We can blame (((Mickey Mouse))) for the long wait. In 1998, (((Disney))) was one of the loudest in a choir of corporate voices advocating for longer copyright protections. At the time, all works published before January 1, 1978, were entitled to copyright protection for 75 years; all author’s works published on or after that date were under copyright for the lifetime of the creator, plus 50 years. Steamboat Willie, featuring Mickey Mouse’s first appearance on screen, in 1928, was set to enter the public domain in 2004. At the urging of Disney and others, Congress passed the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, named for the late singer, songwriter and California representative, adding 20 years to the copyright term. Mickey would be protected until 2024—and no copyrighted work would enter the public domain again until 2019, creating a bizarre 20-year hiatus between the release of works from 1922 and those from 1923.
Much the same will happen every January 1 until 2073, revealing long-overlooked works from the Harlem Renaissance, the Great Depression, World War II and beyond. (After 2073, works published by authors who died seven decades earlier will expire each year.)
( ( (Disney) ) ) Hmmm I though ol Walt hated the yid Looks like I need to research more
Matthew Rivera
Remember this? Public domain is great because you would have decent content. Prelude was canceled and we got STD in exchange.
Nolan Hughes
Your title is a hoax. Disney will NEVER allow copyright to expire. EVER. Congress will unanimously pass a new law–and Trump will sign it–stating that copyright will be extended another 40 years.
Kevin Rogers
You fucking idiot.
Nicholas Cook
Obviously the current iteration of Disney is heeb infested The old shit was decent with uncle Walt around
Tyler Diaz
Newfag detected
Jack Collins
Let the relentless exploitation of vastly outdated cultural inputs reluctantly begin to go nowhere… uh, relentlessly.
Mockey Mice time?
Carter Lewis
It absolutely was. It was only when his sons were strong-armed into selling the corporation to jewish interests that it went to shit and we got, well, the late '80s and early '90s content. You even see Roy talk about that–tacitly–in the recent Pixar documentary. "Disney wanted things to be 'edgy'; all of the production notes said 'it has to be edgier', which, to them, meant 'more adult' or 'more risqué'… I didn't think that was the way to go."
Chase Miller
Personally, I'm looking forward to new episodes of Dip & Chale's Assistance Brigade
Disney didn't hate kikes, but the Kikes hated him. Why? Because Disney was a thorn in the side of many communist run work unions infiltrating and subverting the USA. Decades later the Jews would stage a takeover of the company. There were film projects, like The Black Cauldron and Treasure Island that would be torpedoed by the Kikes. Those that took over didn't even know anything about animation. They merely wanted the brand name, assets and IPs for the purpose of subverting American family values with their post modernist Talmudic filth.
Disney Presidents 1923–1966: Walt Disney 1966–1971: Roy O. Disney 1971–1972: Donn Tatum 1972–1977: E. Cardon Walker 1977–1984: Ron W. Miller 1984–1994: (((Frank Wells))) 1994–1997: (((Michael Ovitz))) 1997–2000: (((Michael Eisner))) 2000–2012: (((Robert A. Iger)))
Anything made under the Disney brand after the jewish corporate takeover of '84 is kiked.
Nolan Cook
By heil Hitler you mean, yay he boned a cutie pi?
Xavier Cooper
Kill yourself.
Alexander Diaz
The songs "When you wish upon a star" and "A dream is a wish the heart makes" were written by jews and are EXPLICITLY based on Talmudic doctrines.
Owen Parker
Mikey is a mouse, Jews were rats Snow White has one white woman with a bunch of nasty little dwarves. I'm sure u see my point
Keep crying, you subhuman yid. Disney will never allow this to happen. Only jews say otherwise. All of human history proves you wrong.
Has anyone rehosted the "What's With The Jews?" documentary? I have 8 file snippets from it, but the full documentary isn't available anywhere, and the snippets have been removed from EVERY video sharing website. They discuss this openly there.
Alexander Roberts
You will never be a mod again you psychotic fuckstain.
Alexander Morris
Does this explain why we've seen nothing but reboots, sequels and capeshit for the past 20 years?
Evan White
Disney will never allow copyright to expire. Congress will unanimously pass a new law–and Trump will sign it–stating that copyright will be extended another 40 years.
Austin Davis
Hardly. You're saying that there are absolutely no stories in existence, anywhere, that could have been told in the last 20 years? What you're seeing is the end result of jewish nepotism–jews have no creativity and cannot innovate. Eventually they run out of ideas and have to repeat their old ideas because they prevent white psychology, white ideals, and white culture from being told in their media.
The notion that Walt Disney hated the Yids was literally Commie propaganda to slander him for not bending over and letting himself get reamed by Union shysters. Most of the non-unionized Jews that worked for him defended him as did various other people.
Walt was neither an antisemite nor a Nazi sympathizer despite what Commiewood would have you believe.
Caleb Price
But if you don't open your mouth for one jew dick while taking it in the ass by another, you're an anti-semite.
Unless you're Chinese, in which case you've used them with impunity since 1923.
Camden Martin
Hey man, don't compare gorillas to niggers. The poor silverbacks don't deserve that.
Nolan Harris
All anti-semite means is that they didn’t fall for the yid protection racket. They’re fucking gangsters. Treat them as such.
Luis Smith
He did despise the kikes. They stole his first cartoon and kept him poverty an extra 7-8 years.
Chase Wilson
Pepe's Revenge?
The jews went to great lengths to sequester the copyright for dat boi Pepe. The jews at Disney and their tribal comrades went to great lengths to sequester the copyright for Mickey Mouse - even though the requisite term of years during which copyright law actually protected Mickey's image actually expired.
Congress took a bribe, it seems, and passed the "Mickey Mouse copyright protection" act.
But back in 2002 a (pic related) image that resembles Mickey but predates Mickey by several centuries was found during renovation work in an old church in Austria (in a town with the unlikely name of Malta).
If we use the Austrian character as a stand-in for Pepe in our memes it will cause a river of greedy jew tears from the kikes at Disney corp.
Yet it is totally legal for us to use it because of the date of creation for the Austrian character.
Yes, we Chinese like to read classic American literatures in our toilet. Thank you.
Jordan Kelly
Walt Disney never hated the Jews. I don't know why that ever became such a big meme that it has become. He must of pissed off some kike in some strange way, and (((he))) started the rumor and (((somehow))) it spread like wildfire.
Aiden Hill
Thanks for this post, user.
Wyatt Young
gas yourself you jealous little retard. Seriously look at all of the great people in entertainment, politics, science, and literature who are jewish. It is beyond a miracle and in itself sort of disproves a lot of white nationalist ideas about iq. Why would there be a magic ultra high iq group in the middle of the middle east? Oh because that doesnt fit into our narrative we have to have this creepy obsession with nazis. Get laid dude.
the idea that you fucking idiots think anyone involved with israel in any way would take the time to post here is beyond hilarious. it's a tiny website with no footprint.
Samuel Peterson
Fucking Zig Forums shitting up another thread. Please stick to your internment camp next time, and maybe if you pulled your mouth off of nigger/kike dick for once you could finally devote more time to producing a comment with some actual thought :)
Walt Disney was not an anti-Semite. He was a very stubborn man, and when he decided he wanted to do something, he didn’t like anyone telling him that he couldn’t do it the way he wanted to. As a result, he butted heads with people who got in the way of his progress.
One of the biggest conflicts Walt had was with the Screen Cartoonists Guild. Disney was the last Hollywood animation studio to unionize. And one of the leaders of the unionization movement at Disney was Art Babbit, who happened to be Jewish. Several of the other Los Angeles labor leaders of the time were also Jewish. The 1941 animators’ strike made Walt FURIOUS. He had strike-breaking animators include clown-caricatures of striking artists in Dumbo. And when Babbit heckled Walt from the picket line, Walt got out of his car and the two men had to be held apart to prevent a fistfight. Walt fired Babbit after the strike was resolved, only to be forced by the NLRB to take him back after an unfair labor practice charge was filed against him.
Walt said a lot of angry things about the strike and people who participated in it. And because many of the labor leaders were Jews, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that Walt was anti-Semitic. But I think the evidence pretty strongly suggests that Walt just didn’t like people of any kind who tried to tell him how to run his business. And it just happened that several about whom he spoke publicly were Jewish. 3.3k Views · View U
Lincoln Wood
That seems to explain it. But lol at the kikes pretending to give a shit about workers and their rights.
Jaxon Walker
But the cartoons that feature negative portrayals of jews were made in 1926 and 1933 - long before the 1941 animators strike.
"(There are) characterizations of racial ethnicity depicted in older Disney films, despite the company’s best efforts to erase their existence.
“For example, Three Little Pigs featured the Big Bad Wolf sneaking up to the door dressed as a Jewish peddler, with a fake rubber nose… and says “I’m the Fuller Brush Man! I’m giving away free samples.” with a thick jewish accent. .
"In the re-edited version of Three Little Pigs the Big Bad Wolf has his own face, uncovered, and speaks in his normal voice here is the original version in 33 seconds of video youtu.be/C7PHUtDZ0V0
He was probably mildly anti jewish. The reason why the jews despised him so much is because he was one of the few gentile studio heads in an almost entirely kosher business, and a lot of his movies were based on European myth and stories. A population in touch with its roots is always a danger to them Paraphrase of a William Pierce quote.
the jew will spew bile,eh nothing new. might finds some gems tho if you feel like looking through it all.I would advise look forward to the battle we are fighting right now for the existence of the white race.
As jews after infiltrating our power structure have for far to long been a happy little parasite in a magnificently strong and resilient host which allowed them great illusionary power.Time to set it straight with a knock out punch and the jew waking up tp a world where they are told its your fault you acted bad got knocked the fuck out go home to israel while we deal with all the ppl you lied to which have to go back
Grayson Nelson
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
Adrian Butler
In all these issues, the common factor is the same. Always kikes.
Levi Price
Good news. Though I'd advice everyone to stop giving a fuck about (((Copyright)))
Lincoln Hall
it looks about as shit as anything
Aaron Gutierrez
Massive pirating of everything copyrighted nulls all jew influence.
Jayden Rogers
Cool post, thank you. For those who say that piracy takes the place, it doesn't. Old books aren't ready to be pirated, because the publisher never bothered to digitize most them (they are really orphan works). I look forward to Gutenberg swelling the ranks with all kinds of cool new books!!!
Juan Parker
I agree, but how many rare books/VHS/LP/Cassettes/paintings/photographs have YOU digitized?
Lincoln Price
The last non-kiked title was the "The Black Cauldron" in the mid 80s. The movie was already finished, but the incoming chairman Katzenberg wanted cut the most important scenes out of it. The animation team refused (many quit in protest) but Katzenberg started to make cuts to it himself and single-handedly prevented its christmas release. In the end it was cut by twelve minutes, an eternity for a film that was only an hour and a half long.
If we play our cards right we could get a uncut version. Unfortunately we might have to push it to be released on a Disney streaming platform.
John Scott
Disney is a CIA pedophile front! They don't get to dick around with public policy! Disney characters make more sense under trademark protection than copyright protection anyway. I think the goal is to conceal all older works that can shed light on the truth of the current political situation. The goal is to dumb down the American population. We need to be rid of this evil federal government.
Robert Russell
copyright protection shouldn't last longer than the patent for the cure for cancer would.
Jack Richardson
I would not be surprised to see a release of the uncut version in 2020 or 2025 as a 35 or 40 year anniversary edition. They are greedy and they love money.