HAPPENING: New York Times: Democrats rigged Alabama using "Russian" tactics
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ITT: Democrats admit to false-flagging, smear campaigns, and subverting the will of the people.
Remember, the Russians only spent $4000 in 2016 according to Google in the recent Senate hearing. Democrats just admitted to spending 2.5x as much.
But this sort of thing isn't supposed to work. If you admit that it does, you admit that the Russians DID change the election results.
Then why did Democrats make up a pedophile accusation?
The corrupt press and corrupt Democrat politicians rigged that by lying about Moore and not calling out that forgery and the lies by the woman accusing him. They tried the same crap against Kavanaugh.
Who cares? Israel-slaves like Moore deserve a bullet, not endless rehashing over why they don't get to draw a taxpayer salary.
You talk like a kike.
They're laughing in our faces and no one is going to do a damn thing about it. This country is beyond saving.
The DNC rigs so many elections they rig each other. Looking at you, Berniecuck. Sanders I hope you get this message because you'll never be president not because you'll lose against a Republican but because of fellow Demorats kek
Always Archive.
This is the most stunning revelation of the year and it proves the Jewish Democratic Elite are working against Trump at every turn.
Steele treasonously admitting that the dossier existed to steal the election, and Comey admitting that Trump was treasonously surveilled during the campaign is the most stunning revelation.
Trump refusing to build the wall, refusing to deport anyone, and refusing to do anything but give white money to spics and kikes is the second most.
This is close, though.
kike-detector confirmed.
Go back to reddit.
Thanks for playing. There is no wall. There are no deportations. There are no arrests. Go back to reddit. Now.
I uncovered this google docs page that was being used in this regard while working for a large company's social media team during the elections. Here is a link to it:
Hahaha, you don't have to spend 100k to have an effect on politics.
(Holy numbers check'd)
Scared, Moishe?
We knew about this a year ago. The NYT is seriously behind the times.
And they still managed to fail so hard they had to blatantly rig the vote. It's almost like a whole lot of dudes don't actually give a shit about this or something. Maybe it's because this prohibition is feminist cuck shit made up by jealous roastie cunts that should have been done away with a long time ago.
Wait, didn't some democrat nigger lost in this election and bitched about it for weeks?
Go back to reddit.
"Russian hackers" in Alabama? Do people in Alabama have the internet?
The GOP is totally useless. Where the fuck are they introducing bills to regulate twitter, facebook and google. Where are the charges of espionage? Not even an announcement. No organization. No call to the people. No voter rallying. What the fuck is even going on? Oh I know, the GOP is playing dumb while they knife us in the back. Nobody knows anything… yeah right. The GOP knows everything going on, they helped design all of this. So here it is… left up to a bunch of unpaid, random, anons on a fucking anime board. This is what we have to work with….. fucking ridiculous bullshit.
We can even get a god damn list of candidates to vote & support. Not even a stupid fucking list…
Yes we do faggot and for those living here it was obviously rigged. Judging from the pedobear meme I assume you're a shill or from /leftypig/
You're right, this isn't what changed the election and is probably just a fake narrative to misdirect and shill the Russia narrative.
Alabama was won through voter fraud. Pic related.
THIS. Democrats always "find" just enough votes to win without triggering a recount or looking suspicious, after the rural areas have turned in their results. They tried to do that the night Trump won but he blew them out with sheer numbers. Whites need to vote Republican as a bloc, we are not extinct yet. The only victories Republicans win will be blowouts that would make the cheating obvious.
It's pretty simple, win by a landslide or dems will cheat and steal a small difference of votes by magically finding ballots, every time.
Wow, jewish paid shills whose sole purpose for being alive is being controlled opposition to the other jewish paid shills didn't do something against the jews? I'm shocked.
they're attempting to get ahead and control the narrative
is the same argument people are making as to why muhrussa is bullshit, to seriously think less than 100k in propaganda out-manipulated a syndicate with a body count and billions in international funding is crazy
they want to be able to say "so what?" and are actively saying so in public testimony
pics somewhat related
I wonder who could be behind this anti-white post :^)
how do you do, fellow heart of Dixie user
I think your bot is broken, it's just saying random shit completely unrelated to what user is talking about.
you're trying too hard moshe, slide threads like this won't fly on Zig Forums
No. You're a fucking idiot. It never happened in 2016, so the question of it working or not is irrelevant.