Hi Guys.
First of all, i want to say that I have read "Mein Kampf" and agree that the Aryan is the creator of civilizations and of higher life. But I have to say that I do not find monarchies and capitalist exploitation fair, and that's why I am also a socialist. I think that every boy in an Aryan ethnostate should have the opportunity to get into the highest state positions. Nobody here talks about capitalism and its unfair exploitation. I think that should be discussed!
Hi Guys
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The majority of National Socialists are with you on the capitalism part. It's not discussed much anymore because it's considered a settled issue. As far as monarchy is concerned, I think you'd struggle to find a system more fair to its people. Only a strong, singular leader can go toe-to-toe with oligarchs as they arise, and only a singular leader can be easily blamed, and killed when things go wrong.
Monarchies and modern capitalist societies are definitely systems that are doomed to failure.
The old monarchies were way too decadent and the king himself often thought only of himself and his wealth, and there were also several monarchs corrupted by Jewish bankers. The same goes for the oligarchs.
Also, you might want to watch vid embedded.
Do you have even a single fact to back that up? The only way you can arrive at such a conclusion is if you've ignored the entirety of human history.
Are you totally retarded? The monarchy in France was overthrown by a revolution and the king was killed, the monarchy in Russia was overthrown by a revolution and the king was killed and the monarchy in Germany was also overthrown.
The number one priority is our people, not the economy.
99.8% of any improvement in the human condition over the last 200 years is *directly* attributable to economic growth.
0% of race mixing is tied to the economy. jews have to spend money and effort to promote the dilution of Aryan genes. Ball's in your court.
A German's economy is inseparable from the well-being of the German, yes.
Thank you Captain Obvious.
The difference is, if the choice is 3000 tons of Gold delivered to your people, in exchange for their future extinction, or else face extreme poverty, you choose the latter.
And the monarchy in Italy was also overthrown and the monarchy in Great Britain is totally controlled by the (((Rothschilds))).
Figure out pic related and you'll have your answer OP.
Stupid statement. If you care about your people you have to be a socialist. If a capitalist or a king only thinks about himself and his wealth, then he does not have to be surprised if the exploited workers hate him for it and become communists and by that betray their country. Hitler recognized this. Did you even read "Mein Kampf"?
what the fuck?
Based and redpilled.
Yes, why, and by whom? You are out of your element here. The people who instigated the French revolution were degenerate Masons who collected pornography. Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, and his entire family (including the dog) were ritually sacrificed by communist Jews.
Even if none of that were the case. Look where we are now, retard. Things were clearly better under those monarchs, especially in Russia.
Ackshually, all German Gold are still in New York :^)
Thank you baste capitalist muttmerica!!
Are you fucking retarded? Capitalism being shit has been brought up every day on this board and it's predecessors for years.
Lurk for 2 years before posting, newfag.
We need a king who hates kikes.
You sound like a Zig Forums pretending to be Zig Forums to get us to discuss capitalism, not knowing that we already do. There's a reason it's called "third position", it's neither right nor left. Communism is not the answer, and it is impossible to _ensure_ a true level playing field. The best you can do is improving education, food, media, etc - which we discuss regularly.
a proper king doesn't envy or exploit the workers, but is charitable towards them out of noblesse oblige
a proper 90th percentile doesn't steal the women of the 80th percentile or make ugly bastards with the women of the 40th percentile
a proper society is ranked and classed
Zig Forums astroturf
Did not exist in practice. It was just bullshit to keep the peasants paying up.
I remember one of Hitler's speeches during the election campaign. He talked about how there are dozens of political parties, the industrialists, farmers, tradesmen, commerce workers, etc. You think that a society which is that divided can accomplish anything? Also, in practice, the 'upper' classes just end up exploiting the lower class.
Go learn about how medieval societies were actually structured, and then about the history of the period to see how its structure translated to practice. You are just parroting what others have told you, without having a working knowledge of these things.
Yeah, I know - nobles, clergy and the rest. I'm sure it was quite great to be a peasant in France or a serf in Russia where your life was less worth than a dog's.
Serfs work, pay up, and get to hear wonderful speeches about how they're being ripped off for a higher purpose. At the same time, retarded nobles just reproduced and went hunting for the most part. There is a reason that system collapsed.
Do you know how much vacation time serfs had in between producing enough to send soldiers to fight on another continent?
You're parroting socialist talking points because you're still a socialist. For now.
This man gets it. A true Hitlerite.
You're literally defending serfdom by saying they had a lot of vacation time. That's just plain stupid. Stratification of a society in which social stratas follow their own interests is not a smart way to organize a society. The only reason why those systems kinda worked is because the lowest stratas believed they were suffering for a higher purpose and that God ordered them to listen to the upper classes.
Just like my Hollywood movies and History Channel documentaries.
Proof positive that you're clueless.
You people are idiots. The Three estates was the foundation of medieval society. I wonder what you would do if you had a shit crop but your noble lord still expects the full quota you owe him. You niggers wouldn't even blink if you had to give him your daughter as a form of payment because muh throne and altar. If my knowledge is from History channel documentaries, your is from fantasy books such as the tale of king Arthur.
Everyone is trying to tell you that you know nothing about what you're talking about, but it's not getting through your thick skull. It's obvious to everyone but yourself.
Building a straw man because you've been talking out your ass this whole time.
You are sitting here and you're trying to convince me that the feudal system was built on something else other than the Three estates. You're trying to convince me peasants had it good in that system. You people are simply morons.
And, let's for the sake of argument, say I am wrong. You 3, or however much, have said absolutely nothing of substance, only one guy said something about vacation time, as if it justifies the existence of that system.
Peasants being fucked by bad harvests but still having to pay up was a real problem. But I'm sure your very noble lord would've have understood and said it's totally fine.
Oh yeah, did you skip all of the parts in which Hitler criticized capitalism then? You fucking leftypol trany faggots will never successfully astroturf this board.
Enjoy this dox, shove your astroturf in the rot pocket where your dick used to be.
Baby wants to be spoonfed?
Oh fuck, you are so stupid.
Why do not you say that he was killed in a satanic way?
The Tsar deserved to be killed and I say that as a National Socialist! How can anyone still defend and support feudalism today?
Kill yourself, you stupid nigger!
Yeah sure, when you stupid American niggers suck that fat, Zionist bastard Trump's dick and seriously think that he cares about the future for Aryans, you are obviously against capitalism… kill yourself, American nigger!
Jesus, I've been here too long.
What do you want to say, stupid nigger?
I am National Socialist, so yes I am a leftist!
National Socialism is a left-wing ideology, you fucking retard!
No, communism is just a tool of the kikes to enslave the Goyim.
Read "Mein Kampf" before you want to be a National Socialist!
Tsar Nicholas II did nothing wrong!!!
this is a slide thread
Why do Nazi LARPers hate historical facts?
Kill yourself, you American bootlickers!
You do not even know what National Socialism means and did not read "Mein Kampf".
In the Third Reich you would have been put in concentration camps and slaughtered, you anti-social Jews!
Really an outstanding speech, giving foolproof reasoning behind his desire to create national unity and a national community (volksgemeinschaft), fighting off the onerous Versailles Treaty, and fighting off the mind-control of Jews over the so-called "democracies."
>Goyim why don't you believe in the (((historical facts))) that were written by us, the chosen people?
my blood is fucking boiling, that shit is so fucking twisted.
you are bad at this, Zig Forums
You've got a long way to go.
For example Hitler went from German superiority, to Germanic superiority, to European superiority and by the middle of the war he valued all nations keeping to themselves avoiding being exploited by (((merchants))).
Similarly you will evolve too, but on a different subject. Also Hitler was a monarchist when he wrote MK (evidenced by his boner for Frederick the Great).
Monarchy and aristocracy produced greatness, but they weren't perfect. The slope between monarchy and empire was slippery. Monarchy coupled with any form of (((Christianity))) is doomed, for the jews have wormed their way in.
And yet despite such a big rot our people managed amazing feats with kings and counts. Sometimes things turned shit because aristocrats forgot the importance of their subjects, other times they were thinking with their dicks and (((whores))) secured power for their jewish kin.
National Socialism showed that the people are the wealth of the nation, but democracy can easily be subverted. The biggest nail in the coffin of a nation is the abandonment of its nationalism, and the embrace of materialism as the highest virtue.
The benefits of monarchy is the long stability. If monarchies took 500 years to topple, democracies do so at 10-50years. This is why anons are trying to get through to you and are right to say your knowledge of those times is limited (for one thing your examples are based on revolutions - financed by jews - toppling kings, at a time when jews were in significant control of banking).
Because of the changes in society of the 19C and 20C you may think democracy is better, as in "the people know better", perhaps you are biased against authoritarian government for any number of reasons. However the majority of people are serfs/sheep/short sighted. They just don't like to sit and weigh the pros and cons of a policy. They're not good voters, maybe the old Greek "limited democracy" would work otherwise monar/authorit is best.
Then make some points to discuss. Don't OP if you have nothing to say yourself.
This is one of the worst posts I've ever seen on this site.
Why? He is right.
Niki was killed because of his ambitions. He did think he did not rule over enough territory and "needed" acess to the Mediterranean and North-Sea, to extend his mismanagement.
For that purpose did he support the murder of the Austrian heir.
There was no need for him to invade Germany either, he thought he could do so with out repercussions because he had allied with France and England in their attempt to destroy Germany.
Niki wasted millions of Russian lives for his ambitions only to be betrayed at the end by his own "allies".
It were some kikes that gunned him down, but in this case no innocents were hurt. Yes, even his children "deserved" because in a monarchy his children were going to profit from the deeds of their father, as he did from his father, that is the monarchical principle.
National Socialism is anti-monarchic and strict meritocratic, without undeserved privileges. If Hitler had wanted he could have made Wilhelm again king, he didn't.
Communist propaganda: the post.
Shut the fuck up, you bootlicking nigger!
National Socialism is anti-monarchic!
Read "Mein Kampf", you stupid faggot!
look at this guy's posts. he's a mondo fag
Okay, retard.
This makes no sense, kike. If everybody is the highest position then you're all equivalently nothing. There are limited positions and limited resources and this MUST be accounted for.
Equal opportunity is fine but reminder that equal outcome is the goal of a socialist. Opportunity is the goal of a free market.
The jews, people.
This is how the jews operate. Sins of the father.
There is no problem with this, yid.
The same principle we conclude niggers and spics are not to be allowed in our country is heavily based on "sins of the fathers" aka judging all of their actions from all times period.
You are just afraid because your fucked up.
Irrelevant. Niggers and spics are not human, they're vermin.