Bethan Roper, 28, was killed by a tree branch while sticking her head out of a moving train; she was the chair of Young Socialists Cardiff and worked for the Refugee Council in Wales.
Antifa killed by tree branch while sticking head out of moving train
Sadly the branch was broken off the tree and didn't make it. He unironically did more to protect Britain from foreign invasion and socialism than most citizens ever have or will; he gave all for his country.
Press F to pay respects.
Sad and very true, that will be put on the uks tombstone “tree branches were the only defense”
Ecofascism wins again
…and nothing of value was lost
What about the branch.
trees are fascists now? better start cutting them down, we don't want a bloody nazi tree branc revolt!
Sad to hear. Antifa certainly have more balls than the alt-right and Zig Forums, despite being dysgenic communist freaks.
Pick one
pick one
there's a reason why the UK police do regular weapons sweeps
100 years ago she might have made a good wife. She looks real sturdy. I bet with good nourishment she could have chopped all kinds of firewood and kept a spotless home.
he fathered many young saplings and will be missed by all
100 years ago she wouldn't have survived infancy, most products of disgenics did not.
how the tables have turned
That’s a lot more brave than spooks like TRS hosting edgy podcasts and Anglin talking about rapping white women while dating jailbait Flips. It’s certisnly a lot more brave than hate/pol/ being a small hub of the same 400-500 NEETs, kikes, pedophiles and spooks trying to outjew one another.
She wasn’t physically ill, she had a mental parasite. What she neede was a good education and some discipline and she would have been of good use.
is cuckchan offline again?
You don't become a communist if you're of healthy stock. She would almost have certainly died of some strange allergy or heart condition or some other such genetic defect. The very fact that she was an antifa is proof that something was very seriously physically wrong with her.
you sound upset your comrade died
don't worry, she'll return to the earth now and her nutrients can go to that tree to regrow its branch
redistribution of resources commie
Lul. I’m a /cow/boy actually. Search for my dox threads on Eric Striker and Johnny Benitez, as well as the one for RageAfterStorm.
What is this fucking board now, Facebook?
I guess you can say she got the worst end of the stick.
Nah. King Terry had schizophrenia and he wrote his own compiler. He was able bodied despite his terminal mental illness she only had a mental parasite and was doing fine until a tree got revenge for her negligence.
Just to remind everyone. Do you know what the cure for parasites is? That’s right, the icy cold. Someone should have loved this burly beauty better.
Based tree.
maybe her and heather heyer can hang out in hell now
You'd only be spreading bad genes. Luckily, nature solved this problem for us by doing what you would not.
Heather Heyer was innocent and I’m glad that Fields will be getting the death penalty.
you mean reddit farms colony? lol
knowing you, you look like pic related
fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down
Fuck off joan.
dead terrorist that nobody will miss, good riddance
keep hoping for that death penalty lol
DRUMPH will be impeached any day now too right?
I would have put her in touch with nature until it was again part of her. More people should be so wise. Blame me for refusing to euthanize her, but I wasn’t the one who put the iPhone in her hand. I did not put the dye in her hair, the ink on her skin, or the tongue in her asshole. I would have made her all that she could be: my prized draft animal in constant parturition.
Holy shit limey, don't say that! There's still time to lynch niggers and burn jews. You can work together - all the branches and Britons, lynching and burning your country back to good health. Remember, it took the Spanish 700 years.
Absolutely rooted.
RIP in peace, branch. You will not be forgotten.
In order to improve the European genepool, you first must have some Europeans.
Natural selection
That branch contributed more to the world than any commie ever did
Dankula is actually a good lad, the commie tattoo is something he has openly regretted.
Not an argument. Eat a bullet.
Has Blumpf actually gotten anything accomplished? Where’s the wall, faggot? Why are there bans on bump stocks? Why all the ass kissing to Israel?
It was arboreal revenge, nothing more.
Have the police arrested the tree yet for having contraband (branches).
Somebody submit this chick for a Darwin.
Condemning our people to live with her bad blood is a selfish act. It'd be like trying to breed out the nigger in mutts, best to just do the humane thing and move on.
You don't walk down that path if you're healthy. Don't let your altruism ruin you, brother.
you admitted you don't know jack shit about politics, nobody cares what you think. now go bother somementally retarded tranny that's just slightly less functioning than you are, that's all you're good for
>get a slap on the wrist from the (((courts))) after attacking "nahtzees" (which the establishment hates) and still getting their shit pushed in while outnubering said "nahtzees" 10-1. Example:this bikelock faggot
Muslims are converting our trees to Islam and having them wage jihad against our more afflicted co-ethnics.
Darwinism is Gods work Anons.
Not an argument, incel.
I never admitted such a thing. Not an argument, incel.
Lmao none of this is remotely true. First off, Antifa and other communists hate liberals more than anyone else.
The commie will now contribute to the tree; redistribution of resources, from each according to his ability to each according to his need.
Ok how's this, jewn.
If god wanted her alive he would have moved the branch or closed the window.
Catching an infection does not mean you have faulty genetics. Her immune system would have shaken it off within a decade, but the Islamic tree preyed upon her at her most vulnerable time. F. Perhaps you’ll show some sympathy for the tree? Or will you cut that down too?
Trees are White!
In case you don't know the poster I'm replying to has been spamming the same shit everywhere with the same picture.
If God wanted you Nazis alive, Sir Arthur Harris wouldn’t have killed all those pathetic Germans.
(((They're))) still pissed about Syria.
Syrians are whiter than most of Zig Forums.
Who? Still here, woman.
It's wasn't an infection, it was a symptom of a pre existing disease within her.
The tree on the other hand should wear it's scars proudly, for it's earned them and a place in Valhalla.
you're trying way too hard. you're not going to get any upboats like you do in kiwi farms, you know
You just want the benefits of liberalism without having to go to work every day. You're juvenile liberals that don't like money. You don't actually face off against the establishment and just snipe whatever white guys you can dox. You haven't made any meaningful attack against the system since the WTO protests in the 90s, a fight agaisnt global capital, and after that point you became completely co-opted and now fight for your enemies.
I use to be one of you, I know all about how American anti-capitalism has become the wrecking crew for liberalism.
I have Nazi scalps, faggot. You’re next on the list.
I cannot condone sacrificing a single European cell, even if it be trapped inside a ghastly mongrel body. Kalergi Children are anchor babies! I prescribe lifelong work camps raising trees and, of course, forced sterilization.
Also, not an argument.
What is that disease?
lmao imagine LARPing as a movie character on the internet and imagining people will become scared and take you seriously
Plug your ears and stuff your head up your ass if you want.
You're soldiers for world trade.
t. A fucking leaf
Finally some fucking good news today
If we ever get control over our damned countries again, I wouldn't mind spending some big money on figuring that out. What the actual defect that leads people to behave and think in that way is.
Your grandparents made nice lamps. You'll make a nice beer koozy.
Arbor macht frei.
The stick deserves a Viking funeral, we've suffered a great loss today.
If they have to die while we survive through these barbaric times I accept this, so long as I can stuff my pillow with that one’s hair. She shares a sacred connection in death with the gods of the forest.
of course.
You're gonna burn him? Kind of soon innit?
That's why you agree with them on everything minus some faggy platitudes about "MUH WORKING CLASS" while importing hordes of cheap shitskin labor and never do anything about capitalism?
You're the same hormone pumping queer attacking white women in another thread aren't you.
so cuckchan is offline again?
no he's from /cow/, that's some hapa faggot with tor
but considering he's likely from kiwi farms, it's more than likely he is a tranny, yes
/cow/ > Foxdickfarms > Zig Forums prove me wrong
Obamacare is unconstitutional. HRT is going bye bye.
Vewy scawy internet tough guy
Well have to gather his belongings first of course.
of course they have more balls … half of their women are also trans men pre op
antifa and the left are disgusting people … you rather me like them? enjoy
/cow/ is kiwi farms, you dumb faggot, your entire board is crawling with them like cuckchan is crawling with redditors
Sad story. White liberal woman gets a job at a refugee center, and gets her uterus saturated with potent nigger cum and turning her against her host civilization. A real shame because she was quite good looking before the microchimerism warped her mind and body. UK women are notoriously ugly; I hope this is a wake up call for bongs.
wew lad thanks for that
you wouldn't believe how big my grin is right now
i made this thread partly to get some good reactions out of the communist faggots lurking on this board and you didn't disappoint
don't be angry, be happy that mother nature brought some justice and karma back to the balance of the universe
and be happy that the white gene pool has been cleansed of some low IQ with a classic Darwin award event
there really is no reason why that is his finishing move … the snes version was much more appropriate