Belgium’s Prime Minister Resigns After Revolt Over Migration
Seriously look at that guy….
☒ jew nose
☒ bald
☒ soulless NPC mud eyes
☒ hipster spectacles
☒ soy beard
Looks like a (((fellow white person))).
>(((populist))) revolts in Belgium and France are being taken seriously by nu/pol/
It’s a shame that this board has become civnat.
Baby steps, unfortunately we're not at the point where we hang every politician on lampposts yet.
Don’t forget overpasses and gas stations
Fucking disgusting how all establishment political organizations in the western world, center left and center right, demand mass immigration at all costs. Its almost like they are both controlled by the same (((interests))).
Hail the Flemish
Hail the Flemish Republic
from 'leftists'
like importing a bunch of non-productive and uneducated peoples that pollute less when they're outside your country than inside it?
are you feeling the burn of demand and diminishing supply, commies?
Where were you when the pendulum started swinging back?
also, this is how your average kike looks like, your tricks don't work here
Shitposting on hate/pol/
On this very board laughing as you retarded incels think that the pendulum is swinging back in our favor and that this isn’t actually just the beginning of the end for white people, pending some sort of apocalyptic scenario or a billionaire financing the new Hitler like the Rothschilds did with the old Hitler.
Why would you dox yourself, user?
He's actually got the cuckface, how does something like this even get into office to begin with?
Can't be surprised he's not willing to an hero like macron though.
Tell me again how you're not deserving a fucking rope, faggot?
There's probably a desk waiting for him in yid aviv.
shitskin poster's favor? Naw, not going to be.
Holy fuck, you retarded Nazi incels crack me up.
There's nothing "centrist" about trying to enact the demographic replacement of your own country. That's far left treasonous behavior.
You mean to tell me that, when you provide no arguments at all, you expect arguments back? Not only that, but you mean to tell me you're so retarded you cannot actually see the argument being made?
You mean to tell me YOU'RE A NIGGER? Holy fuck - who knew?
Lul dumb Nazi
i know, you were only pretending to be retarded
It is a perfectly logical progression of capitalism. It's painful how dim some of you are to not understand this at this point.
Uh oh drup btfo
he's from /cow/, he admitted to it in his other thread. that board is constantly getting fucked in the ass by kiwi farms, that's why he's fishing for replies here. poor thing, colonized by lolcow equivalent of reddit, remind me of how cuckchan was colonized
How retarded are you?
You haven't proved me wrong :^)
Nigga I’ve been using both for several years and can tell your equivalating of Kiwifarms and Reddit is false.
Yeah, I can tell, you think you're funny but you're just a retard shitting your pants, like your average redditor
shouldn't you be defending chris chan from ebil nazis who harass him on twitter? or stalk some homeless furry because he told your great leader null to fuck off?
Nah, we’re transitoning into doing the one thing you little niggers should’ve been doing from the start and that is doxing alt-right e-celebs. Check my threads concerning Eric Striker and Johnny Benitez.
Anyway, back to /cow/.
Or you know, encourage your population to breed instead of importing violent, low iq hordes who refuse to integrate or work
go ahead and blog it
soyfaced kike nosed piece of shit needs the guillotine.
he will, he's the kind of redditor who will le btfo lolcows for upboats on tranny farms
Elio Di Rupo looked pretty Jewy too. And he is also a fag.
It's a 4 party coalition that governed, no 3 party coalitions were large enough (we are that divided). No other party was willing to work with the 3 larger ones except his party and only if he became PM.
I've been saying for years he looks like a kike
How do these people always have such disgusting fucking beards
dat nose
We cancelled your apocalypse in favor of our own harumageddeon, and we don't need your fake jew money. No one does.
You kikes still think this is a pendulum while we're busting out yo-yo tricks.
Well it's true I dont like any jew and usually someone doing something I dont like really is a jew or straight up works for jews :^)
This is a small sacrifice for (((them))). The real political power in Europe doesn't lie with any national leader, it lies with the unelected, unaccountable, unknown EU bureaucrats and lobbyists. It's a good sign, certainly, because it shows that they are afraid but make no mistake here: Simply getting rid of national leaders won't do shit.
Bold words from someone who sucks off metokur whenever he can be bothered to throw you beta bitches a scrap.
what happens next ? new elections?
Well they kinda need bozos like him, Macron, and Merkel to actually implement their agenda. Replacing them with better leaders like in Italy, or simply disrupting the government like they did in Sweden is a good start.
Daily reminder codemonkey and the moderation are just as responsible for shitting up the board to death by letting it fill with feces as you low IQ larping niggerfaggots are for constantly feeding attention to and playing with the feces.
He's got a Jewface.
Is he a Jew?
Yes he is a jew.
My fear is that any public anger can be dissipated by simply replacing these marionettes. If any long-term change is to happen in Europe we need to get rid of the entire system first and that means every single government actor, not just the figureheads.
let's try killing all the kikes first and see where that gets us, ok?
u definitly dont want to waste time wasting pawns when kikes can be wasted
Surely you mean
They are all jews. Even our former prime minister that indebted greece for 300bn is a jew.
When in doubt; they are all either jews or have jewish handlers.
imagine finding this inbred jewess mutttrash attractive