HAPPENING: New York Times: Democrats rigged Alabama using "Russian" tactics



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ITT: Democrats admit to false-flagging, smear campaigns, and subverting the will of the people.
Remember, the Russians only spent $4000 in 2016 according to Google in the recent Senate hearing. Democrats just admitted to spending 2.5x as much.

But this sort of thing isn't supposed to work. If you admit that it does, you admit that the Russians DID change the election results.

Then why did Democrats make up a pedophile accusation?

The corrupt press and corrupt Democrat politicians rigged that by lying about Moore and not calling out that forgery and the lies by the woman accusing him. They tried the same crap against Kavanaugh.

Who cares? Israel-slaves like Moore deserve a bullet, not endless rehashing over why they don't get to draw a taxpayer salary.

You talk like a kike.

They're laughing in our faces and no one is going to do a damn thing about it. This country is beyond saving.

The DNC rigs so many elections they rig each other. Looking at you, Berniecuck. Sanders I hope you get this message because you'll never be president not because you'll lose against a Republican but because of fellow Demorats kek