It’s almost like soy makes people gay or stupid.
Soy colon cleanse' leaves woman brain dead
Retarded person does retarded thing, dies a retarded death. Not politics.
The women was already brain dead before the operation.
Than why does the left embrace soy and veganism so much?
She was mentally impaired and believed a yahoo! answer claiming chugging soy would cleanse her shitpussy
Darwin Award, what is new?
Video related.
Thats the dumb part of it….
salt killed her not soy
this. OP should go to >>>Zig Forums
That's the worst part. The cunt managed to pull through.
And it was almost certainly a mexican cunt.
And in the video they protary her as a White women. Like (((clockwork))).
Isn’t that just ketchup mixed with soy sauce?
It's pickles too, Morty.
Good, she deserved to die and so do all bread eating niggers on the planet that consume excessive carbs for nothing.
Hitler lost the war because he promoted bread in his anthems, let him rot in his grave for the pathetic carb nigger he is
Geeeza rick. That doesn’t sounds so special.
Did you also drink a liter of soy sauce before making this post?
Whats the point of this thread? She was mentally retarded prior to the incident and was misdiagnosed 6 months earlier. I bet the majority of you retards read the limited OP and immediately posted like the mouth breathers you are. 8zion /r/pol/ sucks ass
Im also subscribed to that guy, but is this political?
Sorry nigger, I don't consume extra carbs. Go fuck yourself
Jesus christ that's gay.
Ketofags are the new vegans
(checked) but Germany still had the better K/D ratio AND ultimately won the war decades later.
KYS retards
The left have been told that there is not enough land to create food for all the world's useless eaters, unless we give up meat and use it all for vegetables. This is patently untrue (so far), but they probably believe it because they live in cities, and think the whole world is like their city.
They have also been told that soy is a good replacement for meat protean, which it is not, of course.
So they think they are "saving the world" or "feeding the helpless" if they eat nothing but veggies and soy. This is also a stupid idea, but the lack of real protein interferes with proper brain development.
Not to worry, though. Liberals are not reproducing, so their dumbass ideas will die with them.
stupid people die in stupid ways.
It's not "no carbs" it's simply stay away from simple carbs, which process like sugar, very quickly, and cause insulin imbalance and insulin spikes.
Bread is a simple carb, as is sugar, and corn products (corn is also a grain). Alcohol should be avoided too, as it is processed by your liver as sugar.
Most of the problems with weight gain are due to insulin imbalances from modern diets. The killing off of your gut fauna due to intake of preservatives is also part of it.
Of all the things to be mad at Hitler about, you are mad because he liked bread?
it's not just salt, the non-japanese soy sauces also contain 3-MCPD (3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol)
Just as bad as weedfags and veganfags, go back to your containment board where you can jackoff to having zero energy.
"i can't teleport bread anymore" the post
Your body burns fats for fuel just as normally as it burns carbs, and keytones are a component in burning both.
Many sugars are ketones, known collectively as ketoses. The best known ketose is fructose, which exists as a cyclic hemiketal, which masks the ketone functional group. Fatty acid synthesis proceeds via ketones. Acetoacetate is an intermediate in the Krebs cycle which releases energy from sugars and carbohydrates.[22]
Ketone bodies are elevated in the blood (ketosis) after fasting, including a night of sleep; in both blood and urine in starvation; in hypoglycemia…
When your body is deprived of carbs (much easier to burn than fats), it switched to burning fats. Your body does not distinguish between dietary fat and stored fat, and it will be burning both. This increases keytone bodies in the bloodstream. But the real benefit is that these types of foods do not trigger massive insulin release, as they do not enter the bloodstream quickly.
With all the sugar packed into processed foods, we have trained our bodies to release far too much insulin when we eat, and it does this so as not to go into sugar-shock, with all the glucose entering the bloodstream all at once. Insulin mops up excess glucose and stores it as fat.
If you limit simple carbs, the energy from your food enters the bloodstream slowly, and the body will relearn to limit it's insulin output at meals.
When limiting carbs you will feel tired and lethargic for about a week, until your body switches to burning fat for fuel. After that, your energy levels will return, as the body really doesn't care if it's burning fats or carbs, it can burn both quite naturally.
I'm doing some carb cycling myself at the moment, it has done some really good work for me.
I just couldn't let the bait of "Germany lost the war because of bread" pass me.
mild chilli pepper, ketchup and soy
That sounds like something easy to make at home
>follows artificial diets made accordingly to (((nutrition experts)))
In 20 years you will look back and despair, for you have spent years eating the equivalent of cardboard and vitamins. We know nothing of food, save for what's already been tried.
to be fair carbo-loading isn't heathly either too many sportsfags and wieghtlifters eat and drink nothing but carbs on the big day and maybe a protien shake without any concern for fats and vitamins and minerals
A person with limited information knows less than one with zero. Because the few things you know about carbs makes you believe you got all facts down, while the safe assumption should be that inevitably science will pile up much more on top and beside it.
Known unknowns fam.
All I know about carbs is that on my old 351 Windsor I used to have to stick a screwdriver in to jam the air intake open when it was on it's way to the junkyard (cracked block). With all that super-rich mixture the backfires were black.
man… I wish I was smart enough to understand the complexities of rick and morty.
lmao craving carbs there are ya?
hang in there fatty!
You could say she was rather salty about her diet.
Top fucking lel
Kek I saw a video about this a few days ago.
She literally OD'd on soy.
Your thread is useless and gets to no point at all.
It's funny, but this story is a decade old. Talked about by a youtuber who comments on all these weird stories of people eating/ drinking too much of X substance and the effect on the human body. Only notable thing about this is how every (((media outlet))) picked up on this story at the same time.
This, it was salt and malnutrition, not soy. OP is retarded. Soy sauce is a fermented product. Fermented soy products do not contain the phytoestrogens that the shit the kikes add everywhere, like soy oil and soy "flour" contain.
Murican don't know anything about bread. They consume sugary foam and think it is bread, true story.
Pedo & Morty fans can get off Zig Forums. Now.
I am being a nitpicky autist here, but wouldn't a "colon cleanse" involve an enema? Before reading an article, I thought she died from a soy enema.
Drinking soy sauce would have absolutely zero effect on her gut - aside from kidneys going bye-bye.
What's next "Vodka cleanse"?
It implies that soy sauce "cleanses" your insides by drinking it down, when all you need to do is not eat like shit, take a laxitive or drink some peppermint tea.
She just downed a liter of soy sauce and the sodium owned her.
For an autist you're not very smart, which is a shame because the only possible perk of being an autist is being smart.
Coffee enemas have been a thing for years, also killing a few in the process
Fermented, GMO-free soy has been safely consumed for thousands of years. New soy products, which are all GMO and almost all unfermented, are the problem. Soy sauce has little in common with "soylent" but is pretty much liquid salt. So it's like if she just hyperconsumed table salt and drank no water or solids.
sort disappointed she drank that soy sauce.
I came in to this thread with the expectation that she'd had a soy sauce enema. If she was hot that would make me hard. Imagine all that soy sauce coming out of her cute puckered pink butthole in a brown torrent splashing all over the fucking place.
Nice job getting dubs and trolling Yahoo, user. You may actually be based.
Own the sodium