I normally don’t bother posting here and just lurk, but I’m a longtime user from /cow/ and the farms (won’t namefag of course). I have threads going on in /cow/ regarding the doxing and ruining of Eric Striker and Johnny Benitez. There should be a joint Zig Forums-/cow/ project where we can dox and ruin alt-kike e-celebs.
/cow/boy here. We should dox alt-kike e-celebs
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree. Bump.
A kike free first post! Much appreciated, Zig Forumsack.
Not a problem, /cow/poke.
These are the threads in particular, for anyone wondering.
Here's a better idea:
Gas yourself.
Are you the ironyho shitting up the board? I don't give a fuck what you do to Spencer and co, but don't pretend you're anything other than a degenerate. PA requests go on /baphomet/, assuming the new BO is still taking requests.
Hasn't /cow/ been telling you to go fuck yourself with your personal army requests?
Self bump. Come on, guys.
Fuck you
/baph/ is dead, and I’m not an Ironybro. :^)
Nah, they’ve been doing my bidding pretty well.
This. First and best kike-free post.
You should fuck off kike.
Butt blasted alt-kike personality detected.
You really are from kiwi farms. Why would anyone on these boards help one of null's troons?
And, naturally, the thread gets (((anchored))).
Nobody cares where you come from and this is stupid because they shift the overton window and people who start out interested in hearing what they have to say often end up here. I know because that's how I ended up here.
If you want to do something useful how about doxing antifa? Or judges who try to block anti-immigration orders? Or journalists who constantly push a malicious narrative? Or any of the other people that are clearly damaging Whites?
The worst part is people fall for this shit because even when pretending not to care about e-celeb status you follower types can't help but fixate on it instead of doing something useful.
You're a liar and a nigger. You wouldn't be begging if you were smart enough to do your own work of if anyone gave a fuck.
I’ve been on /baph/ and none of their PA requests have led to anything. Why would I get one for an alt-kike and then wait months for a response or for the new BO to say “no” and bumplock?
You ended up here because you were naturally curious, not because some alt-kike figure told you about this place. I was doing similar peeking around the web even before the controlled opposition alt-right was ever a thing.
Go to their IRC. It's in the sticky. Like I said, /baphomet/ has a new BO. They'll probably tell you to fuck off or ignore you, but who knows? You might just get someone's attention.
Be sure to tell them you're from kiwi farms.
You're either dumb as a brick or severely disingenuous. Either way you can fuck right off.
they're brothers. and jewish. and bolsheviks.
No, I just see through their bullshit. Whatever useful info they have, I do take, but I will never give them my money or anything else. They're 90% "good" 10% poison. 10% poison is still poison at the end of the day, though.
Last one was immediately deleted. Zig Forums appears to be comped.
As long as e-celebs aren't explicitly pro-kike, i'm cool with them.
No, you kvetch about him because he dislikes kikes:>>12582511
And that there is the reason why you want to shoa him. Anyway, fuck off kike and exterminate yourself.
Just let them be, if they aren't complete faggots.
A bit redundant
Here you go friend.
fair point
You got laughed off of /cow/ for your garbage PA requests so you've come here, moarpheus?
he cute
not as cute as (you)
is this the /cow/ / kiwi farms sperg that's been pumping out shitty bait all morning?
he really ahould go back to doxxing anyone who says anything bad about chris chan, that's all these spergs do these days
Turn Zig Forums into an e-celeb gossip page.
Turn /cow/ into a personal army for political axe grinding.
Thanks for ruining two boards.
I have alot. And I'm going to drop a huge dox soon of eCelebs, FBI/DHS/CIA, ACLU, CNN and late night hosts, pedophile celebrities, politicians, news media, lawyers and attorneys of certain cases, cyber security experts, CEOs and interns of Google Facebook and YouTube, Elites, comedians, and a lot more I am forgetting at the moment.
Here is a funny one to hold you over:
DOB June 24, 1985
16007 Dickens St
'Encino, CA 91436-2713
(805) 212-8175 - LandLine/Services
(831) 325-4552 - Wireless
(805) 551-0302 - Wireless
(702) 431-1641 - LandLine/Services
His Askanazi Jewish Parents:
Gary L Klein
Age 68
7644 Storm Peak St
Las Vegas, NV 89166-5016
(702) 431-1641 - LandLine/Services
Ms Donna Marti Klein
Age 63
2473 Vista Wood Cir, APT 18
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362-5754
(702) 431-1641 - LandLine/Services
(805) 212-8175 - LandLine/Services
(702) 750-7960 - Wireless
(805) 647-4844 - LandLine/Services
(805) 987-0482 - LandLine/Services
(805) 984-4520 - LandLine/Services
Holy shit thank you, torpedo, I had no idea.
thank you codemonkey for letting degenerates like these post here
I suppose we should for the lulz. The only issue I see is that if we knock one down there's another to take its place. Damn kikes are like rats.
you are absolutely right brother, these ironyfags think that they can get the far right to destroy itself through infighting and it is only because their are retarded and incapable of doing anything on their own
otherwise fuck off with this e-celeb bullshit