Normies will just convert to islam and carry on doing normie things. The biggest thots will start wearing burqa and stop wearing makeup but keep their entitled behavior, only now they look like orcs that got entangled in black curtains with only their unpainted ogre face showing through the chador.
White women will become even more abrassive and expect every man to worship them because they're now holy cows and very religious, will start ratting out other people who do haram things just like they now gang up on girls who don't whore it up.
Normie men will substitute beer for smoking hookah while watching soccer. Nothing will change, things will only get worse.
A civil war would be actually a relief, but it won't come to happen. Things will only get worse and in 50 years europe is a third world shithole with no fun allowed as official policy.
All of you happeningfags overestimate the normie mindset. Normies are not normies because they would fight for their rights, normies chose the easiest way, which is always to conform.
Screencap this. Nothing in europe will change for the better, things will only slowly get worse like chinese water torture.
It would be vital to get Russian, Chinese or any other interference for there to be a revolution. People don't do it themselves.
Juan Perry
This. But it won't happen.
Carter Ortiz
Maybe. And yet there seems to be a massive popular discontent. Everyone knows something is wrong with the world and it wouldn't take too much for it to boil over into revolution.
Chase Richardson
Just kill yourself already, sad sack nigger.
Jonathan Martin
Hey man, let's not give up so easely. A lot of things are working in our favour. Let me make a list of all the good things that came out of the protests.
- The race to the first to die between the European Union and nations has begun. - The fact that they spend a shit of money on migrants prevents them to give up bread and games to the population. - The yellow jackets lived their purpose, it rekindled social links between the white lower class french population. Networks did form out of it. - The media is utterly trashed for anyone who is not a bourgeois leftard. - The workers unions lost all their credit. - The elites showed how fucking scared they were, and the hatred they have toward the population. - Cops will not defend the system as hard next time, their extra hours haven't been paid. Also a "pretorian effect" might happen after, i mean at one point they will understand how much power they truly have. - There is going to be a big anti globalism backlash during the next EU elections. - They destroyed the french economy and put it behind Italy's, all the budget cuts that Macaroni did are now useless. - Let's not forget the letter of protestation of the generals. - Macaroni international image is dead. - Only real french protested(at first), the social/mental/ethnic apartheid between the french and migrants was apparent for everybody.
And i could go on, thing is what happened was the first step. What we should do is capitalise on that.
Carter Bell
1. Bump, because you’re imkikey. 2. You wouldn’t even know me if I stole your board from you. Which codemonkey did. How about that!
Nolan Barnes
Do you just lurk this board all day, waiting for someone to mention you?
Joseph Mitchell
Nooo, someone else is imkikey now… That was me. :(
Wake me up when normies can sort recyclables from trash.
Lincoln Lee
Get help.
Nolan Cook
Parker Scott
Imagine being this much of a buttblasted amerimutt it has to create cuckold fantasy in it's head.
Islam will save France. The Mahdi is coming for you kike.
Juan Gomez
What's wild is how suppressed reddit has contained the topic. They acknowledge it but all the top comments are from people "actually in france" and it's not really effecting them cuz its not a big deal.
Adam Sanchez
Don't forget that the world economy was setup to collapse, they stole all the physical assets from the fed and the banks, and are preparing to literally enslave mankind under their cash-less currency. This means they will by any means necessary force a war on us, so that they can blame whomever for the usury pyramid scheme that is responsible for it. So with that in mind the only small chance to get out of this useless massacre is to have all those protests ongoing all over the world target the jews specifically for whatever they feel comfortable to address…usury, treason, genocide, robbery, censorship, racism, religious fanaticism. Another approach would be the mass demanding for a protective law against jewish crimes committed against human citizens. This may sound insane, but they cannot ignore it, and it would a) generate massive heat for them and b) would find endless support from all over the globe. It would be suicide to bring out the antisemitic claims against people who want protection.
Hudson Martin
It’s more happening than anyone can handle
Liam Price
There sure have been a lot of your Muttering D&C kikes lately.
Alexander Reed
Bump, since it scares you to death that everyone knows who you are.
Jackson Barnes
It’s one paid shill who uses the same words and posts the same images every single day. It’s a violation of both US law and board rules and codemonkey personally sanctions it.
Evan Reed
The dummy also doesn't know about the filters that will end globalism.
Parker Sanders
Hudson Evans
Serious question are you 14 years old? Things have never been this energized before. In the 90’s and early 2000’s talking about any of these things was relegated to fringe loners. This has been the best state of political nationalism since the 1930’s
You would have just as much luck trying to talk American history with angloposter/spergkraut.
Isaiah Thompson
why do people destroy their cities instead of just taking care of the problem?
Tyler Foster
Your quite right my fellow polarino. There won't be any war at all. After all, one hardly needs to amputate a limb to remove a leach. A little fire will more than suffice.
Never in human history have fewer whites been able to name the jew than today. What in the fuck are you even talking about? WHERE are you seeing people wake up? Provide evidence.
The best part of your psychosis is that literally everyone is a former mod.
Because they don’t know the problem. Because they aren’t waking up.
Blake Lewis
kike black pill shit-bag thread
jews like OP can't predict the future
Kevin Jackson
Can you refute what he said?
Angel Cox
It’s difficult to tray and take the time to talk to you losers. Most of you are completely retarded.
Josiah King
ha you miss spelled something that means ur wrong and gai
Jordan Phillips
Pls tell me more
Ayden Cooper
Choose one, dumb faggot. Pidorussca`s fucking usless. They will eat they own childs, but newer do anything against barin.
Chase Jones
Happy Hanukkah
Aiden Stewart
Okay, leave.
Gavin Ortiz
I can believe this. Americans are the same way, except with marrying mud people, learning spanish to make things easier, and a lot more substance abuse.
Grayson James
if what you say is true, then i guess we need to just keep stockpiling weapons until the next global economic collapse
Nathan Harris
They appear to be trying, at least. I looked through recent gilets jaunes periscopes and only saw a few burning pallets. I don't think they realize that the fire doesn't matter unless it is inside the abodes of the jews/bankers/politicians.
Burning pallets is something homeless people do to keep warm. Kinda pathetic.
I am a white man, thank you for convincing me that nothing will change because history is static, now I'm going to kill myself because we are just going to lose anyway and I suggest you fellow whites looking at this thread to follow suit! Just give up! Please!
fucking thread tbh. never give up eurobros, i used to be an american that thought you deserved it, but who am I to blame the common people for the choices of those in power? especially common people tied so closely to my blood compared to the 3rd world shitskins that are imported into our countries, I root for whites globally.
Aaron King
We clearly are not living in the same dimension. I can talk about the kikes with almost anyone except wet libshits, Christians, and of course kikes without raising too many eyebrows.
Josiah Jones
Especially when America is not in much better shape. Demographically, the USA is in even worse shape than Europe is. Though Europe is in worse shape legally.
Cooper Hernandez
Can't agree user. America remains a huge problem for their plans considering the amount of guns and powerful militia like groups that are well trained and wouldn't hesitate to fuck up their day if the country ever had a serious issue.
If something ever broke out in the US I think it is very safe to say that the first people to go would be those militias going right at who they blamed for the bullshit which would be liberals, media and corrupt types.
Jack Perry
Isn't this good news though? It means only patriotic nationalistic altruistic mindset can save the nations. It is time for the normies to realize such things have a place in keeping the world safety
Eli Hughes
fuck your pilpul cocksucker, you'd be amazed just how fucking angry your average 90iq ditch-digging, dumptruck-driving normalcunt really is, everywhere in the west once the fuse is lit, it's over nigger
This sounds like a drunk shill blackpilling in bitter desperation. When someone turns on the oven things will brighten up for you. Also yes, the making for a great fire are everywhere, it will just require a few sparks to go ablaze.
Alexander Roberts
You know, I used to think that too. Yes. Americans have enough guns to overthrow ZOG and kill every last fucking kike and traitor easily. Yet they do not do so. These militias are composed of chest thumping, blustering cuckservatives who strut around with guns and making brave proclamations. And when ZOG comes to their doors, they are shaking in their boots and meekly hand over their weapons like scolded children. Look what happened to the Brady militia in Oregon. That was the most brave thing any militia ever did in America and I praise them for doing so. Good for them
They asked others to join them. And what happened? These fat cowards sat and watched them with their beer and potato chips. You say that these cuckservative militia types wouldn't hesitate to revolt. That's not true. They have clearly demonstrated that they are incapable of resisting the government. They are led by utter cowards.
Jeremiah Hall
normies will always make up 90% of the population and will never matter, their opinions change with the ruling wind so don't bother to even see what it is, lurk moar untill you find the pic of the lemmings, the strategic course is to remove the bread and circusses from the normies
and on that part shit is pretty much total fubar acros europe, every state except germoney is broke, so the gibs to keep the peace will soon be gone, coupled with the crumbling infrastructure everywhere in the west a happening is certain our main purpose is spreading the nose behind every event far enough that enough people will not be rioting in the streets like idiots but attacking the undefended kikes in their palaces when the cops are bogged down downtown
Charles Torres
The dangerous militias are never televised and never recruit. They hide in plain sight in places that people wouldn't expect and they fight the issues through other means only using violence as a last means resort to keep off the radar. They are coaches, cooks, trainers, politicians, and the list goes on and live normal lives for the most part and do not have any criminal records and never protest anything but they meet their local groups by night and discuss strategies and consistently work out details for how to respond if the country breaks down.
In my eyes those are the ones that are the biggest danger to harming America outside of the military of course. Most of those people are veterans and if any recruiting occurs it happens at their local VA or veteran groups where the newly returned veterans can see a group of like minded men that they bond with and quickly join. They have groups dedicated to intel, drone operators, they all are very competent with weapons/survival training and they bleed red, white and blue.
The dipshit chest thumpers that go public are nothing more than media created false flags to make southerners and Republican white men look like morons. The real militias are legitimately no joke.
Jacob Brown
It depends; will fatass men be able to wear little sporty sun beanies with visors and drive around a big luxurious park knocking little white balls in holes? If so then no revolution. If not, then revolution. Their sons will die in mountains of corpses to defend their right to play golf.
I'd love for this to be true. But they clearly don't fight at all. 6 men could shut down New York City and cause 50 billion dollars worth of damage. Yet they don't do anything.
Aaron Smith
I don't know my man, I just don't know but I do think they have sneakily done many things of late that the public and perhaps anons have chalked up as nothing to see. You might be right so who knows but part of me thinks they have been doing much more than the public is aware of and have secretly been handling issues in MN, CA, the border and so on as I have read many a story about convicted pedo's, rapists, murderers and anti American scum vanishing after the fact.
Put it to you this way. Remember inauguration day when there were thousands of idiots destroying cities and so on? Do you think they all just lost interest of late? What happened to them all? Well Zig Forums ran a naming chart over a year ago which literally unmasked a fuckload of them and then.. baam.. they start going missing.
I could be wrong and you may be right but unless it is the Trump government covertly snatching them up then someone/group are and they would be my guess.
Angel Cruz
Cba to read all this jew astroturfing. Anyone with an IQ over 110 knows this.
Reminder their demoralization campaign is failing.
Mason Campbell
>"Tonight on Shill: The Blackpill - Is It Effective Against Goyim Who Can Tell When It's Us?"
Ethan Morris
I'd love it if this were so.
Connor Gutierrez
So you live in the US, then, and are not near a city. Not anywhere else in the fucking Western world, where it's illegal to disparage jews in any capacity. Prove your claim that people know the jew now.
Blake Campbell
No, because that didn't happen. Q-LARP somewhere else.
Nathaniel Gomez
You talk like a faggot which should be a clue to your mental illness where you imagine you know what other people think. Go back to wherever you came from. We know it isn't France or even Europe though.
There is an individual and collective interest. Would it make sense as an individual to go Bowers-mode in 1930 Germany, throwing your life away while the uprising is still nascent?
Austin Fisher
wrong @
meant for
Adrian Miller
Wyatt Davis
Nolan Bennett
Yeah, the people won't fight against one another, but they will fight against the jews in the government.
Jack Ramirez
Kill yourself, defeatist shill.
Levi Lewis
In the garbage it goes
Jayden Scott
As police associations had entrusted to RT France, field staff were not convinced by the negotiation of unions in Beauvau. The movement of the Blue Gyros gathered about a hundred policemen in Paris.
"We prefer our security to a salary increase": a hundred police officers and relatives of police protested on December 20 in the evening in Paris to demand better working conditions, the day after the announcement by the Ministry of Labor. Interior of a salary revaluation for the guards and the graduates.
"Our fight is the change in the working conditions of the police, that is to say the equipment, the manpower, an increased hierarchical consideration, a payment and a tax exemption of the overtime", explained to AFP Marie [Modified First Name], a spokesperson for the Angry Police Mobilization (MPC).
"We wonder why we were given the money so fast, if it is not to silence us more than anything else," she added.
The rally, which took place in a quiet neighborhood next to the police station of the eighth arrondissement, not far from the Ministry of the Interior, was organized by the MPC and the Blue Gyros.
These collectives were not satisfied by the measures announced by Beauvau to appease the anger of the police, who demanded more resources after their mass mobilization against the Yellow Vests.
The agreement was ripped off on the night of 19 to 20 December: the Ministry of the Interior and an inter-union composed of the three majority organizations, Unity-GSP-FO, Alliance and Unsa-Police, had managed to resolve a situation that was became more and more complex in December. The professional representatives of the National Police had agitated the specter of closures of police stations and unlimited strikes . At the end of tense negotiations, the Interior had therefore renounced to pay the exceptional bonus of 300 euros which passed badly in the ranks of the police, in particular because of the conditions to be fulfilled to be eligible for it and that a company of CRS had ostensibly refused outright in solidarity with the Yellow Vests.
Instead, the Ministry of the Interior has proposed a scheduled increase in wages. On average, the police could be paid at the end of a year between 120 euros and 150 euros extra net per month, depending on their rank. The government targeted the portfolio, but was it right? As early as December 20, police associations and field staff had told RT France that they were disappointed with this agreement and that they were waiting for means, not salary.
Thomas Russell
If anyone understands what 'White Sharia' is in concept, practice, function, application, etc … then we could get where we need to be sooner; with an iron grip on our societies. ("Sharia" only means 'The Way') The religion we adhered to before all other dogmas, was the religion that made us who we are/were; that doctrine offered by nature and biology trumps all others.
Jeremiah Campbell
You're right, you're not a shill nor a defeatist. You're just a self-hating anti-white subhuman. 25% white at most. Probably half-asian. SO NEITHER DO YOU
Nolan Edwards
And you copy-pasted your OP from somewhere else. I see a pattern, your style is more and more obvious. You always create threads on interesting issues by pasting someone else's post or article, then you pollute your own thread with nonsensical babble and general anti-white bullshit, diverting the attention. You wish Zig Forums would believe YV is a dead movement, because you want white people to die, moving your huerace upward in the ecosystem. You are the reason there is no significant memetic warfare about YV on Zig Forums. Fortunately, 8/pol/ never was the right place to meme on YV. It is basically a containment board for SB and CIA. Have fun subverting shitskins you mong.
Angel Smith
nice fucking pathetic bribe dude should at least double salaries if you want these cops to fight a civil war for you, macaroni you greedy kike soon enough the cops will just let the protestors through, claim to have been overwhelmed or some other baguete talk, just like when the french realised the nazis were better than the jewish trash they were living under and let the germans take over
Thomas Price
and islam is the religion of peace! fuck off dude just call it traditionalism then jews want islam to take over europe and breed sandnigger seed into white wombs i say we kill and the kikes and other nonwhite scum and establish an ethnoglobe it is the only way for white recessive genes and traits to survive
Cameron Hughes
Are you an Entire Autist Shill Reject? all you're literally capable of is literally Smear brainless nigger sentiment all over the floor. you're not making any point whatsoever. Hang yourself
Jeremiah Bennett
Police coup, essentially?
Christopher Ward
Don't fear words that you do not understand. Don't be an idiot by choice. Traditionalism, cultural stability, cultural homogeneity, nature, biology, logic, reason … call it what you like; these are still words. We no longer speak in definition. Far too much of the conversation is in spoken in euphemisms, but it means the same thing. We're fortunate our DNA is what it is!
Parker Roberts
Levi Gonzalez
And then a series of calamities caused by global warming and financial meltdowns will shut off the food supply/benefits programs so "only the chosen ones will be allowed to live".
So let me make this clear. Well organized militias are unofficial and completely untraceable because the Feds has the biggest hate boner for them. In other words those guys who go hunting together and shoot together are the closest thing your going to get.
There is no such thing as a bunch of Vets organizing into militias because that is the ONE thing the Feds keep a damn close eye on. Those groups flat out don't exist. Period.
You know what does exist?
Vets getting into crime and kicking serious ass at it because they couldn't go merc. Every cops worse nightmare are those guys and even the Feds are scared of them. They are a very nasty force to be reckoned with and are well organized recruit mostly from other Vets. In other words you have entire squads of seasoned vets turned crooks. A major concern is possibility they are more well organized then they let on. Thing is the Feds have never been able to prove this and they operate solely in 'small organized gangs'(squads).
Vigilantes also exist. Just ask any criminal scumbags about the righteous boogeymen. Practically a scary story but a very popular one among their kind but for very good reasons. The cops refuse to admit they exist because frankly doing so would mean admitting they suck at their jobs. They do exist. Fun fact you can track their old targets by going over missing persons/unsolved murders involving criminals who were set free for bullshit reasons or were very well connected hence never got properly charged.
Another fun fact do you know the cops are allowed to use evidence provided by outsiders and that are admissible in court?
…Yes this means exactly you think. There are literally vigilantes working with cops on the inside feeding them actionable intel. These allies then help the vigilantes out by providing them info and giving warnings should any of their buddies try to investigate them.
There is a very real and thriving vigilante community. Especially in areas with corrupt law enforcement and judges. Often times they are the only people whom you can rely upon for justice.
Vigilante gangs are very well organized and the only people who are willing to fight the Cartels in Central and South America even Mexico.
Vigilantes are becoming increasingly common throughout Western Europe to deal with Immigrants. Immigrants are aware of this and the cops look the other way.
Vigilantes are the only noncorrupt means of justice in Eastern Europe and actually act like it.
In North America vigilantes grew to target well connected criminals and are thus scarily competent hence why criminals are scared shittless of them. Its also why not one has ever been caught.