible.
This country is so overdue for some sort of swift financial kick and I don't think we've ever been more fragile, Trudeau has done everything he could to isolate us internationally through a series of embarrassments and scandals, we're getting ripped off every price we ring up in terms of food or drink and our economy is only kept afloat by several bloated industries artificially preserved at high levels and inflated by a pseudo-monopoly and high tariffs, everyone's up to their eyeballs in debt.
Simply stalling traffic in one of the major cities of this country for the better part of a week might no joke fuck it economically if a few days of lost revenue means some business miss bills that month.
Honk honk!
In what year did we enter Kali Yuga? Give us a full time scale here.
According to the Surya Siddhanta, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE.
So we don't even get to enter teh Bronze Age for another 200 years or so then. That sucks.
You sure? I'm not.
you'll be dead before you see the end either way
t. boomer
No. The greatest honors are bestowed on those who decided to incarnate during Kali Yuga. Takes real balls.
A pipeline is definitely male.
Is this for the french translation?
Gender Based Analysis+ or GBA+ is a government level catch all program for diversity, womens rights, indiginous rights, climate change, persons of colour and intersectionality. It has been in use since the 90s, which is coincidentally when Mulroney blew open the doors of immigration and started the 250k+ per year open doors.
GBA+ is used for all levels of government and is to be consulted for all hirings, programs and bills/reforms. This includes the immigration policies and grants/subsidies and even CBC TV programming and our advertising boards.
What this means, effectively, is that our government has actual subsidies for employers that are available if they hire anyone except white males. They will give money to Muslim hate groups and support the Muslim Brotherhood yet will condemn CHristian groups and cut funding for their summer programs for their hateful views on abortion. Schools and education must teach gender theory and how evil whites are. It's why new NAFTA talks had climate change, indigenous rights and gender pay gap as Canada's primary objectives. technically, its the political reason for doing this. As always, its just the kikes and marxist cunts pushing their agenda.
It came out of the (((United Nations))) Beijing Platform for Action. It's an anti-white policy that discriminates against Canadians and is used to fund and support the 3rd world take over.
Who the fuck are you faggots and why have you come here ?
Thanks you.
Should I even ask?
Thanks for confirming you're a d&c kike.
Speed limits are for niggers.
On on hand I get to watch this shit country burn to the ground from in the woods. On the other hand I know it is going to come for me and my family eventually. It is a surreal feeling. How far can Americans go into the woods nowadays anyways? I am not including Alaska.
Canada isn’t really even a real country tbh. It’s just a collection of boomers LARPing as actual countrymen. The fall will hit them hard.
t. Canadian
I feel like we're not even at the bottom of the curve yet. the hard times have yet to come.
Yeah, when the boomer die out this country is beyond fucked. I was told the population of the whole county is like 31 million, but with the sheer amount of shitskins I see everyday, I know we're probably already at majority-minority. Once all the poos, chinks, niggers, sandniggers, island niggers and antifaggots realize this, they're going to put us on the reserves. So I figure we've got 20 years, because shitskins are stupid and nothing short of the faggot and chief yelling "go ahead and kill them" on the CBBC will make them realize they out number us.
May the Yukon be next!
Dont forget free paid by the whites jew flight.
1945. We're just getting into it.